Making My Own ChatGPT Bot + Business Using This Ai Tool For FREE!

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Geeta GPT, Kisan GPT, Startup GPT, Recipe GTP and many other custom GPTs you might be seeing. And OpenAI had provided a service to make their own custom GPT a few days ago. But the problem was that they had to pay for it. And if someone uses our GPT, they would have to pay for it too. Only then they could use it. We accept YouTube ads. Don't stop us by giving us premium. So today we will make a cheap, beautiful, durable chat GPT bot. Thank you. Look, first of all, chatbot doesn't mean that you have made it and started earning money. Chatbot is a tool that helps you interact with your users. And the chances of you selling a product or service increase. But we will implement some more complicated situations in it. And we will learn how to make a business from the trend that is going on today. So we will go straight to Droxy AI. Droxy AI is a free forever tool. You can see all the core features in it. In their free plan. Now before using the machine, it is important to know how it works. Suppose I have created a database of my entire YouTube channel or content. In which my written blogs, podcasts, websites, audio, video everything is there in which I have told about business trends or ideas. Or how to scale, I have told about them. Now I have made a drive link of all those things. So that a beginner can know small secrets to enter the business or content industry. Or he can get a path. Now I have two options. Either I will pay or free that drive link and distribute it to people. Or make a chatbot of it. Where you have any question related to my channel or videos. Or related to business or content, you can ask that from that chatbot. Because that drive link in which all these things were present. That Droxy AI converts it to chatbot and gives it to me. If I tell in simple language, then my own AI avatar will give you answers. Now for example, I go to chatGPT. Alex Hormozy who is one of the big business creators. His scaling techniques are very famous. So if I ask his learning from GPT, he will say that I don't have enough information. Or I don't have enough data to tell you about it. But generally, I tell you what people do. Now what is missing here? Data. If I make Alex Hormozy's AI chatbot. And if I ask any question on his basis from that chatbot. Then Alex Hormozy's AI chatbot will give me answers according to his personality. Now by using this, business, content creators, teachers, educators or managers can also use it. So let's know how does it happen? First of all, we will sign up or login. A dashboard like this will open in front of us. So first of all, you will go to resources. If you click on the add option, you will get to see 4 types of resources. If you have any resource from your device, your audio, video. Then you can upload it. Or you can use YouTube video. If there is a link of any website, you can paste it. Or you can write any raw text which is a blog. So as a resource, what data you want to provide, you have to put it. For example, let's take Warren Buffet's chatbot. Click on upload. And here it will start uploading. But in free plan, you can put only limited data source. But they are effective. It works for us. Now the resources we have made, we have to implement it in chatbot. So we will go straight to the chatbot's option. Click on add. Select the resources we have put. Or you can add from here too. Now we have to decide the persona of chatbot. How chatbot behaves with you. Or what should be its personality. So below on the configuration tab, you will see 4 options. As an assistant, chatbot will answer you. Or in the form of a coach, or as an advisor or expert, it will answer you. And what should be the tone of chatbot? Humor, friendly or formal, you can select that too. Or you can tell your behavior yourself, how you have to behave. Tell this too. You choose your AI model. But in free plan, you will get 3.5 GPT version. Now you have to go to the accessibility option, private, public or password protected. You can select that. By the way, password protected has an advantage. You can monetize it later. Are you getting it? Now we will design the chatbot's interface. You can customize your chatbot's interface by putting its name. Or by writing a welcome message. That whenever a user types, he gets a welcome message first. Or what color themes should be inside your chatbot, you can select that. You can add your chatbot's logo or emojis. Now our chatbot is ready. By clicking on the create option, you can use and test it. Simply here was Warren Buffet's chatbot. So you will get answers according to their basis and personality. Now if you have a business, you can integrate it from your website. You bastard, you were saying that it is free, so what is this? Droxy AI is a free forever tool to an extent. Now assume you are a content creator. You can connect it from your Discord or website. And WhatsApp and Telegram's option is also showing coming soon. It's good if it comes. I will tell you one more way for this. If you have only one niche, then you can convert your YouTube videos into chatbots. Yes, let me tell you one thing that only when YouTube videos have subtitles, it can work. So if your user has any problem in YouTube videos, or you have told any tutorial, or you have told something in any podcast, then on the basis of that, users can ask questions from your chatbot and they will get answers. This is good for teachers and education platforms that run on YouTube. But now you will ask me what is the benefit of this? What is this? Where is this? The first benefit is your personal interaction, which is made with your audience. And second, instant customer satisfaction. Now for example, assume you have made a course that I will sell it as it is. But the situation we have seen now, which is going on in the market, there is a little problem there. So is this course right or not? What is it providing? How many things is it providing? Will it fulfill the promises it is making or not? People have to know this now. So whatever privacy policy, refund policy is in your course, what is this course? How is this course? Who will teach? You will not tell all these things to each customer. So make a big PDF of those privacy policies, disclaimers, and submit it here. It will become a chatbot. And if a customer needs to ask a question, then he will ask from that chatbot. And he will get the same answer that you have written in the privacy policy. So there will be transparency too. But if I give you the best idea with which you can make a chatbot, and maybe, maybe, you can earn income from day 1, then it is a niche of one chatbot, we call it Indian Labour Laws. So the entire PDF of the Indian Labour Laws is available. Now assume you have prepared a whole database, where there is everything about Labour Laws, which you should know. And if you want to take an action and want to know whether it is right according to the law or not, then you can ask from that chatbot. And the chatbot will tell you what actions you should take according to the law. And later on, you can monetize it under the locked content. You can also make your content. How can you do that? So there are platforms like Cosmofeed, through which you make locked content and monetize it. But there is one more free thing that I have not told you. This video where I have made a whole business plan. If you want to go into the creator economy of 2024. I will meet you next year. Till then, be busy in the new year. Happy New Year.
Channel: Busy Funda
Views: 30,583
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: busy funda, custom chatgpt, making custom chatgpt, custom chatbot, how to make your own chatgpt, how to make your own chatgpt website, chatgpt bot whatsapp, chatgpt bot telegram, chatgpt bot discord, chatgpt bot for website, how to make own chatgpt bot, how to make own chatbot, how to make your own chatbot discord bot, business ideas from chatgpt, how to do business with chatgpt, how to make whatsapp business chatbot free, free chatbot for website, free chatbot for whatsapp
Id: GybnD9krid8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 42sec (462 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 31 2023
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