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what's up guys welcome back to another video today and speakable is late to his video so I will be doing the intro and welcome back to another video in today's video as you see we have a wild cake oh we've got a paddle no that's no we're doing no we also got a giant swimming pool you call it a bathtub I mean I I would consider it more of a bathtub definitely a swimming pool and we have thousands of pounds of cornstarch so we are going to be making black in this pool I don't think anyone really knows what it is it's a mysterious water and cornstarch and it makes this very weird thing you will see stay tuned let's let's get to making it cuz we got a lot of work to do yeah yeah are you ready to mix mix mix mix mix mix mix something else oh yeah but got out of water in the air hi guys I already feel it turning into the US and we have started all right back down 40 more to go I'm a professional water coming what you got there Keiko most amazing thing in the world cornstarch it just feels so cool on your hands then I found your best friend cornstarch I've never wanted to be a baker more in my life than right now oh yeah this is looking nice also right there we have a couple gallons of green dye so the cornstarch is gonna be colored green kind of like silly oh yeah oh yeah we're gonna keep doing this here for the next Howry - yeah for a while so Jim Tom that's [Music] the first step in the Oobleck how is it so unfortunately we have all the corn starts in there we only have two more bags over there but now it's mixing time okay so check this out so for those of you guys that don't know what black is it's a liquid that acts like a solid but only when it moves fast so look got some in her hand it's a solid it's a ball and then and it's a ball doesn't make any sense this stuff is serious this is like cooking me now before I get trapped well okay so this what I can get out okay but then the other foot is that literally the bottom so look at this is a ball right now it's water are you good I'm ready you have so much powder all over your face Leo's ready see this ball oh okay you see this ball it's awesome back and forth you look like Santa Claus with a powder chin of cornstarch okay see like I have my hands in here right and I'm slowly I mean you can't see it but I am slowly moving my fingers without a problem they're not even hurting and then if I try to pull cornstarch and water do you think you could watch this yeah I mean I wouldn't recommend it it would probably solidify your entire stomach like on the inside would be really bad alright so Kayla's got herself stuck in the block again I don't understand it as soon as I think it's my friend it's not alright so just slowly right yeah I don't think you guys realize how strong this stuff is if you happen you're gonna get stuck I'll just jump on a stock stock really fast oh yeah you're free like I just burn so myself after about an hour of mixing this stuff I think it's just about I'm just gonna let you know I don't think I'm getting back in [Laughter] nice oh my gosh it's like solid oh wait we're cracking it look I know but if you record there oh oh wait is it if you move it or if you don't move it it solidifies oh if you move it so we just have to keep moving it oh yeah it's like a giant way don't try to run across it hey watch out wait oh look at all of this liquid though it's really solid in the middle just keep moving just keep moving just keep moving no no you're gonna trap try it go okay yes right there's no way I'm gonna get stuck and with me open I'm gonna put a little bit more on the top and then the whole thing will be like this let's just mix it well mix it all up and then we'll be dead okay this is the last bag so now it's gonna be it's actually layers you can see it's white from the cornstarch and then blue and then green from what the blue is yes no idea so the black is a hundred percent complete after hours and hours of trying to make this stuff look at this so it looks like water right looks like water it's solid but if I slowly put my hand in it look it literally acts like water like I can just put my hand in it and it just disappears just like his if it was water but if you punch it no oh my gosh let me say bye bye take a brief look at this it looks so cool yeah so if I try I can't break through it I cannot break through it however with something like this oh my gosh oh you see how it came off like a liquid they give me a little ball look this ball is easily a solid ball however now it's water or slime I'm getting stuck I gotta keep moving so basically this stuff is like quicksand yeah what you want me to hit it oh I don't think that was a good idea it's like a hundred different pieces I do it again oh my gosh you look like you know old lady no offense look at you the other side of your head oh my gosh look how much is in the middle of cone Oh giant chunk right here what take this ah it's so weird because like if you try to go in fast it's solid but if I just set my hands on it it feels like water it actually feels like water if I just set my hands on it so it doesn't do that Lego what should I do with the Lego do the leg up leg up sinking Lego go under and it's submerged how do we get it up we grab it slowly slowly 1 2 3 that was so lame you're just mad cuz you can't do it you want to challenge to that yeah you can do it alright give me the comment it out ready let me see this first attempt oh really Chris the time okay let's see it I'll put down some puzzle pieces one if you get to run across three ready ready Coco Coco ready yeah you're gonna go after me okay here we go three two one go go go Oh Gilligan Gilligan I wonder how long you can stand on it but like a fast walk I feel like that lady on our morning step one I'm gonna try to jump to that one is this so much fun it's actually too much fun like the work that you want to get a workout in jump in here and do what - high knees because if you stop your sink oh I want to see if you can bounce a kickball on the you've left firstly to take off these tiles why why ready I'm a bouncing to you this is look it's actually if you look at the water or the Oobleck I should say it actually has like a ring of water like as if it was water like go look at that and you roll it across you're on the game all right time to get the kamon out Josh how did you pick own a move-in it's done permanent home oh my gosh no it's not might as well just push it under and now all right Peter code away is it coming back up wait wait wait oh my gosh that's the revive oh it knows that we like better than you do better luck oh there's a hair all right so guys that's gonna wrap up for this video now you're probably wondering out of this entire video why is there a giant scaffold behind us because I am going to do a part two to this Oobleck video or we drop a ton of stuff off the top of that tower into the black so you guys want to see that could we put on this video and I'll see you soon and a brand new vlog and I'm running I've read yeah I'm sick oh my gosh nope that's not gonna help uh-oh I got one I got one I got it I'm safe anti-stress you okay [Music]
Channel: Unspeakable
Views: 5,284,038
Rating: 4.8870087 out of 5
Keywords: unspeakable, vlog, vlogs, unspeakablegaming, prank, comedy, challenge, laugh, funny, moments, craziest, pranks, crazy, no cursing, no swearing, how to, parody, troll, video, react, family friendly, funniest, adventure, trolling, unspeakable vlogs, real life, life, unspeakable real life, unspeakableplays, oobleck, making, making oobleck, oobleck pool, DIY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 9sec (909 seconds)
Published: Thu May 16 2019
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