Making The Super Nintendo Even More Super

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[Applause] the Super Nintendo is an amazing console with a legendary library of games I bought mine in the early 2000s from a local electronics Botique for about 15 bucks and it's been one of the best pickups I ever got I had the privilege of owning some of the most amazing RPGs of the era like Chrono Trigger and Final Fantasy 3 or 6 depending on where you live but it's occurred to me that I never made a video modding the system that changes today as I attempt to build the ultimate Super [Music] [Music] Nintendo hey everyone how's it going my name is Tito and welcome to another episode of retro renew today I'll be attempting to build a fully kitted out Super Nintendo it's kind of hard to believe that I have yet to mod one of these consoles on the channel but we'll be diving in head first installing some pretty cool mods now first and foremost I have to give a huge thank you to Rob who goes by the name of raw talent he actually approached me with this project mentioning that I lack Super Nintendo content on this channel and is absolutely right now Raw Talent makes these absolutely beautiful custom shells for pretty much every single console out there he actually did this amazing custom shell for one of my ps2's and I absolutely love it you definitely need to check him out on Instagram which I'll leave a link to down below he gets a lot of his parts from another modder named Duncan who kindly sent all three of the very cool Super Nintendo mod kits that I'll be installing all right so in this video I'll go over all the parts I'll be using to build the ultimate Super Nintendo then I'll show you how to put it all together go over all of its unique features review the pros and cons and of course provide you with my overall thoughts so the first item we have is the shell itself now while it looks great on camera it looks even better in person I'm not sure what kind of paint Raw Talent uses but this thing looks fantastic it sort of looks like the paint they use on fancy sport cars with its sparkling aesthetic and the Super Nintendo logo along with all the small details just really make this shell pop now something I'm sure some of you may have noticed immediately is that the shell doesn't look like an American Super Nintendo and that's because this is actually a pal Super Nintendo which looks identical to the super famicom so to go with this Shell Raw Talent actually sent me a pal motherboard a snsp CPU 002 revision board to be exact so with this pal board you may be asking how will I be able to play my American library of games since the Super Nintendo is in fact region locked well Duncan mods sent me a super cic mod chip which will allow this pal Super Nintendo to play games from any region I'm really looking forward to installing this next we have this RGB filter board while I will be installing this kit after speaking with some modders that are more knowledgeable about the Super Nintendo than I am this is probably not the best mod to get crispy RGB be sure to stay tuned for the pros and cons section of the video and I'll explain this in more detail and the last mod I'll be doing is the D Jitter mod this mod helps improve compatibility with capture cards and some television sets as the Super Nintendo does sometimes have inconsistent sync which can cause problems trying to get it to display on a screen all right so that's everything I'll be using to build the ultimate Super Nintendo but before we get into the installation portion of the video let's talk about the sponsor of today's video PCB way if you have an idea for a new mod or want to assemble an open source project PCB way provides you with the tools to make them a reality from 3D printing services in an array of materials all the way to other services like CNC Machining injection molding and of course PCB and flex ribbon fabrication so when it comes to taking your Retro Gaming mods to the next level PCB way is the place to make that happen check the link in the description for PCB way to get $5 off your first order and again a huge thank you to PCB way for sponsoring this video all right so with that out of the way let's go ahead and build this Super Nintendo so one thing to keep in mind is that there are many variations of the Super Nintendo and depending on which motherboard you have your installation will likely differ from mine so I left several links in the video description to help you with your particular installation anyway using hot air we'll start by removing the cic region lockout chip next we'll lift pin 24 on PPU [Music] 1 and then lift pin 30 on P PPU [Music] 2 now go ahead and drop in the super cic board onto the cart pins on the bottom of the motherboard ensuring that the orientation is correct then solder the super cic to the car pins as shown they're only about 18 pins that need to be [Music] [Music] soldered [Music] [Music] now comes the wiring process you'll need to make roughly eight connections and these can differ depending on which motherboard revision you have especially with how you choose to Route the wires there's no right way to do this but to keep things tidy especially since you'll need to make connections on the other side of the board you can route the wire through small vas that are scattered throughout the board I like to feed the wire through AA that is close to the connection that I need to make again I'll have links to the installation instructions for each of these mods down below for your [Music] [Music] reference [Music] now that we made all the wire connections let's install the RGB filter mod to do this we first need to remove transistors Q3 Q5 and Q7 once removed I was given a few ceramic caps that actually need to be installed alongside existing caps to alter their capacitance again this is specific to my model and your specific revision motherboard will likely be [Music] [Music] different great so now that the prep is done for the RGB filter I added some double-sided tape to it and stuck it right below the super cic board I then proceeded to wire in all the [Music] connections [Music] and here's what the super cic and RGB filter look like fully installed now in order to prep the motherboard for the D Jitter mod we need to remove a couple resistors so let's go ahead and do that I like to add fresh solder and then contact both pads at the same time with my iron to whisk the resistor off the board again I added some double-sided tape to the back of the D Jitter board and then this time I stuck it above the super cic board now I went ahead and made all my connections so keep in mind I installed all of these mods in a specific order for most motherboard revisions installing the super cic first followed by the RGB filter with the D Jitter last should be best and keep the install Clean and easy [Music] [Music] now here you can see that I soldered into wires and what these are going to do is they're going to power the LED board that illuminates the super famicom logo on the shell once those wires are in we can begin to assemble the [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] console [Music] now we're going to go ahead and set up the case LEDs so with this custom board we're actually going to bridge all these pads together except for ground this will allow all four LEDs to light up at the same time all right once that's done I added some double-sided tape to the front of the board as shown and then stuck it in place to the top shell I then proceeded to wire it using the two wires I soldered in previously I made the wires long enough to give me more than enough slack to work with then I dropped the top shell onto the bottom and buttoned it all up and there you have it the Ultimate Super Nintendo this is quite possibly the most beautiful Super Nintendo that I have ever seen the shell is simply stunning and now I have a way to play any game from any region I can't believe it took me this long to M Super Nintendo but let's take a look at it and the first thing I want to cover is the shell I know I've already spoken about it but the paint job is super intricate and it just looks amazing the blend of sparkling paint and some matte finishes with the Beautiful details really make this shell look fantastic also when you turn the console on we have this illuminated Super famicom Logo which again adds to the overall visual impact of this console anyway getting into the actual mods themselves let's discuss the super cic mod chip so like I said earlier this is a pal region Super Nintendo but if I go ahead and insert a Japanese game like Pyon densetsu 3 you'll notice that it boots right up which is awesome now I don't have any Pal games to test out but I do have a small collection of American games now in order to run an American game on a pal or Japanese region Super Nintendo you'll need an adapter like this one which Raw Talent also sent over American cartridges are squared off on the bottom while both pal and Japanese region games have a more rounded front needless to say American games do not fit into pal or Japanese consoles so using the cart adapter on the pal system and then inserting an American game like this copy of chrona trigger results in region switching to ntsc and the game runs perfectly that's the thing I love most about the super cic mod chip it can autod detect the region of the game and then switch to it it's really convenient now you can also switch the region manually if you want to by pressing and holding the reset button but unfortunately my kit is missing the LED which indicates the region using different colors but that almost doesn't seem like a necessary feature given the fact that this console can now switch regions automatically all right the next thing I want to discuss is the DJ Jitter mod like I mentioned earlier the Super Nintendo as well as the original NES have sync issues which can sometimes cause problems with capture cards and even some HD televisions I personally haven't experienced any issues with sync on these consoles but one of the things that I have noticed is that if you really zoom in you can see that my unmodded console has this sort of Jumpy jittery look while the modded system is perfectly still almost like a picture now I'm not entirely certain what's causing that difference but I really had to zoom in to see this it's pretty much not visible when playing games normally so needless to say unless you're having sync issues in your personal setup or when using a capture card this mod may or may not be necessary now the last thing I want to talk about is the RGB filter and to be honest I really didn't see much of a difference I was half expecting to see sharper edges but I really didn't see that now full disclosure I should have captured video before modding the console but instead I'm using my personal completely stock Super Nintendo for comparing ing against the one I just modded so with that in mind do take these results with a grain of salt anyway here on screen is captured footage of turtles in time on both the fully modded and stock Super Nintendo I can't really see too much of a difference now zooming in even closer I still struggle to see any discernable improvement with the RGB filter now the RGB filter actually has some other issues which brings me to the pros and cons let's start with the pros first the shell is absolutely beautiful if you want a highquality custom shell definitely reach out to Raw Talent his work speaks for itself one of the great things that he does is he doesn't paint good conditioned shells he only takes old beaten up shells and make them look well like this absolutely stunning again you can see all his work on his Instagram account which I link down below now another Pro of this build is the super cic mod chip this thing is awesome I love that I have a single console that allows you to play games from any region I actually bought a copy of Chrono Trigger while in Japan which I can actually play now although I'm not sure how far I can get since I can't read Japanese at least the Box looks cool right Additionally the super cic autod detects and switches the region for you which is super awesome and very convenient anyway those are really the pros that I could think of for this particular build but now let's get into the cons for me the only issue I have is with the RGB filter first I didn't see much of an improvement the image pretty much looks the same with both the modded and unmodded console however the bigger issue is how the RGB Filter Works after speaking with voltar about this mod he informed me that it boosts the signal from the deck in a nonlinear way which makes some games look good and others not so good even more concerning is that the PPU which has the digital to analog converter has the potential of being damaged due to that boosted signal the PPU 2 is already prone to damage so why increase the risk with this mod so with little Improvement to video quality and the added potential risk to damage crucial components on the Super Nintendo I don't think the RGB filter mod is worth doing now volar is actually working on his own RGB mod that promises to be much better than this one and I'll definitely be taking a look at it here on the channel in the near future so make sure you're subscribed to the channel so you don't miss it well there you have it folks some pretty great mods to improve your Super Nintendo and one probably to stay away from now if you enjoyed this video I really think you'll like this one here so check it out and as always thank you all so much for tuning in today and I'll catch you again next [Music] Thursday
Channel: Macho Nacho Productions
Views: 321,527
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: super nintendo, retro gaming, ultimate super nintendo mods, ultimate super nintendo, supercic snes, supercic nintendo, snes rgb mod, snes rgb bypass, snes rgb board, dejitterit, nintendo dejitter, snes dejitter mod, raw talent art, macho nacho, macho nacho productions, tito macho nacho
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 51sec (1011 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 07 2023
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