Making 3 Types of Leather Keychain // DIY to PRO

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hey everybody um so today we have a fun one i watch uh john malecki on youtube and he does a lot of cool videos where they do like three different versions of one thing an easy one a medium and hard one or like a simple one a more intricate one and a super fancy one so we're gonna try that today we're gonna do a video where we make three different keychains one super easy one medium and one a little bit more advanced i'm gonna give myself a timer we're thinking 10 minutes for the first one half hour for the second one hour for the third one i'm just getting some tools sharpened in advance so we can kind of just go for it so yeah that's what we're doing today okay so first one we're gonna set a 10 minute timer that's 10 minutes i'm going to use this leather so here we go um so our first one we're going to keep pretty simple i'm just going to do sort of a straight um just key fob type belt loop thing now what i'm going to do for ease of use this is set to three quarters of an inch so i'm just going to cut a three quarter inch strip like that and that will allow us to use any of the hardware we have floating around which i haven't even found yet so i actually have to save some time to do that so i'm gonna bevel this when you're using this is like 10 12 ounce leather you want to make sure you bevel it because this you can actually get like paper cuts this is like sharp on the edge so before we do any sizing i'm just going to get the beveling done oh god i should organize this there we go all right so three quarter inch strap and punch so i'm not going to use any measurements or anything i'm just going to kind of wing it this will be our one of our ends then what we need to do is skive this down a bit so that we can bend it i've been working on my flat skiving with a blade like this instead of using the french edger trying to be able to take off an even amount for long distances it's not easy not very good at it yet but we'll get there eventually we have i've got four minutes left so this is going to be winging it a little bit but that's okay so i'm going to fold this over and i'm just going to punch there get that centered there that's going to be where we attach our um split ring and then this is going to be the top of our snap but when i do these i don't like to center them like this because then you don't have anything to grab so i'm going to put it up tall or high up on it now we gotta go to the presses there that there feels like an olympic trial i know right it's way too stressful um okay so oh there's three minutes left oh here we go snap clips like that go like that did it sick yeah we got it okay so with i don't know if you see this with one minute to spare we have our basic simple keychain you guys have probably all made these plenty of times before super useful um super easy and the age really nice you'll be able to use this for 20 years easily you just got to put some oil on it and you're good to go i like these because all the hardware holds it together you know so you don't have to take extra steps if you're just trying to bang out like a bunch of cheap stuff to a bunch of easy stuff not cheap in a quality sense but just you know doesn't take a lot of time so if you're selling at farmers markets um you can charge 10 bucks for these and you're making money so that's it for our 10. i'm gonna grab a drink and then we'll go to our half hour version all right so this next one i'm going to set my timer half hour and we're going so the first thing i'm going to do is i'm going to i'm not really cheat but i'm going to spend a little bit of time making a pattern so that for my hour long one i have pattern to go off of and then we'll just make a simple version of it for a 30 minute but i'm going to pattern by hand to show you so we're going to use this one i like the dimensions of this one that we just made so all we have to do is measure everything off of that so we have about seven and a half plus one so eight and a half inches so i already drew my center line and uh if you don't have a computer this is how you make patterns pretty much it's not super hard um i do it all the time yeah that's how kelina makes them all time so this one i wanted to have some shape i wanted to be a little more intricate so what i'm going to do is i'm going to start by kind of making out marking out a grid so i'm making myself a one inch thing first and then a half inch here we'll go up one inch here so this will be our fold and this will be half and this will be the bottom all right so what i just realized is um we can't do these because our hardware isn't gonna fit but we need a curve here for the end so what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna take my dividers i'm going to put them right about there so i want basically to get the distance from here to here to be the same as from here to here which that's about it so now i have a perfectly centered mark for where i punch my snap and then i'm also going to make my curve like that it never comes out perfect when you're hand drawing but we'll just pencil that in and then i'll adjust this mark to be even and then i think we're ready to cut this out okay there we go i know that i have a one inch fold over so i'm going to make a two inch mark here and i'm going to do my best to do actually use this okay i'm going to try for a real long skive here holy moly it worked so we can fold that over now so next i'm going to take a one inch strap and punch and i'm gonna round off this edge like that this is the master tools punch i absolutely love these they're super nice then we need a tiny punch we're going to punch our hole for our snap now time check we have oh boy we have five minutes um all right so i wasn't going to do this but i had to step away for 10 minutes um so i'm going to add 10 minutes to pot because i really want to show you guys i was going to try to do everything in 20 minutes instead of 30. but i'm gonna add 10 minutes just so we can go and do pretty much everything we want to do for our 30 minute session um 30 minute version so now that we have a little more time we don't have to fully rush i'm gonna finish trimming up my cut here so that it's perfect and then i'm gonna go get my water so this is just a manual edge creaser we're not gonna do any stitching because we're not gonna have any time i just have water here i'm just gonna case this and casing is just dampening the leather we're not wet molding it we're just getting it damp then once i have this cased we're going with our creaser and you can kind of just set this is a cheap one i got like from japan i ordered from japan like years ago um we're just going to go in and make our edge crease here now the problem with these is that they're really not great on curves but you can see they do a pretty good job with just straights um if you case the leather i'm also knocking with a creaser but now we're gonna go back and grab our edge black beveler once again and before we burnish um i want to add a little color to this but we obviously don't have time for things to to dye things and let them dry but we cased our leather so what we can do is we can add a little bit more water we can take some canvas and we can literally just burnish top grain and this will act just like burnishing an edge does and it'll darken us up a lot and kind of give like a vintagey look it's going to be splotchy probably to the end of the video once it dries out we get the other project done but you'll see at the end that it'll it'll be kind of shiny and look a little more aged so that's good for now now we got to basically just do the same thing we did the last one we're at the starting point for the last one basically so we're going to sand down these edges i'm going to use water to burnish this one in my experience water will give you a darker edge than gum drag or coconut or whatever and because we burnish the rest of it with water so it'll already look kind of vintagey um the darker edge will kind of go with the look of the rest of it so just like the other one because we're using this real thick stuff i'm going through first and just looking with a tool handle to lay those fibers down before i go in with canvas and polish it back up okay so i want to put a one of our signature split rings on this one it's a little more fancy but you can see it's not it's a little too big so the way you can do that this is a one inch strap it probably should have been like a three quarter um i'm just gonna line this up here and make a mark like there and there and then what we can do is we can punch a hole there punch a hole there and then take our exacto blade and cut that out and what that's going to do is make us a little notch that our split ring won't slide into see so with that done we're pretty much in the whole stretch i'm gonna go over the press you guys already saw it once we're gonna do the same thing again all right so with about four minutes left here's our finished product there we go actually rotate that so that's in there that's super nice looking so we have our 10 minute our half hour which realistically was once you have the pattern that's also a 10 minute but you have to make the pattern so the next one we have our hour long extravaganza where i think we're going to try to do some stitching but this is making me break a sweat having a stress out like this so i'm going to take a 10-minute break and we'll come back and we'll get started on it all right we're going to try to do a little skiving so i'm going to set my dividers to give myself a little sky and this will just give it a little dimension um hopefully this is going to be kind of a tough skype so it might just mean that i'm biting off more than i can chew and i have to recap but we're going to give it a go so on this one i want to have like it's the attachment point on its own separate loop that needs to be three-quarter of an inch now here's a little trick most rulers are an inch and a quarter wide and i'm using a cutting mat with a half inch grate on it so if you want to cut a quarter inch increments you line up your ruler with the back line so we'll put that there and you can see we have half inch and three quarter i do this all the time this is one of my favorite tricks there we go and now while the glue is drying before we stick everything together we can get this ready because we're going to apply some something non-stick or those non-stretch tape so this is uh the the double st not double stick it's a single stick this is like a fabric it's very very thin so it's going to prevent this from stretching but we want to make sure since this is going to be completely folded in half the whole time that it exists pretty much um we want to fold this in half too so we don't get a lot of wrinkles before we stick it in there so what i'm going to do is i have this folded in half i'm just going to kind of stick that in there the only thing we want to make sure of is that we're not sticking out the sides we can trim the top and the bottom i mean the sides are fine to trim too but i just prefer to try to not trim the sides if i don't have to then i gotta go over to the corner and trim that down so this modification unlike our second one which is like full thickness um i want this one to taper down so i'm going to use this as a little guide here and just kind of make some marks take a quarter inch off either side and i'm using my skiving knife for my straight knife i guess i'm going to use the grid on my cutting board which i use a lot it's really good for fast stuff i'm just going to line that up with one inch and do a taper on one side and line that up with one inch on the other side and taper that as well and then we can just kind of zip off that little edge there and the last thing we're going to do i'm going to be putting another split ring so what i want to do so i get a nice tight fit is cut that curve so that when this is laying in here everything moves you see how that matches up just like that so this is going to be able to move freely it's not going to get kind of stuck on anything [Music] all right we have 12 13 minutes left so i'm gonna try we're gonna do some edge creasing on this one too just because i like the way that that other one came out and i'm not saying that i made my stitch line super far in on purpose so it would take less time but i'm not saying i didn't do that so i feel like we need something to fill the space three minutes left we're in the home stretch here you see how our split ring is going to fit perfectly in there i'm just going to wing this a little bit like that then i can make sure that this is lined up so these are even all right time's up we're five minutes past our one hour limit we have our 10 minute version our half hour version and here's our one hour version so we did this is fully lined it's burnished we did we stitched the whole thing obviously and then what i did that was different where we have a little fold over right here we have a whole extra piece right here we have our signature concho now this stitching goes underneath obviously you know if you were going to make this to sell you would want to move this out a bit but because we have the time constraints it looks fine enough as it is um but yeah so there we go so we have a 10 minute version a half hour version one hour version do any of them do anything different than the other no they all function exactly the same they're all going to be the same strength they're all going to last for the same amount of time minus possibly having the open fiber here if this gets wet this will be more likely to kind of maybe get some mold or something like that but that's very rare um it's really just a matter of finishing so it's how far do you want to go and this was a this was kind of a stretch if i were making this like for if we're making these for customers like this one and in particular um i would probably take an extra half hour it would probably be an hour and a half worth of you know billable labor but i thought this was a pretty fun project um a little challenge and i think it demonstrates how simple or detailed that you can go with the same piece that essentially does the same thing of course you could always replace these i did this for aesthetic reasons but you could always put a spring clip in there too same size so um i will put a link in the description years ago maybe two or three years ago we did a version of this key ring and it's really fun to make we have a pattern for a dollar or two i'll put that in the description if you want to make it but um let me know or let us know what you guys thought about this whole challenge a big thanks to john for starting this or he was the first one i saw do it on youtube so thanks for letting us rip you off and uh thank you guys so much for watching we'll see in the next one you
Channel: Corter Leather
Views: 141,345
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: leather key chain, corter, corter leather, leather keychain pattern, leather keychain tutorial, leather keychain lesson, keychain pattern, keychain making, leather key fob, leather concho, vegetable tanned leather, weaver leather
Id: xdgqe-Ut9v8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 30sec (1350 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 04 2022
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