Making Renaissance Costumes IN ONE DAY[ish]

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oh hey there why so glum well let me guess you want to go to the Renaissance fair but you only have two days to prepare and you're making a costume for yourself and a friend and you have a surplus of curtains and bed sheets you've been hoarding for years that you don't know what to do with yeah well you've come to the right place I can teach you how to sew two outfits in a match what if I'm afraid of needles you could use a hot glue gun but what if I'm allergic to heat fine no don't cry sorry I have a solution for you too you should check out thredup my favorite and the only online consignment store I use you'll love it in fact the outfit you're wearing right now is from thredup this Windsor top was originally 38 dollars but I got it for 18.99 these Zara jeans were originally 45.90 but I got them for 26 bucks and these Franco Sarto boots were originally 127 but I paid 54. but how did you get it on me without me remember who cares about that let's look at some Renaissance inspired outfits this unbranded lace-up top had an original estimated retail price of 25 but I got it for 12.99 and it's being worn over this and Taylor Loft peasant leg top originally 64. but I got it for just 19.99 it also looks great with this top from the brand don't ask why originally 25.99 up price just 10 bucks and why is the brand called that well I don't ask why and probably my favorite piece of all this unbranded embroidered vest originally 51 but I paid half that I also really love this LSI skirt originally 24 but only 14 on thredup okay where are these looks really historically accurate have you ever even been to a Renaissance Fair well most people's goal isn't really to look accurate so much as to look like a drunk fairy that smells bad a sort of dirt bag look if you will I'm just a Dark Age dirt bag baby that's the spirit so how do you use thredup well do you have a phone no check your pits well I usually start by swiping my preference over to women and we're talking about thread up not tender then I filter it by brand usually selecting Zara after that I browse my options and click the hard on whatever I can't live without that's how I found this star address original price 48 dollars but I paid 24. and then my favorite thread up outfit so far I paid 24 bucks for these Sheen pants that were originally 48. I paid nine bucks for this imagination mesh top that I wear under basically everything lately it was originally twenty dollars and then this string cheese like poly top was originally 48 but I only paid 15. 99 and if you want to be a clone of me well thredup has a new feature where you can follow the link in my description and find dupes of the stuff I wear in this video so check out thredup and make sure to use my code Makara for an extra 30 off your first order thanks for sponsoring this video thredup but what if I'm not afraid of needles or allergic to heat and I do want to make my own outfit fine we'll sew some renaissance costumes okay it's time to get to work but I just remembered it's the 21st night of September so [Music] put that grueling first step is over let's make a chemise hello hi you look like a golf assistant after the golf course employee imposter goes upstairs grab some cheap white fabric and cut out two layers that are as long as your body and as wide as two skateboards fold that in half then cut out a little neckline and some armholes at this point it should perfectly fit the robot from squid game make sure you hang on to the chunk you cut out of the neckline because that's going to make your cap later solve the sides of your killer robot dress as well as the top of the straps and fold your entire gigantic neckline down about an inch iron it in place and sew a channel now cut out some gigantic floopy sleeves fun fact the recent Renaissance dresses have such voluminous sleeves because renaissance fair food is super expensive and you're not allowed to bring your own food in and as you know Renaissance Ferris were a really big part of the Renaissance Era hence the reason we call it the Renaissance Era so our ancestors would stuff their sleeves with sandwiches smuggling them into the fair you know I realized recently I don't like giving sewing instructions then I thought I have to give sewing instructions this is my job but then I looked at my budget and realized I have enough money to survive like a year so why don't I just take a year to not do my job well and to use my voiceovers to instead focus on my passion which is lying about history I don't know maybe I'll do a mix of both anyway that little garm only took a couple hours to make then I went to bed with the intention of making an entire peasant costume the next day [Music] good morning not gonna lie I felt rough and even my trip to Starbucks didn't fix it so I woke up feeling a little bit unmotivated and essentially I was in no mood to make a whole dress today but that all changed when I received a very encouraging and sweet Snapchat from my nephew hi makira we don't want to kill you anymore like if you take out the word anymore that's like a totally sweet message you know what they say with a little bit of encouragement and the right outfit you can take on almost anything I feel like this is just not totally the vibe so put on something a little less pairs help a little more somewhere in time anyway let's make that I'm running out of time today I don't feel like I'll have time to make a dress today but I decided to try anyway so my nephew's encouragement wouldn't be in vain got a king-sized bed sheet in half long ways for one side to the side and focus on the other this is your front piece and you're going to cut a little of the top middle away like so this will make the front of your skirt a little shorter than the back hopefully preventing you from tripping and falling headfirst into a Kilted Stormtrooper like a stormtrooper in a kilt you're bound to run into one edit Renaissance Fairs are weird and the culture is really hard to explain if you've never been to one after joining the skirt panels together thou must hem at the bottom of the skirt will be easiest if you do it now people often ask makera why do you have a little quaker parrot bird and I tell him my job involves a lot of pinning [Music] and now you know why God made Birds here I am making a carrying case for my pet tapeworm just kidding it's a waistband that's what it was I gather stitched the top of my skirt then tugged on it till it fit perfectly within that waistband okay now that the skirt is done I'm getting a little please don't hold it against me if I put my sweatsuit back on to make this top lay on some fabric then cut it to fit you or a friend yes you'll want to make a peasant costume for your friend before you make an upper class dress for yourself that way you'll have a maid all day at the Renaissance Fest life hacks oh so and iron everything the way that it goes sew the front and back pieces together like so and while we're on the topic of the word pieces it's racist pieces not Reese's Pieces the word PCS sounds like you're combining the words p and feces and it's not funny I won't put up with it anymore it's currently like 1am didn't work on anything for the whole middle portion of the day because after making the skirt Gary and I went to church because they're really like home then afterwards I went to my mom to watch Married at First Sight with her then on the way home from that I got pulled over why I honestly think because he was bored I got this gut feeling that nothing interesting was going to happen so I didn't record it like I usually do with cop stop and boy was I right nothing interesting happen like you asked my license and then he went back to his car and he was back there long enough for me to read several Snapchat articles about a useless topic I got pulled over so much I was playing never have I ever girl said she had never been pulled over how I have been pulled over probably 12 times I never I rarely commit crimes I did illegally stream the show biking years ago but like on the road they just pull me over and then uselessness ensues I don't understand why well by the time this cop came back his excuse that he gave was my license plate holder was too thick like right it's 20 22. there's no such thing as too thick um anyway he said he was looking for drunk drivers and had I been drinking and I was like no just watching reality TV with my mom like you should be doing right now here's the best part he followed me for so long waiting trying to think of something to pull me over for and then when he finally flippers his little it's right in front of my house I'll probably edit all of what I just said out when cutting your zip ties oh yeah we're adding zip ties is boning don't know if you caught that make sure you leave enough room for the top of your bodice to be folded under and whip stitched when my last machine needle has broken so therefore I live but today I think I clocked a total of maybe four and a half hours and this is what I have done giving me pirate which is completely fine with me with no working needles I had no choice but to sit and relax and watch my favorite movie the oil lamp and force my roomie's dog to watch it with me I spent the next couple days at a women's retreat most of the women from my church stayed in a dorm but I brought my RV because I signed up too late and there wasn't room for me in the dorms that was okay because then I was able to get some work done and I was able to relax in our free time between you know our teamwork drills and our 3D worship sessions that first night was kind of creepy though because I was sitting in my RV in This SUV kept driving by very slowly so then finally I was like hey do you guys want to come in and hang out and they did and it was a good night I was able to stitch down the top of my bodice without feeling so lonely and I know you're like I figured it out those were probably just two ladies from your church nope they're not the next day I went home and added grommets to the front of the bodice from it montage I also added like eight grommets to the back of the skirt because I wasn't exactly sure what Courtney's waist measurements were this way it's pretty adjustable now if you're sensing that there's a story behind my slightly flawed pedicure you'd be correct you see for that bachelorette party I told you about we went to a day spa I really took a shine to the middle aged beautician who was assigned to me but she wasn't so concerned with giving me a pedicure so much explaining what's going to happen to me when a nuclear bomb comes I talked about the idea of adding sleeves but due to a warm forecast coupled with my desire not to I didn't so I did have to take the Hem up a touch So Courtney wouldn't trip over and smash her beautiful nose if she did though be really fitting because apparently her name means short nose next I tried to make straps but I've gone through eight sewing machine needles in two days which tells me it's not the needles it's not the fabric it's probably the shape I'm thinking I'll probably have to go out and buy a new sewing machine and then I remembered we already did that at some point guess because this was in my closet so I'm about to retire this sewing machine and it's honestly a little bit emotional this has been with me since I started YouTube I got this for my birthday when I was 15. and it has literally changed my whole life [Music] my entire life I have now I owed to this machine [Music] foreign [Music] so yeah I did end up making those straps I put a grommet on each end as well as a couple grommets on the front and back of my bodice that way the straps could just tie on and then we were done waiting all the stress is missing something no cap so to make the cap grab that piece you cut out of your neckline make sure it's a Barbie doll length tall and three bananas wide two layers like that sew them together along the edges leaving a little hole open then flip it right side out through that hole iron it down and banish the little hole from existence make a few little gathers on the curved side and try it on if it still doesn't look good try suing me I dare you and we have to make a little back for our cat because back before the Elizabethan era humans couldn't grow hair in the back of their heads they always had to wear head coverings to keep their head warm don't believe me try to find a photograph from before the year 1600 that shows someone with hair on the back of their head I'll literally venmo you 20 if you can the only other thing I did on this outfit was throw a few stitches of embroidery floss around every single grommet on that holding bodice it may have been time consuming but that slight bit of accuracy it added was totally worth it I went to bed with the intention of making this whole dress the next day it's morning time actually it's like 4pm spent the first half of the day putting glitter on my face and staring at this mark on my pinky because I went to bed with a rubber band on my braces and I woke up with it on my pinky and I have no memory of why now if we're gonna make this whole costume in a day we just we can't but we have to spoiler alert it took like 18 hours split up over the course of two days friendly reminder if you're hoping for this week's extremely historically accurate well what's that you want to see pictures of my grandkids oh my reference photos now you're going to want to violently and passionately bang your scissors against your lining fabric leaving you with two layers that look like this and two layers that look like this and you're going to cut out a third layer of each out of a fancy fabric for mine I'm using some thrifted curtains um but just for the record when I do have grandkids I'm gonna dress them like this by now I'm sure you've guessed exactly which era we're going for that's right Dad the tutor era after adding boning channels in between the two layers of your lining fabric aka the part that won't be seen slap the layer of fancy fabric on top of that okay here you see me laughing at Garian because my new sewing machine makes a sound that he likes to try to imitate and here you see me feeling 40 more Superior than usual my classic tutor A-line skirt was comprised of three curtain panels after sewing them together I cut the middle one in half thus giving us two big panels to eat them in a most regal manner till they fit inside a waistband that you cut to fit your waist perfectly throw a sheet on a bird then throw on some comfy clothes in which you will whip down the top of your bodice while watching a show with a sweatpants clad lad perforate the back middle edges then when adding ground comments use someone else's hands while tending to the blood blisters you gave yourself from hammering your own thumb so many times fun fact a long time ago I was going to use this green velvet to cover the couch in my RV but I felt like it was too special for that so then I was going to use it to make a coat but I felt like it was too special for that then finally I decided I was going to glue it to the wall in my RV bathroom like make it wallpaper but then I couldn't find it for like two years so I used a different wallpaper in the little RV bathroom and alas I just found it this week how can you hear a story like that and still not believe in God now if you're attempting to travel back in time 12 years and get a job designing costumes for the early 2000s tutors you can just like stop here but if you wanted to look a little more actually tutor take a strip of fabric finish here here then after that you're gonna sew it here here now carefully yank out the bed sheet from beneath your roommate's sleeping body you're going to use it to make a sleeve mock-up or if you're like me a eight and a half mock-ups and even then I didn't get it right not that night anyway I tapped out after about nine hours of work that day then the next day it came to my attention that my dad still hadn't seen the last video I put out suffice to say from the 11 minute 20 second mark on he really enjoyed it thanks Dad I needed that it's the final day of the project first we're gonna finish the sleeves and then it's time for the fun part no not paintballing the elderly accessories and decorating what do you think about that let's start back in on those sleeves so you know I usually use one of those wrist pin cushions today I didn't put it on however muscle memory did not get the memo there you know I should have taken that as a sign because the day was all downhill from there remember this the oversleeve is supposed to be cream and the Bunchy thing was supposed to be the green velvet I made a mock-up Bunchy thing and tried tracing it onto the green velvet and there wasn't enough to make two of them so either I had to hack one of my arms off or start over on the sleeves and reverse which fabric went where am I health insurance deductible is really high so amputation is off the table unfortunately that means we're starting over when cutting this shape I recommend you curve the top part get you am I kidding you're not making them sometimes a heavy velvet fabric like this does not want to hold this doesn't want to hold the ironedness so my trick for that is to place a heavy book on it right after you iron it and leave the book there till it cools down it's a big historical fashion book this is a Bible and I know you're probably thinking it's sacrilegious to use the Bible like that don't worry if it's just the message version probably grand total of four people who thought that was fine now I didn't have enough of the cream curtains left to make the underpuff but luckily I had a tablecloth that looked very similar I'm standing here and I'm singing It's so fun to sing that was Joe testing my new microphone and here I am gluing yet another fancy fabric into the inside of my sleeve just in case they show a little bit is it a sleeve or a shoe for bigfoot that's what the fur I'm gonna shoot straight with you guys attaching the sleeves to this was a nightmare I've had more fun waiting in line at the DMV I've actually had some really good times in line at the DMV [Music] it's time for the moment we've all been waiting for it's time to decorate foreign a lot of trims to choose from because not only am I a bit of a hoarder and a sewer but my grandma was too so I have two lifetimes worth of trim to go through anyone ready to play tennis I'm not because it's 2 A.M but I'm not allowed to go to bed because we're leaving for the renaissance fair tomorrow so guess what we're gonna do with one of these tennis visors we're going to make some French hoods a term originally shortened from French hoodlum that's a lie named after Ann Berlin who was French also alive and was famously a hoodlum did you know she was killed on my birthday that's surprisingly true to make a French Hood you need only hot glue and a Severe passion to drench a tennis visor in all manner of finery this is a great way to finally use up some of those fancy tiny scraps you have now we must cover the back with some black fabric just like the noble women of the time did in a way to sort of make believe they could grow hair on the back of their heads with that we're finally finished let's take a look back at our sketch to see how the final product measured up oh drats we forgot the jewelry I had some time to gather a few Little Gems the next day before we took off on our trip and I'm glad I did because it's there that I met Cody and how did you find me I saw your car and I followed you like a total cream he was genuinely not creepy though and my favorite person I've met in a long time tonight we're heading to the town where the Renaissance Fair is going to be I almost forgot my Farthing Gale and I was like oh and then she tried to pack a candle you don't know what a farthing Gale is do you kids these days am I right you have any other messages if you walk in an empty they're gonna clean your cup look at this girl we were in Goodwill and we were checking out and this girl ran up to me and she said hey I feel like you would like this and it was a pink jacket and I was like oh thanks and I do like it that was underwhelming after hiding the historically inaccurate fact that you have hair It's Time to whip out your Farthing Gale Don your draperies and fashion that French hoodlum for the grand reveal foreign [Music] to get serious and make the short film we came to make once upon a time there was a sweet young Forest maiden and a rich fancied very cruel woman her cruelty was due to a bad mood and her bad mood was due to the fact that she lived in the Renaissance Era which smelled very bad one summer day their paths crossed upon seeing the disgust of the rich woman the forest woman felt dismay until one fateful day she ran into a forest elf man Joe what are you doing he informed her of something she could do to earn the approval of everyone and could you bunny hop over that bench she immediately felt a change within her as Elegance ran through her veins not long after she ran into the rich cruel Maiden again and this time she was met with something different respect I hope you all learned a valuable lesson from that story oh I did let's see what Shenanigans we can get into an empty stage after that show which I can't believe you just got to see for free it's time to see what other diversions would strike our fancy one is this not the cutest freaking Curts you've ever seen we saw all sorts of bizarre people at the Renaissance Fair like these guys okay but really though we did see some weird things like Woody the cowboy we passed a Star Wars cult meeting we passed some perplexing costumes we passed some impressive costumes and some really really impressive costumes and he had that co-overs jeans jeans boots with the Spurs with the Spurs and then using children as their little personal workout tools disgusting I decided to take up a seat on one such ride deciding that if I could keep at least one child from being used in such a way it would all be worth it it wasn't then I engaged in some meaningful conversations [Music] the wheel of death was almost as fascinating as this couple that watched the whole thing laying down hold up did that guy just spit on them takes all sorts to make world I guess anyway as impressive as all those attractions were I was really determined to find some more historically accurate entertainment excuse me do you know where the public execution I had the privilege of meeting several of my loyal subjects subscribers how long do you think it took me to make my dress 18 hours what's your favorite thing about the Renaissance Festival chicken leg chicken legs oh now I see why she was a fan of mine this is Rebecca okay doesn't she have like the perfect face for historical drama where both the farmer guy and the rich guy are in love with her I wish I had a historical face but it's okay I have a really good 50 pounds of makeup face what's the weirdest thing you've seen at the Renaissance one guy got hurt and just kind of laid down a giant ax to the back we saw him walking around later so he's okay oh that's good is there anything that you want thousands of people to know I'd like to share that I was extremely preoccupied during this interview because it was in that moment that I realized I hadn't seen my purse since I accidentally left it with this guy so sorry I was so distracted Rebecca hello Rebecca's mom who's alive we're gonna have to try to find my personal making a drawstring purse is essential for hiding modern beverages oh I'm crap I wish I could afford this it's a once in a lifetime opportunity right there lastly we fangirled over meeting the queen at this moment I reflected on how thankful I was for Courtney and I's friendship oh it's never really changed changed and I hope it never does what do you say Courtney with that we exited the gates and bid farewell to the Renaissance Fair ah look how happy this guy is I climbed up a thing from that vantage point I spotted our giant steel Chariot oh there it is and we all drove to a restaurant and after that we drove home oh wait so it was the weirdest thing you saw at the Renaissance Festival there was a beer night what do you think the weirdest thing he saw was I don't know let's ask him that's the weirdest thing you've seen at the Renaissance stairs oh man I see some like plague doctors those are kind of creepers that's what my dog went out by the way so to summarize the craziest thing I saw was the beer night the craziest thing the beer Knight saw was my dad so that begs the question what was the craziest thing my dad saw well we may never know I think it's safe to assume that it was this guy who insisted on putting lotion on my hand but that's not the crazy part he could speak a secret language and do you make this yourself everything is handmade Hearts do the bees consent to that yeah did you give me a little uh he likes my dress no I just said that I just gave you all 50 states in alphabetical order that's so impressive can you do the alphabet backwards now is so talented back to the beer night the competitive side of me needed to know which one of us was the better costumer last question how long did it take you to make this three hours this guy's the winner of the congratulations your prizes my whole YouTube channel which can eternally hovers close to 2 million subscribers but never quite reaching it that's your prize as well as the sick discount code to thrive and remember that code is we care now everyone follows a link in my description check out thread up where I shall Smite ye [Music] [Applause]
Channel: Micarah Tewers
Views: 952,784
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: renaissance, medieval, dark age, fair, fest, faire, ren, 2022, 2023, quick, easy, diy, beginners, funny, mikara, makara, tours, sewing, sustainable, peasant, corset, tudor, anne, Boleyn, Elizabethan, royal, gentry, upper class, interview, bee, speak, fashion, style, ootd, thredup, dress, gown, costume, cheap, inexpensive, hack, makira
Id: 9gbScp1JVN4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 57sec (1317 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 12 2022
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