Malaria - Plasmodium

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biology and Medicine videos please make sure to subscribe join the fourman group for the latest videos please visit Facebook Aran please like here you can also ask questions answer questions and post some interesting things including your artworks can also change the quality settings the highest one for graphics in this video we will talk about malaria when we think of malaria we think of mosquito but malaria is not caused by a mosquito rather malaria is caused by a parasite that the mosquito carries malaria is caused by the protoo and genus plasmodium so the mosquito in this case is specifically called aniles from the aniles genus and they carry the parasite plasmodium malaria is a problem especially in developing and tropical countries there is 300 to 500 cases of malaria uh 300 to 500 million cases of malaria each year and 2 to three million deaths annually and this occurs mainly in children so plasmodium is a parasitic genus that causes malaria there are actually few types of plasmodium that infect man these are the plasmodium vivx plasmodium falum plasmodium malaria and plasmodium ovet now as the name suggests you would probably think plasmodium malaria is the main agent like causitive agent but it's actually not plasmodium VX and plasmodium falum are the main agents of malaria let's have a look at how the plasmodium infects uh humans but and what and what happens by looking at its life cycle from the time it enters a human body so here I'm drawing a child uh which comes which where and he comes from a tropical area because this is where malaria is epidemic and as well I'm enjoying a liver here because liver has a main role in the malarial infection now here I am drawing a female aniles mosquito um which is carrying the plasmodium parasite it's a female because female mosquitoes are the one that bites and sucks blood from humans and infects humans so first what happens during the life cycle is that a mosquito injects a sporozoite when it bites the human a sporozoite is just a technical term for an immature form of plasmodium parasite I'll be using some other terms but whatever I used they refer to the parasite itself so the sporo gets injected into the bloodstream the sporo travels to the liver via the blood and will take up residence in the hepatocytes which are the liver cells so here the sporo will take up resident in the hpy the sporo will be begin multiplying asexually to form many marides if there are many marides this is collectively known as a shant all these meites are then released by The hepatocytes U back into the bloodstream by rupturing the hpy itself so let's just recap what happened in the liver the sporozoites will multiply asexually and become heaps of mar zoids the liver cells will then burst releasing these marids into the bloodstream and this occurs about 7 to 10 days later so here in the blood we have this Mezo now in the blood all these meites will begin invading erthrocytes the red blood cells and multiply again within the red blood cells to form many more myoides until the red blood cells bursts releasing them into the blood bloodstream so here the meizo will invade this particular red blood cell the MEO within the red blood cell will form into a ring like structure and then a tropos Zoid and from this troid stage it will multiply asexually to form many many more myoides with many many more Mezo the red blood cell will just burst releasing all these marids again back into the bloodstream so what will happen with all these meizo well the cycle will just repeat itself the marids will invade more red blood cells they will multiply and they will burst out each time this happens this will cause chills fever and sweating the chills fever and sweating are typical symptoms of malaria so with each time these cell these red blood cell burst releasing more moroides uh the person will keep having chills fever and sweating and this cycle just continues and this may eventually lead to death because of depletion of red red blood cells for example and high temperature so these marids will keep invading red blood cells and multiply now after a several sexual asexual Cycles the marzo can infect a red blood cell and instead of replicating or multiplying they will they can develop into sexual forms of the plasmodium parasite which are the plasmodium gyes now there has to be two types a female and a male gy so here we have a merozoite invading a red blood cell and forms gametocytes a female and a male GTO sites both still in the red blood cell so what do these mosites do well they can't really do much in the human body they require a anop mosquito in order to become a sporo an infective form of the plasmodium species again so therefore if another uninfected auriles mosquito comes along a female and bites this particular infected human being it will suck up these gyes the male and the female so writing this up the mosquito will bite this infected human it will digest the male and female gyes which will allow the gyes to develop into mature sex cells called gametes so here this anaphes mosquito will suck up this m and female Gite and then let's just zoom into this back of this anop mosquito to see what happens with these um gitto sites now gtes the gtes will fuse together to form a zygo which will form anite where we have sporozoites begin to develop these sporo zoids will multiply and then will cause the oite to rupture releasing the sporo zoids the sporo zoids will move into the salivary glands of the mosquito ready to be injected into another human being or anything else so the male and female so again the male and female gametes enter the sporogenic cycle producing more pathogenic sporo the mosquito in this case a female can then bite another human and infect it causing malaria and this cycle will continue the infected anop mosquito can then inject the parasite sporozoite into another human being causing malaria so how would you treat malaria well you treat with a group of drugs known as quinine the complications that can arise with malaria include splen omly enlargement of the spleen heatly enlargement of the liver pulmonary edema renal failure jaundice as well as high fever thank you for watching thank you
Channel: Armando Hasudungan
Views: 1,148,548
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: malaria, plasmodium species, genus, life cylce of malaria, replcation of plasmodium, summary, parasite, infection, mosquito, anopheles mosquito infection, sporoziotes, trophozoites, meroziotes, shizont, red blood cell, liver, heptocytes, gametocytes, gametes, formation of meroziotes, step by step, lecture, armando, hasudungan, animation, disease, Africa, Health, malaria animation, malaria plasmodium life cycle armando
Id: dyprqPM1rHI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 18sec (498 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 08 2013
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