Making MOST VIRAL YouTube Recipe❣️Simple Chocolate Mousse

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(gentle flowing music) - Greetings my beautiful lovelies, it's Emmy. Welcome back, today I'm gonna be making a recipe that might be the most viral recipe here on YouTube. Well, that's just according to my friend Maria over at La Coquette. If you don't know her, she's so enthusiastic and energetic, and happy. I'll put a link down below to her channel. I first learned about her a few years ago when I was researching a recipe for elotes, which is a beautiful corn on the cob recipe that has mayonnaise and cheese, and spice. It sounds strange but it's absolutely delicious. And she made this recipe, and I had never heard of it. This is supposed to be the most viral food recipe here on YouTube, with over 41 million views. And it is for a Japanese style chocolate mousse. The thing is beautiful. It's shaped like a half cylinder. It has a very smooth, glossy, chocolatey finish. And when you wobble it, it jiggles. It just looks beautifully decadent, gorgeous, and just aesthetically very pleasing. And if it's easy enough, it might be a perfect little thing to make for Valentine's Day because, somehow, Valentine's is associated with chocolate. I dunno how that came to be? I suspect chocolate manufacturers had something to do with it. But, I can't exactly confirm that. If you can, let me know down in the comments below. So, the recipe I'm using today comes from HiroMaru CooK TV. I'll put a link to their channel down below. It's also the recipe that Maria followed as well. So, let's go ahead and get started. You need two tablespoons of hot water. Now, this is a volume measure. So, not all measurements are in grams. Okay, 15 grams of un-sweetened cocoa powder. To whisk this up. (whisking) Oh, that smells so good already. Oh, yeah, look at that look at that luscious paste. (bowl thuds) I love chocolate. 100 grams of chocolate. And we want to grate this up. I like using a bread knife and just taking little chunks. (chocolate crunching) And, if you're curious about any equipment that I use, I will put a link down to my Amazon store where you can find links to the equipment. This is a Mercer high carbon steel bread knife. Very inexpensive. I think it's about 12 dollars but, I love it. Super sharp, super great. Easy, no frills. Works. Like it. Cheap. Yes. I'm doing this on a piece of parchment paper so I can get all these little bits and they don't stick to my cutting board, y'know? I've done that, yeah. (chocolate crunching) We're going to take 40 milliliters of water and eight grams of powdered gelatin. Plain gelatin. And we're going to bloom it by sprinkling it over the surface of the water. And basically, this is just re-hydrating the gelatin. In a saucepan on medium heat, we're going to add 250 milliliters of milk. This is whole milk. Right into the pot. Then we have 200 milliliters of heavy cream. That's going to make this taste good. 30 grams of granulated sugar. 50 grams of condensed milk. We want to bring this up to just below a boil. Now we're going to add the cocoa powder paste we just made. Get all that in there. I know there are some people out there that don't like chocolate but gosh, I really like chocolate. As a kid I wasn't a huge fan of chocolate. But as an adult, I love chocolate. And whisk that in. (whisking) Okay, that dissolved nicely. And now we're going to add our 100 grams of chopped chocolate. (chocolate pouring) And once this is dissolved, we're going to turn off the heat. Here is the bloomed gelatin. So now it's absorbed all the water and I'm going to put this in the microwave for about 10 seconds so it gets nice and liquidy, so we can add it to this beautiful chocolateness. Add the gelatin to this chocolate mix. (spatula scraping) Now we're going to pass this through a very fine strainer, to remove any chunks. (relaxed hip-hop music) Luscious. Got some ice in here. Add some water to it. (water sloshing) And settle our bowl right into here. (ice sloshing) And what happens is the gelatin starts to set up. And then we can pour it into our mold. This mold is really cool because (mold thuds) it contains these pieces. This little beautiful golden silicone mat. Mine has a dent in it. I hope it doesn't mar my mousse. But that's a product defect I think. On this side I have like this dot. I dunno. Oh! This is made by Silikomart. Place this into your mold like this. Oh, it also comes with this mat. Isn't this beautiful? So it comes with this golden, faceted mat, so you can make a dessert that looks like that. (excited exhale) Amazing right? It looks so beautiful. And then we've got these two side pieces, we wanna make sure that the text is on the outside. Place those in here. Now we will place this part of the mold. And we connect the two pieces together. So there is our mold, ready for our mousse. And look at the consistency of this. So it's sort of an, in between a gravy and a pudding. But it looks delectable. Ooh yes. Beautiful. So I've got a little piece of parchment paper here, and I'm just gonna set this right in here, so it sits right on the surface of the mousse. (paper crinkling) Now we're going to place this into the refrigerator and allow it to chill overnight. So, I shall be back tomorrow to see how this turns out. Okay! See you tomorrow. Alrighty, my lovelies, I am back. My mousse has been chilling in the refrigerator. And now it is time to un-mold it. So, let me go grab it. (footsteps) Here it is. And if you've ever seen me try to un-mold things in the past, I tend to have a little bit of difficulty, because it often involves gelatin and warming the gelatin, and some kind of tray of water, and then inverting it, and then I'm always doing this, trying to get the thing out. But this, I think, will be a very different experience, because, we're actually going to be able to pull the silicone mold sheet away from it, and not have to do any of that crazy shaking. (soft plucky music) Like so. Pretty neat. And now we're going to remove this little bit of parchment here. (dramatic music) Ooh, this looks softer. This does not look good. Look. It stuck a lot to that. I really hope this works. (disgruntled sigh) I dunno, we'll just have to see. (laughs) So now we're going to take our plate and moosh this down a bit. All right, here we go. Flip. (dramatic music) Ooh. Release. Remove this, remove this. (sighs loudly) Okay. Oh my gosh, it totally worked. (gasps) Yes! (laughs) It totally worked. Look at it jiggle. (plate thuds) And I was concerned because I had a little dent right there, on my sheet. That that would appear on the actual mousse, but it didn't. It's pristine! Oh yeah! So! The edges on here need to be cleaned up a little bit, but the surface on the top of this, beautiful. (triumphant music) Now we're going to dust it with a little bit of cocoa powder. Alright, and now, for the moment I've been waiting for, finally to slice this beautiful mousse. Knife, ready, here we go. Oh, it slices beautifully. Oh, yes. Ooh, yeah. Alrighty, so, let's give this chocolate mousse a taste. Finally. Okay, scoop some of this. Oh, look at this texture. It's so wobbly and jiggly. Alrighty that's a huge bite, here we go. Itadakimasu. Mmm. Oh, that's nice. It's got a very cool sensation in your mouth. It's a lot like pudding. It's very soft in texture, smooth. So it holds together more than just a chocolate pudding, but it has that same smooth very dairy to creamy, rich flavor and texture. Just a little bit more solid than pudding. And when I mean pudding, I mean what we mean pudding here in the US, not what they mean pudding in the UK. It's not a bread-like sensation, it's much more like a custard or like a flan texture. Mmm. And it's cool, and because we used a combination of milk and cream, it has the richness of ice cream, and a beautiful flavor of dark chocolate. The amount of sugar in this is perfect in my opinion. It's not overly sweet. It's lovely. Absolutely lovely. What a beautiful dessert. And I'm just going to eat this whole little piece right here. Mmm. That is so good. And, relatively easy to make. And you certainly don't need a fancy mold, you could easily make this in a loaf pan, Pyrex dish, anything, that you would make, say, a jello in. I think the added height is nice, I think it's great for presentation rather than having, like, a pan of this. I think this would also be lovely as individual servings. Like if you had a little small custard dishes, or ramekins. (spoon scraping) I think that would be really nice too. Yum! (spoon scraping) That is so stinking delicious. So, lucky for me, I've got a whole bunch more of it. (laughs) Alrighty, thanks again for watching. I hope you guys enjoyed that one. I hope you guys learned something. Please share this video with your friends. Make yourself some chocolate mousse. And yeah! Like this video, subscribe, and I shall see you in the next one. (upbeat string music) Toodle-oo, take care, bye! (relaxing music) (sensual music)
Channel: emmymade
Views: 687,952
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chocolate, mousse, dessert, Japan, Japanese, viral, recipe, make, no bake, jiggly, how to, kitchen, food, chocolate mousse, Valentine's Day, easy, simple, emmy, emmymade, emmymadeinjapan, mold, silicone, log, buche noel
Id: RoWiic8ZxIg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 59sec (719 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 09 2020
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