Making the 4 Acres we had Logged Into Pasture (using a Kubota BX2370)

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good morning modern stutters man it was 90 degrees the other day and this morning were 48 degrees up I like this kind of way this is nice and how the mama hen and the baby chicks did last night kind of curious when they hatched out I'm not the hatched out yesterday if there are a couple of days old or what I hear I'm peeping they're all under mama you don't want to move and show us mom it's like nope I'm keeping I'm warm it's cold oh how he'll sound good and healthy nice mine time to get lost in there move all the bigger girls his links still sleeping oh there you are I was curious where that chicken might have hatched out all those eggs I remember seeing a hen back here is the Pigpen back here one day sitting over here and that to me looks like a hatched out egg we're not seeing any other eggs but it looks like the pigs might have been over here too that shell that's left behind is a blue one so that's an Americana that's pretty cool so in yesterday's video I'll put a link to that right here the chickens were jumping all over that electric fence and they weren't getting that so we need to change our battery out for the Pigpen you coming out Pluto come on hello girls we have way too much time energy and money invested in our pigs have them escape it it's working again should keep you girls in you want to come in a little bit uh firewood this morning that should do well it's nice and cool out this morning you need to get a little fire going birch bark some nice hardwood and then we'll get some Applewood it smells good look at that yes sir you'll get the bacon slabs ready now [Music] we cured this bacon the other day I'll put a link to that video right here this is from either our spring pigs or winter pigs I don't not a hundred percent sure [Music] put some Applewood on the smoker now we got our bacon what are you doing miss Libby's playing with Figaro [Music] staying warm [Music] [Music] something came for your Livi's you're not excited about that are you now you got yourself a new Reid and chair yes silly like the color how I wish you guys could smell this this bacon smells so good smoking it's almost done - all right bacon is done now that looks delicious kind of hang it up right here let it cool back off a little bit we cuddle up and either Olivia needs a couple of washers that should work would you come up with you get some drawstrings your silly good good contraption looks like a fun fort see yep all right man now we can get some raking done it's nice seeing the dew on the seat that means that the grass seed last night got a little wet and that'll help that germinate [Music] [Music] today I want to work this area [Music] [Music] we sure know how to grow rocks around here that's for sure [Music] [Music] [Music] oh and to think the smart and I said I'm just gonna do this little area it's a lot bigger now that it looked earlier hi yeah go see the goats okay and then it'll be lunchtime okay ah there where the darker colored dirt is we got that all done today victory whoo tomorrow we can seed it Olivia gonna run out and get a few supplies for the goats [Music] look at 70 - bacon for dinner tonight [Music] [Music] two months you ready to see what your daughter built today yes and so but it like he doesn't come with a string so we put in the string does my idea my idea see the curtains all you made you crown too good imagination looks like a tight fit with everybody in there Bluto wants to I don't think there's room in there for three of us right oh this is where we're gonna end today's video thanks for watching and we'll see you right back here tomorrow at well makers a guide to our home setting that's just insane freedom [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Lumnah Acres
Views: 114,323
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Homesteading, DIY, Gardening, Raising, Animals, self-sufficiency, modern homesteading, do it yourself, simple, life, living, homestead, Growing season, Modern Steader, Lumnah Acres, CoopsNMore, off grid, homesteading for beginners, kubota, bx2370, pasture, logging, farm
Id: fG7DX6UVPas
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 8sec (1028 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 01 2018
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