Making a Leather Tool Roll

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[Music] I am Chuck Dorsett for Weaver leathercraft and we are going to make a gorgeous custom tool roll we're gonna have a great time doing it now we're just scratching the surface here's what I mean by that with my kit I've got all my tooling stamping tools in here got everything I need but the bigger picture chef's roll knife roll gun cleaning kit modeling tools paint brushes calligraphy do we have a drummer in the house if we don't what a great gift for a drummer it's anybody throws some darts we can make a cool dart pouch so there's no limit to the possibilities here but let's get the feel for it all right anything I use in this video weaver leather craft comm or check below we've got links they're gonna take you straight to the website so as always let's step over here knock our pattern together for our tool pouch we could always pick just some generic outside dimensions or let's do this let's start with one centerline one tool and every dimension will fall into place starting point let's lay our tools out on our work table let's include everything we're going to put in our tool roll so lay these out thus we can get a nice general feel for what goes where okay starting right here let's start with one simple pocket it's going to be a tool pouch for 4 tools actually 2 or 1 and I'll explain that so with this I've determined 1-inch that's a good distance between stitch lines for either a larger shank tool or multiple smaller shank tools so from one center line I'm going to add four pockets add three five seven however many you want let's use four for our sample so I'm going to start on my center line one inch either side one inch beyond that then I'm gonna add in one-eighth of an inch on either side for outside my stitch line four and a quarter inches okay we'll come back to that come back to this but laying that in I'm going to need four and three quarters width for that panel so everything bends like I said we'll come back to that for depth I could go multiple depths but three and a half is a good depth that's going to keep that tool secure it also gives me room to grab the tool and if I've marked that tool I can see it so three and a half we're gonna drop one on either side so therefore all we need now how much room do we need between these to keep our tool heads from rubbing together and damaging each other let's go three inches ample room so therefore three and a half three and a half three ten inches on the nose so therefore our width just fell into place okay link we're going to do exactly the same thing now for this pouch it's going to be a little thinner because I'm adding two tool pouches and then one pouch or pocket for my swivel knife so let's give that one and a half one one and 1/8 each side okay that we know since it's a little bit smaller it's going to fit into a four and three-quarter inch panel okay from there on our pockets I love pockets on these now side note we've got a water hand so in here you don't have to go full out like we are but it's our sample let's go all the way with that on this end I love a pocket for for templates and French Square French curves on this end I have another pocket for patterns or tracing film so with that three and a half inches that's going to be a good width again make that your own but three and a half is more than enough to keep that in both sides so I need one on each end three and a half let's give that another half inch so that bends easily we just fell into our dimensions four four and three quarters four and three quarters for seventeen and a half inches by 10 inches very cool okay let's jump over to our digital patterns and just take a little closer look so on our main body I've got this laid out and I've got my Bend lines in there and I've marked in my pockets so I know everything's gonna fit and it's going to be centered now on this I've dropped in to punch holes we're gonna drop in a piece of lace we can go with all kinds of closures on this but I like to be able to cinch that down with a piece of lace okay jumping over to our next three pockets now we've got our outside pockets three and a half by ten and then our two insight tool pockets so we've got three-and-a-half depth and on one our smaller with our swivel is four inches and then over here four and a quarter inches alright last three pockets and again don't feel like you have to add every one of these lot of so in here but let's go full on so pencil we've got our strop pocket in our scribe pocket those are simply going to sit on our outside pockets all right so we've got a good feel of how to measure our pattern let's step over to our main table and cut some leather this is going to be easy cutting we're just cutting boxes and this is going to be extremely efficient but a couple notes as always first off when I get a new height in I cut a spine off about two inches make lace out of that cool point there we're already starting on a straight edge secondly the leather we're going to use our pines mil so this is a supple leather but it's got a little body to it in comparison this is my tool roll now robbed all my tools for the sample but this is our vintage cowboy a little bit more supple problem is this is an upholstery leather so for us crafters it's not really economical for us to buy a full hot well it is if you're going to make twenty or thirty of these so we're gonna go with our pines milled rustic stool pouch it's gonna get scuffed it's gonna look even better once it gets a little use okay with our pattern cool thing here also we can always flip this and mark on our back with pen pencil or scribe makes it super easy to see but over here I can scribe this no problem so let's butt right to our edge we're gonna cut each piece now with this we need one of each for everything except for these two pockets we're going to need two of each here but look at that we can drop that in we are gonna have almost no waste okay let's scribe this in and then we'll cut and we are scribed there we go okay one point I didn't mention we need to flop this piece so therefore our swivel knives are opposing let's clean all this up now when we're cutting non-slip tape right to our edge and a clean new blade each and every time this is going to keep us from having issues cutting or rippling but at the same time that's going to take cutting from a problem to no issue and our last cut okay now let's step over to our punch table because we're going to put a thumb hole right here and we're going to use a round in punch to make that corner very clean we're going to use our master tools 3/4 inch round in punch now you can absolutely cut these by hand but since we have the tool let's use it ok for the strop good now over here in our corner let's drop this round in right to our corner and with our straight edge and our knife let's cut from the inside of that curve out to our edge there we go ok looks clean and tight let's do the same thing over here ok cut and ready let's step over to our pattern table we're gonna start gluing some pockets on prep for sewing we were laying in our pockets on our flaps I tend to cheat usually because what I'll do is just eyeball both sides and here's a perfect example so over here for our for our strop I'm just gonna lay that in and I can see that it's parallel the length from the bottom not terribly important I can put that anywhere but you know what for the video let's do this right so to save us some time I've just dropped in a small round hole on four corners from my pattern same over here so let's mark all four corners on all three pouches or pockets ok there we go now the camera is probably not going to pick that up but I can see those clearly that's going to make sure we're clean and straight for all three pockets alright let's reset here get some glue out glue our pockets down okay now on this just speaking from experience let's let's do our best to just put glue on three sides and not four yeah done that let's don't go there so let's just drop some glue in and this is a great white glue easy to use it's gonna stick very well for us but all told we just need glue here long enough to hold our stitch line down what we drop in a chisel okay so let's lift that piece up grab that very carefully and I'm gonna lay that right in to my marks okay there we go now if we have a little glue what we can do is just take a piece of our pattern and just squeegee that right off that will disappear okay let's set this piece aside add a little weight to that let that glue set there we go let's do the other side same way okay that piece looks good clean and flush on both ends let's add a piece of weight to that then we're gonna step over to our punch table and lay in our chisel lines now we've got our patterns cut out so we don't necessarily need these but what I'm going to use my pattern for is just a straight edge so I'm gonna come in about 1/8 of an inch from my side and my bottom and let's scribe in a line now we could use a groove er here but our leathers just a little too thin okay and let's do that one line on our other side okay so there we go we've got a guide to stitch from or delay in our chisel line let's do the same thing over here but with this we just need a line on either side because we're going right to our edge in our last line okay let's set this aside pull out our chisel we're going to use a 1/8 inch flat chisel now with this what I want to do is on all of our pockets I'm going to start on the inside and work my way out because we're not going to go all the way to the edge we're gonna have a stitch line across that so let's take our first time I'm going to but that just outside of my pocket lay that in our grooves line see if we got tines all the way across there we go okay let's pull that out first time last hole and let's stay in that groove line now we're coming down to our end that's just right I don't want that any closer because again we're going to have a stitch line 1/8 of inch of it 1/8 of an inch in so first time last hole drop that in okay let's do that same on the other side okay let's jump over here now we need one more line here because we're going to drop in our spoon and our scribe and we can drop this in either way but let's go spoon left drop that in let's make our two marks and then scribe in that line okay so we need three stitch lines or chisel lines here so we'll do the same thing on all three lines and we'll come down to the end it's a little bit longer so I'm going to add three sets with my six then I'm going to drop it just to at the end there we go that gives me just enough room from that edge now when we jump over to this we're going to go all the way around we're not bunted to our edge we can be but let's do this since we've got room for error in this direction let's take a single tied right in that corner let's drop that in at an angle now from there let's come across the bottom so what I want to do is take my - I'm going to but the edge of the first time right at the edge of the hole and I'm simply going to make a mark there so therefore I know exactly where my next hole is so that remains consistent now let's work our way across let's come in from our other side do the same thing drop that in okay look at that that's going to work just right drop one chisel right in the middle and that's perfectly consistent or let's do the same thing and work up to where we've got one time on the outside of our pocket and one more there we go that's just it's a little bit long but that's okay let's sing us sink a single tine in there okay these are ready to add a stitch so let's jump over to our sewing pony so the pockets on our flaps we're going to use a basic sadler stitch so if you need to come up to speed on that we've got a great video on hand sewing I'm gonna use our John James number 18 needles love these good i pregnant our wax thread super strong no sharp point and our thread the red tiger points six millimeter now design point side note we've got some gorgeous colors say we're going to use this for paintbrushes or tools or darts we've got some red or blue or yellow we can always drop in a matching thread that would be custom and beautiful okay so let's jump back over need about four times my length I tend to go a bit more just so I don't get to the end and have two little nubs trying to tie a knot with so let's start right here one needle first hole got to remember our first hole outside of our pocket let's equalize out now we're working with a thinner leather here so what I'm going to do is drop in four stitches now don't want to drop I don't want to pull this too tight because if I do I'm gonna get some rippling across here it's gonna ripple up on me but we've got a little bit of a trick that's going to help us there so let's get four stitches in and when I come out I'm gonna add just a little bit of tension and our fourth stitch okay let's take our thread I'm gonna hold my project right at the end of my stitch line and let's pull lengthwise there we go that sinks that thread down in there we don't get rippling and it looks clean and tight okay I'm going to sew all the way around to the other side we'll hide or not okay we're down to our last hole let's come through from the front and the back same as every other stitch but now when we come back through what I'm going to do is I'm going to back up two second hole and I'm just gonna come through one ply let's pull that down straighten it out a little bit tighten it down okay same thing from the backside let's come back to that second hole and come through from the inside okay there we go okay take a second to find that all right now let's pull our thread taut now I seem to have a knack for picking the darkest possible leather and thread for our videos I apologize okay so with this let's do this I'm going to take my right over my left just doing a basic square knot and let's push that down in there but I'm going to put that on the end of my finger so I can tighten that knot a little bit deeper down in there there we go okay now left over right when we get down to our smaller pockets we've got a little tool that's really gonna help us out with that so there we go okay with our knife again as always let's don't cut across our thread let's pull our thread across our knife and I'm going to go right to the edge of the throat there very good okay we're gonna hammer this down so it's going to look a little bit better shortly but let's jump over to our other pocket or our other panel now with our strop pocket we went all the way around now we're simply going to sew from our edge right to the inside of the pocket and we're going to hide our knot there we'll have a stitch line running across the outside so let's start right here now technically with these pockets these are going to be hidden or if we put a knot on the back side it's going to be hidden but let's go ahead and hide our knot on the face because that's what we're going to have to do with the rest of the pockets on our tool roll now I've gotten to the end of this one line problem is I'm never going to be able to get my finger down in there so let's do this let's start our square knot right over left bring that around now the piece that's going to have to push down in there I've just got a little piece of dowel I've got a cut in the end so therefore my thread I'll sit down in that and I can push that holding it holding it with my finger I can now push that down into the pocket so that's going to tighten that deep in there for me okay left over right I'm going to do the same thing okay well that looks pretty good now what I'll do is I'll sew the other side same thing jump over here let's sew our outside lines first that way we can get our finger in there then we'll sew that Center light and use our tool and trim that off all right let's step over to our courts and we're going to hammer down our stitch line make that look clean and tight in my opinion hand sewing crumbs will never look as clean and tight as a vegetable body but still looks pretty good now let's hammer down half of this and we'll see if there's a difference now visible difference between our stitch lines hammered and not more consistent a little bit more even we close our holes down looks pretty good alright so let's do the balance of our two pockets that looks pretty good very happy with that stitch line we might have a little fuzz from our cut but that'll go away in no time okay main table let's glue our pockets onto our main body we're going to scribe our bends in this we don't necessarily have to mark those but we're going to use this to Center our four pockets so from this end I'm going to square across my top there's four now I've got four and three-quarter four and three-quarter okay our bullets are marked let's set that aside over here let's start right here we're going to add our two pockets in to either side so just like we added on our flap let's drop in glue on three sides okay we've got some glue very carefully let's take that by the edges and I'm gonna lay that right to my edge right between my two fold lines there we go oh hey that looks good clean across my edge flush there but also too now that we're going to going Skype to Skype or flesh the flesh that's going to be a good bond okay gonna do the same thing on the other side and they want my other two okay let's give that just about five minutes dry time let that glue set just like our other pockets all we need to do now is lay this in and let's scribe in our stitch line so we're going to do that on each edge and then let's mark and scribe for each of our inner lines in our last line okay one point here we've got some hands someone to do here but all told sewing each one of these just about two minutes okay so let's step over drop in our chisel now same thing is our last pockets going to start on my inside one time out and work my way down the only thing is we need to remember let's don't get too close to our edge because we'll have a stitch coming through there and two more holes there we go okay just about three or four minutes to chisel looks good back to our Pony let's hand so we're someone a floppy piece of leather this can really be frustrating a time-consuming so let's do this I've got a clip on a piece of suede lace with a slip knot connected to the roof of my shop now my slip knot allows me to raise or lower this but what I can do is clip this onto my project pull that project taught in my pony now look at that I've got a good taut surface right in front of me and with my slip knot I can raise or lower this as I need to okay so we've got short lines to soak 18 of them but we're gonna blow right through this all right now laughs hold now took about an hour maybe just a hair less but the bigger point here we're gonna enjoy this use this and love this about a thousand times that so yeah a little bit of time in sewing but let's do this I'm going to tie the knot let jump back over because we're getting close to being done okay to save us a little time I've hammered down our stitch line so let's don't forget to do that let's drop in our pockets that looks good thus far clean tight fit back look at our edge flush all the way across okay so let's add glue to three sides on each flap glue that down okay that looks good both sides flush all the way around we took our time with our pattern that's paying off right now okay let's give this about five time five minutes dry time okay we've got some dry time there everything set looks good clean and flush let's flip this over we're going to trim our round corners we've marked that from our pattern so let's trim all four corners okay we've got our round corners in let's take our square and let's just scribe one eighth of an inch in all the way around and we can simply match our round corners when we come around those and our last corner to mark end now absolutely use a template if you want to on our corners or even a small bottle cap okay let's step over chisel this because we're almost done now for this chisel line one long chisel line it's going to be a lot easier and a lot faster than these but with our corners remember we can always mark with our to punch with our single tine then we're going to have a very consistent round corner so all told we can start just about anywhere but let's keep that chisel it's straight up and down as we can okay when we're coming down to the end let's just eyeball this look at that that is almost perfect okay so let's back up two tines drop that in very consistent okay again the dark leather strikes we can't see any of that sorry sorry let's jump over we're going to sew this in our lace we're done now to make this easier what we're gonna do is I'm gonna start right in the middle and I'm gonna sew around to about the middle of the pouch it's going to do two things first off we don't have to have this ridiculously long thread to try to make it all the way around but secondly we can hide our knot up under there easily so therefore we're gonna see no double stitch lines and no knots and cut that off close okay that looks good I'm gonna jump over hammer down our stitch line join me at the main table we'll drop in our lace we didn't include this on our pattern simply because we could go so many different ways with a closure but I love just a piece of thunk I can cinch it down so with this all I've got is a one-inch spread between two holes centered on one of the outside panels centered left to right or top to bottom therefore when I close this that will tie on the outside or I can fold it more like an envelope still going to tie well for us so let's drop this in mark it either side matters not jump over to our courts let's use a 1/8 inch punch easy enough and let's lace now this is our latigo lace and I love this exceptionally strong this is going to last for years so let's pull that through we can close this bring that around about 30 inches but that looks like it could be awful lot but that's okay simple project easy to make durable and extremely helpful I can't wait to put some tools in this and go somewhere I'm not even sure where I'm gonna go but I'll have my tools with me and that's what's important now options I'm not going to go on a full role here but think about this we do a vegetate exterior tool it stamp it antique diet and on the inside our pockets wet form those to fit specific tools sky's the limit on this I hope every tool roll you make is spot-on beautiful good luck with your projects [Music] you
Channel: Weaver Leather Supply
Views: 66,969
Rating: 4.9456067 out of 5
Keywords: leather tool roll, leather chef roll, diy tool roll pattern
Id: -B43RzCObNo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 3sec (1623 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 06 2020
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