Making My Kitchen Work For Me // Extreme Kitchen Clean Out & Re-Organization

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[Music] welcome to my kitchen you'll have to excuse her she's looking a little bit rough I've been in here this morning making Bagels washing a bunch of dishes and just you know generally moving around the kitchen as I do but that's okay because today is the day we start giving her a real good clean in the last year and a bit since I last deep cleaned and cled this space I've been doing more sourdough I've been doing some canning I've been learning how to bake a lot of stuff baking a lot of bread Bagels things from scratch and I've been using this kitchen a lot more there are areas of this kitchen that are functioning great and there are areas of this kitchen that I'm realizing just are not working for me anymore and I need to clean it and change it up I'm also realizing there are a lot of things in here that I can part with so today we are going to deep clean and deep declutter my kitchen we are going to be thorough we're going to go into every single look and cranny as I move around my kitchen I've been observing these areas and trying to figure out how I can make these function better for me first thing is going to be decluttering unnecessary things the second thing is going to be rearranging a few things and thirdly I did invest in a few things I spent a couple of evenings happily browsing through Amazon and a few other websites looking for organizing tools to make this kitchen function better for me and now please understand it is absolutely not necessary for you to spend money on things like this in order to have a neat and organized kitchen I've invested in a few of these kinds of things over the years but ultimately I've made do with a lot of stuff I just had on hand baskets from the thrift store and I'm still going to be doing that there are a few items that I felt would really benefit me in the kitchen and so I just Splurge a little bit and I am so excited about it and I will link those things down below if this is something that interests you as well but it is absolutely not essential most of the products arrived yesterday there's still one more thing coming and I've got a pretty solid plan of how I'm going to make these things work and how these are going to function for me and in this video I'm going to show you how I do that and how I completely rearrange and declutter deep clean my kitchen I've been so eager to do this but I've also been a little bit overwhelmed because this is a huge job and I don't know where to start I think I just need to pick a place and start there let's say the Pantry we'll start with the pantry hold on giant big a flower this my pantry this space is wonderful and large and I am so grateful for it but there are some areas in here that I have been struggling with got all my like baking supplies here these Susans are the best thing ever I've got oils vinegars some pastas and oats and rice and salad toppings like this functions really well it's the bottom two shelves that I'm finding I'm struggling with they don't have much organization going on and the organization that I do have isn't very organized I'm a huge fan of lazy Susans in the kitchen but in this space they're not really working we've got this basket that honestly I don't even really know what's all in here there's like some pastas I think there's some nuts some dates just random stuff and I never look in it because I forget about it because it's tucked way back in this corner where I don't see it and so if I don't see something I don't think about it and I forget about it down here we've got snacks and that might seem like a weird spot for snacks but I wanted the snacks to be accessible to my children that hasn't always been the greatest thing though and so I think maybe if we just move them up one shelf that might be a little bit better so that the littlest ones don't have access to it but the older ones do and then there's just random things like I've got a bunch of legum and plentils and stuff like that that I've used for crafting and sensory things got vinegar some oil some flour and as I was browsing on Amazon I came across what I am hoping is going to be the perfect solution for this space sliding shelves I measured and we should be able to fit three of them in here they're going to sit in here and then I can pull them out I'm so excited about this so I think one of these is going to be for like cereals and breakfast stuff one is going to be for snacks and the other one is going to be for like this bin right here and then I found a matching potato SL onion bin which is going to go perfectly on this bottom shelf here and then I think these I got as a wedding gift so these have been around for a while I used to use them for flour and sugar then I stopped baking so much and I started using them as like potato and onion bins downstairs but now we've come full circle they're going to live back upstairs again between these things I think this is the perfect storage solution for the space and I'm so excited to get started as I decluttered each cabinet I took the opportunity to wipe down my entire kitchen inside and out with my favorite non-toxic cleaner Branch basics who is so kindly sponsoring today's video okay look if you are someone who is wanting to live a more non-toxic lifestyle if you're someone who is wanting to simplify your life and the way that you do things on a day-to-day basis maybe you're a mom who is so tired of scrubbing those stubborn stains out of your kids clothing you might want to tune in for the next 2 to 3 minutes while I rant and Rave about one of my most favorite companies in the world because it might just change your life and I know that sounds dramatic but I'm not kidding when I say that Branch Basics changed my brand Basics is a non-toxic cleaning company I mean they are made safe certified they're leaping bunny certified in fact their ingredients are so clean that it is the only product I trust washing my baby with their system is so well thought through you don't need a ton of different products you only need this one concentrate and its partner the oxygen boost with these two products you can clean everything in your home you can clean your floors your laundry your baby your tile grout you can C your dishes how it works is you get one concentrate this is a multi-purpose concentrate it's basically just like a concentrated soap that's going to work for everything that you needed to do simply mix this concentrate with a little bit of water and you were good to go in fact this one bottle of concentrate is going to give you three allpurpose bottles three bathroom bottles actually hold on let me go get mine so I can give you a visual you'll get three of these bottles of allpurpose spray three bottles of bathroom spray three bottles of streak free glass cleaner three bottles of of Foaming Hand Soap and one bottle of laundry detergent all of this from one bottle of concentrate I use this in multiple areas of my kitchen I use it in my floor mop when I'm mopping the floors I actually use the Straight Up concentrate right in my uh soap container as my dish soap and Zach was just telling me the other day how much he loves this stuff because no other soap he's ever used has been able to get the grease off of his hands like this stuff does I use this to spray down my entire kitchen inside the cabinet outside of the cabinets the table the countertops the microwave I even used this combo to clean out my stove a while back when I was pregnant with anab the oxygen boost is the most powerful stain remover I've ever used making the switch to Branch Basics is what got me started on this whole journey of being more intentional with what I'm taking into my home being more aware of toxins that are in our everyday products and it really opened my eyes and got me started on this journey of detoxifying our life and living a more simple life making more things from scratch it was just this big wonderful spiral effect that I don't think would have taken place had we not started using Branch Basics you can actually use my code ly life to get 15% off starter kits there are a number of different stutter kits that you can choose from this is my personal favorite this is the premium starter kit in glass and it has everything that you could possibly need to clean your entire home and then after the initial purchase the only thing that you should ever need to buy again are refills of the concentrate and the oxygen boost which is where their handy subscribe and save option comes in if you subscribe to these products you can actually get 10% off each order head on down to the description box to get all of the details and I want to say again a huge thank you to Branch basics for sponsoring today's [Music] video [Music] w while the top part of my pantry was working really well for me I did take this opportunity to just rearrange a few things I put flowers in different containers and I put chocolate chips in a different container and I just switched things up because I realized now I'm using a lot more flour and more chocolate chips and and more sugar and so it just needed to be rearranged a little bit this was also the perfect opportunity to restock anything that I needed to [Music] restock [Music] oh [Music] yeah so the pantry is done that was a big job that took pretty much an entire day now we're going to move on to the rest of the kitchen first thing on the agenda is I need to find a home for these containers currently they don't have a home I've got some drawers down here some nice big drawers where I keep most of my containers so we're going to go through here next I also have things like pumps and milk bags and stuff that I just don't need anymore because we are no longer in that stage postpartum we're going to start here and I think we're just going to keep moving throughout the [Music] kitchen [Music] n [Music] St [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay we're doing good and we're making progress but this is where I'm struggling I'm trying to categorize everything according to first of all category um second where we use it within the kitchen and then thirdly how easy it is to access I'm a short person so having something way up high in the top corner cabinet is very hard for me to reach I can't reach above the fridge I can't reach in a lot of places and so things that I need to access frequently I need to have close to me on my level but trying to make all three of those categories work together in a harmonous way is very challenging I move things around a little bit this is all my bows I'm I'm actually donating quite a few of those and then up there were you know like serving dishes but I use my serving dishes quite frequently so I need to move those down a little bit I thought it would make the most sense to have all my plates in one spot but I've realized over the last year of using it this way this maybe isn't the best use of the space well I do enjoy having all of my plates in one spot like it makes sense in my mind I don't think it's the best use in this space because these plates we don't reach for very often it's only when we're hosting a lot of people this up here is an easy cupboard for me to grab I want to move things here that we don't reach for very often somewhere else and move something here that's easier to reach so I'm thinking moving these plates to that top Corner possibly decluttering a few PES as well and then up here last time is where I put like extra coffee cups and our drinking glasses I'm going to move some of those glasses into here just to make things function better it's a whole thought process like decluttering and reorganizing and making things work just takes a lot of thinking ooh that's pretty I like it got fat Wings very nice oh I like it looks like a snowflake in the middle of a snowflake that's funny it looks like a [Music] pineapple [Music] St [Music] okay we're doing really good this half of the kitchen is looking very neat and organized much better than it was looking before this is a collection of stuff I have not yet found a home for but I have an idea of where they're going to go and it'll be on this half of the kitchen and this is donations that I've collected so far and I haven't even gone through half of the kitchen yet the Morning Light in here is so pretty okay I would say we are about halfway done this kitchen um it's taken me a week I've been working on it here and there when I'm able to and I'm hoping to be like 98% done today I am still waiting on one more thing to arrive in the mail so I can't fully complete this project until that's here but I think we can do pretty much everything else I'd really love to get this stuff stored away and off my counter and I'd really love to get this big box of donation sent out as soon as possible because it's just taking up space in my kitchen what we've done so far is feeling really good I've been working in this kitchen and using it and it's functioning really well the pantry still looks amazing even the kids have been able to maintain it really well so now we have this little section to work on here and then like the spices and jars and my medicine cabinet and stuff like that on this side ooh side note I did a little DIY this weekend I made some Cafe curtains I also made a matching sink skirt it's cute all this has been done now we are moving on to this side this is our homeschooling cupboard probably not going to touch that but this is our utensils and then a big random storage cupboard this corner has always been very challenging because it's a wonderfully large storage space but it has a very small opening so it's very hard to get into it's just very awkward for now I'm just going to use this as a space where I store things that I don't reach for often but I I still need I don't want to get rid of let's just do [Music] it something else to note is that this is also a cupboard that my children can access and for some reason this Popsicle mold is one of their favorite things to play with and now all the pieces are missing so maybe things like this I'm going to find a new home for where they can't reach [Music] it [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh all right we've gone through this one we've gone through this one I also went through my medicine SLT cabinet next we're going to move on to here so this is where I keep jars and my jar collection has gotten a little bit out of hand but I reach in here daily like multiple times a day so I want to make that work better these I'm also thinking I'm going to move over to here where have mugs because that just makes the most sense and then I'll put those serving plates up [Music] there [Music] all right the last big area I want to tackle today is my spice cupboard this area has been one that I've been struggling with lately it just doesn't stay neat I'm reaching in here constantly and it gets messy so quickly not to mention I don't even have enough spice jars for all of my spices so they're just kind of like overflowing everywhere and I realized I had one of these spice racks downstairs it's an antique spice rack and I think it is beautiful right here this wasn't my original plan for this face but I think this is what's going to be the most practical for me so I think I can fit eight spice jars on here I'm going to have my eight most frequently reached for herbs and spices here so I don't even have to open the cupboard and then in here I got these guys I saved these from the pantry so I'm going to repurpose them for this shelf and these two fit perfectly right here any spices that aren't going to go in there are going to go in these and then it's just going to be really easy for me to reach them and grab them quickly also I did buy some new spice stars and I'm really excited about it there's something so very satisfying about organizing spices came with a bunch of stickers and a bunch of really cute spice jars I went for something that looks a little bit more vintage and they fit perfectly right in there I can actually get 12 spice jars in here that's significant I'm so excited about about [Music] [Music] [Music] that I actually ran out of spice jars so I didn't end up getting to finish all of this but we got a really good start I have some more jars coming in the mail and I think this is just going to make so much more sense in my kitchen plus I've got an empty shelf up here now okay the last two sections I have yet to do is this one and this one I did kind of do this one already off camera I just did a little bit of rearranging so I have this instant pot and before I also had the slow cooker here but I'm finding I'm really not even using that because an instant pot also slow Cooks it does everything so I decided I don't need that guy anymore and I'm just going to use this one and then back here we have the air fryer which is going to work really nice because whenever I use one of these appliances this is where I put it so it will be really nice to be able to take it out and just put it on the counter then I also move my pots and pans over here they were in this spot previously and these things were over there but I have a different plan for this hi that's going to be so distracting okay so for a long time I have struggled with storing my baking sheets and muffin tins and stuff like that because the way that I store it is stacked on top of each other so it makes it very challenging when I need the bottom one to take out the bottom one and to put it back so I'm going to try storing them vertically instead and I'm hoping this is going to make it easier to keep organized easier to access and and maybe even give me some more storage space these guys came in the mail a couple days ago these are like wire racks or dividers that you install right into your cabinet I wanted something that was going to be good and sturdy going to do a little bit of rearranging here but my plan is to have three of these dividers in here to better organize the [Music] stuff yeah this really is not ideal that look really heavy [Music] yes [Music] we've got all the cupboards cleaned out and now we're working on a few small countertop things that I've been wanting to do for a while Zach just installed some hooks we could hang up some of our mugs and get it off of the counter which will free up some counter space and then we've got just a couple little antique things that we've been collecting like this Matchbox holder that we want to hang up just to add a little bit of character to our [Music] kitchen this is a really heavy box and there we have it another kitchen declutter in the books honestly I'm surprised and impressed with myself like that's quite a lot of donations this box is full like to the max it is stuff full of things like cups I didn't need lots of kids dishes some mixing bowls some things like that the cabinets used to feel so cluttered and it used to be challenging for me to even reach the things that I needed to reach but now everything has a proper place I even have some free space in my cabinets now and everything just makes sense I'm also very glad that I did end up investing in a few of those organizing pieces because they've made such a huge difference in how my kitchen functions again everything is linked below if you want check it out thank you again Branch basics for sponsoring today's video and I'll see you guys in the next [Music] [Music] one
Channel: Loeppkys Life
Views: 91,364
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: loeppkyslife
Id: xqzDZk8hXYU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 52sec (1732 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 14 2024
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