Making The Diamond Dust Ring

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hey what's up guys today we're going to be making a ring unlike anything I've ever created it's going to be really unique and I have really high hopes for it let's go over kind of the basic idea and design of the Ring first it's going to have an Astrotech liner to it it's going to be a clear ring I'm not going to add any pigments to it and then I'm going to use two different sizes of rough diamonds these are amazing they look beautiful and I'm also going to sprinkle in both green and blue glow powder so the whole thing is going to be kind of translucent it's going to Sparkle from the diamonds it's also gonna have sort of us kind of starry night look to it when it's glowing in the dark so it should look amazing the first step is going to be using this brass to create a blank that I can make a mold out of that we will use the Astrotech epoxy to pour into then we'll go ahead and get started on the inlaying steps and go from there let's go ahead and jump right into it alright first I need to create the mold that I'll actually cast the ring out of so to do that I'll be using methods that you see me use in the past all I need to do is separate a piece of brass from my original rod stock then I'll throw it over into my lathe start hollowing it out and the shaping of it is where it gets a little bit complicated essentially what I need to do is to create a ring shape with a pour spout attached to that so it's going to be a little bit confusing but if you pay attention it should start to make sense and I'll make sure to polish it very nicely because the finish I get on this is the finish that the mold is going to have and I can reuse that molten so that's really important that's gonna save me a lot of time down the road if I spend five extra minutes sanding here that'll save me five minutes every single time I use the vault now I'll go ahead and mix up some silicone I'll use a vacuum to D gas it then we'll pour it around the brass blank and we should be left with a nice mold ready to cast our resin into [Music] [Music] alright now I'll take my mold and I'll use some Astrotech jewellery great epoxy mix it up and we'll pour it in there we just need to put this in the vacuum that way the resin will seep perfectly down into the recess of the Ring blink that will get rid of all of the bubbles and make sure that the resin is able to fill down into the mold perfectly all right now I'll just let it cure overnight make sure that it's fully hardened and I'll carefully use a jeweler's handsaw to separate the blank from the excess resin now I'll quickly flatten out the edge get it flush where I want it I'm not going to polish it or anything like that we'll do all that later for now what I'm going to do is switch over to my lathe and I need to cut a groove into the blank we'll use that to inlay all of the diamond pieces now use my Astrotech UV hardening resin to put a first layer down you didn't know the way this works is it's a resin that cures from UV light and so it makes it really helpful because depending on how much UV light you use you can kind of select how hard or tacky you want it to get so I'm putting down a really thin layer I'm only hearting it slightly that way it's still tacky that way that diamonds will hold on to it then I'm going to take away the UV light I'm going to do all of the inlaying process and I'll fully cure it later using a lot more UV light [Music] all right after a few minutes in the UV bath we've got it fully hardened the diamonds are completely secured in there now I'm going to go ahead and sprinkle in the glow powders and I picked two used blue and green because I think they'll go really nicely together I want to give this kind of a starry night it's almost go lactic look to it so I think these will combine and do a really good job of that my strategy here is to just dab a little bit of UV resin in places that I want to target with a high concentration of the glow powder but I don't want to do that everywhere so on some parts of the ring I just do a really light dusting that'll really help kind of give it that kind of starry night look now once I've got that all set in place it's time to just go ahead and do another layer two of the UV resin and again I'll throw that in the UV bath this time I'm giving it plenty of time to fully cure all the way because if I don't wait and I start sanding into it it'll start to gum up and it'll ruin the entire inlay alright now I just need to do a quick sanding and polishing to the outside also do a quick one to the inside so here it is guys thank you so much for watching this video this was a fun one to make the results came out really clean this is what I was hoping for a ring that was mostly translucent something that would be really subtle and the glow that this has is just kind of amazing I love the look of it I think the way this ring looks in the daytime as well as the way it looks in the nighttime just kind of pair perfectly together both of them are just super unique have an awesome look to it so that's it for this video guys let me know if you've got any feedback down in the comments below if you've got any suggestions for future videos future products anything like that be sure to let me know if you want to order one of these we've got a link to that down in the description and also my Instagram page is down there so be sure to give me a follow I post discount codes we do giveaways and also just a lot of behind-the-scenes goodness so anyways guys that's going to be it for this video thanks for watching and I'll catch you next week
Channel: Patrick Adair Designs
Views: 1,287,295
Rating: 4.8219075 out of 5
Keywords: Solid diamond ring, Making a diamond ring, Diamond ring, Ring Making, Patrick adair designs, Ring making video, how to make jewelry, how to make jewellery at home, Resin Art, Resin making, Resin Jewelry, diamond jewelry, diamond jewelry making, ring, jewelry, diamond
Id: -OO0qyeOefI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 9sec (669 seconds)
Published: Thu May 14 2020
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