Making an Aquaterrarium with a big waterfall
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Channel: Asu
Views: 2,553,139
Rating: 4.9227624 out of 5
Keywords: 植物男子, asu, アクアリウム, アクアテラリウム, テラリウム, Aqua scape, Aquarium, Aquaterrarium, Paludarium, Vivarium, Terrarium, Bonsai, Gardening, mini forest, planted aquarium, Waterfall, moss, Plant, DIY, Art, Design, 苔, 盆栽, 植物, 作ってみた
Id: TkMhpsvO3mE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 0sec (960 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 29 2019
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
Absolutely stunning. Was surprised when he added the plant with the dirt in the root ball. Normally it's remove every speck of dirt possible. Is the potting soil in Japan less toxic for a tank? And does anyone know what the fern type plant is? I don't think he listed it.