Making Low Carb a Lifestyle: How I Do This

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hi thank you so much for the warm response that I got from my last video on my failure story I caught it a failure because I'm going to be saw my life I failed at Weight Watchers I felt a low fat diets I failed at low-calorie diets I failed at exercising I even at one point had this little spring that fit in my ear and every time you're hungry you're supposed to press that spring and it caused it not be hungry and that was a failure too I've done the cabbage soup diet you know you name it grapefruit diet and none of those things were something I could sustain all my life even failing with gastric bypass surgery so so all of you have asked me so how did you do it how did you make the transition you don't go from just eating a low-fat or standard American diet to eating low carb easily and so I thought I would in this video share with you kind of the three big things that really helped me to figure out low carb high fat or keto what do I eat you know that kind of thing how did I stay on plan what do I do when I get the cravings when I'm hungry and what how do I handle holidays and social settings so that's what I want to talk about in this video first of all what was so so important to me was understanding the science behind this way of eating and as I mentioned in my last video I read this wonderful book why we get fat and what to do about it it's by Gary Talib's why we get fat and what to do about it and this is the book that really saved my life in the back of they said that it goes through the science and in the back of the book and the appendix is the eating plan by dr. Eric Westman the no sugar no starch diet you can buy just that plan the no sugar no starch diet on Amazon for around five dollars and this was on Amazon for probably ten or twelve dollars but anyway this is what I ride first really got me started on the whole thing and I went to my husband and said I'm going to do this and no potatoes no pasta no rice no bread and he said good luck with that and honestly I didn't that's all I knew I didn't know a lot more behind that I didn't know about counting macros and fat and protein and probably didn't even know what a macro was at that point I eat differently now than I did then but I knew the science and I knew very basically and then oversimplify this but what I learned from the book is that for some people who don't tolerate carbs well when you ingest the carbs carbohydrates are just like sugar and dr. Westman says from the neck down there's no difference the body recognizes that of sugar to deal with that glucose your body produces insulin insulin is like a hoarder hormone excuse me I caught a hoarder hormone and it's a hormone that runs around your body shoving that fat into cells glue this the become staph shows it into the cells to save it for when the body needs it and so insulin will not let your body burn that energy in fact I think often times what we don't recognize is that one of the reasons that obese people are always hungry or I was always hungry when I was obese was because I was starving and your body is starving because if your insulin levels are high you cannot burn that energy so anyway that was kind of really significant for me was knowing the science behind it and within this first the first two to three weeks are so so so important and knowing that science was what kept me on plan and I remember thinking within this first few days how you may feel if I want to something else plan or when I'd read the ingredient list because that's what I did I just started reading ingredients or if it was something that didn't have ingredients I'd at Google the nutrition information and I knew I had to keep my total carbs below 20 grams per day and that's exactly what I did and whenever I was tempted by something I think okay if I eat off plan and I my body ever produces insulin that's a problem and that I won't see results and so I knew it was really important to stay with it over time and so that's where I came up with these affirmations so that was one of the first things that really helped me was well knowing the science and then developed affirmations to help me through it and so I would say just for today I'm not going to eat whatever it was I didn't say for the rest of my life I'm on a pasta or the rest of my life oh I need potatoes or bread I didn't say that it was just word today I'm not going to eat bread just today tomorrow make a wild and all bets are off but for today I'm going to stay under 20 carbs we'll see how I feel tomorrow and what happened is every tomorrow I felt better every tomorrow and I got up and I saw progress on the scales I was seeing progress in my clothes other people were noticing the progress and saying to me that your skin looks great and things like that that were that motivation came from feeling better not just about what the skills were saying but having more energy and feeling really good knowing the science behind it is I cannot tell you enough so I'll tell you really quickly what I read in addition to why we get fat I read Wheat Belly by dr. Davis it was really a very simple read I even gave it to my daughter to read and she did read it and enjoy it he has a wonderful website to eat belly comm that has really good information protein power was another one recommended by a friend it's a oldie but goodie by dr. EADS and his wife actually Michael EADS in married an EDA des I found this at a thrift thrift shop I'd look I recommend a lot people who are getting started as this one the new Atkins for a new you it's by dr. Westman and dr. sunny and lowlich it has some science that has some eating plans that has a few recipes it is great it does have a little bit of a science that is very simple and very easy to understand if you are a science nerd like I tend to be a little weak the art and science of low carbohydrate performance and the better one I think is the art and science of low carbohydrate living and I love that book I gave mine to my general physician I had a an appointment recently and I just gave him my book so that he could help others and that I gave him a book and wrote in the back of it all these different websites and resources so I knowing the science really helps and let me give you an example of that we went out to dinner I don't even LUN plan for it was in the first month and we went out to Texas Roadhouse because we knew we could get a steak there and they have salads and not they have wonderful green beans and so we went out to Texas Roadhouse and they brought to the table the peanuts just which is fine I didn't know about legumes at the time and so we were eating peanuts and they brought those yeast rolls even those big fluffy yeast rolls and so of course the smell is there and that's been something that I've always loved bread it's meant just an incredible weakness ice to make homemade yeast bread sourdough I'm sorry homemade sourdough bread and and give it away to people because you know I thought I was being nice to the neighbors taking them loaves of bread every Sunday but anyway I loved it and so everybody's you know eating these rolls my mother-in-law is going on about how wonderful they are and they're putting butter on them and in the smell I guess I was there and I remember looking at those yeast rolls and thinking okay if I eat that what's going to happen my body's going to produce the insulin and I visualized as crazy as it may sound I visualized the insulin running around my body shoving the thought into cells and I didn't want that and so I was it was fairly easy when I pictured that as poison when I figured the yeast rolls becoming sugar and being shoved into my body is fat and being stored and not being burned and knowing that it caused inflammation in my body and knowing it caused damage and no longer tasted good and no longer was something I wanted because I thought this isn't healthy for me it will make me sick it's always like someone with a peanut allergy and saying to that person don't you eat peanuts because peanuts are really good well if you had a peanut allergy and you buy this a process them peanuts are not that good so anyway knowing the science is really really what was important to me knowing those daily affirmations are having this in for affirmations basically what I would say is just for today I will eat on plan just for a day and whenever there was a fit it was attempted where I wanted whether it was popcorn at the movies or a chocolate chip cookie or something like that take a four today I'm not going to eat that stuff all bets are off for tomorrow but just for today I'm going to stay on plans so having those affirmations to say I choose me and over food today I'm going to choose me over food and just taking it one day at a time was tremendously helpful for me the other thing that I think is really important was creating new habits all of us especially those of us of families have kind of go-to meals I call them my my quickie my weekday cookies things I've got to go on the table fast and especially when you get home five o'clock alright get home around 5:30 my husband's home around 6:00 one of the children were little we were putting them to bed by 8:00 I mean see you didn't have a lot of time and so all these meal planned and I knew there were things that I would go to you know probably two or three times a month we might have spaghetti because it's so easy you know brown up the beef throw in the jarred sauce and the pasta and you're done we would chicken tenders a pulp it is out of the freezer and so all of a sudden I couldn't use those things that I normally would use and so I had to think about anything soup and sandwich you can't do that anymore so I had to think about new foods and I was one of those moms too that would usually do any intervals really even though I was over 250 pounds I really was trying to get my family healthy staff low fat stuff so what I started doing was I'd still do many into vegetables they're doing me a fatty meat and then I would do a vegetable I could have whether that was a salad or a creamed spinach or something like that I do a vegetable I could happen then I do another vegetable that just the family would eat but I knew I had to create new habits in I started in the summer in June 2013 which is a little bit lighter for me traditionally then the work the months that my kids were in school and I use Pinterest loved Pinterest I was always looking for recipes because I enjoy cooking this and so on Pinterest I found some wonderful bloggers that's where I discovered Carolyn at all day I dream about food and Melissa I breathe I'm hungry and I'll never forget finding those blogs and all they dream about food and thinking wow that's me then I breathe I'm hungry it's like yeah if I'm breathing I'm hungry that's how I always felt until I went low carb high fat and in creating those new habits I started learning new recipes and I think I did the ribbon casserole and cracks all and often what I've done as I found recipes from other from food bloggers and then I adapt them for our family you know adding caraway seeds making a homemade ketchup instead using the reduced sugar ketchup using more of this less of that those kinds of things to create my own but Pinterest and you can find me on pinterest I'll put the link Pinterest is a wonderful wonderful tool and KHS loves DJ s on Pinterest if you're looking for me and my food blog by the way I do have a blog is life with butter calm since WWII Cod butter calm and I have a few things on there and I do have resources and I'll list more resources to for you but planning is super super key and so one of the things you need to do is think about what you're going to eat for the for the upcoming week and think about what you're going to do in social situations in because I can't overemphasize how important it is to create new habits food is social and cultural and especially for us in the south we love our families with food especially those moms who cook and my family loved me with food they would say oh you gotta lose weight and then my grandmother would make me a pound cake because she knew I loved the pound cake if she wasn't going to hold that love her for me even though I her was overweight and they didn't make that connection with the sugars and the carbohydrates so if you go on my Pinterest page what you see and what I started doing is I committed to making two new recipes per week and some days some weeks it was hard to honor that kind of none of two new recipes for a week other weeks I do three or four which is fantastic but that's how I learned to cook with the coconut flour and almond flour and discover it oat fiber and if you look at my video about cooking with alternative ingredients that will give you some tips but what you'll see if you go to our Pinterest board is you'll see over 30 boards and it's low carb high fat sides and salads low carb high fat meats Lo and it's got to try this and low carb high fat breakfast it's also got breads and crackers things like that so they're the different categories and I also have a board kind of a magic board is my recipes tried-and-true board so if you go to Russert my Pinterest board which is recipes tried and true what I do whenever I try any recipe I move it from the gotta try board into the recipes tried and true and I use that comment section to know any changes I made to the recipe so if I in whether we liked it so I might need pancakes and say well this was my favorite but David didn't like it or this was David and Grace's favorite but Jonathan and I didn't care for it I also knew changes I made to the recipe so if I added more of something or less of something or I would note it there in the comments on my Pinterest page I also would do next time I make this try adding more you know a baking soda or something like that so that I knew when I tried the recipe again I could make a change we that's where I developed what I call my my weakness cookies now it's cracked small that's a something I do fairly frequently probably three times a month at least taco salads or another thing and I can prep all that meat on the weekends and then just warm it I also can make it and freeze it we still do spaghetti but instead of using noodles for pasta I'll use zoodles which is zucchini and Mizzou de leur or I'll use the miracle noodles love miracle noodles I didn't the first time I opened em up my family's not going to eat this and if you rinse them and follow the directions they'll be fine and I'm talk about the miracle noodle brand not the shiitake tofu stuff in the refrigerated section that stuff is not I can't eat it but the miracle noodles are really fantastic they're a great option just get past the smell and rinse them and and I'm going to do a video on those I think and you'll be fine the other thing that I think was really important for me was not feeling deprived and so I'll tell you a quick story I came home from work within the first three weeks and I was so hungry for chocolate-chip cookies I sort of wanted in fact I had left at the office and headed to the grocery store because I was going to buy me some choco chip cookies and I remember thinking I cannot see this I'll be off plan just go home and drink water eat pork rinds and so I came home and I said to my husband if I don't get a chocolate chip cookie somebody is going to get hurt and so I started looking through Pinterest and I was you know looking at low-carb cookies and of course I found the top cookies that hi coconut flour or almond flour which I didn't have any of that at the time and I finally had a recipe and it had peanut butter and sweetener and egg and probably baking soda and I added salt and vanilla extract because I put vanilla extract and basically anything that's sweet and I remember mixing up those cookies and I had no idea what was going to taste like I had no idea if it was going to keep me from losing weight and I really did worry that it was going to stall my progress but I wanted a cookie that badly and I don't know if I had discovered the low carb chocolate options at the time or not I don't remember that but I made these cookies penelon and I pulled him out of the oven I probably burnt my mouth rushing to taste them because I really want all these cookies Irish standing in my kitchen and taking a bite of this peanut butter cookie and it was so good I just savored it and I had this thought that was if I can eat some still lose weight I can do this I can do this forever and that was really a huge turning point for me because I had that cookie dough satisfied I did not feel deprived and I lost weight even after eating that cookie were probably limited myself to three or four cookies I'm guessing I remember I didn't limit myself but I remember thinking if I can have a second list way and that was a huge turning point for me and being able to cook was huge too because I couldn't I didn't want to feel deprived it was so important to me I couldn't sustain low fat because I was hungry I was deprived it was all about what I couldn't have and I learned early on even with those stinking Easter rolls somebody want to say to me oh you can't eat this and that's like now I can tease out I can eat the cake I can eat the yeast rolls I can eat the potatoes and I can eat the pasta I choose not to you guys don't underestimate the power of that it's not that I can't have it I could have anything I want I can walk right out of this room and go down to the boat angles and get me a biscuit and I'm not going to do that because I know the science I know if I eat it I'm going to feel terrible probably physically and emotionally but it's going to make my body produce insulin and someone's going to shove the fat in the sails it's going to cause inflammation I'm going to wake up feeling sore and achy my brains upset and that this is the wedding ring my husband gave me I wear it on my middle finger nail because it falls off of this singer this is my grandmother's diamond set that I could not wear until Christmas of this past year in fact I was going to get it sized up made larger I'm so glad I didn't because I can wear it now I need to get my wedding band resized I just haven't and I've actually enjoyed wearing my grandmother's and so just hasn't been a priority to me to do but my point is plan figure out your recipe so you're about what you like if you're not a good cook that's okay hamburgers have steak keep it simple be to eat bacon you don't have to make the low-carb treats that I make but you can do if you want that as an option we've been through to two Thanksgivings and two Christmases now and we've survived all of that by replacing those traditional high carb foods with lower carb options and creating new family traditions and I'm looking forward to being here with you hopefully through the holidays and holding your hand as you create new traditions with your family I hope this information has been helpful to you
Channel: Cooking Keto with Kristie
Views: 88,791
Rating: 4.9529576 out of 5
Keywords: Low-carbohydrate Diet (Diet), banting, Keto, Weight loss, Diet (Industry), Low carb high fat, Cooking Keto with Kristie, Life with Butter
Id: hhj5v2NIwFU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 45sec (1185 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 22 2015
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