Making my own PNP (print & play) book! | 10+ PNP Roll & Write Games

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hey friends it is Jenna what is up and welcome back to the board game Garden today we are doing something a little bit different and this is something that I've been wanting to do for so long I if you guys do not know am a huge fan of Roland rights and there is a huge group of Roland rights a bunch of different role rights that are considered print and plays if you do not know what a printed play is it is more of an affordable way for you to get a board game some Publishers sell print and play versions of their physical board games some Publishers just full on publish a print and play and you purchase the files and then you download the files and then print and cut the files some of them include cards and stuff like that but all of the print and plays that I'll be showing you today are all like roll and write print in place so all of these are just files that you purchase for a pretty um small amount some of these were like five dollars um ten dollars for like a bunch of different print and plays in one if that makes sense three dollars one dollar some of them are free um so yes all of them all you have to do is print them out um I did laminate them I'll be taking you guys along um as I show you how I did this whole thing um obviously you guys can tell by the video that I am making a or I already made a print and play book um I just wanted to put all these print and plays together and just have it as this little book and I'm going to show you guys that after but yes all you need to do is print out these things have some dice available and um if you do laminate them have like dry erase markers if you don't laminate them um then you have the files to print over and over again and just use like pens or markers or pencils anything you want so yes without further Ado if you guys want to see how I went about making this print and play book all of the different printing plays that I put in this book then just keep on watching I will say this took me a very very long time and we will go through it all but it was very fun um the like crafty part of me absolutely loved this bringing my craft loving heart and my board game loving heart together and it just made me very happy so yes let's get into this video if you guys want to see my print and play book and I'll print the plays that I put in here just keep on watching give this video a big thumbs up if you enjoy Also comment down below any other print and plays that you guys know of specifically print and play Roland writes I don't know if I will ever get into those like print and plays where you print out all the cards and just a bunch of like components and stuff I think I would prefer to stick to just print and play Rolling rights um so let me know if any that you guys know of um also hit that subscribe button if you get to do so we'd love to have you here in the garden and without further Ado let's get into this video shall we so the first thing that I did when I wanted to start making a print and play book was obviously I needed to find some print in plays that looked good to me and I wanted to purchase or just get if they were free and I found a bunch of them I just looked on social media on Board Game Geek they have a bunch of different like forums of print and plays there is some like print and play Facebook groups and stuff like that also a little shout out to my Discord Community if you guys are not part of the board game Garden Discord I always have an invite link down below if you guys want to join but we have a full-on print and play Channel where there are so many people there always posting about different printing plays and that's where I got most of mine that I have here in my book but there's also a few different videos here on YouTube of print and play games there's not as much as I wish there was so I'm hoping that me starting to make more videos on print and plays will allow you guys to be introduced to some um but yes I went through and I got a bunch of different printing plays I believe there are 12 here in the book right now but the nice thing about the way that I made my print and Playbook is that I can expand on it so I can continue adding more as the time goes by so I'm excited about that um but yes I just got all of the print in place together that I wanted all of the files I purchased them and what I actually did you don't have to do this but um my background I went to college for interior decorating and we learned a program called InDesign which is typically used for like formatting different um like like documents newspapers magazines that sort of thing and what I did is I actually sized everything to the same size and unfortunately the one thing that's bad about this is I formatted it to a size that is different than the the way that I have it now and you guys will see I'll talk about it after but I had to switch my plan a little bit so the size of the print in place that I printed out is a little bit smaller than the way that I put the book together if that makes sense so that was a little thing that I had to like switch up my plan and for but I formatted it all and then I got all of the printing documents already you can just print straight from the files that you get when you purchase or when you download the print and play but I decided to put them into like a complete document of all the printed plays all the same like size sheet and stuff like that and then I started printing them all so I just printed these on some standard eight and a half by eleven paper but I did cut off a section of it like I said I kind of made them smaller to fit into another book but it did not work so yes did that printed them all out and then I did cut them into the size that I wanted I also left a little bit of space on the side on the left side in order to punch holes to put it into a binder but again that did not work out because I did it in a very weird size with a very weird binder that had very weird holes not like a standard three ring binder it was like an eight ring binder and I was thinking to myself that maybe I would be able to just punch single holes myself in all of these pages but it was just not worth it and it was very hard to like line up all the holes so I ended up doing it a different way so after I did cut all the sheets they were all ready to be laminated which lamination for your print in place is like the best thing ever because you only have to print out one of that specific sheet and you can use it over and over and over again without having to print it over and over again when you play it multiple times you can just print it once have that laminated sheet use a dry erase marker and it is just great so yes thumbs up to lamination I got my laminator from Amazon it is just an Amazon basic laminator and then I got I think like a hundred pack of laminating sheets um also the Amazon Basics brand and I think in total I think the laminator was like 30 something dollars and then the laminating sheets were like 15 or something like that so it was a total about 50 60 maybe and it has been well worth it so far and now I just have it for all of my print and plays which is awesome so I went through and laminated everything single one of those sheets I will say now that I kind of wish I laminated them double-sided but I didn't really think about that but I could have laminated them double-sided so that I could save on space in my binder but once I was finished with the laminating I did have to go through again and chop off all of the excess laminations on the different sides I will say that this whole process did take me like two days which is a long time but I think it's well worth it because now I have an entire binder of 12 different rolling rights that I can play some of them have multiple different maps and different things some of them are like campaign and I'm just so excited to dive into all of these and just have them here in this book but yes once I was finished with cutting off all of the lamination pieces I was originally going to go through and punch the holes like I said I had a specific binder that I wanted to use and my plan was to just line up the holes on one sheet and then use that sheet as a template for the rest of them and it just was not worth it I think I had like after everything was printed like 50 sheets and I was not gonna go through and punch eight holes in all of these 50 sheets because that would have been like uh it would have taken forever and I am a perfectionist so I wanted all the holes to be perfect but they weren't lining up perfectly so you guys will see that there are a few sheets in here that I did start to hole punch and it was just not working out so what I ultimately decided to do is I decided to get a normal binder just a three ring binder that I had just around the house I will say that I think I want to get a more aesthetically pleasing binder in the future I might just get like one of the plain white binders that have the um like clear film that you can put something on the front in the back and I might make a little design of like the board game Garden print and Playbook or something like that um but the one that I have right now is just this guy right here that I used in college and I just took out everything that was in it before I have a bunch of the clear sleeves and I just put all the different print and plays into their own sleeves so what I can do now is I can actually just open this up find the page that I want take it out of the sleeve and then have it there to play I will say I do have all the rules on my computer so I will just open that file on my computer have the rules there and then have the print and play all ready to go so that is pretty much everything for the process of Designing the little file purchasing all the print and plays designing the file printing them out cutting them down to size originally was going to have them in a smaller binder and then laminating those cutting the lamination was going to punch the holes did not do that put them in sleeves and that is the process and putting them in a binder I am so happy with this like I said I do want to get a better looking binder for the future this is just like a blue one not a huge fan I think I might just get like a plain white one like I said but yes that is the whole thing I am going to show you guys now all of the different print and plays that I have in here there are I think like I said 12 in here um I don't know how any of these play so I'm pretty much just showing them to you guys so that you can look them up yourself and see if there's something that you enjoy um but they are all rolling rights and some of them have like campaign elements to them some of them were from Kickstarter some of them were free um some of them were on Kickstarter but are now on sale just on their separate websites um they are all pretty much in the Discord channel in the print and play section so definitely go check that out but without further ado let's get into all of the print and plays that I have in my book all right so starting off with the first print and play this is voyages which voyages and aquamarine are two of the most like talked about print and play Roland rights I've heard a ton of good things about them they're both from the same publisher which is Poshmark no postmarked games I think um but yes voyages is one where you're going around a map and I don't know anything other than that from the gameplay so it comes with five different maps that you can play and then I believe there is like a campaign mode that I still need to print off so I'm going to put that off as well but we also have aquamarine like I mentioned this is again one where you're going under the sea and you're I believe drawing different um or like xing out different places to do different things there are I believe three different Maps there's these two as well as this one here which is two sheets it's like a bigger one so I had to print it on two separate pages there is this one here which this is a pretty new one that just recently came off of a Kickstarter and it is called a where a wayfarer's tale um so this one I'm excited about again it's like a hexagon map where you're going around and doing different things and I believe there is also there's like a second page where you have like companions that you're doing things with as well and then there is a solo campaign mode here as well we have next up is shoe tactics I believe um I don't know how this one plays but I absolutely love the art in this one um there are three different Maps so there's the first map that comes with this separate sheet here and then there are two additional Maps as well and I do believe there is an additional one that's similar to this one but it's like Christmas themed and this one actually shoe tactics actually has a bunch of different character cards so I printed out these and laminated them as well and there's an additional one which is Santa so you have Santa as a character and you can print out this map that's like more wintry and Christmas themed so yes that is shoe tactics hopefully I am not getting the glare I'm trying to like position this perfectly so you guys don't get any glare but next up is Dice and divination or divination divination this one is one that I'm so excited about I am a huge fan of like tarot cards and palm readings and spirituality and stuff and this is five different Roland rights that are all themed around spirituality so you have Tea Leaf reading palm reading you have tarot card reading bone casting as well as an astrology wheel rolling right are you freaking kidding me um next up we have the ghost loves candy to roll in Fright this one I have played before I did a whole stream on playing all three of the Rolling rights but it comes with haunt The Block um boo Boogaloo Boogaloo as well as tricky treats these are fun Halloween inspired or Halloween themed rolling rights um that I really enjoyed as well um those are from 21st century games and all three of those rolling rights are three dollars you get three different rolling rights for three dollars which is fantastic um this is a free one but I found on BGG and a few people on the um print and play channel on the Discord mention this one this is Ada Lovelace Consulting mathematician so you're rolling Dice and putting in different um polyamino shapes into this map here very excited to try that one out we also have Sunshine city which I don't have the full Sunshine City I just got like I think there's like one free map that you can get but they also just recently came out with like a a generator so you can actually make up your own Sunshine city map and it's a print and play again I believe it's more of like a resource management kind of rolling right which I think I would absolutely love so there's a possibility that I might end up foreign oh no dogs are fighting dogs are fighting everyone um but I think I might eventually get the full um thing of sunshine City because I think it's one that I will really enjoy um this one here is another free one called Roland cook um and I think this is like my favorite one like just the look of it reminds me of Wok and Roll but instead of making um like Korean food or um Japanese food you are just like owning a restaurant and like cooking food there's a bunch of different like food types and it looks very fun um so yes excited about that one there's also catnip which is another free one that I found as well this one is obviously about cats and you are putting in different polyamino shapes as well into this area I think you're doing different patterns too and just filling in different spaces around the cats which I think is cute um so that is catnip and then we also have Corinth this is the print and play of Corinth the Roland right I believe you can actually get this one physically um but I just printed out the print and play of it um and it is free I believe so that is that sheet there and then lastly I think this is the last one this is dungeon Pages which huge shout out to the publisher they actually did send me the files for this one but this one is really really cool I haven't played it yet but a lot of people in the Discord again have been talking about this one and I'm super excited um this is dungeon Pages you have a bunch of different dungeons that you're going through um each dungeon has different things um you guys can see here this is where I started um punching them but I stopped doing that there are six different dungeon pages and then there is actually six different characters that you can play um those are all of them in there but these are the different characters again I um you can like mix and match which ones you want to play with which dungeon and I printed these out and limited needed them as well so yes and I believe they all play like slightly differently and it looks very funny each have like their own weapons and stuff and their health and experience and ability it looks fantastic so anyways yes that is everything for today's video that is everything for my print and play book journey I'm so excited to learn about more print and plays I'm excited to dive into all of these print and plays and I'm just so happy to have these all in one place and have them available to me to take out and play I'm just so so excited so hopefully you guys enjoyed this if you did give it a big thumbs up also comment down below like I said any other print in place that you guys know of I'd love to know hit that subscribe button if you've yet to do so we'd love to have you here in the garden and yeah thank you guys so much for joining I love you remember you are somebody's reason to smile and I will see you guys in the next board game video bye friends [Music]
Channel: The Board Game Garden
Views: 15,142
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: board games, board game, tabletop games, the board game garden, board game garden, TBGG, jenna rose, jenna rose board games, print and play, PNP games, free pnp games, print and play roll & writes, PNP roll and writes, 10 pnp games, voyages, aquamarine, roll and cook, ada lovelace, catnip, dungeon pages, sunshine city, shu's tractics, dice and divination, a wayfarers tale, ghosts love candy too roll and fright, corinth, print and play board games, pnp board games, pnp book
Id: _i5NjMXm5YM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 4sec (1144 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 19 2023
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