Making The Elaborate OPERA CAKE

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[Music] today I'm gonna make a opera cake so I found out about this cake through master chef opera cake No are you okay opera is not normally selected unless you're a five year top patisserie chef they were really hyping it up as this like incredibly difficult cake to make there's like several layers involved in it chocolate coffee almond what else now I got all my ingredients all prepped ready to go so I'm ready to just dive right in bowl me whoa Jesus Christ okay so what we got to do first two large eggs in a bowl I'm gonna mix these eggs up until they have tripled in size yeah and they have reached the ribbon stage that is the ribbon stage for sure half a cup of icing sugar cup of almond flour and mix on low till it's just combined then I'm going to add my cake flour gently fall then which I totally did not do just very gently I cleaned off those whisk attachment Wow unplug now in the separate bowl I'm going to add some egg whites and I'm gonna just mix this up until it is foamy medium speed 1/8 TSP cream of tartar and 1/8 TSP of salt and mix until soft peaks 1 tablespoon of regular old sugar and mix until stiff peaks incredibly stiff peaks now first I'm just going to take a little bit of this and I'm gonna fold it into my batter just very gently the rest of the egg whites and I'm just going to continue to fold 2 tablespoons of melted butter and I'm just gonna gently add that into my my mixture here hopefully that's not too hot for you and I'm also gonna fold that what butter cooled off or cigs that was not cold that was hot butter I just roll with the punches you got this you got this quickly buttering up a baking pan parchment paper nice and smooth the cake batter even as possible here so this is just a really quick bake of ten minutes really and 425 degrees Fahrenheit 218 degrees Celsius and it's the middle rax that's it we wait 10 minutes let's get this the hell out of here I notice the cake was getting a bit toasty on the edges so I had to take it out quickly quickly and that was ten minutes exactly so what you need is a square cake cutter it's like a cookie cutter you put it on here and it cuts out a square cuts out of square you have perfect squares I don't have one of those I'm just gonna use a napkin I'm gonna use it as a trace and then I'll have two perfect squares and then I'll use the rest as scraps for my third square [Music] now this isn't kind of a mess I think that if I trim just a little bit more that ought to do it first layer second layer third layer i Frankenstein the cake together and I think I'm gonna have enough pieces I don't need to redo it which is most important because I was on the fence for a second I was like I think I mean next up coffee syrup [Music] sorry I was daydreaming now first what we got to do is I got to go over here in a saucepan heat up half a cup of sugar half a cup of water and bring to a boil instant espresso I'm gonna take a teaspoon of this and add it into a teaspoon of water whisk that together as a miniature whisk what's the booze for oh I don't need that yet once it starts simmering I'm going to turn down the heat and let that hang out after five minutes I'm gonna take this off the heat and I'm just gonna let it hang here no I'm gonna add stuff to it okay so I'm gonna add stuff to it coffee mixture do I add anything else I add a little bit the booze cognac brandy I'm gonna be using amaretto because I've had it in my pantry since I made tiramisu take a swig oh yeah so how much of my bush should I add it should I add it somewhere instead of letting this probably start quarter cup into there the syrup and liquid never really came together I think I'm gonna heat this up i heated this up everything has come to keep God okay that's better you come together now yes yes yes yes take off the heat and that's coffee syrup you let that cool completely now there's a church just right down the street there and I have to wait for the Sun to go behind that man if I stand here okay we're just kids so next up is the coffee buttercream and what we're gonna do is combine two teaspoons of the espresso powder 1 tablespoon of water Nick Cerrone cool let's go over here the saucepan 1/4 cup of water and 6 tablespoons of sugar I'm gonna bring the sugar and the water to a boil until the temperature reaches 238 degrees Fahrenheit I'm waiting for all the sugar to dissolve or temperature do they say 238 degrees okay but there's more that I have to do here while I'm over here old year things have really gotten away from me here I'm gonna add two egg yolks and I'm gonna beat those eggs for one minute with my mixer [Music] what okay this temperature is well past 236 so with my boiling syrup I'm gonna add it into the egg yolks in a very slow stream while the mixers running and then I'm gonna add the coffee mixture and obviously that didn't work [Music] I don't know why I made everything so damn complicated I'm gonna redo everything I just did because that didn't turn out I'm just gonna leave the camera there water to my espresso go over here add water and sugar bring that to a boil food in a bowl add two egg yolks now you want to mix these for a minute weld you bringing that to a boil over there how we doing over here it's a 216 degrees Fahrenheit I just need it a little hotter okay we're at 238 I'm gonna stream it in while the mixers running [Music] I'm going to mix this until it's cool three to five minutes I'm gonna add the coffee mixture completely forgot see the thing is if I if I stop mixing this before it is cooled down completely the whole thing is just gonna harden right up that syrup acts fast there's got to keep mixing okay that's good Oh stick of butter which I just need to cut it up into pieces okay and I'm gonna add the butter into this mixture one at a time mix one at a time one at a time [Music] I'm just gonna add all of it because that was just annoying that looks like coffee buttercream yes [Music] okay now what so eight ounces of chocolate chopped this is dark chocolate six tablespoons of butter so what I'm gonna do is melt the chocolate into the double boiler on simmering water so most of the chocolate most of it and the butter and we wait for this to melt that's looking smooth I'm gonna add the remaining chocolate and take off and let it cool till it's room temperature okay I got all my components here we got the sponge cake this is the chocolate glaze this is the coffee syrup and this is the coffee buttercream everything is ready to be assembled so how does one assemble a popper cake you probably need a plate I always just put the cakes on the plate I'm going to add my first piece of cake I take my coffee syrup and I'm gonna generously brush take 1/3 of the buttercream next I'm going to put this broken fragmented layer on top no no yes yes and yes the remaining coffee syrup and more of the butter cream hiding the flaws of the second layer of cake now on this top piece of cake I'm gonna take more syrup whatever you got left really I'm just gonna spread that bit all over the top of this things are looking pretty snazzy the rest of the buttercream on it goes all of it spread that all the way to the edges that's terrific it is recommended to put this into the fridge have that buttercream firm up so you can continue on your way oh how embarrassing half an hour a unicorn cake I'm gonna transfer the cake to my baking rack or the rack from the oven the fun part I'm gonna let it rain all over the cake let it rain just pour that chocolate all over the cake what are those little chunks like little specks ooh what is that hmm I thought it was smooth evidently it's not smooth think fast how about a sieve pour the chocolate through the sieve of that work better you think yes whatever's left I need all of you put that into this squeeze bottle I waited like a half an hour for this chocolate to completely dry now what's next is I have to trim the edges now how much I'd say about that much let's just go for it let's get wild [Music] I put the leftover chocolate glaze into the squeeze bottle what I gotta do is spell out imperfect curse of the word opera on top of this cake this is going to be the most challenging thing for me today am i working here is it working yes okay I don't like it at all am I able to just remove that can I just remove please please can I just remove it I'll never make that mistake again if you just let me just cut it off I'm really up try that again opera stop right there okay now you're gonna do a pea great and e-r and an a stop stop cease transmission that looks pretty good [Music] [Music] it's lovely it's a lovely dessert I don't know the Opera cake its coffee it's chocolate it's delicious it's not so challenging whoever created this rumor about the Opera cake being overly difficult to make I didn't find that to be the case I've had more of a challenge elsewhere don't be afraid of the Opera cake it won't win you'll win so it's a rap it's a rap on Belgium anti chef in Belgium comes to an end today that is the end of this kitchen no more no more it's been good moving to London
Channel: ANTI-CHEF
Views: 46,749
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: opera cake, elaborate opera cake, opera cake masterchef, crazy cakes, difficult cake recipes, elaborate cakes, cake anti-chef, antichef baking, baking, baker, cake, cake recipe, opera cake bruno albouze, how to make, hard cakes, antichef cakes, cooking, food, dessert recipes, desserts to make at home, desserts you need to eat before you die, masterchef, mastefchef cake episode, masterchef opera cake
Id: PezOjHfipeM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 24sec (984 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 19 2020
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