Making a track with the ZOOM R20 synthesizer

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foreign Steinberg's YouTube channel as a part of snow I'm using the zoom R20 to capture most of the audio on this channel did you know there was a synthesizer built into that device so yeah today let's take a look at how useful that thing actually is here we go The Zuma 20 is a 16 track multi-track recorder with internal effects and the synthesizer and the sequencer it was released in late 2021 as a successor of the r24 too much criticism if you want to you can watch my review here start using the synth in the R20 you need an adapter cable from USB mini to USBC like this and then you can connect your USB MIDI controller to the R20 now turn on your R20 create a new project once it's booted give your project a name and then once you're in the project press the Cog wheel icon in the top right of the screen and there you can set the tempo we're going to use 82 beats per moment in this example today and then scroll a bit down and turn on the midi keyboard and now you can see the LED is lighting up on my Nano key here okay and now in the top left corner press the keyboard and then the tray icon and now we can test some sounds [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] okay and now return to the main screen and tap the first midi track and then select create region then tap that region and then tap the scissors symbol and now you can just draw some notes like in any other digital audio workstation and you can also adjust the length of the notes and the velocity here using the tools and the top row and that's what I'm going to do to insert some hi-hats into the first measure here foreign foreign much the same way we can add bass German snares and a bit of percussion and that leaves us with this now we can kind of roll out this track over 9 Bars by dragging the handle on the right side of the measure [Music] and last but not least tap the icon on the left side of the screen to access equalizers and effects for that track so let's use that to equalize this a bit and add some Distortion to this drum track to get a more modern sound here foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] can only have one midi track active at the time so once you're satisfied with the results you need to render this into an audio track suppress the icon on the left side of the screen once again and then press convert to audio and then your track will be converted to audio okay and not the same way we can now add a Bass track so I'm choosing one of the base patches here and instead of using the grid to paint my notes I will just record this live so arm of the track and hit record and then just play along foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign okay so I made some mistakes there so I'm just going to grid edit and yeah iron out those mistakes and after that I'm going to add um an amp simulator and a little bit of delay perhaps and the track settings and um maybe a little bit of a queuing but not too much [Music] foreign [Music] okay and now let's render this once again to make space for another midi track on the next midi track will be an organ or maybe one of the brass sounds so I can play chords [Music] foreign [Music] I also found out that if I use the outer wire effect I can use the volume slider to add a bit of expression to this palette listen to this [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] T I'm going to add a guitar and some vocal tracks to this oh by the way if you want to support what I'm doing here you can use the super thanks button under this video or buy some of my pouches on gumroad or buy some of my music on bandcamp links are in the video's description and in the comments thank you foreign [Music] [Music] my channel [Music] yeah man that's it for today the synthesizer in the zoom R20 I guess it's better than nothing and I guess it's also better than you expected and if you found this video interesting and useful please consider subscribing to this channel for more information on the zoom R20 and other devices and as always thanks for watching and see you again very very soon bye bye
Channel: Floyd Steinberg
Views: 24,197
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: electronic music, synthesizer, music, lifestyle, zoom, r24, demo, tutorial, yamaha ex5, floyd_steinberg_synth_channel, zoom r20, r20 recorder, zoom r20 multi track recorder, Making a track with the ZOOM R20 synthesizer, r20 multi track recorder, zoom r20 recorder, multi track recorders, zoom r20 fm synth, zoom r20 fm synthesizer, zoom r20 synth sounds, zoom r8, zoom r24, zoom 16, multi track audio recorders, zoom audio recorders, zoom audio, audio recorders, desktop audio recorders
Id: 9BDv_Z9OtHs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 25sec (745 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 06 2022
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