making school inspired monsters

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hey everybody it's Lavender Town and today I wanted to turn the school subjects into monster designs I haven't done a monster design in forever and honestly I was just dying too so we're going to start with my uh well what would have been my favorite class which is art class I actually never took an art class in high school or middle school um I jumped straight into art school so that's kind of weird I guess but my initial idea for art school as a monster was to do some sort of like ooze paint monster and I started thinking a lot about like horror in artart class and what that could even look like um so I started with this sort of pose I wanted to make it look like she's almost like a god like she could create whatever she wants and I put her in this very powerful stance because of that and then I realized something really cool to do would be to show some of her internal anatomy now truthfully um for reasons I just explained I guess I don't actually know if you usually cover a lot of like internal anatomy in drawing courses in middle and high school but uh definitely Anatomy was one of my biggest most difficult classes in art school and that involved drawing a lot of skeletons and skulls and um muscle striations on both animals and humans it was very educational and very hard it was like the closest that we had to a math or science class I feel like um that in perspective so I definitely wanted to feature some of that in my monster design and have sort of this like hole poking through her where you can see her vertebrae um and part of her pelvis as well uh I just remember drawing skeletons a lot so it was something that made a lot of sense for me okay so I know at this point she doesn't look too special but the reason that I didn't go too crazy with her design is that I knew I was going to go really dramatic with the color um I knew right from the start I wanted her to look like she's kind of covered or made of paint um and I even had some paint brushes sort of sticking out of her pseudo bun in her hair um but I wanted to do some really dramatic coloring I started with this red underpaint color and then I colored most of her skin extremely dark um and then had a pastel rainbow sort of all around um I think this color palette is actually so cute um so I thought it would be fun to offset the like horror of the monster design with this uh color palette that I like so much um and uh I just kind of had her with some like mist or fog from her hands again I was trying to get this impression that she's like she has the capacity to create anything or maybe destroy anything um and I really wanted to give her that sort of sense um I feel like there's a lot of association with artists with like Madness as well so I wanted her to look a little bit wild um a little unpredictable uh I think for better or worse that is a somewhat accurate um stereotype about artist so I definitely wanted to include that in the art class monster design and then I just added a little bit of shine on her so that her paint looks a little more liquidy and reflective next up is math um and I honestly if I had a class that I was actually scared of it would definitely be math uh I always felt like I had a relatively easy time in school and I really enjoyed school um but the one area where I did really have to apply myself and like actually try pretty hard was with math and I'm not exactly sure how that happened I just think it's not something that I had a natural aptitude for um or at very least after I had my like grade skip I feel like I had the hardest time catching up with math versus the other classes where it wasn't as difficult um so for this monster I really wanted to um try to uh convey the complexity of this subject um and I thought it would be fun to have a threee headed monster design um each one has a slash over their face that represents multiplication addition or division um I didn't add subtraction but we're just going to ignore that um cuz the three heads look better I think uh and I wanted them to almost look sort of like uh like a Biblical Angel kind of Angel of Death sort of vibe um I think math has a lot of association with like you know the sacred geometry and and that kind of thing there's there's sort of a uh there's a complexity to it but as well a connection to the natural world that makes it feel sort of um strangely Celestial and otherworldly to me maybe it's just cuz I don't understand it as well um but uh yeah I I wanted to kind of go for that sort of vibe and also the fact that math is one of those subjects with only one right answer so I wanted to include this like feeling of like Judgment of like a deity um because you know there's no there's no wiggle room it's not like art or English um or even science to some extent where you can approach things from multiple different angles it feels like math is one of the most like restrictive in the way that you come to your answer and like there's only one right way to come to it as well which I also think is kind of lame like I know a lot of us had a lot of hacks of ways that we got through math formulas and stuff but um at least at my school you know you had to show your work and show that you were doing it the exact way that they taught you so um anyway it's just one of my grapes about math I guess um I had uh these like rulers in a triangle around the necks of these characters as well I just think it looks cool and I think cuz geometry was the class I had the most trouble with I actually loved algebra it was kind of like a puzzle but uh geometry I just I hated memorizing the formulas and I had a really hard time with proofs and that kind of thing so yeah I definitely wanted to include those um measuring tools and shapes um and I felt like it all fit in relatively well for this one especially because I gone so hard on the color with art class I really wanted to go with an almost completely black and white um color palette and then I had the like slashes or bits of light over their face um a bright red so we're kind of doing that like little pop of color just to make it really really dramatic and I added a little bit of blush on the fingertips and the cheeks um just to make their skin look more skin-like and less just totally like flat and gray um and I honestly really like how they came out I think that they're interesting and while I was definitely not sure about how I was showing division's face with one eye sort of floating up to represent the other dot on the other side of the slash I actually kind of like it and I think it was worth the risk for the next Monster design we're going to do science um science is pretty easy and I I had an idea initially and then uh came across something I think that works even better that I added on to it uh my initial idea was just sort of a mad scientist type Vibe um I think that that's you know pretty pretty normal place to go from here um so I gave her a little like ventilator uh gas mask type thing um for when you're you know mixing chemicals or in my case like in instances where I've done like doll ref facings and certain dealing with certain types of paint um but uh yeah I wanted to give her like the beers and stuff just giving off the impression that she's she's mixing volatile chemicals in the lab um and I gave her a lab coat that's sort of like drifting off um and then I thought of the idea of having her stomach sort of like uh open up like uh like frog dissection which I think is a very classic like uh traumatizing middle or High School assignment when you have to dissect something um back in in the past it's been frogs a lot um I know in elementary school I had to dissect a like a salmon um and the boys in my class uh were like poking the eyes and doing all kinds of gross stuff with the salmon and um I just was not like I I wasn't super like phobic of gross things but I was more upset just about like the dead animal aspect of it um I think I was it made me feel bad so I guess I'm trying to kind of go back into into that uh mindset when I was younger and and get to the horror of that um just the idea of like when you know when you're surrounded in other kids and everyone's going to be really immature and not the most hygienic I think it can be kind of rough um if you're more of a sensitive kid so that's definitely one I wanted to sort of reach to for this design and then I gave her just some sort of zombie esque um kind of green for her skin as well as leaving her irises um sorry not her iris is like her Scalera the whites of her eyes very red um it looks like she's been compromised by some kind of T virus or something um and is now this sort of shambling uh dissected mad scientist so that's what we came up with she's also holding on to strands of DNA this looks so dumb to me now but that's what I went with um and here she is all finished up next up I wanted to do PE or gym class as a monster design uh this one I went more of like a Serial killery Vibe I guess um I knew right away I wanted to have this character holding like a bat in my PE class we did a lot of like pseudo sport kind of stuff um we played a lot of kickball and uh it was very Rowdy and intense um I didn't like it personally I was in my like emo phase for a lot of the time that I was in Middle School and so my clothes were not very good for a gym we didn't have any like gym uniforms so like like I would just have to be running around in like these long black skirts and it was just it was pretty miserable um and we also had like we didn't have time to like shower anything before or after um so I just never really wanted to exert myself that much because otherwise you'd have to sit around for the rest of the day at school um being all sweaty and stuff um I think Jim is kind of horrifying in its own way like you have to change in front of your peers when you're like actively going through puberty which is already like a nightmare and then on top of that like you might get hit in the face and get your glasses knocked off um during kickball which definitely happened to me more than once um but uh yeah I mean uh for this character I really just wanted to lean into the sort of sadistic nature of PE I feel like there is something about it where like all other classes if you're not doing well you know your peers don't really get to see that like your teacher might even flip over your paper so that other people don't see like if you got a bad grade but in PE it's like not only can uh your classmates see that you're doing bad but also like you know it's you're kind of like actively pitted against each other um if uh if you're a kid who's like not super coordinated which I was definitely was not and it was not in a fun Mary Su kind of clumsy way it was like actually like I'm not a benefit to the team so yeah definitely some horror there um I gave him like these tiny 80s booty short which was more just a nod to like horror um tropes I guess and like the outfits of like Johnny Depp and Nightmare on Elm Street um so that's kind of the reference there and also just because these you know gym shorts kind of looks like the outfits that people would wear in gym class at least in TV um honestly I don't know why we didn't have gym uniforms now it seems kind of strange um but anyway uh here he is our sadistic uh gy character uh he has a bat and looks like he's going to hit you with it here they all are together I hope you guys enjoyed this video if you have any suggestions for videos in the future please let me know and I'll see you in the next one a huge thank you to all of my patrons including greius oia lyy Savor roro rayons voral mat Brandon Stark CB Crosby F Lucy amajiki livli salty Jack Rabbit Raven Crow selot te- Hill Music jab Dao kadaria deadly night shade art astral Fox art the expressive Poker Face subaki cutie pie run raincrow ice cream pal Cola JJ Jade and of course le blah BL BL
Channel: LavenderTowne
Views: 193,492
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: art, lavender, towne, lavendertowne, digital, photoshop, cartoon, school, classes, subjects
Id: 0S1_aV622rQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 11sec (731 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 22 2023
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