Making Wooden Hinges with NO Specialty Tools - Joint of the Week

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on this week's join of the week we're going to do wooden hinges [Music] so this is actually a really fun build I think it really creates a really nice decorative look and you don't need any special tools for this I went out and bought an eighth inch brass rod and then I got an eighth inch drill bit it was actually 12 inches long but I cut it down other than that just your basic tools round over bit table saw box joint jig and I think you came out great it was a lot of fun to do so let me show you how I do it so our first step is gonna be to drill the hole for the hinge pin and now this is really important to get dead-center so I'm gonna use a pair of calipers and I've milled my lumber to exactly half an inch so I'm gonna measure 1/4 inch quarter inch get a dead-center use a center punch and I got this extra long drill bit for about 4 dollars from the hardware store it was 12 inches I trimmed it down to fit my needs but other than that it was just this brass rod that I picked out so let me show you how I lay that out let's drill a hole [Music] [Applause] [Music] so we're going to go ahead and put a quarter inch roundover bit in our router and that's so that we can perfectly round over the edges of our hinge and that's going to allow us to have the hinge move freely and it's going to be great we're then gonna head over to the table saw and cut our box joints now our box joints it's really critical that you do a test cut because it needs to be exactly as tall as your pieces wide so for us that's half an inch so let's go ahead and get started [Music] [Music] so we need to make a cut a quarter-inch deep here which is going to be the same distance to the center of your hole because we're going to round this over for these hinges as well and that's what's going to allow them to close flush and then we're going to go ahead and clear out this waste here and that's what's going to give us our hinge and then later we'll release this when the stopped hinge again we're not going to round over these corners we'll round them a little bit but the inside needs to be rounded over so we're going to cut right in line with our box joints we're going to cut a quarter inch deep and then we're going to clear out all this waste with the data stack here [Music] [Applause] [Music] as you can see I cut these really wide and there's a reason for that I left them proud of halfway by about 1/32 so that way I could clean up all these saw marks with a block plane so I made them wide enough to be able to fit a block plane in here so I can clean them up and get them fitting perfectly so what we're gonna do here we're going to round over the edges of these guys like you said here we're just going to complete that perfect circle and and that's what's going to make the normal hinge and then for the stopped hinges we're just going to round over this inside one and this corner is what causes the stop on both of them so we can round this one a little bit more than this one we're gonna slightly round those over for just for aesthetic purposes but we're gonna go ahead and clean these up with a block plane and we're going to go real slow and make sure everything's nice and clean I'm going to use something that is circular to draw kind of a reference line on both sides that way kind of I know where I'm at and I can keep testing it and seeing if it's working [Music] so I'm cleaning these up and to round over these corners the pins get very fragile in fact I broke one already but that's okay because you can always just trim down the size of your hinges but I figured out a way to clean these up while supporting them so I took the pin and loosely put it in there laid these flat on my bench and hooked them up together and that gives backer support on the pins when you're cleaning up this corner and it also gives you a reference area to know when you're getting to be the right shape like you can see when it's it's rounding out to be even with your other one [Music] okay so we've got our regular hinge all shaped and ready to go I think I'm going to give up on the stopped hinge here it was a great in practice here but what happened when I was rounding out the corners here is when I was rounding out these corners this area just started to get shorter and shorter so to have this be right this area has to stay 90 and you got to be really careful because they are very fragile so we're gonna head over the table saw we're going to trim these to the same length and then we'll flush up the outside stain them up and they'll be ready to use in a project [Music] [Music] Wow guys that really came out pretty good I'm pretty happy with that a couple things I learned doing this one is that these are very fragile when you're trying to clean them up at the end there so be really careful you support pieces I showed you that way that I did it by inserting the brass rod but just be careful they really do have a tendency to break out in fact I lost one over here this was the stopped hinge when I was trying to make and again the the problem I ran into is that you can't sand the end of it at all in fact I might have even gone a little bit deeper on my box joints to create the stopped hinge and then slowly worked my way down until it worked I just sand it a little bit too far and I honestly just gave up because they were breaking and everything like that if I was gonna do it again I'd leave it a little bit longer and work my way down to it guys thanks so much for watching let me know what you want to see on joint of the week down in the comments and as always stay safe in the shop and have a wonderful day
Channel: Jonathan Katz-Moses
Views: 264,481
Rating: 4.826251 out of 5
Keywords: Woodworking, wooden hinges, wooden hinge, hinges, hinge, wood hinges, making, wood hinge, woodworking, living hinge, wooden box, make wooden hinges, how to make wooden hinges, box with wooden hinges, wood, how to make a box with wooden hinges, wooden latches, making a live hinge, how to make wooden hinge, making a living hinge, wooden, wooden clasps, how to make wooden hinges with a table saw, diy, installing wood hinges, make, how to
Id: aljOyYnBm0U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 50sec (470 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 11 2018
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