"Making a Plan to Improve Your Life" with Pastor Rick Warren

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Two weeks ago, we began a new series of  messages through the book of Nehemiah called   "Building a Better Future." And it's  series to help you prepare and reenter   life as this COVID pandemic is winding down  and it is winding down finally, thank God.   And I told you that God isn't interested  after COVID you simply resuming your old life,   the way you used to live before the pandemic.  Instead, he's giving us all the opportunity of   a lifetime to reset our lives, to reboot our  lives, to renew, refresh, reenergize our lives   in a whole new way. And that's what this series  is all about. And I also told you that there are   five books in the Bible that specifically give  us instructions for how to build a better future   after a time of captivity. And those books are  Nehemiah, Ezra, Zachariah, Haggai and Malachi.   They're all in the old Testament. Now two  weeks ago Pastor Tom shared the first message   in this series and the first principle from the  book of Nehemiah on "Building a Better Future."   And the first principle it's there on your outline  if you pull out your app message notes. The first   principle is this, principle number one, you got  to get dissatisfied with your current situation.   If you're gonna build a better future you've got  to get dissatisfied with your current situation.   That's what happened with Nehemiah. Nehemiah held  a very high position in the King's court in Persia   and he was the Kings actually steward of the wine,  but he got a burden for his hometown in Jerusalem.   And some of the captives had been allowed  to return to Jerusalem after 70 years. But   when they got home they discovered that the  temple, and their homes and the entire city had   been destroyed. And there were no walls or Gates  around the city anymore so it was defenseless.   Now this really concerned Nehemiah and it made  him very sad and he became burdened about it.   Now Tom talked about this first principle. You  have to become dissatisfied with your current   situation. Nothing is gonna change until you want  to change. And in that first message Tom taught us   the four things that Nehemiah did with this first  principle. And that is first, you have to grieve.   You have to mourn what you've lost.  You've lost a lot during COVID   and until you learn to grieve what you've lost  guess what, you're gonna stay stuck in the past.   Second Tom taught you fast. Fasting helps us  focus our heart on where we need to go. Third,   you pray and you ask God for help. And fourth  you confess and you admit your mistakes that you   made. If you missed that message by Tom go back  and listen to part one. Those are the first four   steps in "Building a Better Future." Then next in  our last message that Pastor Buddy taught us. The   second principle for "Building a Better Future."  And principle number two is, start with what needs   changing inside of me. You don't start with all  the externals around you. You don't start with   changing your circumstance. You start by changing  your attitude. You start with changing inside you.   And if you missed Buddy's message on "Rebuilding  the City of Your Soul," I wanna urge you to   go back online and watch that message. Now,  today we're gonna look at the third principle   of "Building a Better Future." And this principle  is found in the second chapter of Nehemiah, the   first nine verses. And here's the third principle.  After you become dissatisfied with what you got   and you start looking inside at you what needs  changed inside of me, point number three is this,   you need to make a plan. If you're gonna build  a better future you got to have a plan for your   life. You have to have a life plan. You need  to write down a simple plan and get starting   on "Building a Better Future." Now it's not gonna  happen without a plan. If you don't have a plan   for a better future in your life you're just gonna  coast. And you can't coast into a better you,   you can't drift into a better future. It  takes intention and it takes planning.   Now I'm sure you've heard the old  cliche "If you're failing to plan,   you're planning to fail." Now that may be a  cliche, but you know what? It's still true.   Nothing's gonna happen in your life to you  first get dissatisfied with what you're doing.   Take a good look at what's going on inside your  soul and then you come up with a simple plan.   But you know what? As followers of Jesus,  we don't base our lives on cliches.   We base our lives on the foundation of scripture.  Everything we do is based on God's word.   Fortunately, the book of Nehemiah in chapter two  gives us a very practical model for life planning.   And that's why I'm calling this message "Making  a Plan to Improve Your Life." All right,   that's what we're gonna look at today "Making  a Plan to Improve Your Life." It's part three   in our series of "Building a Better Future."  Now, before I show you Nehemiah's seven step   planning model for making a better future in  your life. Let me first answer the question, why.   Why should I make plants? Well, there are a  lot of biblical reasons but let me just mention   three they're there on your outline. First, you  need to plan your life because God makes plans.   Because God makes plans. As Buddy pointed  out in his message last time, Jeremiah 29:11   may be one of the most quoted Bible verses at  Saddleback Church, we even have a song about it.   Jeremiah 29:11 says, "I know the plans I have  for you, says the Lord, plans to prosper you   and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope  and a future." Now listen, if God makes plans   and he wants us to be like him, then we should  make plans too. Do you have any plans for the rest   of the year? Do you have any plans for your next  year? Do you have any plans for the next 10 years?   You're not living you're just drifting if you  don't have any plans. You're just existing.   You're you're letting circumstances  determine the direction of your life.   First Corinthians 14:33 says this, "God is not a  God of disorder." So if your life has no plans,   if your life has no order to it, then  guess what your life's out of order.   And that's not the kind of life that God created  you to live. So God makes plans. Number two,   you ought to plan because God tells me to plan.  All through scripture particularly in the book   of Proverbs the Bible talks about the value of  planning your life. Proverbs 4:26 says this, "Mark   out a straight path for your feet." What does that  mean? Plan it. "Mark out a straight path for your   feet." That's another way of saying, make a plan.  It says, "Mark out a straight path for your feet   and then stick to that path and stay safe." In  the new Testament First Corinthians 14:40 says,   "Everything should be done in a fitting and  orderly way." What's he saying? God doesn't   want your life to be a life of chaos. God doesn't  want your life to be a life of confusion. Just   drifting, muddling through life all mixed  up, he wants you to have a plan. God plans,   he tells you to plan. And here's the  third reason. So I don't waste my life.   So I don't waste my life. Planning is a matter  of stewardship. Your life is God's gift to you.   What you do with your life is your gift back to  God. And the Bible says this in Ephesians chapter   five verse 15 to 17, 11 the Phillips Translation,  "Live life with a due sense of responsibility   not as those who don't know the meaning of  life, but as those who do. Make the best use   of your time," you can't do that without a plan.  "Don't be vague, but grasp firmly what you know   to be the will of the Lord." You say okay Rick, I  got it. I realize that if I'm gonna build a better   future coming out of COVID, I'm gonna have to  make some God inspired plans. How do you do that?   Well, that's what this message is about today.  You just copy what Nehemiah did in chapter two,   the seven steps. When Nehemiah got a burden, when  he got a vision, when he set up a plan he did   seven things in his plan. It's found in Nehemiah  chapter one verse 11 to chapter two verse nine.   Now again, the background. Nehemiah  desperately wanted to return to his home   the land of Israel and rebuild the city of  Jerusalem and the walls of Jerusalem. But   he has a very important and actually a very  comfortable, cushy job in Persia serving in   the royal court of a King called Artaxerxes. And  he couldn't just offhandedly suggest to the king   just let him go without a plan. So he comes up  with a plan and he gives us a model of seven steps   that you need for life planning in your life. I  want you to practice these seven steps this week   as you think about "Building a Better Future"  for your life after COVID, after the COVID   captivity of this last year. Okay, you're  ready for the steps? All right this is gonna   be a very practical message. All right here's  step one in developing a life plan. Step one,   pray and ask for God's favor. Pray and ask  for God's favor on your life. God's favor   is God's grace. This is the first thing  that Nehemiah does in his life plan.   Nehemiah chapter one verse 11 he says this,  he prays, "O Lord, please let hear my prayer   and listen to the prayers of all your  servants who love to honor you." That's   all of us. "Give your servant success today."  Is it okay to pray for success? Nehemiah did.   "Give your servant success today by  granting him favor in the king's presence."   And he says, I pray this prayer. He says, "In  those days, I was the king's wine steward." Now   that probably wasn't a very stressful job. I  mean, you're just serving the king wine, okay?   Now you made me thinking I have no idea  what I should be doing with my future.   I have no idea what I should be doing in the  next six months. I don't know what to do with   my life. So I don't know. I don't have any idea  to what to pray about. Well, you know what? You   can pray about that. You can pray that you don't  know what you should be doing. James chapter one,   verse five says this, "If you want to know  what God wants you to do just ask him.   And he'll gladly tell you for he's always ready to  give a generous supply of wisdom to all who ask."   So you go, I don't even know what my vision,  what my dream, what my goal, what my target,   what my plan is. Start saying, "God, I don't  have a plan. What's your plan for my life."   Once you start asking God for wisdom and  direction, you know what? He's gonna put   eventually an idea in your mind or a burden in  your heart. You're gonna look around and you're   gonna see something that needs changing. When  Nehemiah started praying God gave him a dream,   gave him a vision, gave him a burden of  seeing his hometown rebuilt and restored.   So let me ask you, what needs to be rebuilt in  your life? What needs to be restored in your life,   in your family, in your job, around you, in  your nation, in your city, in your community.   What do you see out there in the world that needs  to be changed? Let God give you that burden and   keep praying and keep talking with about other  mature believers about it. And you know what?   Eventually God is going to put something in your  heart. That's the first step in life planning.   Get a burden for something God wants to do in your  life or through your life in the world. Now here's   the next step, ready? Step two, once you start  praying and you ask God for his favor in your life   and show me what you wanna do. Step two is  this, prepare for an opportunity and then wait,   okay? Whatever you say, I think God wants me to  do something about this problem in society. Or God   wants me to do about this problem in my company,  or in my home or in my community or in my church.   You start preparing for an opportunity to do  something and then you wait. You don't just sit   around waiting for God to do something you start  preparing for that opportunity. Now the Bible says   in Nehemiah chapter two verse one, "Four months  later," this was after he had prayed this prayer.   "Four months later, when King Artaxerxes was  dining I took the wine to him." Then notice   when you start praying for a vision, for a  dream, for a goal, for a plan it don't come   instantly. God is not a vending machine he's  waiting to see if you're serious. And he says,   four months later all of a sudden I get the  opportunity." What was he doing during those four   months preparing for the opportunity to ask the  king could he go do what God had called him to do.   Now Nehemiah had gotten this burden four months  earlier, and for four months he's been waiting for   something to happen, and now something happens.  What had been happening between that time of Noah,   I mean Nehemiah, got his first idea about  rebuilding the wall and rebuilding Jerusalem. And   when he asks and gets the opportunity to present  the his idea to the king, what he'd been doing?   He'd been praying. But he also had been planning,  and he had also been preparing. Now we know that   by the way he responded to the king when  the king said, "What do you want me to do?"   Nehemiah knew exactly what to ask for because he  had been preparing for the opportunity. He'd been   thinking about it. Howard Hendricks once said,  "Nothing's more profitable than serious thinking   and nothing is more demanding." If you're gonna be  a leader in this world you need time to think. You   need think time. You need time to get away.  Leaders make time for think time. That's a   law of leadership. Proverbs 13:16 says this, "A  wise man, thinks ahead." Are you doing that? Are   you thinking about the next six months? Are you  thinking about the next year of your life? Are you   thinking about the next five or 10 years of your  life, "A wise man thinks ahead, a fool doesn't and   even brags about it?" See, it's wise to spend time  thinking about your life and what do you say, what   I think about? Well, ask yourself some questions.  Like where am I now? Where do I wanna be?   How will I get there? That's what Nehemiah did.  He's thinking it through. He's praying for four   months, but he's also planning and preparing for  an opportunity to present his plan to the king.   What happens when you pray and plan? God gives  you a vision. But during this time you're also   preparing and when opportunity knocks, you'll be  ready to open the door. You see all of life's full   of opportunities. There are opportunities  all around you. You just overlooking them.   You are not seeing the opportunities that  are all around you, why? You're not praying,   you're not preparing. You're not planning.  A lot of times we're just not ready for the   opportunities and they pass us by and then they're  gone. So pray, all right, start preparing for the   opportunity and then wait for the opportunity to  come. God had provided right that. Step three,   expect fear but don't let it stop me. This is the  third thing we see in Nehemiah's plan, expect fear   but don't let it stop me. Nehemiah says,  after four months I get the opportunity to   serve some wine to King Artaxerxes. And in verse  one and two of Nehemiah two, it says, "When King   Artaxerxes was dining, I took the wine to him.  Now he had never seen me look so sad before.   So he asked, why are you so sad? Your heart must  be troubled. And Nehemiah says, that made me very   afraid." Now this is the moment Nehemiah is  waiting for. He's been praying for an opportunity   to present his idea to the king. He's got an  opportunity now to state his case because he'd   been planning, he'd been preparing, he's ready  for the answer. But notice he has a sad face.   He has a burden he can't hide. He goes, I want to  do this, but it's not opening up. I'm not getting   the opportunity. He had a burden he couldn't  hide. He's getting a little discouraged by now.   It's been four months. God, aren't you gonna do  anything about this wall? I've been praying for   the opportunity to go home and help restore  and rebuild my city. Finally the king says,   "What's wrong Nehemiah?" And notice it says,  Nehemiah says, "I was afraid." He literally scared   to death, why? Because in those days, listen, it  was a capital crime to be sad before the king.   Kings were very fickle in those days, they didn't  want any downers around them. They didn't want   anybody raining on their parade. If you frown in  the presence of the king you could get your head   cut off. If you were depressed in the presence  of the king, that was it. And notice this,   this is the first time I had ever appeared sad.  He'd always been upbeat around his boss. It's   a real gamble to show his true emotions not only  that Nehemiah is gonna ask permission for leave of   absence. Down in those days if the king doesn't  like your request it means he doesn't like you.   So no wonder Nehemiah is frightened and on top  of that he's gonna ask permission to go rebuild   the walls of Jerusalem. And the king himself  had said the walls could not be rebuild. He'd   said that earlier. So he's standing before  a king who has the power of life and death.   He's got a reason to be afraid. Here's the  principle. If you're gonna be used by God   you're gonna have to move ahead in spite of  your fear. All right? Leaders move ahead in   spite of their fear, there's a myth that people  who are walking with the Lord are never afraid.   That's nonsense. I've said many times that every  major decision in Saddleback's 42 year history   that I had to make I was scared to death to do  it. I just did it anyway 'cause I was not gonna   let fear dominate me. We're gonna do the right  thing, never let fear stop you. Courage is not   the absence of fear, courage is moving ahead  in spite of your fear. If you're not afraid,   you don't need courage. You'll only have courage  when you're scared to death and you do it anyway.   Now notice what Nehemiah did with his fears, he  did two things. And when you start going after   your plan that God gives you, it's gonna  be so big it'll scare you to death. And   so what do you do with your fear? Number one  first he admitted his feelings. Verse three,   he says, "I was scared," okay he's admitting,  "I was scared, I was scared to death."   Because I could lose my head making this request  to the king. I could lose my head just being   sad around the king. But he says, "I replied," and  here's what he replied, "Long live the King." Good   idea Nehemiah, start with a compliment. "God  live... Long live the King." Then he says,   "Why shouldn't I be sad for the city where  my ancestors are buried lies in ruins   and all its gates have been burned down." Why  should my face not look sad? The cities where my   fathers are buried lies in ruins. The gates  have been destroyed by fire. He chooses his   words very carefully. First he assures the  king of his loyalty, may the King live forever.   Remember this guy is also a bodyguard 'cause he's  like testing the wine so he can't get poisoned.   If he's sad, maybe also know some assassination  plot king is asking why is my number one guy   upset? So he admits his feelings. You're never  gonna get anywhere if you stuff your feelings,   you got to admit what you're feeling. If you're  discouraged admit it, if you're sad admit it,   if you're grieving admit it. That's how you grow.  But the second thing he did is he prayed quickly   before speaking. Now this is the second time he  prays. There are actually 11 prayers in the book   of Nehemiah and here's the second one. He prays  before he meets the king he said, God give me   this opportunity to present my plan. And then when  the king says, "Hey, what's the problem with you?"   He stops and he prays what I call a lightening  prayer where it's really one word help, help me   Lord. Nehemiah 4:2 he says, "The King replied  to me well, what is it you want?" And it says,   "Then I prayed again to the God of heaven."  Sometimes a prayer can just be one word, help.   And the king says, "What do you want you're  obviously upset," and Nehemiah again prays   a second time. Now this isn't the four months  of prayer he's already done. This is the quick   prayer. It's the silent quick on the spot prayer  "I got the opportunity, God give me the wisdom,   helping to know what to do help me know  what to say right now." It's interesting   that Nehemiah appeals to the his stern respect for  ancestors. He says my father's graves are in ruin   because Eastern guys went to take care of their  ancestors graves. And the king's response was,   "What do you want?" And that leads us to step four  in establishing a life plan. Step four is this,   establish a clear target. That's the next verse,  verse five. Nehemiah 2:5, you establish a clear   target. Nehemiah 2:5 says, "After praying  I answered, if it pleases your majesty,   and if your servant has found favor in your  sight then send me to the city in Judah,   that's Jerusalem, where my ancestors are buried so  that I can rebuild it." Now notice Nehemiah gets   very specific here, he wants to establish a goal.  He wants to rebuild the wall. He says, I want you   to send me to my hometown and he's very specific,  I wanna rebuild the wall. I wanna rebuild   the city. This is the next step in life planning,  you set a goal. You got to have a target. You've   all heard. If you aim at nothing, you're gonna  hit it. So you ask yourself some simple questions   in the next year what do I wanna be?  In the next year what do I wanna do?   In the next year what do I wanna have? In  the rest of my life what do I wanna be? What   do I wanna do? What I wanna have? These are the  questions you have to ask in establishing a goal.   Now, let me tell you something. I've done a lot of  goal setting in my life and there are two common   errors that people make in goal setting. We set  them too low and we try to accomplish them too   quickly. Most people set little teeny tiny  goals and then try to do them immediately.   I wanna challenge you to set a big goal so big  you're bound to fail unless God bails you out.   But spend the rest of your life going after it.  That's what I did with Saddleback. Inch by inch,   anything's a cinch. How do you eat an elephant one  bite at a time, you set big goals, you make big   plans so big that God has to bail you out. You  let the size of your God determine the size of   your goal. You see, God loves big planning, why?  It honors him. It honors God to be a big planner.   It's what you're expecting God to do. And saying  God I'm trusting you to help me to do this. This   is what I want God to do in my life. So Nehemiah  says, okay, I'll tell you what I want. I wanna   go rebuild a wall around the whole city of my  hometown. Had he ever built a wall? No, was he   a builder? No, he's a wine steward. And he's gonna  go home and do a rebuilding project for an entire   city. He never built anything, he's a cup bearer,  but he has a big goal. As I said, we set our goals   too low and we try to accomplish them too quickly.  So your first is to get the prayer behind you.   Then you think it through and you prepare for  the opportunity so that when God opens up the   opportunities, you're ready for it. And then when  it's there, you're ready to say what you need.   People say, well that guy has all the luck. He  gets all the breaks. You know what I've found?   The more I plan, and the more I  prepare the luckier I get. Okay   it's not about luck, it's about preparation.  The opportunities are always there all around   you you just have to be ready for them. You got  to see him, how will you see him? By praying,   by preparing, by waiting. And then you establish  a goal, and then you come to the next step, step   five in life planning is this, set a deadline.  Set a deadline. Nehemiah 2:6, "Then the King   with the queen sitting beside him." Why  Nehemiah I mentioned that I don't know,   but maybe it's because she had a little  impact or a little input on her husband.   "The King with the queen sitting beside him asked  how long will your work take? And when will you   get back?" This is a legitimate question. Yeah  I'm gonna loan my top guy to go to a project.   "Now the King was willing to send me," Nehemiah  says, "so," underline this, circle it. "I set   a time." That's the next step, step five is set a  deadline. A goal has to have a deadline. If your   goal doesn't have a deadline, that's not a goal.  This is the scheduling part of life planning. You   know what you wanna do, And then you know when  you wanna do it, you schedule it, you put it in   your calendar. And you ask the question, how long  is it gonna take? Probably longer than you think.   Nehemiah 5:14 Nehemiah actually tells us he  actually came back to the Persian Empire 12   years later. Because he was popular with  this king, king didn't want him to leave.   And so the king says, "How long are you gonna be  gone?" It showed that the king really did like   Nehemiah but why did Nehemiah throw in the queen  is sitting beside him? I might guess that she had   an influence over the king's receptivity, probably  Nehemiah and the queen were pretty good friends.   And he's the king right-hand man and she's sitting  there and he's pouring the wine and everybody's   happy. And Nehemiah says, "I'd really like to go  back home and rebuild the wall around my hometown,   where my father's graves are." And probably the  queen said to her husband, "Honey let him go,   let him go." And maybe Nehemiah timed it this  way, but God had a time in it and you have to   have timing. Nehemiah establishes a deadline, he  puts it on his calendar. Remember this a dream   without a deadline is just an empty  wish. A dream without a deadline is just   an empty wish, it won't go anywhere. Now  here's the sixth step in life planning.   Anticipate the barriers that I'll face. Anticipate  the barriers that I'll face. Nehemiah 2:7 and 8.   He says, "Then I asked the king to give me,"  listen to this 'cause he's already thought   through what the barriers are gonna be. Nehemiah  says, "Then I asked the king to give me letters   for the governors of all the territories west of  the Euphrates River." That's stuff he's gonna have   to travel through to get back there to Israel.  "Give me letters of passage for the governors   of the territories west of the Euphrates River,  giving me safe, travel to Judah." He says, "I also   ask for a letter to the keeper of the king's  royal forest." Get this, "Instructing him to   supply me with the timber that I would need to  rebuild the gates of the city and the city walls.   And by the way, for a house for me to live  in." Now he's already asked permission to go.   Now he's asking for protection. And then he's  asking for provision. He says if it pleases the   king, give me these letters to these governors  so I can have safe travel. It's about 800 to   a 1,000 miles journey between Iraq and Israel,  and he's got to go through a lot of provinces.   You didn't travel freely in those days, you  had to go through proper procedures. You had to   show your papers and he goes, Please give me the  letters of authority so I'll have clear sailing,   so that when I get over there, there's no problem.  I just need the traveling permits. So he's already   thought through what he's gonna need. He's asked  for permission. Now he's asking for protection.   It's implied that he thought it out. Remember  he's asked, he's just been put on the spot.   What do you want? Well, you'd already thought  it through. If somebody asked you right now,   what do you want in the next year of your  life? Have you already thought it through?   Or would you go I don't know I don't know what I  want. It's a clear example of planning. He's not   just praying, he's not just preparing during those  four months he's planning for the opportunity. So   he knows to say what he needs. So the questions  you wanna ask yourself in your own planning   is when you're anticipating problems ask some  stuff like this, What could hold me back?   What could hold me back? You're planning some  goal, some projects, some dreaming. Ask yourself   why don't I have it all ready? What could hold me  back? What are the problems or potential problems?   What are the barriers? What couldn't go wrong?  If anything could go wrong, it probably will.   Nehemiah again is thinking ahead in his life  plan he's already thought through what he wants.   He's already thought ahead about where he wants  to go. Now he's anticipating the problems.   Part of the planning process of your life is  to anticipate problems in advance. I have to   do this all the time as a leader at Saddleback to  see the problems before they actually get there,   and plan for them in advance. Proverbs 27:2 says  this, "A sensible man looks for the problems ahead   and prepares to meet them." These all important  steps you might wanna listen to this message   again a second time, you see another part of  anticipating the barriers is to calculate the   cost in advance. Because there's always a price  tag for every dream and for every goal. Nehemiah   actually gives the king, he's asked for permission  to go. Then he's asked for protection now he gives   the king a shopping list. He says as much you  let me go, and I want you to give me protection.   And by the way, I want you pay for it too. And  notice what he asked for. He asked for the lumber.   He says, I need you to give me a letter  to the head of all your royal lumber to   give me what I need to build the beams for  the city gates. Okay, he'd thought that out   then he says and I'm gonna need the lumber  for the city walls. That second thing,   he said by the way I'm gonna need a lumber for  my own house. Now is Nehemiah a contractor? No,   he's never built anything. He's never built  anything in his life. He's a cup bearer,   yet when he has the opportunity he rattles  off exactly what's needed, why? He has a plan.   Now, how did Nehemiah know what to ask  for? Well he evidently calculated the cost.   How in the world did he know there  was a royal forest near Jerusalem?   Evidently had to do advanced planning. So this  whole chapter indicates he knows what he's doing   when he gets into the situation. He even knows the  name of the foreman, he's already figured it out   way in advance, so that when the opportunity  arose he's prepared for the opportunity.   Now, what am I saying through about all this? It's  this step? It took a lot of faith because Nehemiah   has taken an enormous risk. Just look what he's  asking for. He's asking a pagan king to let him   do something the king had already said, will never  be done, build walls around Jerusalem. He asked   for permission to go build a wall if he didn't  like your request, it's off with your head, he's   scared to death. And if most of us had gotten the  okay right there, we probably would have breathed   the sigh of relief and beat a hasty retreat. We  wouldn't have even dared to ask for anything else   but Nehemiah just keeps asking the king and he  even says I want you to pay for it all. So, as   I said he asked for permission, then protection,  then provision. I want you to pay for it all.   Some people schedule their plan and they think  of their plan, but they forget to budget for it.   Jesus pointed this out. Look at this verse  on your outline, Luke 14:27-28 Jesus said,   "You will never be my disciple if you're  not willing to carry your cross and follow   me." So don't, look at this, don't begin until  you count the cost. Who would begin building   without first figuring the costs and seeing  if they had enough money to complete it all?   All right? So there's a budgeting part  to your life plan. Not thinking through   what energy it's gonna take, what connections  it's gonna take. What money it's gonna take.   Now, there is a sub point here that I want you  to understand leaders and people that are used   by God, are willing to ask others for assistance.  You're never gonna be fully used by God until   you learn how to ask other people for help.  'Cause nobody can do what God's called them   to do on their own. James 4:2 says, "You don't  have 'cause you don't ask." How many people   have you said no to for many times and well she  really wouldn't wanna do this. You said no on   their behalf, "Well, nobody would wanna help  me with this." You don't know that you don't   know what people will say. Don't ever say no for  other people. Let people say no for themselves.   Now that again, that takes faith. It takes  incredible boldness to do what Nehemiah does.   He asks a king, a pagan king who has  death and life in the power of his hand,   it's risky business, but because he's  prayed and he's playing and he's prepared,   he's ready. Then he strong enough that even  though he's standing there with his knees shaken   to death, he keeps pushing it. Now the wisest  risks, listen to me, are those that are taken   after prayer and planning. To take a risk  before prayer, before planning is presumptuous.   Proverbs 21:1, it's not on your outline says  this, "The king's heart is in the hand of the   Lord and he directs it like watercourse, wherever  he pleases." If God wants to move somebody in any   direction he can, and here's a clear example  that proverb where God took a pagan king and   moved his heart all around. The point is God  is a specialist in changing hearts. Now listen,   some of you have dreams in your  life that you wanna get done.   You've dreamed about it in your business but  you're not the CEO of your company. And maybe   you're in middle management. And I wanna say to  you the heart of the executive is in the hand   of the Lord and he'll turn it whichever way he  wishes. The company's president is in the hand   of the Lord. You need to remember that God is in  the business of changing hearts, it's up to him.   He's sovereign, okay? So don't tell  me that other people won't let you do   what God has called you to do. Just start  believing and trusting and watch what happens.   Now let me ask you, do you really wanna grow  spiritually? The very fact that you're here   listening to this message means you wanna  grow. What plans have you made for that.   in the next year? We plan everything else in our  life, why don't we plan our spiritual growth?   Do you have a plan to read through the Bible? Do  you have a plan to set aside a certain time every   day for prayer? Do you have a plan to talk to that  person at work about the Lord? Do you have a plan   to invite him over for dinner, to your house to  get to know him and then invite them to church?   Have you planned it? Are you just letting  it hoping it'll happen someday? Very few   things happen spontaneously you need a plan, a  plan for Bible reading, a plan for witnessing,   a plan for prayer. A plan for all the  things that are important in your life   and the plans you have that you just think up  and then ask God to bless that's not what we're   talking about. What we're talking about is saying  God not help me not do what I'm blessing... Bless   what I'm doing we instead of we pray God help me  to do what you're blessing. What's your plan? If   you're getting your plans from the Lord there'll  be big enough for him to fit in. And that's how   you know they're from God. Now let me point out  here. Nehemiah didn't try to manipulate the king.   When the king asked what's wrong, he was totally  honest. My home's in shambles, my hometown. He   didn't make up some phony story, he didn't make  up a story about going back to Jerusalem under   false pretenses. He didn't manipulate the king,  he didn't trick him. He didn't play games with   him. He didn't use any deceit. He just, he had  already talked to God about it. When you have   a boss who's unsympathetic to a project or a  goal that you wanna do, don't manipulate them,   don't play games with them. Just talk to God about  them. You don't have to know the key men in life.   If you know the man who holds the keys because  the heart of the king is in the hand of the Lord   he didn't turn in any way. Now, when you try  to change somebody that's manipulation, let   God change the heart. And that leaves us to the  last step. And the last step number seven is this,   trust God to meet all my needs. When you're  writing out this life plan trust God to meet all   the needs. You think I don't have that? How could  I ever do this plan I don't have what I need.   Nehemiah 2:7 and 8 says this, Nehemiah says,  "Because God's gracious favor was on me. The   king gave me everything I asked for." "Notice he  gives God the credit. And Nehemiah gives God all   the credit, remember this is autobiographical.  This part we're looking at in the series on   Nehemiah is not in the first person, but  it does talk about Nehemiah. And it does   say he doesn't... Nehemiah doesn't  say, look at what my planning did,   but he says is look at what  God did. God was behind it all.   He knew that it wasn't his cleverness, a mark  a spiritual maturity is when you recognize that   God's hand is behind the people who are helping  you or may be delaying the project. "God was   with me," he says. If Nehemiah hadn't prayed and  hadn't planned setting this thing up nothing would   have happened. Now let me close with a couple of  reminders. As we've been talking about planning   your life for "Building a Better Future." Two  things you need to keep in mind, Proverbs 16:1   says this, "We may make our plans, but God  has the last word." Have I ever had plans   that didn't turn out the way I planned? Yeah  over and over and over, why? 'Cause I missed it.   We're human beings we don't always get the  right plan. Your plan isn't infallible.   My plan isn't infallible. We can make our  plans and God tells us to make our plans,   but God has the last word. And so if my plan  don't happen in my time or in my way I just go,   God, I trust your plan better than mine. And James  chapter four verse 15 says this, "When you plan,   you ought to always say if it's the Lord's  will. James 4:15, "What you ought to say is if   it is the Lord's will we will live long enough  to do this or that." That's godly goal setting.   Now let me just close by applying  this to your personal life.   What would you like God to do in your  life? In the next six months, in the   next year, in the next five years, what would you  like to change? What do you want to be better in   your future? We're talking about "Building a  Better Future." It all starts with these seven   principles. When God finds a person willing to  do it his way in his timing, based on his power,   he will always provide the resources. I have found  that to be and true in my life for 50 years. Now,   the summary of this chapter is a beautiful example  of the harmony that takes place between God's part   and my part in accomplishing what God wants done  on earth. God's part is the sovereignty part,   and I'm trusting him in the timing in the  location in the resources and all those   things that are out of my control. My part is in  the praying and in the planning and doing what I   can control. You see, we pray for God to set  up circumstances that are out of our control,   but then we plan for all the things that are under  our control. God has a part and you have a part   in "Building a Better Future" in your life. God  won't do what he's given you the brains to do   and you can't do, what only God will do. Now if  you've never opened your life to Jesus Christ,   you need his power and presence in your life  first. So let's just close with a prayer. And   if you've never opened your life to Jesus Christ  and had the power and the presence of God come   into your life, follow me in this prayer.  Let's bow our heads say, dear Jesus Christ.   I know you've put me on this planet for a purpose  and I wanna fulfill your purpose for my life. I   want the life plan that you have planned for me.  So I'm first of all, asking you to come into my   life. I want to have a relationship with you. Just  say that I wanna have a relationship with you.   I want to get to know you and learn to trust  you. And I ask you to guide me, and I ask you   to give me wisdom in building a better future.  I surrender myself to your purpose for my life   in your name I pray, amen. If you prayed that  prayer right now, would you text me? I think   it's 83000 NEWSTART, NEWSTART. And put it on a  phone that way I can send you some material that   help you with your decision. I don't want you to  miss any of the messages in this series. We've   got a long series, that's gonna help you build a  better future. And this is the third principle,   the principle of planning. I love you, I thank  God for you. If you'd like to give to Saddleback   Church you can give online actually, go  to saddleback.com and make your tithes   and offerings there. I love you and we'll  see you next week. God bless you everybody.
Channel: Pastor Rick
Views: 137,847
Rating: 4.8484397 out of 5
Keywords: Pastor Rick Warren, Pastor Rick's Daily Hope, Pastor Rick, Rick Warren sermon, Rick Warren, Saddleback Church, Saddleback, christianity, church, church sermon
Id: 85gpbwcvP2U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 0sec (2580 seconds)
Published: Tue May 18 2021
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