Making Procedural Bubbles in Cinema 4D

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hey guys and welcome back it has been a while and i really apologize for not uploading but there's been having so much stuff over the last couple of months for me and i really want to share it with you guys so first of all got a new camera and i'm freaking loving it so as you probably saw i was at off festival in barcelona and i met some of you guys and thank you that guy that called me the tutorial guy you're awesome dude so so yeah it was really fun going to our festival and so if you guys want to meet other fellow motion designers then definitely go next year to off so the third thing i've been doing is taking some vacation and really getting the creative juices flowing again so that's also important to remember get your creative juices flowing by stepping away from your computer and getting some inspiration so let's get into the topic today the topic today is how to create procedural bubbles soap bubbles in cinema and this technique is really nice because it's procedural so you can alter everything and it will still look pristine so without further ado welcome back and let's jump in to the bubble tutorial [Music] so here in cinema we're gonna make the procedural bubbles so first of all let's make a sphere that's gonna be our bubble i'm gonna quickly change my viewport so we can see the bubble better we are going to choose the last mode here which makes triangles so this is important for the effect so what we need to do is set the segments to 32 and that is going to be our starting point so now we need to create a cloner and we need to clone these bubbles out into a grid so we have this and then we need to duplicate by holding down ctrl dragging duplicating this sphere and we need to go inside of the cloner we need to check the object mode and then we choose the sphere so now you can see all the clones are cloned on to one sphere so now we need to separate these balls a little bit all these bubbles so i'm gonna make less bubbles i'm gonna make 10 and then with my cloner selected i'm gonna choose a pusher part and as you can see it pushes all the clones apart i'm gonna hide my sphere up here let's call it cloner object and let's play around with the pusher part so the pressure part we have a range here or a radius and i'll just set it to 50. i think that should be fine so we also want some variation to the size of these clones so we're quickly gonna put a random effect on it and we need to play around with the randomize so let's turn off position let's turn on scale uniform scale and let's set it to 0.5 oh maybe that's a bit too much 0.4 and then we can go inside of our sphere or our bubble let's actually rename this bubble so if we turn down our push apart i can see that we also need to turn down the radius of our sphere object and let's keep the push apart on again here let's turn the radius down to five maybe arch one and now we can just play around with the seat of our randomize so i think this should be good we have some small smaller bubbles here and we have some big bubbles here all right so now we need to create the mask and the whole setup to make these bubbles look a bit nicer because we don't want these intersections as you can see inside of them where we have spheres intersecting and i can even show you better if i do this you can see all the spheres are intersecting and it's not looking great at all so let's jump back and let's do the procedural bit and let's make this bubble look a bit nicer so for that we need to create a instance of this cloner and we do that by selecting the cloner and then selecting instance so now we get this instance here let's first of all group all the things so we'll group our our effectors then we'll group this and call it mask and then we'll call this group this also call this objects all right and the clone object we can just put inside of here so now we need to work on the mask part so let's put the cloner inside of the volume builder like this and let me just switch modes and we can see let's also turn off the cloner instance so we can see what we're doing with our with our volume so let's set the volume size to two and as you can see we don't have these parts of the sphere that are inside they get masked off so what we can use this volume builder for is a fields mask so let me just show you how that works so if we create a smooth deformer we can put it inside of our object group here and i can just turn off the volume builder or actually hide the mask and unhide the cloner instance and then i can show you what's happening so the smooth is just shrinking the whole thing and if we make the smooth like a hundred iterations you can see it's really getting small and we can even increase it more to make it even smaller so let's set it at 100 again let's put the stiffness down and let's go into the fields options on our smooth deformer let's drag our volume builder inside of our fields options and let's choose the volume object and as you can see something just happened so let me just explain so our volume builder as you can see is covering all the part of our object right now so this volume builder is actually a mask and it's actually saying to our smooth deformer you should apply the smooth here and not outside here so the problem with gut right now is that our volume builder is the exact same size as our cloner instance so how do you get the volume builder to be smaller without losing its position so there's actually easy way to do this first of all i'm just gonna turn off my smoothing so you can see what is going on and inside of my volume builder i'm just gonna select dilate and erode and as you can see it actually did the opposite of what we wanted it made it bigger so that's because our offset number is by standard or by default plus 5 and we actually needed to go the other way so it just should be -5 and as you can see if i flick between our instance object and our volume builder you can see the volume builder is inside the instance right now that's actually what we need because we only need the inside polygons to be selected and not the outside polygons so let's hide our mask here let's turn on our smoothing and what happened well we did miss one important step so here in our smooth deformer inside of the fields tab we need to put a invert and as you can see it fixed our problems and now we get to refine this and as you can see it's a bit jagged right now and it really isn't what we're looking for so we're gonna increase the resolution so we can throw a subdivision surface on our cloner instance right here let's do that and as you can see it almost fixed all the problems so now we have another problem because if i go to my other view here you can see we still have curvature inside and we really want it to just be aligned with these two spheres are meeting each other so i'm gonna go into my smooth deformer and i'm gonna increase the iterations to 300 and let's just wait for it to update and as you can see it got closer but not close enough so what we can also do is we can go into our volume builder and we can set the voxel size even lower to make the point where it breaks even sharper and let's just wait for this yes here we go and we need to move the offset a bit so let's say -2 and as you can see these points up here move closer to the original point we wanted and i even feel like we can do with a little bit less subdivision so let's set it to one on each of these and as you can see we got a plane that's going right down the object so where it's meeting the other object it's totally flat but i think we have a problem now because we still have some gaps so let's go back here and let's put this down again to minus four maybe and minus four seems to work perfectly so if you want to increase the resolution even more i would suggest that you put the whole object group inside of a subdivision and let's only set it to one because otherwise it's a bit too much so as you can see right now we have some great geometry where it's meeting really organic and we still have a smooth bubble so let me just go and grab some lighting and some materials and let's test it out so i've just imported a material here i'm actually gonna show you in part two how to make this material and i also imported a hdri from my hdri pack so let me just preview this for you guys and let's see how it looks so yeah guys i've just played around with this for a little bit and i finally found something that could illustrate the effect really nicely and yeah you can see i have the material here and we have these nice intersections between all of the bubbles and it really makes it look like real bubbles instead of spheres intersecting with each other so that was it for this procedural bubble tutorial and if you guys like the video then please push the like button underneath the video and if you have something to share with me maybe you made your own bubbles then dm me on instagram the link is in the description and yeah if you want to buy my light pack i also have that that's also in the description if you want to meet other fellow motion designers and creative people we have a discord channel and you can go in there get some help from anybody and it's really a fun time so thank you for watching the video this month and hopefully the next video is gonna come sooner than later but all i have to say for now is just adios it has been very nice to see you guys and stay creative [Music] you
Channel: Lukas Thorup
Views: 16,502
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cinema4d, redshift, C4D, After Effects, Dynamics
Id: m2f3HfLgm3U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 33sec (933 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 13 2022
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