Making Music with MIDI | Music Production for Beginners

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MIDI has become a big part  of modern music production.   With MIDI you can turn a simple instrument  like a keyboard into almost any instrument   you can imagine. In this video you'll learn  the basics of music production with midi   and what you'll need to start making  music with MIDI in your home studio.   But if this is our first time meeting, my  name is Kyle. Welcome to Audio University. MIDI is an acronym for Musical  Instrument Digital Interface.   It's been around since the early 80s  as a way for controllers, sequencers,   and synthesizers to communicate. Essentially,  it's a language spoken by music production gear   that allows us to store, edit, and modify musical  performance, control, and clock information,   such as pitch and velocity, as well as some other  characteristics and settings. The signal flow of a   MIDI system is somewhat similar to the signal flow  of an audio system. There are devices with outputs   that can control other devices with inputs.  But the MIDI itself isn't capable of producing   any sound. To create sound with MIDI, you'll need  a sound module. A basic MIDI system consists of a   controller, a sound module, and an audio output.  By sending MIDI data from the controller to the   sound module, the sounds stored on the module will  be triggered and played through that audio output. One of the biggest points of confusion for  beginners is understanding the difference   between a MIDI controller and other types  of keyboards. Let's take this synthesizer   and this MIDI controller as an example. Remember  our three basic components: a controller, a sound   module, and an audio output. The controller and  sound module are built into this synthesizer.   All you need to do is connect the audio output  to a powered speaker. Now, I can turn it on and   start making sounds. On the other hand, the  MIDI controller is just that: a controller.   That means that we need to add the other two  elements in order to make a full working system:   a sound module and an audio output. If I turn on  the controller and start playing with nothing else   connected, we won't get any sound because the MIDI  controls aren't going anywhere. This is critical   to keep in mind when shopping for a keyboard. If  you want built-in sounds, you should go with a   synthesizer, a digital piano, or another device  that has a sound module built in. If you buy a   MIDI controller that doesn't have sounds, you'll  need some other equipment to complete your system.   Many synthesizers and digital pianos can also  act as MIDI controllers, so while they could   be used as a standalone system they can also be  used to control sounds stored on other devices. Let's take a look at how I would set this MIDI  controller up to create a full working system for   producing music with MIDI. This particular MIDI  controller has a MIDI input and output with 5-pin   DIN connectors. If I had a MIDI interface, I could  connect these inputs and outputs to my computer.   To keep it simple, I'm just going to use a USB  connection instead. All I need to do is connect   the controller to a computer with a USB cable.  Once the controller is connected to the computer,   I can open my DAW or recording software. I'll  be using Reaper, but the steps that follow   will apply to mostly any software. I'll navigate  to 'Options' and then click 'Preferences'. Within   the 'Preferences' window, I'm looking for  'MIDI Devices'. I can see that the Axiom   Air 49 is listed, but it's not enabled. To  enable the controller, I'll double-click it   and select this check box that says, 'Enable  Input From This Device'. Now I'll close the   'Preferences' window. Next I'll create a new track  and set the input of that track to be all channels   of the Axiom Air 49. Now the software is set up  to receive MIDI controls from the controller. By   engaging the record arm on this track, I'm able to  see levels when I play the keys on the keyboard,   but I still don't hear any sound. Remember,  we need to add a sound module to the system.   In this case, I'm going to use a VST virtual  instrument, called Waves Electric Grand 80. If   you don't have any virtual instruments, check out  my suggestions in the description below this video   and in the full post on the Audio University  website. I'll set this up just like any other   plugin by clicking the 'FX' button on the track  and navigating to the virtual instrument I want   to use. Now when I play the keys on the keyboard,  the MIDI information from the controller triggers   the sounds in my VST plugin and I hear those  sounds play through my speakers. In this case,   my audio output device is a Focusrite Scarlett  2i2 interface and a pair of studio monitors,   but you could also use a pair of headphones  connected directly to the output of your computer.   Just make sure that, in your DAW, you set it  up to utilize the correct audio output device.   Once you've got your MIDI controller set up to  control a virtual instrument on your DAW, you can   record the MIDI information onto the track you've  created. The workflow is the same as recording a   microphone or any other instrument. With the track  armed, I'll simply press record and start playing.   Here's another thing that makes  MIDI so incredibly powerful:   I can make adjustments to the performance after  recording. Clearly, I'm not the most skilled   keyboard player. So you can probably see and  hear that I made some mistakes while recording.   By double-clicking on the MIDI recording,  it opens up a MIDI editor window. Here I   can adjust the pitch of the notes, the timing  of the notes, and even the velocity of notes.   Now that I've cleaned this up  a bit, let's give it a listen.   Alright, after listening to that a few times   I've decided that a different  piano sound might be better.   Any adjustments I make to the VST instrument will  be automatically applied to my MIDI recording.   I think this one might be more fitting.   From here, I can add another track using the same  steps as before. I want to add some bass guitar,   so I'll load the Waves Bass Fingers VST and  control it with the same MIDI controller.   Then I can do the same thing with drums  using the Steven Slate Drummer plugin.   This is a free version of the plugin  that you can download right now   using the link in the description. Trust me,  even this free version is extremely powerful.   Okay, I could keep going on like this for hours,  but nobody has time for that. As you can see,   it's pretty simple to create a full song with  any instrument imaginable using just a simple   keyboard controller like this one. It's not just  musical performance information that can be stored   and manipulated with MIDI though. You can also  use MIDI to control other parameters inside your   software. For example, let's say I want to use one  of the knobs on my MIDI controller to adjust one   of the virtual knobs on my virtual instrument.  First, I need to go back to my MIDI device   settings, double-click on my controller, and  enable input for control messages. Then I can open   my VST and click the 'Param' or parameters button  in the top right corner. I'll select the parameter   I want to control under the 'Learn' tab. Now I  just need to adjust the knob on my controller   that I want to control that setting in the VST and  the system will automatically make the assignment. So, I've dialed in my song and saved the  session to an external hard drive so that   I can show my friend on their system. I connect  the drive to their system and open my session.   To my disappointment, I see the MIDI recordings  but the sound is completely different. Well that's   because my friend doesn't have the same virtual  instrument plugins as I do. So while the MIDI   performance data is still in the session, the  sounds are not. To prevent this from happening,   I need to render my MIDI performance to audio on  a separate track. While I won't be able to make   adjustments to the audio like I made adjustments  to the MIDI before, this will save an audio file   of the sound that can be played on any computer,  regardless of the VST plugins on that computer. If this video was helpful, hit  the like button and share it   to help the video reach more people and remember  check out the full post for some recommendations   of my favorite VSTs for making music  with MIDI. I'll see you in the next one.
Channel: Audio University
Views: 110,515
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: music production, music production for beginners, music producer, midi, midi keyboard, midi controller, how to midi, midi basics, midi for beginners, music with midi keyboard, how to use midi, midi setup, midi controller setup, midi keyboard setup, virtual instrument setup, virtual instrument, vst, how to make music with midi, music production with midi, midi keyboard vs digital piano, midi controller vs keyboard, midi controller vs synthesizer, midi explained, midi music
Id: 4revAw3lT4g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 27sec (567 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 02 2021
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