Making A Junction Box Extension Cord

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hey guys i've got another project that i'm working on here i have a long extension cord that was cut here what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna reuse the extension cord i cut out the bad pieces and then i bought these two outlets here and the junction box so i'm going to wire up this junction box with these outlets to make a very long extension cord um with a outlet junction box all right let me prepare this stuff i'll get back to you so i've stripped away the insulation insulation from this here what i'm going to do now is strip out a piece from here to expose the copper because what i'm going to do is i'm going to have to jump right from one plug outlet to the other all right so right now i've stripped back in between here on the ground the neutral and the hot and i'm gonna strip out the ends here now so i've got all of the ends stripped out and twisted around to keep the strands from you know falling apart same thing here in the middle now i'm gonna wire it up to the plugs on the plugs here this on the right the smaller slot is the hot for the black wire that's hot on the left the longer one is neutral which is the white and this is the ground so over here where you see the brass colored goes the hot over here where you see the white or silver color goes to neutral and the bottom is the ground all right so i've got this outlet wired up black white and green ground now i'm gonna put in the other outlet wire that up so now i've got the second outlet hooked up hot black over here and the white over here and the ground now the ground is common for everything for these two outlets and the case as well so i could have just put the ground on the case and everything would have been okay but i wired it up anyhow now i'm going to show you with an ohmmeter that everything is wired up correctly um let me see here now i'll grind that out there once that's touching put my lead here and you'll see the ground is common all over okay now this one here is the hot which is black that's going to be over here try and get it in there to stay all right here we should see continuity all right now the other one which is going to be the white neutral all right so i'm going to put the cover on here and make everything complete these small screws and nuts attach the outlets to the cover so i've got all of these secured now screwed down with a little screws and nuts i'm gonna wrap this here with some bicycle tubing to prevent it from getting cut you know over over time i've got tie wraps in here on the inside here to prevent this from going out i did the same thing on the outside i used two tie wraps so i could use the two heads to give it more uh security there i'm gonna cut these ends off here now okay now let's test it i'm gonna plug it in to an outlet no just kidding and then plug in an electric drill there you go all right so we're in business we got a real heavy duty outlet junction box here and a super extra long card all right now don't you kids try this at home i'm a trained professional thank you very much for watching goodbye
Channel: Irfaan XLCR
Views: 16,874
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Junction Box, Extension Cord, DIY, Electric, recycling
Id: WzgbY_85Ado
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 33sec (453 seconds)
Published: Fri May 07 2021
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