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[Music] hi everyone welcome back to yours truly abigail kamusta i'm so sorry if i'm butchering the filipino language but i just want to say that was for all my filipino new subscribers thank you so much for subscribing to my channel i know you guys are not here to hope to like hear an emotional rant but very short i just want to say i never expected that the video would get like 8 000 views in less than a week and i would get 300 subscribers thank you so much oh my gosh i'm so touched i love you all so much but today i'm going to be reacting to the making of faubaya and a lot of you guys have asked me to watch it and personally i myself really really wanted to know what the writer behind this amazing song was thinking about when she wrote this piece so let's get to it [Music] why are they doing this to me it's only the first thing then they're so adorable already hi [Music] phobia was written during quarantine and jason and i were in the states for five months i knew i wanted to close the patawan era a certain way but i just couldn't figure it out and then jason comes up to me and shows me babe i have a chord pattern so i listened to it and then i said wait what she just came up with the two like that no wonder people are calling her a genius oh my gosh and also this is probably a quarantine miracle [Music] jason started tearing up and then he said okay be right back goes up hours later gives me a poem and then we made a story and that's how baobaya happened a month later manila and we chose around 10 to 15 fans and we told them we have a new song and it's the closer of the whole album but we have no title for it yet so it was actually one of the fans that named paul baya and that's how paul came to me wow that's so cool so jason had this idea of having a wedding scene of having vows be said and not kept and then i stepped in and said but what if instead of saying wedding vows they say they're parting the house so that was the initial idea and then that's when we called the retechnic and the ragdan during the conceptualization moyer and jason already have this concept about the entirety of the video from just typical sad scenes to just making them all happy i'll sit there that dress is so beautiful like i love looking at wedding dresses i think they're just so gorgeous just even to the eyes they're so pretty to see and this is probably one of the most pretty wedding dresses i've ever seen so random man because at the end of the day what actually hurts us in our memories are the good times the could have beens the what-ifs the happy memories that we were counting on to sustain a relationship so for the bia music video we wanted to be realistic with emotions with forgiveness with what goes on in the heads of people who are actually going through this as soon as we finished the song we already knew that we really wanted josh and julia to do it we've been friends with them for um since the day wait what's toronto is that like a a drama or a project that they did together last time i met julia because she used to get me as her band that there was sesame stuff for her birthday parties in 2016 2017 love you to the stars happened and i became the singer of the theme song which direct nick and the dan were also part of and that kind of kick started that whole season with them and just becoming friends with them and getting to know how good they are how kind they are how professional they're doing and it was that time also that jason and i started becoming their biggest fans on and off screen we love them so much but even without the friendship well you would still bring your biggest fans she's so cute i'm really really happy that [Music] you could really see the new relationship that josh and julia has found and the freedom they found also being on set again and also us just watching them seeing our story come to life we really learned so much see josh it was actually my first time working with him [Music] okay hold on i just think it's so cool how they all kind of knew each other before working on this video and since she already knew that she was like oh hey you know why don't i just get two people whom i really respect as artists and as friends to come and ex and what is even better is that this story is so relatable to josh leah i don't know i just think that she couldn't have found any two actors that are more suitable to play this part because they went through it this is almost their story professionalism is there once you hit the action button or the record button magic joshua and julia has this undeniable chemistry alamo last once they look into each other's eyes there's something different about them there is something that eating impalance feelings [Music] all the team was so great everyone was so gay everyone on set respected each other's brains how their minds worked everyone was constantly amazed with what each artist onset had to bring artists including our director our dop um jason me josh and julia everyone had something to bring to the table everyone had something to contribute to the story and it is so light one of the many things that really amazed me was the humility of direct nick ablao usually she she's not just open to your suggestions she welcomes it yeah i think having a good director is so important because they almost set the stage in the mood of how the entire production is going to go and like from what i'm hearing moira say the entire team is so talented and i'm sure they already have all sorts of amazing opinions you just need a director that will bring everyone together bring all your thoughts um and just mash it up into one amazing creation like this [Music] and i think that's what makes her such an effective director because she listens and she respects the minds of the creatives around her and she grows from that and she builds from that and that's why i really believe my storytelling was even more effective because i had such an effective director to back me up the set was just a group of people celebrating each other respecting each other and telling a story together we had two main emotions on set when the wreck next says action all of us were crying when she says scott all of us were laughing it wasn't just the fun and lights it was also one of the most satisfying moments in my life when after a whole day of shooting they're so cute i know they're broken we were left with gratitude enjoy that young joy it's like cute dogs make an appearance oh my gosh i love this dog so much they're so cute but we were all just so grateful for each other you experienced them in chasette experience watching the video there was never a dull moment actually after each day made learning coming from each other we learn from direct we learn from muay we learn from josh and julia everyone was just taking it all in success actually josh julia jason and i um we had been meeting a lot before the actual shoot and we all talked about what we wanted oh my gosh do you guys see the way that he's looking at her so out of topic just had to point it out okay back to the video see what jason and i had initially because we wanted to make it you know from wedding vows to parting vows is to put the lines of the songs all throughout the patawad album that promises freedom and total forgiveness like a line in patawat paalam at angolin panga home which is the first track of my album and then and a lot of us feel that a lot of us feel that hope is just a way to blind you from the truth but it's not i wanted to make sure that the lines said you are not a hopeless case because you are not and basically they they got that they they embodied it and they said it in their own words feb 14 because it's a day of love and a lot of us feel that love is staying together but sometimes love is setting people free i for one i'm very very blessed to have a husband who loves me who takes care of me but i've also been in a place where i didn't have that privilege and i know that a lot of people are in waiting time and i wanted to make sure that so beautiful that they are understood that they are not alone but when we got to tell moisture oh my gosh i just want to say i love the way that moira articulates her thoughts she's so she's so she's so wise and everything she's saying is like like mind-blowing it's oh my gosh i love her i felt about the song or how the song was for her um you know another essence of love i mean [Music] so if you watch um till the very end of the video you will see my logo and if you watch a little longer after that you will see that the snowflake will change into a flower and that signifies the end of winter and the beginning of spring that is so smart and so beautiful how she just linked her albums wow spring is about hope the growth of new leaves for new leaves to be able to grow old leaves must fall that's what the malayah a lot of times we want instant gratification in order to find something that will last we need to learn how to wait and not rush anything so the whole path yes oh my gosh it just stays bombing us with a series of tropes i completely agree with her it's about forgiveness like it's title it's about letting go it's about setting people free it's about finding freedom in forgiveness all of these things aren't really successful if you do it on your own that's why you have to leave it to god and surrender it to god because only he can make the broken things beautiful again isn't it such a great thing that what used to bring you pain when you share it to other people it now brings them freedom what used to hurt you what you used to do is now bringing hope but it's true in egypt that is the definition of a failed relationship but we often forget that people enter into dating to see whether or not this is the person they want to spend the rest of their lives with just because two people didn't end up together doesn't mean it was a failed relationship we can also choose to see it in a way that wow i got the privilege of knowing and loving and learning from this person even if it was just for a short time we can choose gratitude over bitterness we can choose joy over pain we can choose freedom over guilt and we can choose love and we can choose forgiveness and just because you're not going to continue that in the seasons to come doesn't mean it was a failed one from here on i will choose to remember the good times because you are still worth that it was so freeing for all of us and i'm so grateful that i got to work with direct nick and kuya dan and josh and julia jason and i are so grateful my band is also there and the team behind the scenes we couldn't have done it without them so on behalf of my entire team maraming maraming salam the breakthrough that it is yes thank you so much for making this amazing creation thanks guys thank you so much [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] if there's two things that i take away from this video it's that one forgive when you can it is truly the most free thing that you can ever do and two sometimes we don't know why sad things happen or why people have to leave us but i think that it's so comforting that in times like that we can just entrust it to god who created us who knows us the best who wants what's best for us and who loves us the most i truly believe that if something is meant to be yours it will eventually find its way back to you one day and if it doesn't then just know that there is probably something even better even more perfect for you waiting for you out there and all you have to do is just be ready to accept it so that's all for today's video guys thank you so much for suggesting this video to me to react to and if there's any other content that you'd like to see from me just comment below and let me know if not see you in my next video and have a wonderful week ahead i love you guys so much am
Channel: Yours truly, Abigail
Views: 9,056
Rating: 4.9848485 out of 5
Keywords: paubaya, paubaya reaction, paubaya behind the scenes, moira dela torre, malaysian react, paubaya mv reaction, paubaya reaction video, filipino, jolibee commercial
Id: 6BHEe4j4VJk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 18sec (1098 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 06 2021
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