1日5000個のパンを焼く、過去No.1の活気とスピード感あふれる石窯パン作りに密着!【クロワッサン ファクトリー】

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Please turn on subtitles for more information. "Croissant Factory" 4-3-21 Goinishi, Ichihara City, Chiba Prefecture. welcome. here you are! How about freshly baked? Baked mini croissants. yes. Yes, please use freshly baked. thank you. Isn't it going to increase more? 5000, maybe a little more. good morning. Welcome to "Croissant Factory"! Preparations begin around 5:30 in the morning, and 5,000 loaves of bread are baked in one day. Please take a look at the lively "Croissant Factory" that is second to none. If you like the video, please subscribe to the channel. good morning. please. Bring me some bread. frozen bread. It's frozen bread. Like Tarutino. chocolate. cream bread. Character bread ears. Danish bread. A stone kiln made by stacking bricks one by one. It is said that it can be used for 100 years. Many customers will be able to see you today. We treat each customer with courtesy, so that they can return home satisfied. Let's do our best with a smile today as well. thank you. Hello, welcome. just a moment please. Yes, I got it. Thank you for waiting. I'm sorry. Thank you for your time. thank you. Please come again. We hope to see you again today. Freshly baked bread passes in front of the cash register first and then goes around the store before being placed in the designated area. This is to deliver freshly baked goods to our customers. It's warm. warm. Wow warm. Ingredients for curry bread. Curry bread. Anko making. Anko is made by the president. red bean. water. Now, I'll work it out. Drain the water, add sugar and start kneading. sugar. I used to have an original red bean paste made at a red bean paste shop. Leave it as it is and use homemade red bean paste for bread that you want to make a distinctive feature. As you can see, it will take time. I can't do all of this, so I'm doing this kind of bread that I want to bring out the characteristics. How many people do you work in a day? How many people do you work with? Right now, just for sales, there are about 10 people. About 25 people in total. Saturdays and Sundays are extremely busy. How many bread do you make on Saturdays and Sundays? Isn't it going to increase more? 5000 pieces, maybe a little more. Well, it will increase a little. Ordinary Saturdays and Sundays. Curry bread is fried many times a day. On this day, I fried 13 times during the shooting. Thank you for watching. Please subscribe to the channel.
Channel: 食彩パン工房【公式】Shokusai Bakery Studio
Views: 105,004
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: クロワッサン, 食彩パン工房, ぱん, pann, パン職人, 千葉パン, おすすめパン, 天然酵母パン, パン生地, パン食べ放題, baking bread, ब्रेड बनाना, cooking, sourdough bread, making bread, Bread making, การทำขนมปัง, Выпечка хлеба, The process of making delicious bread, रोटी का आटा, Bread dough, करी रोटी, Bread, パンレシピ, japanese bread recipe, 面包, 麵包, Pain, Bakery, japanese bakery, ベーカリー, Brot, Pane, BroodLei, pää, Brød, Bou, langerieJapanese food, パン屋密着, 食パン, the bakery, パンの季節, パンものがたり
Id: AdW8YXAa6u8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 44sec (4064 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 03 2023
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