Making Pine Tar and Its Uses

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foreign you guys another primitive living skill today this doesn't necessarily pertain to survival this pertains more so to uh primitive living or making your own varnish or stain that will preserve wood okay so what we need to do here to make this which is called pine tar we need to locate a downed Pine okay like this one here it's a good eight gold down Pine which means that all these lower branches on this Pond here you can see they run all the way down here okay those are what you want and the reason being is you want fat wood for this project so what I'm going to do is I'm going to go through and I'm branches off and get as many as I can and then we're going to split them down and process them over here and all this excess up here that we're not going to use becomes our firewood because we're going to need a good hot fire in well Pine branches burn really hot and quick and that's the kind of fire we're going to need so we're going to gather a whole bunch of this and I want to bring in show you what kind of wood you're looking for okay if you look in here I'm going to go ahead and just shave a little bit off this see if we can't find what we're looking for there it is okay if you see right there it's okay when you look down in here you see where this goes you know I'll take some from up here so you can really see if you look here you can see in the camera that this goes from lighter to darker to darker well this good orange color is what we're looking for so we're going to cut these branches off and we're only going to use from here to here in our uh a batch for pine tar but we want to even when we go even lower down here you'll see the difference okay we're going to come even lower down here you can see that this one here has got even more in it I mean that's beautiful right there let me bring you in so you can see okay just coming down you know what are we another eight feet down the tree that's what we got and that's what we're looking for right there that's fat wood okay whether you're using this to carry in your pack to start fires in wet conditions or not uh this is what you're looking for okay that good deep orange color I'll bring you back over here you know another eight feet up the tree you can see that this one doesn't have that deep orange color all the way up it's got a little bit down here you can see where it started right there but this one here now that we get down this tree it's getting a lot darker so Focus your time and energy on those ones use your excess as your firewood easy job you can see I've got that much more to go down this thing I've got plenty of pine trees you know downed all over me that's why I chose this area I knew that this was here so if you know where there's some pine trees you can make yourself some pine tar foreign tree when it fell looks like it broke this tulip popper here so you know what that means that means we got some Tinder here it's up in the air still on the tree so we'll just peel that off got ourselves some Tinder okay guys so I want to get this fire going before I get too in depth if anything so I'm gonna kind of break all this tools pop her up dry stuff at least and uh you want to get your fire going because you need it you know at least 400 Degrees to get this to work so what we're gonna do is get our fire going well I'm getting the fire going I'm gonna explain what everything is if you haven't already seen pine tar made um you need a couple metal containers I happen to have a big five gallon uh metal bucket which is perfect for this if you want a good yield okay you can use small coffee tins and tin cans and all that but you're not going to get as much yield okay and then I have my handy dandy uh pot down here buried in the ground that I use for you know making dye and this kind of thing right here okay that's going to be my catch now I poked few holes in the bottom of this you don't need a hundred now another thing poke your holes from the inside out don't poke this way because then you're going to create a burr there and your you know liquid won't run out it'll just sit there you want it to so it'll flow out nice and smooth poke From the Inside Out okay and then the next step really you know besides getting my fire going open this up now I like this because this container seals okay you want it to seal off it's kind of like uh char cloth in a way okay see just a nice big empty container that fits perfectly on top of that okay so I'm gonna just leave that open get my fire going here and then we will uh we'll begin the process of tearing down our fat wood into little little tiny staves just little little kindling is all we want okay now when we get this fire rolling we're going to want to build it all the way around this thing we're going to build a big fire okay so I'm gonna get all that up in there I'm gonna get me some of this Pine here and around okay this is you can bring a big blast jar and that can hold your pine tar when you're finished the last thing you really need just a quick tip guys um if you're trying to build a fire all the way around something uh best thing to do is before you put any wood down throw some tender all the way around underneath that's what I did with that excess tulip poplar and then I'm grabbing the leaves on the top surface here which are still somewhat dry you just tuck them all the way around your pot here what that does is just create something that the flame can catch and then it'll set your kindling on fire okay guys I'm gonna throw another little tip in um you know with smaller wood like this sometimes it's tough to split it you know unless you have your knife and you're batoning it like that but I like to do things quick and a quick way to do that is just you know smaller wood splits easier but you don't want to do it like this and wrist chopping your hand off okay so lay it on its side okay hit it and it'll split just like that okay and then you just turn your Hatchet finish the job okay come back over here hit it you can probably hit it a couple times split it a couple different ways once you're down this small you just grab and pull if you can if not hit it again you've already got that piece split down to a whole bunch okay that's just a little quick tip I'm going to give you on splitting smaller wood like that it's a lot easier than batoning every single piece and you don't beat your knife up and use your Hatchet okay and then you don't chop your fingers off foreign guys got a huge pile of fat wood split up here fire is good and hot now we need to just place it in the barrel you want to try to get them up and down because that Sap's going to want to run up and down okay we're just going to shove all this in here kind of fit it together like a jigsaw puzzle and then we really got to seal that top off that's why I like that lid because it closes well okay because if you don't this stuff's just going to start on fire on you same concept as char cloth if you remember how to make charcoal okay so we're just gonna pack this guy full like this if you guys didn't have a seal like I do okay I have a Rubber seal in there and everything and it's probably going to melt a little bit but that's all right um you would want to pack mud around this okay just seal it off really really good okay um this will be all right as is but that's just another pointer you might want to try if you don't have Success With It uh but that there is uh all we got to do so there we have some pine tar guys okay I'm running out of daylight here so I'm not gonna be able to make as much as I wanted to today but all we do is just repeat this process here and fill that whole jar up and have ourselves a good amount of pine tar and just do it the next time you need if you're in a good place where you have a place where you can just leave this stuff and maybe stash it stash it okay then you have yourself a place to make pine tar and you can see its consistency it's real it's like oil okay it's sticky and what we're going to do here is just kind of go over some of the uses okay Pine tire is good like if you were to have a wound or something it's good for sealing up a wound um it's good for you know antiseptical properties just like pine sap you can use the two together ah it's the biggest thing that you know a lot of people use it for is for sealing wood okay it will preserve wood seal it and uh it's kind of like a stain you know like a like a finish that you would put on on wood today that you'd buy at a store but it's you know made from nature so you take a little more Pride into it now what I have here is a piece of cordage that I Just Whipped up here out of this tulip poplar um nice little piece of rope what we really want to do is dunk it when it's when it's hot like this so we can get the Rope saturated in it okay after we dunk it you can see that it uh coats that like so but that's a good way to keep your ropes from rotting okay you just put some pine tar on your rope that you weave out in nature okay primitive living that's one thing that would make your life easier if you want to make rope and make it last because you know how hard it is to make a lot of rope you just dunk it in some pine tar that'll help make it last turns it into like a bank line now you could also use it on paracord paracord is not going to rot but it will help make it sticky okay having Pro I've had a lot of people have problems with the bow drill and getting it to stick to the spindle well that's one way to do it is uh just by simply dunking it in some pine tar it'll stick to that spindle when you're using your motions and it won't slip on you that's that's just another tip there all right we went over that pine tar will preserve wood and we went over the pine tar can seal a wound and help with that antiseptically uh pine tar will also waterproof things you know maritimes would use it for boats waterproofing boats and ceiling Boats off so we can use it in that sense we went over dunking rope to preserve rope keep it from rotting with pine tar we can also use it in this sense okay pontars flammable like a candle okay so once we dunk a piece of rope it's going to burn like a candle and I brought this out here this is just a old can from an old tiki torch you could carry these in your backpack they're lightweight weighs nothing doesn't take up that much space and you know you keep the old Wick in it like this fill this thing up with pine tar and you gotta you got some oil to refill your torch with I'll be using pine tar down the road here you'll see me use it when I make my Osage bow and maybe some other things that I'm going to use it on so we'll go over that down the road but there was how to make some pine tar
Channel: Rambooutfitters
Views: 406,692
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pine, pine tar, pine sap, fatwood, tar, wood, bushcraft, primitive, primitive living skills, survival
Id: PCYxKzkpI3M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 42sec (882 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 04 2015
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