Making a sims for a magical rags to riches | Sims 4

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hi guys my name is C PL cat and welcome to my Channel today we're making a witch Sim and I'm planning to do a magic Rags to Riches I'm so excited for this I I don't know I thought it was a good idea like a magical Rags to Riches so it's basically a witch and it's going to be like set in well I don't really know what time period but you know which time the time that people thought witches were real you know I don't know I guess medieval times or something I don't know but um basically she's going to be in like period outfits and everything is gray I don't know why I chose to do that that's not yet what's happening on screen so I probably shouldn't have said that but I like her and I had a lot of fun making the Sim we're going to have a lot of fun with this magical rag to riches my plan is to have her on an empty lot with zero Simoleons and I only have a l on her lot that I did put on the lot because she has to have water if we're going to do Off the Grid and um what do you call it uh the one from like uh cottage living you know the we have to like have the food anyway sorry but yeah here she is and her name is m Cori and I thought it was a fun name the surname that popped up and I was like oh that's so spoton because Crowley is like in good Omens and he's a demon that's so good for like a witch name you know what I mean but I wanted her to look not too out of place and I thought that the creepy walk would be really funny it would be hilarious she's like the creep of the town but basically I wanted her to look strange but not too strange you know I don't want to give her her crazy hair I did start out with like these colors of hairs because I was like she's a witch she's magical but then I decided that it's a bit much but I don't get there until a little bit later but I do decide to go for gray hair and purple eyes I didn't go for those crazy purple ones I go for more of a the subtle one that you'll see later and I think that's a good thing I wanted her to look strange but not too out of place that people people would be like that is a witch you know in this fictional scenario where Sims would do that because they weren even care that she looks like a freak but I think she looks great I'm going to make her really pale and gray hair I wanted to look like ghostly but also beautiful of course but yeah so I started just with her face and like trying to figure out what I wanted her to look like but yeah at the moment you can see she has green hair but I change it later because I think it's too out of place like I said but I wanted her to be like I don't know I do realize that I do a lot of the same faces in my Sims like I do have that same face syndrome that people talk about when you make Sims that all look exactly the same and I don't know how I end up doing it I just change a few things and then they look all exactly the same so yeah that's annoying but I ended up making her really pale as you can tell and I wanted to give her little bit of an interesting nose not just a boring one and tiny little lips because I thought it was interesting I don't know but yeah I I realized that she doesn't look that different but I tried I really did but yeah as you can tell she doesn't look that different but yeah I do like the green hair actually but I do think it looks a bit too out of place for what I imagine is the time period and people would still think she's weird because she has gray hair and purple is eyes but it would be like you blink and you mess that it's purple you know what I mean so yeah that's my thought process I really liked this hair and I decided to keep it that way and I think it looks really cool and I wish that they didn't have that freaking animation every 5 seconds in Cass it's so annoying the one where they like do magic it's annoying it annoys the hell out of me and I just can't stand it honestly okay so now we're at the outfits and I basically have mostly the same outfits for every category because obviously she's poor and she's not going to have a lot of fancy outfits I only have two pairs of shoes flats and boots and then like three or four dresses or like outfits I guess and yeah so that's what we're working with in my mind she doesn't have a lot of outfits because she's poor and yeah so we're going to do these outfits and they're all going to be like gray and dark because in my mind back then you couldn't afford to have color in your clothes only if you were like Rich did you have color in your clothes you know so yeah I'm going to go with a lot of Grays and blacks and all of those things but yeah so I really used a lot of uh cotage living I I didn't really realize that I did until I look back on it now but I just think think those clothes look the most old timey from everything that I have but yeah I really like this dress and I ended up going with the black one and yeah I think it really matches the vibe and we're going to have a lot of fun with this let's play I think it's going to be only like a few episodes it depends on how much it takes for her to have a house because rag to riches is kind of like you go until you have a full house and then it's kind of successful you know you can go further if you want to but what I'm going to do is we're going to do zero and then go on until we have a functioning house that we build from scratch because we buil a little one and then a bigger one and then a bigger one until we have a full house but anyway so I just basically do these outfits for like all of the options and yeah it gets a little boring I have to admit but I do think it's fun for the immersiveness of this thing it really is funny how we try to bring story Into the game that isn't there but that's like the whole point you know the Sims is kind of like Barbie for teen and UPS you know for teen to grown-ups play The Sims instead of Barbie doll but yeah so we're going to have fun and I think she's a really cool Sim in my mind she's like a witch that's like hiding from everyone and I made her a loner I think l and she's going to basically like not fit in and we're going to have her make money and learn magic of course because she's a witch and she has learn magic obviously so we're going to have to like save up for a cauldron and whatever the hell else they need I have put her in the magical world I don't remember what the hell it's called glimmer Brook I think and I put her in the lot that's close to the portal you know what I'm talking about and we're going to go through there when she has enough money to buy things but for the most part we're going to forage and do what we can to make money and then we'll start doing magic and then maybe we'll curse a few folks it'll be fun but yeah so as you can tell I'm just going through all of the uh types of clothes and I'm just like picking gray and black ones basically but yeah I sticked with one the one one that you saw in the beginning and then like this other one that you can see right now and I stick to a pair of boots and some Flats because I think that is the most accurate to I don't know I guess my mind she kind of looks like a Disney princess to me but like a very depressing one like a black and white princess movie or something but yeah so I really like the way she looks I think it's really interesting to have a SIM that's really like muted in color because a lot of the time I use a lot of colors in my Sims so it was really fun to do the exact opposite of that I never do that because it's really boring usually but I actually had a lot of fun doing it with a Sim it's kind of like the gray generation of a I think not so Berry right but I never really play those types of challenges so I never have time to make these kind of monotone outfits but yeah it was fun and then of course I picked this dress that we're going to use as the more relaxed one and it's like for moving or whatever that's why I put it in athletic and I had a lot of trouble picking what the hell I'm going to do for like swimwear because that like wasn't invented so in my mind she's just going to wear the clothes that she wears the rest of the time for that I'm sorry when she going to swim anyway she doesn't need to swim it's fine but yeah so I had a lot of fun doing this and those are the boots that I picked for her and of course I have to remove the freaking accessories because they always do this why does The Sims do this please stop automatically putting accessories on them I thank you do that it's so annoying like let me do it okay I'll pick some don't put on accessories by yourself speaking of accessories the a new jewelry making stuff pack just came out I'm not going to buy it as you guys know because I don't want to buy packs anymore like I think I just decided now that I'm not buying any packs in the future ever again like the next time I buy something it's going to be the Sims 5 or maybe the Sims Medieval because I don't have that and I kind of want it but I don't think I'm going to buy that either but yeah so we're just going to stick with the packs that I have I'm probably going to remove some because I'm so tired of lagginess and I'd rather get rid of a few packs than struggle you know what I mean it's just so annoying like how am I supposed to have fun with the game if I can only have a few few packs before the game starts breaking like why do you make so many packs then and I know that you're going to say I have to get like a um gaming PC or a gaming laptop but like not everyone can afford that and even if you can like I know that some people's gaming PCs and gaming laptops still lag and that is crazy I recently played The Sims 3 in the previous video that I released on this channel if you want to see that it's the first time I've played The Sims 3 in like years I used to play The Sims 3 all the time all the time like that was my favorite game of all time I think I played The Sims 2 and then the Sims 3 and then the Sims 4 but yeah the Sims 3 is definitely my favorite Sims game for sure like yes they don't look great okay The Sims 3 Sims kind of look like potatoes they don't look good that is just a fact The Sims 2 and the Sims 4 they look better I think the Sims 3 they were going for like a realism thing and they can't really do that well unfortunately so yeah stick with what you know Sims team don't go too real because clearly you can't pull it off but other than what they look like the game is great you know like yes it's not the most beautiful game and the Sims 4 is definitely a very beautiful and aesthetically pleasing game but the Sims 3's gameplay is just so much more fun like I had so much fun in ass and it was so much simpler yes there's a lot less options yes there's a lot less diversity and inclusivity but it was a lot of fun I'm not going to lie to you but yeah like Yeah The Sims 4 is better that's just one of those things like with Cass and build mode but gam play The Sim series got you there unfortunately but yeah we're back with this Sim and as you could tell I was just going through different outfits and changing them to the three different outfits that I picked for the whole Sim basically but yeah so I'm really excited to start this magical rags to reaches I think I've done something like this in the past on my own time obviously not in a video but yeah I think it's going to be a lot of fun and I think she is going to be an interesting witch I don't know if I'm yeah I think I'm going to go for an evil Vibe I don't know maybe I don't know we'll see we'll see how I feel when I play it on those videos but yeah so I basically as you can tell through this whole video I'm just doing the same outfits over and over so it's not very interesting that's why I thought I would just do a random voice over talking about whatever but I am excited to play The Sims 3 again I'm going to Play It Again In Like A we're going to see what the base game has to offer and then I'll do like a pack at a time at least the packs that I do have because I still have the DDS and that's how I uploaded it again and I was like oh when the music started and it was [Music] like I was just like oh music to my ears or is that the Sims 2 sound soundtrack I'm not sure was The Sims 3 one I don't remember it's like no that is the Sims 3 one I think I'm not sure anyway so she's pretty much done as you can tell I did change her eyes a few times and then I decided on that more subtle purple as you can tell I do think it looks cute and you wouldn't really realize it's purple until you really look closely so that's cool but yeah so I went for a a magical aspiration I think I'll see it in a second I can't remember what it's called um spellcraft and sorcery so yeah that's her aspiration and I made her traits love the outdoors because she's going to be outdoors a lot she's not going to have a house for a while and then I picked loner because I think she's going to be alone a lot and she's not going to have a lot of friends in this thing because I don't really want her to be around the townies removing the Aesthetics from the gaml and then I made her a bookworm because for spellcasting and stuff you need to read a lot of books but yeah here she is I think she's really cool and I hope you enjoyed this video please like subscribe comment down below tell me what you'd like me to do in the future I don't really talk to you guys a lot like in the comments so it would be pretty fun if you guys can tell me but yeah hope you enjoyed the video bye
Channel: Cowplantcat
Views: 449
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Id: ut2qP74CHAk
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Length: 15min 21sec (921 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 04 2024
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