Makeup review | Clinique*Ulta*Nars

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all these products that i did use today are also moisturizing so if you're not looking for moisturizing stuff this probably wouldn't be for you [Music] hey guys welcome back thank you guys for tuning in today you guys are going to be doing your makeup with me i'm going to be showing you guys my makeup stuff i'm always getting new things and it's just kind of random stuff that i buy so i want to show you guys these things because they're kind of new to me i might be doing them wrong so if i am doing it wrong or applying it wrong um let me know before we get into it though please hit that subscribe button down below so we're going to start off with our moisture face spray um this one is new to me it's from clinique i got the smaller size because i don't like getting big sizes of anything that i haven't tried out and that i don't like so we're just gonna pop it open and see how it looks i haven't even opened this one um so this is cute it's like a baby pink i love it already um let's see thirsty skin relief you guys anybody has thirsty skin i got you i got you so before anything i always do start off with my normal face routine before i add anything new or on top of whatever that i first go in with my lenny i still don't know how to pronounce this and i probably won't ever know because i don't even pay attention to it but i do use this one under my eye just for any puffiness or tiredness because you know i'm not busy and i don't do anything in my life so i'm always tired then i go in with my hyaluronic acid it just helps keep my skin moisturized and hydrated after that i go in with my face primer this one's also hydrating and it's from ulta and i just recently got this one and i am in love with it already i did get the small one i'm pretty sure they have a bigger size but uh for now this one i it's literally like a grape size a pea size at that so this one's gonna last me a while lastly i put my nourishing face primer from ulta as well for some reason i'm liking all the ulta products um they're beautiful right they're beautiful and they work great i put my stuff every time i do my makeup on days i don't wear makeup i would put these two just so i could make my face look fresh and moisturized um and that does really seem to work and help my skin so i don't think that i'm gonna be changing them i do try new things but i won't ever change them so we're gonna put that to the side and we're gonna go back to our face spray this is basically two moisturize um for your thirsty ass skin as it stays right here in the front of the bottle the good thing about this one it is a hundred percent fragrance free to you um so this is how you use it to use hold product 25 30 centimeters from face close your eyes and spray pretty simple seems pretty easy to do we can all do that right i am going to be spraying this before so i'm spraying this after i added my oil i don't i don't okay so i'm only gonna do it because i'm showing you guys this but normally i'd probably spray this right after i use this right so right after i apply this i would spray this to moisturize my face and then i'd go in with my whole routine so let's try it out though [Music] okay it doesn't smell like nothing it is fragrance free so um that's a cool thing i guess for and not to irritate our skin can't complain about this one we'll just have to see if i put this into my normal daily face routine i do like keeping the containers only because it fits better when i'm putting away my makeup into my little makeup drawers if it's more organized right rather than just a kind of like rolling around so i think that's cool now for our next thing we have our blurring stick from milk sheer matte primer so it's a primer blur stick for your pores i'm guessing right that only makes sense let's see if it has any directions no so no cruelty free vegan oil free so let's go ahead and open this up i think they do have a bigger size but i probably won't i probably wouldn't use this every time because i do use a primer so i probably just switch back and forth so we're gonna try this out real quick and uh see how this works this one's so cute and honestly i do get smaller sizes because i like everything small not everything in this world small but you get makeup small makeup things so we'll try that so it's a twist off it comes with a little let me see it this pops off [Music] worry about that later and then i scratch the hell out of it with my nail not good it smells like it smells like it would smell like caramel it smells like it would smell like caramel it looks like it was like caramel right but it doesn't smell like nothing okay so it's a little twisty we're gonna lift it all right so i'm just gonna go ahead and put my hair back i'm gonna get into my hair keep wanting to smell it it looks so good but it's not okay but i do like let me see how it looks oh so it's like literally see-through it's literally transparent and honestly oh my gosh i don't know if that shows up on camera but you can literally see it blur out on my hand i hope you guys can see that okay um this i would probably put before i would put it before my foundation that's probably how i would do it so we're gonna do one side first right one side of my face just so we can see that i'm not gonna put it on my lips and um [Music] we're gonna put it on half our forehead it is very smooth so i'm liking that um i don't want to put it on my eyelids no i would and i feel like as if i need to blend it just blend it out with your fingers so you can like i don't know if you want to blend it out with the brush you know probably just a clean brush would probably just like remove the stuff but it does feel very um [Music] you know like silky soft and stuff like that that's what it's making my face feel like just kind of silky so as of right now as what i'm looking at um i do feel like i could see kind of a difference already honestly like on my skin right so like it i hope this is popping out on your guys's end but if you look at my skin here just i'll go a little closer if you look at my skin here you can see like my pores and like just you know wise i guess kind of see it right like that like the discoloration and like reddishness over here you can still kind of see the reddishness but you can't really see the pores i really like that i wish i would take off like under bags too but suddenly no honestly even that look at that can you guys see this i hope you guys see this i don't know okay look it does or maybe i'm dripping i don't know milk you guys yes it does what the hell oh my goodness okay next best friend right here i don't know what's on my face that's having that smell it smells like lemony or something no like citrusy i think it's this it is this okay so it does have a smell i smell it maybe i'm tripping i wish it um i just probably wish i had to smell too much it does smell like citrus though i like that okay okay i do like this i like it i see it i see the difference already um if you guys are looking for like a blur stick for your pores and stuff like that pore filler i want to say i could call this a pore filler um go ahead and get yourself that milk blur stick um when i did purchases i remember seeing different ones i didn't want to get the other ones just because i feel like the other one was for your cheeks and stuff like that and another one's like a bronzer or highlighter i'm not sure but um this one was super awesome it is the sheer matte primer blur stick so go ahead and get yourself one of these before i start going into my face even more um i was in line at ulta and i came across this lip scrub for polishing and hydrating from tea tree and okay so i got it thinking that you put it on your lips and like wash it off or whatever um tell me why so i had peeled this off the bottom the instructions or the the directions to be exact says take a pinch and massage onto lips right so i'm not okay that's easy lick off the excess sugar and enjoy kissable lips i'm like girl you don't have to wash it off you lick it off okay we can do that and then it makes your lips kissable okay so um and then obviously says even though tea tree um lip scrub is good in smell and good and taste it's not food you can taste it and stuff like they could lick it off your lips but you can't it's not for eating the ingredients kind of made me a little about licking it off it's just butters and oils and stuff like that i'm still gonna go ahead open it and follow the directions let's do it so uh seal for your protection right oh i have like my biggest pet peeve when i'm purchasing makeup i always make sure it's sealed or brand new not used because people will go and open it just because they want to smell their try the color or you know the tester isn't enough or something like that i don't know but always make sure that your makeup is brand new sealed not used not touched because it's going on your face and you don't know what people have on their hands or what people put just because you know so you guys can make sure so we're gonna smell it and um it smells like shea butter right i was thinking more coconut i i was actually not thinking about hoping for coconut but it's already this is feeling so good oh my goodness okay it doesn't even okay so is that a pinch right so obviously i'm not gonna pinch because i have nails but we'll just like scoop it up i'm gonna have to get like a little scooper so i put on my lips because um yeah after once it starts going in there oh i forgot to mention you got the little beads inside i think it just looks so cute kind of looks like caviar in there but um okay we're gonna put these on these lips and um okay i feel like that's too much hold on i put it back and i could put it back because it's mine and i'm only gonna i'm gonna be the only one using it okay so it's a lip scrub so it says to massage it in right we're gonna massage it [Music] and i feel like the more you massage the more you can smell it okay so um there's like stuff left over which i guess is the sugar kind of scared to lick it off do you guys dare me to do it it's all just sugar and like a weird stuff [Music] i don't know about that kind of awkward okay so um [Music] i mean okay so let's talk about how it's making my lips feel right now [Music] i did have like a little knot um i did have like a little dryer spot right here on the bottom before i put it on and it feels very um a little some on the side i don't know they leave me sugar everywhere [Music] my lips do feel hella moisturized and like soft um i want to say when you lick it off it literally licks everything off it just kind of leaves like a nice little shield on your lip but i did have a little dry spot right here on the bottom and um it feels more moisturized not as dry so that's good so i guess i mean we'll just be using this once in a while all right one more thing though before another thing before we go on to foundation i'm also a lip thingy because you know what i noticed that i don't go out of my way to get stuff from my lips i mean i put like vaseline like like like the chopstick vaseline i put that on i put chapstick i'll put like you know just my moisturizer over whatever but i don't really actually get things for lips like that so i went ahead and got this um and for the ones that do know me i love matcha like every time i go to starbucks that's what i'm getting matcha matcha matcha this is called matcha magic um the owner of matcha magic is ulta this is from the ulta line i didn't even notice honestly when i seen it it just said lip jelly matcha magic i was like let's go get it but now that i'm seeing ulta beauty collection so let's go ahead and open it have a name open it stick this right there [Music] last time i was trying to do something like this and i got a paper cut so let's go ahead and open it oh i love these colors okay ulta beauty matcha magic it's jelly all right so i'm loving this color look at this it's real freaking cute it's like a lighter white inside all right um what are the directions let's read the directions real quick there's no directions it just kind of says like smoothly glides onto the lips leaving them soft and [Music] all right smell it okay it doesn't smell like my chest i wish i smelled a little bit more it does smell like hydrating you could definitely smell like that hydrating stuff but not really matcha i don't know it kind of looks glossy way i don't know if it's like wet let's see how that looks okay it's like a jelly cream type okay i'm gonna put it [Music] [Music] so i can't smell matcha but i smell something it smells real refreshing it does really glide on your lips like and it leaves like a thick not a thick layer but there's like it's not just i don't know it's like more like an overlay of nice glossy stuff look at this [Music] okay okay so i could definitely work with this stuff it smells real good like we're refreshing and hydrating i don't know why but i wish it's not like matcha but oh well i love this so we're keeping this one and using it every freaking day we're doing it all right you guys this is what i've been wanting to show you guys the last video and the videos prior to that i've showed you guys like the hue to beauty foundation and tarte foundation right because those are my two favorite ones i don't like tart no more i'm mad at them i'm so mad it's been about four or five years i don't know i mean i used it off and on right so um this was out already um i had one to go purchase a new one of these right i went to ulta and i'm like looking at them and it says amazonian clay but it wasn't this packaging they changed the packaging tart changed their packaging right so i go to the person to ulta people and i'm like hey you know i'm trying to look for this one i even took mine because i'm like i need this one right now oh yeah no they changed their pocket chain their packaging but same names same product same everything is just the packaging that's different okay cool i buy it it did kind of look a little lighter in the packaging because the packaging is clear now you can see the color the foundation the whole thing i'm like okay yeah i did like that they kept the bamboo so i was like cool right because that's my favorite part the bamboo part and other than the foundation but so i buy it you know the next day i'm putting on my foundation or i didn't even put it on i just went like this and i'm like yeah no bye girl bye we're going back to ulta why the is this color not my color so i went to a different ulta because the old side went to was by tyler ma i was closer to i was in menifee at the time and there's also right there off of newport so i'm like okay um i'm gonna go to that hotel real quick because i had to stop by where do i go [Music] oh i had to stop by sally's right there anyways so um i go and i'm like excuse me is the product the same just uh other than the packaging changing and they go yeah yeah it should be fine i'm like you know what it isn't and then they reverse it on me and then like you know what it just kind of came out it just launched not too long ago with their new packaging and we haven't really gotten any feedback from it i'm like that sounds like a whole lot of yes anyways so not to talk bad on ulta because i love ulta right but i'm at a tart because they changed the packaging and they changed the color their whole formula their whole product everything and so now i'm like okay i tell a lady i need fair light neutral and then they have a fair light neutral but it's way freaking lighter i'm like what the hell so i mean i need someone to help me so they helped me right away i i loved their customer service i loved it right um the employee helped me to try to find a similar color to this we went through almost i had like 10 12 different shades on my hand none of them were even close to this one [Music] the rest were either too light or too dark and that just sucks i'm not happy about that right um so i'm like look so it's because she just kept trying to find more and more and trying to add more and more i'm like you know what help me find a different brand that's the same color because i want this color you know as long as it's kind of the same consistency because i don't really like the liquidy ones um i don't like the liquid ones just period so she goes well let's go to nars i'm like you know what it let's go to nars nars you guys nars i got nars nars i went to nars right and what's so cute is that she already knew exactly what color was that color she i i want to say there was a person before me that already went to go and complain about that color or something like that because it's funny she went straight to nars and she goes fiji i'm like okay she shows me fiji and puts it right next to my swatch of my makeup i was like wow that looks similar like you can't there's no tone shade no nothing different right so we got fiji all right so i was like hell yeah fiji let's go i thought it was cute it's a cute ass name for you know my makeup so um i took it out already but of course because i put everything back in the package um and then it's bigger well i don't know the ounces um the ounces are one flow ounce right the tarte one is one point seven flow ounce so i'm guessing this has moved a little more right anyway so i'm sorry tara but until you guys make this color again then i'll go back to you guys so until then nars fiji is the one okay so before so when i was looking around this it did say shake well so it's a natural radiant long wear foundation so we're gonna shake shake shake shake shake shake shake it very nice all right i believe that's good enough right okay so um i haven't poured it yet when she when the employee tested it from ulta she opened and she kind of just put on my hand so i don't know how it's gonna come out so let's try it it's bran spankin new so let's try it let's do a couple squeezes before it comes out okay i feel like coming ready oh okay okay we're gonna do a pump and a half right up in half [Music] um it is a little bit more liquidier than tart but it's not liquid like it still stays in that form it's not just like falling over so i do like that [Music] [Music] i mean i like the color [Music] i feel like it's kind of like my hue to beauty one where i kind of just have to spray my brush to keep it moisturized so that way the foundation doesn't set real fast so we're gonna try that out and okay so this is with one and a half pumps and it's already looking like i'm gonna need more i hope you guys are liking this color on me um i want to say it's pretty nice but i did like after i sprayed my brush and i just sprayed it with my nyx primer water [Music] so i already finished what i pumped onto my brush i'm just going to pump two more because we still need the other half of our face i always just like to put a little less than what i would normally use because if you put too much a little harder to take off and if you start off a little bit you can always add on to it [Music] [Music] all right so i do i can see the difference right after spraying my primer water i see it on this side know if you can see it but um i like the way it just blended it out more and it kept it moisturized and then now i could feel it setting onto my face rather than just setting right away it was a little sticky at first when i put it onto my face i am liking it it's looking almost as if like i really even have makeup it just kind of corrected my little color corrections areas i really do like it you guys so maybe this is gonna be my next favorite foundation [Music] and it's very lightweight okay so let's talk about it it's lightweight it's easy to control after you spray your brush with some primer water or um maybe even adding that maybe even adding an oil when you're putting it i mean i did prime my face i put my oils and all that but when you're applying it onto your skin i think some oil would help other than the setting spray [Music] all right how are you guys liking this foundation you guys think it looks good on me like my face let me just put my hair to the front real quick you can see looks i am really digging this foundation a lot yeah i couldn't do this one [Music] all right cool cool all right you guys so i got not the nars longwear foundation in the color fiji so um if you're around my skin tone color you probably would want to get fiji i didn't even look at any of the other colors we didn't even try any of the colors she actually did bring on another one but it looked way too white i was like no i'm good i'll take fiji i like the name let's take it last but not least i have a setting powder so a while back i want to say a year or two back two years i stopped putting powder no a year i stopped putting powder over my foundation just because i would like how that would look and feel um sexy i never had a problem with like caking or cracking so i never had to powder but i was in ulta and of course i'm always looking at their beauty lines and stuff like that in their collections they have this positive mindset setting powder it is translucent so i wasn't afraid to try it out so it's translucent um it says it's infused with rosehip oil for smoother looking skin to minimize imperfections and lock in your makeup so when i read that i was okay locking my makeup cool we could do that i'm not gonna put this all over my face and it still is [Music] brand new so i'm not gonna put this all over my face because i'm not sure how it's gonna look so we're just gonna set it under my eyes today i'm not gonna put any concealer or contour um i just wanted to see how the nars foundation does throughout the day so but i am going to put this over it and because i haven't used it i'm only going to be doing it in my under eye area just to kind of like help where it cracks and you know my little wrinkles and stuff like that so this is kind of cute it's like a little dish and it does have like this clear sticker [Music] all right cool it's just that clear little sticker and this is how it looks i'm guessing it comes out up here kind of tap and some comes out all right so i'm gonna be using i know this is a big ass brush for a little last spot but we're going to use it we're just going to dab in there i don't want a lot so i am like dabbing inside a lot of that powder we're gonna die take all that out all right cool all right get out of here okay so i'm just gonna go ahead go under my eye that smells real good right away i smelled as soon as i put it on my face that smells real good little hair get out of there all right i'm liking it it's very like lightweight okay so i was used to always wearing the mac powder i'm gonna go ahead and just do the excess on here um i would always use mac right the powder and the powder is very thicker um so i do like that it's very lightweight i can feel it on my skin but not like you know not like a heavy powder it's very thin so that's nice and it smells like roses i like that all right so i think that this one would be good on a daily to lock in your makeup like how it says in directions um i'm really liking this so cool i can't complain about ulta i can't about their collection i can't complain about ulta's collection like everything i get it's so cute and they just have like everything for your face and it's like a reasonable price honestly real cute stuff and it all works well honestly i'm just gonna pop on some eyelashes right quick all right you guys so here we are with the final look with our products that we used today we did put on our eyelashes these are from um i don't know what they are from they're in my last video if you guys want to go see them i think or the other one i'm not sure anyways i just wanted to go ahead and go over the products that we used today right quick so we started off with our moisture face spray from clinique and that was um that was sprayed before we did all that right so this one i really loved this one i would recommend it you can get it at ulta all the products that i used today were from ulta so if you guys are looking for a certain product that i use they are from ulta um this one i recommend if you're trying to use a moisturizer and i also use the blur stick from milk makeup it's the sheer matte primer that you can also get from ulta i also use the tea tree lip scrub from tea tree obviously but i got this in ulta as well so this one was that one that i put on my lips and i licked off um i kind of liked it but i didn't because even after i licked all the sugar off i would find like little sugar specks that i had like over here when i was scrubbing it so if you don't mind that that's totally fine but i would probably only use it like once a week twice a week type of thing not an everyday type of thing this one on the other hand i am going to be using every day it's a lip jelly um it is from the ulta collection it's called matcha magic and i love matcha so um this one is a for sure 10 on my list and i also use the nars foundation this one was a substitute for the tart that i would use and um i do feel like i would be sticking with this one i really do like it it's my first time using it so we'll just go ahead and see how i like it for the next one um i'm hoping that tarte does fix their formula so because i really do love tarte even though i'm mad at you guys right now because of that and lastly i use the positive mindset translucent setting powder i did apply it more under my eyes but um any little like x's that i had the powder in my brush i kind of just like put it all over my face and i did really like it's very lightweight and it has a fantastic smell it literally smells like roses um and that would be because of the rose hip oil so um it smells like something similar to it and i really loved it so anyways i hope you guys enjoyed my video today don't forget to hit that subscribe button hit that like button also for me please and i hope to see you guys soon next time thank you [Music] me
Channel: Lanni & Jay
Views: 32
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: RSKuDCwCmrc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 42sec (2022 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 10 2021
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