Making Simple Game Assets | Easy | Blender 2.8

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hello and welcome to gabot media I'm grant Abbott and today we're making terracotta pots so this will be a full game asset creation workflow but on a very basic simple level so it should just about be suitable for beginners but I would suggest that you've been through some of my beginner courses and some of the basic modeling exercises it also helps if you looked at the UV unwrapping exercises and know a tiny bit about nodes so if you've got all that information then you're ready to begin this so here's the finished result we've got a bit of moss on there as well and I'll show you a couple of techniques to do this trying to keep it as simple as possible so the first thing to do is to model our objects now there's nothing too complicated here if I go into edit mode you can see that they're very simple and very basic so have a go at making each of these yourself this is the simplest one so start there perhaps then move on to this one and then perhaps this one's the hardest if you're having trouble with those then try out my beginner exercises so hopefully that wasn't too taxing I'll go through the creation of this simple one here I'll just quickly move this one backwards G then Y and shift C will move my cursor to the center and I can press shift a or come up to the add menu up here shift a and mesh cylinder now because this is a low poly game asset we need to think about the vertices around our cylinder so I'll zoom into my cylinder a bit more that's with period key on my numpad and it's probably over detailed for what we need for a game object this one has 32 vertices these ones have 20 which may still be a little bit high depending on where you want these games to go these three have a combined face count of below 1000 faces so we're trying to keep the face count down because that will take more processing power and therefore we won't get good frame rates within our game engine so let's reduce this to 20 and you can see that's change the amount around the outside and now I can start editing it I'll press GZ 1 that will grab it in the z-axis 1 blender units so it moves on to the floor I'll go into edit mode with tab on my keyboard and I'll start editing my shape so first of all I'll press G to grab and said to constrain it to the z-axis and move it up slightly so it's the right height now I'm going to press s to scale that face and scale it outwards and maybe I'll do the same with the bottom so I'll select the bottom face s to scale and scale that outwards as well now we want to lip going around the top so I can control our to create one of these loop cuts I can use my wheel if I wanted to create more but one is fine for the moment left-click and move it upwards somewhere around there 3 to go back to face mode because Luke cuts put you into edge mode and I want to select this face loop around here now have a quick think how do I select face loops or like a Sam in face mode and I press alt left click on one of the edges going across the loop that I want so there I've selected my face loops let's eat extrude and then s to scale and you can see it's scaling the z-axis as well which I don't want so I press shift said so it doesn't scale in the set axis and it will only scale in the x and y so about outs are there and that's all looking fine and the last thing to do is sort of dig out the middle so I'll scale this in slightly and extrude with E in the z-axis pull it down and you can see it's coming out of my pot around there so I'll scale it in around there it doesn't have to be super accurate you won't really notice the insides that much anyway so there's a really basic pot so back into object mode with tab right-click shade smooth now it looks a bit strange at the moment but that will look fine when we start texturing to make a more complex pot like this we start with a cylinder shift 8 add mesh cylinder I'll go slightly quicker this time still got 20 vertices I'll grab in the x-axis so it's next to my other one geez add one to move it above the floor into edit mode with tab and then grab the top face and put it upwards now I can do a very rough shape so ctrl R to do a loop cut bring that down and scale it out for that section control our Creator luke up there and scale it in I need to create one at the top as well so ctrl R and I've got my loop cut up therefore the lip now it looks strange at the moment but if I select this edge loop with alt left click I can then press control B and I can bevel and if I use my mouse to increase the bevel I can create a curve now the other one's a bit wider so I can just scale that up maybe shift said so it doesn't scale in the Zed axis and I've got a curved outline there so think about how I can do this shape here so I need to select that edge loop there control B to bevel again and again I can use my wheel depending on how much detail I want maybe about two but remember you're thinking about the output and whether it needs that amount of detail so around there looks good possibly a bit high poly but it shouldn't make too much difference last thing is to create that lip at the top so interface mode with three select the face loop e to extrude scale shift said so it doesn't go in the z-axis and we got our sort of lip you can see I've got a slight curve to my lip there so I could do another loop cut ctrl R and scale that out but do remember the poly count top face with three select that face scale it in and extrude in the z-axis e then said and I'm not going to bother with the inside faces to match up precisely with these because you won't see them so I've just gone all the way down there now what you need to be careful you can see it's just touching the outside face there so with my bottom face selected I can just scale it in and now there's no overlap so there's a slightly more complex shape right click shade smooth and we've got a similar output here ok so once you've done the modeling the next stage is to do the unwrapping off the model ready for 2d textures to be placed upon it so I'll take my simple basic one to start off with and think about unwrapping it I'll isolate it with forward-slash on my numpad and that's isolation mode you just press forward slash to come out of that and it's really handy to get rid of everything else in your scene so when you're unwrapping an object you have to think about it in two dimensions so much like a jumper has seams and it's all made from one piece of kind of 2d cloth as we might say and then stitch together to give it some sort of we're doing the same thing with this pot we've got to split it up and place it in areas on our 2d texture the best place to do this is in the UV editing tab so we'll come across to there and I'm not in isolation mode anymore so I'll press forward slash on my numpad so I can go back to it and you can see it's already got some sort of unwrap here and that's when you first make a cylinder blender makes an automatic unwrap if I select all you can see all the shape but it's not taken into account any of my editing so it's really best not to use this at all as soon as I unwrap it it will write over this and move all these vertices around so what we are seeing here is different areas of the shape mapped onto this 2d area I'll zoom in a little bit now the really easy and quick way is to select all press U and then smart UV project it's always good idea to put your eyelid margin up a little bit maybe 2.06 and then press ok and you can see it's split it up into lots of different sections now although this is effective it's not really the best way to do it but if you want to be quick and easy then the smart UV project is the best way now one thing if you do get an error message down here saying object has non-uniform scale if I just quickly go into object mode with tab and press n on my keyboard to get my toolbar up mine hasn't got non-uniform scale it's all set at 1 that's because I did all my adjustments in edit mode so my scaler actually never changed the dimensions changed but not the scale if for any reason these are different numbers down here you'll need to press ctrl-a and apply your scale I can press this now it won't make any difference to me but to you if these were different they'll be set to 1 now it won't make any difference to the shape it will just change the scale then when you come to unwrap you won't get that error message so what is a better way of unwrapping this well we need to actually define where we want the shapes to be cut up I think a good place would be at the top here so I'll select this edge loop oh I need to be in edge mode so I'll select edge mode alt left click and select that edge loop around there and I want to mark that as a seam so that it's going to be an island inside here and island outside here remember think about scenes on your jumpers or t-shirt we call them jumpers in the UK you probably call them sweaters in America but anyway let's mark a seam across there so ctrl e to get to the edge menu you can find the edge menu up here as well but control is the quick way and then mark seems and that highlights are sort of orangey red so we've got to see so let's try unwrapping that so I press u to unwrap and instead of smart UV project we use the actual unwrap now this looks quite strange we've got two circles and at first it's tough to understand but if you think of a coke can that has been squashed flat so as I look at it from the top here it's kind of similar to the shape we see there so it's not a particularly good unwrap at the moment what sometimes can be helpful is to press this button over here which is UV sync selection if I press that and then select faces I can then select some faces in here to see where they are on my model so if I select this inside face you can see it's quite a big area here but it's taking a small area up on my UV map and it would be much better if this was a big area not that we can particularly see the inside but we can split this up a lot better and utilize all this empty space that's not being used over here so let's try marking a seam all around this so I've selected it ctrl a mark seam and now we've got a seam around there now when I press u to unwrap I can tick this box live unwrap so every time I mark a seam it will just unwrap it automatically so I'm going to tick that and for some reason we do actually have to do the unwrap again the first time we took it and that's gone a bit strange because I didn't have everything selected so let's try that again a to select all you to unwrap and unwrap that's better so it's not much better it's taken that inside circle and put it over here and it's given us more texture space for that circle but we've still got this sort of stretched idea here so have a quick think about this area and how we can unwrap it a bit better and maybe think about a label that goes around a baked bean can or coke bottle or something like that so yes labels are from one piece of paper that was at one point flat its wrapped around and has a seam down the side so if I select these two edges here and here press ctrl e mark seems now we can see on that live unwrapped it's unwrapped it and we're taking up much more texture space for this area here what we'll need to do is the same for the outside so let's select that bottom face and press control V mark seams now even though I've selected a face it has actually selected all the edges around the outside and therefore I can use the mark seams function so we're still getting this squashed look so again we need that sort of coke bottle label idea going around here so it will need one seam down the side it's always a good idea to put your seams on the same side so if you ever want to hide them if I go to edge mode we can put this seam maybe at the back of the object when we place it so I've got those selected ctrl e mark seam and watch what happens in the UV editor it turns into this space here so we've got all those side faces and the sort of top lip up here and we've got them in a much better line now there are techniques to straighten these out and tied them up slightly but I'm not going to worry too much about that and I'm going to keep things a bit basic for now a quick tip though you can select faces here and move them around with G scale them up with s and maybe utilize the space a little bit better than how it's been laid out so far if you want to select all of these faces you can press L for link select grab and maybe scale up be careful not to go over the edges though if you need to scale in small increments hold down shift okay so that's the modeling and unwrapping in the next episode we'll be texturing with some terracotta textures and some moss in the form of decals so thanks for watching and I'll see you next time
Channel: Grant Abbitt
Views: 72,030
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: understand, texture, paint, learn, blender, tutorials, 3d, art, graphics, game, material, guide, easy, painting, how to, texturing, uv unwrap blender 2.8, unwrap, modelling, low poly, blender 2.82, blender3d, blender 2.8, blender tutorial, 3d modeling, blender 2.8 tutorial
Id: fEXDylc0Rgg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 41sec (761 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 14 2020
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