Making the perfect ganache | Pastry 101 Tips & Tricks

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[Music] hi i'm hambit and i'm a pastry chef from korea [Music] hi everyone it's hambit in today's pastry 101 i'm going to teach you everything you need to know about ganache so what is ganache ganache is an emulsion made by combining chocolate and heavy cream this word emulsion might sound like a difficult term but just think of using a certain technique to combine water and oil which doesn't usually mix together ganache is used widely in pastry it's used in truffles so in chocolate products in mousse as a glaze as a sauce everywhere so it's important that you learn how to make a perfect ganache [Music] there are so many different types of ganache out there so many different recipes and the best way to categorize them is by looking at the ratio and the ratio between chocolate and heavy cream typically when we say ganache we are referring to a one to one ratio of chocolate and heavy cream so that's equal ratio of chocolate and heavy cream so based on this one-to-one ratio you can think of either having more chocolate or less chocolate in terms of the ratio so talking about a ganache where you have more chocolate than heaven cream let's say we're talking about a two to one ratio so two part chocolate and one part heavy cream that will result in a ganache that is more thick and heavy going the other way where we have less chocolate compared to the heavy cream so let's say for example we have one part chocolate and three part heavy cream that's what we call a whit ganache because it's just light whipped cream after the ganache has completely cooled down and stabilized in the fridge for at least like half a day you can whip it like it's whipped cream that's why we call it whipped ganache or in french we call it ganache monte so we've looked at ganache with different ratios and these different ratios will result in ganache with different textures you might have seen recipes that have either butter or glucose adding butter to ganache helps with the mouth feel so when you eat it it melts inside your mouth and it gives a very pleasant mouth feel regarding glucose adding glucose does add sweetness to your ganache but it extends shelf life another variation of ganache would be flavored ganache the idea is that you can add fruit purees to your ganache or you can infuse your heavy cream with let's say vanilla or oil gray tea or any type of tea leaves right now i'll show you how to make the ganache to be honest making ganache isn't difficult as long as you stick to the guidelines the most common method is to melt the chocolate bring it up to somewhere between 40 and 50 degrees celsius same goes with heavy cream bring it up to about 40 to 50 degrees celsius and then mix the two by either using a spatula or a hand blender and that's pretty much it but where a lot of people go wrong is by not melting the chocolate properly or by not mixing it properly so here we have three different types of ganache by the different ratios so in the middle we have a one to one ratio so one to one ratio of dark chocolate and this is covered in chocolate and heavy cream and here we have two to one or we can say is one to 0.5 so half the amount of heavy cream relative to the dark chocolate and here we have whipped canace so much more of heavy cream relative to the chocolate so one part chocolate and three parts heavy cream i'll start by showing you how to do the one to one ratio ganache [Music] i'm going to melt the chocolate to around 40 to 50 degrees celsius i'll say 50 degrees celsius just to make it easy and i'm going to heat the heavy cream to around 50 degrees celsius as well some people use a water bottle but i prefer using a microwave because it's so much easier but just be careful when you're using the microwave don't leave inside the microwave for like two or three minutes because you're either going to burn the chocolate or your heavy cream is going to overboil how do you click like and subscribe so here i have melted chocolate and heavy cream that's been heated i'm going to pour the heavy cream into the chocolate and stir well and there are a couple of ways of doing it you can either use a spatula or a hand blender using a hand blender ensures that you get a good ganache in this example i'll show you how to do it with a spatula the key is to start stirring from the center and move outwards i'm going to pour all my heavy cream [Music] some flour [Music] the mixing technique is exactly the same as what i've shown you for a one-to-one ratio ganache so pour the heavy cream and mix it from the center perfect so that's done it's a two to one ratio where two is the chocolate and one is the heavy cream notice that this is still warm and hot and the texture is definitely much thicker than the one for the one to one ratio ganache and of course when it sets it's going to be much thicker than the one to one ratio ganache wow your finished ganache when it's warm must look smooth and shiny and glossy [Music] and finally the whipped ganache this is where we have much more heavy cream relative to the chocolate because i have much more heavy cream i'm going to heat the heavy cream alone to around 70 to 80 degrees celsius pour it into my chocolate leave it for a few minutes and the chocolate will all melt now i've heated up my heavy cream in the microwave it's around 70 to 80 degrees celsius i'm going to pour it over my chocolate the mistake that a lot of people make is to jump straight in and blend it and try and emulsify it the key is to wait for the chocolate to melt and then blend it using a hand blender i'll give it about a couple of minutes and the chocolate will melt completely great all the chocolate has melted so i'm going to blend it just make sure that your blender is dipped well beneath the surface so that it doesn't incorporate much air while blending it what i'm going to do with this whipped ganache is i'm immediately going to cover it with clean film and put it in the fridge to set i usually leave it for at least 12 hours before using it so after 12 hours i'm going to whip it and use it as whipped cream great now i'm going to store this in the fridge for at least 12 hours before using it and after that i'm going to whip it and use it like whipped cream right so here's my ganache that has been chilled so that i can show you the differences there's my one to one ratio two to one ratio one to three ratio right let's look at the two to one ratio so there's more chocolate than heavy cream straight out from the fridge is very hard but still it's not hard as hershey's chocolate it's a ganache so this is the texture that you see of a two to one ganache straight out from the fridge obviously it'll become softer than this if you leave it outside now let's look at the one to one ganache straight out from the fridge it's definitely softer than the two to one ratio that we've just seen you can notice the difference it's much softer obviously this will become softer at room temperature but i'm just comparing apples to apples so straight out from the fridge you can see that they're immediately different in terms of the texture and the consistency honestly this texture looks so good let's try it um i love ganache it's so good now moving on to one two three ganache which is the whipped ganache i'm going to whip this and show you that you can whip it like just whipped cream [Music] so look at this this is just like whipped cream but because it's still a ganache a ganache whipped cream it's heavier in terms of the texture and it tastes better whipped cream and chocolate it has to be delicious [Music] hopefully this tutorial on how to make a ganache was useful ganache is pastry 101 and is used widely across pastry so it's worth taking a bit of time and learn how to make a perfect ganache i'll come back next time with another pastry 101 video thank you very much [Music] i don't know
Channel: Hanbit Cho
Views: 505,607
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Id: s5KUtY0BJ6U
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Length: 9min 23sec (563 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 25 2021
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