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[Music] hello everyone and welcome to ethelon many years ago my mum and young 14 year old self went to see a film at our small local cinema a children's stop-motion animation this should be fine i thought little did i know this film would leave such a profound impact and continue to shape my artistic endeavors today i'm of course talking about leica studios coraline for today's video i'm going to attempt to strike off something from my art bucket list that being creating my very own coraline other self before we get started don't forget to hit that subscribe button down below to never miss a video like the video if you like it and comment i love reading all of your comments with that all being said let's jump right into the creation first things first to create a concept sketch for the design of my other self i referenced the design of coraline's mother her real mother that is a somewhat large head and short yet average built body shape as the film is set in oregon i fitted the other me with comfy knitted layers and making sure not to forget those buttons [Music] time to craft booting up my 3d modeling software i'm going to sculpt a really basic designed head as this model is meant to be a rag doll i kept the design really simple but made sure that my more prominent facial features were represented like my round face and long nose once i was happy i can set the model to print on my filament printer [Music] after six hours the head is finally done off camera i removed the head supports and gave it a really good clean with some acetone to smooth out those print lines as well i drilled a hole in the base of the head for the body attachment later on it looks very nice if i do say so myself time to craft the body for the other me i really want to go with the look of the original film's ragdoll for this i mapped out a body shape similar to the base that was used within the beldums workshop [Music] but in the end i gave up on that idea entirely and went with the tried and true method an articulated doll body this is a short sculpted ever after high body i found this in my spare parts drawer [Music] and it just so happens to be a perfect size for the head as this doll's body has been in the spare parts draw for goodness knows how long it will need a really good clean to get rid of any dirt or oils that have accumulated over time for this i'll be using some rubbing alcohol [Music] oh my god it stinks now that the base is all cleaned and dry i can give this doll a new coat of paint the paint i'll be using is a light peach acrylic [Music] [Music] i'll be painting the head just in the same [Music] but for the head i'll be needing a base layer going into my garden i'll be using the games workshop citadel wraith bone spray paint once that was all dry i'll give the face a coat with the same peach acrylic paint typically when you're doing model painting you want to have the smoothest layer possible however as my little me is meant to be a rag doll of sorts i guess i want to do the complete opposite with thick paint and very coarse brushstrokes i want to give off the look of hatching i think that's the right word i'm not really sure um but basically to get off the look that this is made out of canvas trust me on this it won't look silly later on it will look nice once the paint was all nice and dry i gave the head and body a spray with vallejo matte varnish and we can start customizing black is traditional but if you prefer pink or vermilion or chartreuse though you might make me jealous for my other me the color of the buttons are going to be navy [Music] so [Music] in the other mother's studio she uses a seam from ear to ear as the point of access for all the materials that are inside the doll i have to make sure that i give off this effect in my own doll using craft tape i'm going to just map out this seam [Music] [Music] removing that tape i can smooth out that line to have it blend in a lot nicer and here you can see the results of that hatching i really hope that that's the right word applying the powder on top brings out that fantastic texture that we added making it really look like material i'm so happy with how that turned out [Music] something that i'm quite self-conscious about is the dark pigmentation around my eyes i spend ages color correcting and concealing and trying my hardest to make the color look normal so to speak it's funny how your self-consciousness can be erased quite quickly when turning yourself into a stop-motion character grabbing purples and dark browns and blues i'll be deepening that color around the buttons looking more and more like victor from corporate as we progress to emphasize that stitching i'm going to add highlighted areas with the original base color this will give off the impression that the jaw and facial areas are two separate pieces sewn together [Music] so [Music] grabbing some watercolor pencils i'm going to start sketching out a mouth i drew the mouth quite high on the doll's face as this will not only emphasize the doll's longer nose but it will also make it look even longer [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] one of the last steps of the face is painting on the eyebrows i sketched out some upturned eyebrows with some watercolor pencils later layering them with some watered down acrylic paint [Music] once i was happy i made sure to give the face a really good spray with some matte varnish i did use mr super clear here which is a lack of varnish but while that beautiful glowing effect of the varnish is gorgeous on dolls it's a little bit out of place on this doll later on i did finish off the face with a matte varnish from vallejo which is an acrylic and it really worked so nicely [Music] time to create some hair i have red hair so red yarn is this yarn is fantastic it has various shades of orange which will add really nice dimension to the hair when i normally make dolls i'm quite meticulous perfectionist and critical of the work that i'm doing this doll however forced me to be quite rough and loose with my creating and it felt so exciting i'll just plop loads of glue on and just smack some yarn and be like yep that looks good it was really really enjoyable to do this kind of creating so much more freeing i guess [Music] [Music] something that i did notice when looking at the original subject matter was how grimy coraline's doll looks when it comes into the ownership of coraline versus the way that it looked when it was immediately coming out of the belgium studio it's spooky but it showed how the belgium was just waiting waiting for coraline to arrive at the pink palace which makes it so much more creepy to replicate this look of aged yarn i'll be using hairspray and matte pomade i'll be isolating each strand here adding the product and twisting this will get rid of all the shine and will make the hair look so much less polished but end up looking perfect in a way [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] to debulk the ends of the hair i'll be doing the old razor trick grabbing an exacto knife and a new blade i'll be razoring away at the ends [Music] i didn't like that there was flyaways appearing on the hair even though i want it to look very unkept and grimy i guess i don't like flyaways so grabbing some matte pomade again and using a toothbrush i'll work the mixture into the yarn last touch-ups on the fringe and the hair is done [Music] while the hair sets it's time to create some clothes instead of the coat i decided to instead go with a chunky scarf for the cold mountainous weather but let's just say my scarf looks very homemade this knitted scarf took days to complete [Music] in the original sketch design i had the intention of having a knitted sweater well after the scarf i i don't want to do any more knitting i truly could not bear doing any more time to do a little bit of a cheat kmart socks perfect i was very indecisive about which sock pattern to use the lemon branch and the pattern's a little bit too big [Music] the crochet design it's too holy maybe this i think i'll go with this one which is an off-white tight knitted design perfect for a little sweater [Music] it was at this point i wanted so so bad to scrap the original design and go with an ash costume from fantastic mr fox look at that little sock costume is that not the sweetest thing that you've ever seen alas perhaps another time i wanted the sweater to be really chunky so i'll be making the pattern quite large the widest part of the body on the doll is 2.5 centimeters in width which is along the shoulders for this pattern the width i did was 6.5 centimeters it's a really really big difference but i felt it will really add fantastic shape to this doll and make a very bulky and short i guess for the knit i knew that the material would have fray almost immediately after being cut to stop this from happening with material you can cauterize the ends you can sew into the fabric which will stop it from fraying as well i however opted to glue the pieces together to stop them from fraying i used craft glue for this but in the end i think that was a bit of a bad choice i think pva would have worked a lot better and would still give flexibility but craft glue is just very hard it was a bad choice but oh well once the glue was dry i hand stitched the sweater together off camera to add the illusion of layers i made small attachment pieces to the sweater with polyester fabric this was done to look like a button-up top was underneath the sweater to attach them i did small hand stitchings to keep them in place for added detail i also attached some buttons to the shirt for this i used white pearl beads it was quite funny when i was making this doll i couldn't figure out how to objectively look at myself and say yeah i wear that more often oh that's my style i guess find the most common thing that you wear you're probably thinking well just like right now i always wear very grubby gear when i'm working which evidently is every day nothing worse than getting paint all over your very nice new clothes when i was designing the other me i thought to add colorful aspects to the clothes something striking and eye-catching but soon realized it just wasn't really in keeping with what i actually look like i ended up looking at two games with very similar aesthetics to caroline night in the woods and little misfortune both games do really well at dressing their characters in an average way nothing too flashy and yet they look really good for my other me a large sweater scarf and chinos comfy and perfectly average for some added detail to the clothes i wanted to add some small gold jewelry enamel pins are always such a cute accessory so i thought it would look good on this sweater [Music] [Music] something that i thought was a good idea at the time was to make the hands and feet out of canvas in hopes that it would give the illusion of a rag doll for this i followed delightful's glove tutorial which was so helpful link of course will be in the description below it was going great it looked good until i added it to the doll yeah you know what some things work in theory but it doesn't always work when you end up putting everything together [Music] i was sad that i couldn't give this doll its ragdoll look but in the end i've come to realize that the other me is turning less and less into what the beldum would assume that i look like instead turning into as if i was a character in the town if that makes sense i imagine my other self being just a weird quiet townsfolk who feeds and chats to the wildlife but doesn't talk to any of the humans in town oh wait that's me in real life [Music] time to assemble all of the clothes together i've come to really like how the off-white sweater is it looks old and worn it's fantastic [Music] the scarf is so obnoxiously huge on this doll i love it as a final step i'll gloss the buttons on her face to give them that uneasy shine for this i'm using vallejo gloss varnish once that was dry i think the other me is finally finished [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you all so much for watching let me know what you think of the other me in the comments below would you create one yourself and if you would what would yours look like i would love to know of course as well don't forget to subscribe to the channel i would love to have you here a huge thank you as always to my patreon supporters your support allows me to keep making these videos and making my little dolls so thank you [Music] with that all being said i'll see you in the next video [Music] you
Channel: etellan
Views: 2,300,427
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: coraline, stop motion animation, asmr, creepy, laika studios, coraline doll, custom coraline doll, custom, art, doll, doll painting, mini painting, relaxing, music, doll repaint, make up, figure, custom figure, monster high repaint, toy repaint, painting, water colour, watercolor, acrylic painting, handmade, DIY, relaxing music, soft spoken, soft voice, color, colourful, colorful, Makeup, tutorial, lofi, custom toy, custom repaint
Id: igB4Jj9GUtc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 54sec (1554 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 18 2021
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