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Channel: David Dobrik
Views: 30,380,064
Rating: 4.9329085 out of 5
Keywords: david, dobrik, vlog, vlogger, tiktok, charli, damelio, charlie, jason, nash, comedy, reality, buttons, nicole, sherzinger, dolls, vine, viner, how, to, dating, boyfriend, girlfriend, first, time, surprise, surprising, reaction, scare, scary, react, cringe, challenge
Id: 03oX9OPZlw8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 20sec (260 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 18 2020
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
LMFAO at Scott catching on fire
This Vlog was great even if it had an awkward flow
Well that was fun
I canβt believe Tana didnβt cash in on $10 mil!
this vlog was more random than usual hahaha
is anyone else so anxious FOR zane?!? i hope those hair plugs are still there !!!!
Anyone else love when David says "get the FUCK outta here!"
The two celebrity appearances were a bit off, and I think that's the complaint with this vlog. The TikTok girl didn't say a word (they didn't really talk to her), all she did was laugh. Nicole's bit started okay but the skunk part was a flop.
Something is off about this vlog, idk why