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hi everybody Amanda Allee and in today's video I'm going to share with you some of the common mistakes that that I see a lot of women do with makeup this is a board Tube video you probably saw the first one now the difference between this video and the other one is that in the first video I was showing you how the same products can give you totally different results it was all about the wrong placement of the products same products different results in this video we're going to talk about most common mistakes women do about colors my first video had so much love and it really changed my life I'm very thankful for those of you who watched that video after I did that video I've received thousands of emails and messages telling me that the video changed your lives that your makeup game is completely changed but looking at the comments on that video so many of you took it so personal when it was just about makeup and we were just having fun and I'm just being a little you know sarcastic but I have nothing personal with anybody before we get into this video I want to mention a few things if you're happy with your makeup if after you're done with your makeup you're looking at yourself and you're like yeah my look good you know like I love what I did this video was probably not for you unless you want to have some fun but if you do your makeup and you're like there's just something wrong with it but I don't know what maybe you want to watch this video because it might be for you you might find out that you're doing some of the mistakes that you didn't even know you're doing now please press on that subscribe button and the bring bail button right next to it so you get notified whenever I'm posting a new video now if you'd like to see what are the most common mistakes that women do with makeup please keep on watching remember that in my previous video I was telling you that not to prime as a crime well I still didn't change that but I do want to mention that by priming it doesn't mean that you have to use a product where it says your primer you can use your moisturizer as a prime you could use your SPF there are some SPF creams like for example the taja one that can act like a really good primer one thing I wanted to talk about is those primers that are a little bit shimmery you know you we have seen all over Instagram like those very beautiful subtle glow kind of a base and you see people applying them and I've seen people applying that product all over the face and then they come with a Beauty Blender and a full coverage foundation and they cover everything I don't see the point of applying that primer if you're coming with a full coverage foundation applied with a Beauty Blender so let me show you how to apply it foundation when you apply that primer I'm actually going to apply that shimmery primer all over the face by the way I've used the bihter e CC brightening serum you know see it gives a little glow to the skin nothing crazy now you don't want to lose that right on my right side I'm going to show you how to apply the foundation so that it still looks beautiful you still have that glow and it looks good in here with a bunch of lights and in the videos and pictures but also in real life because let's face it a lot of the videos that we see online that make up might not look very good for real definitely not natural but before I apply foundation let's just talk about one of the biggest mistakes that women do and that is choosing the wrong color when you have to pick your foundation you have to think about two things the tone and the undertone the tone of a color is light medium dark super dark etc okay and then the undertone is the hidden color though easiest way to see which undertone you are it's just look at your veins and if they are green it means you are a yellow undertone if they're blue in Ames you are more of a cool tone if you look at your beans and you're like god I don't know what color I like I'm I cannot tell it probably means that your neutral undertone so you're a mix of both so just looking you in the mirror when you have nothing on and just take a good look at your skin especially shoulders the chest you know not necessarily the neck I feel like the neck is a little bit lighter all the time I always tell my clients you should take the color from your shoulders in your chest and bring it up I took three foundations from the door backstage collection all of them have the same tone meaning that they have the same level of intensity but they have different undertone and I'm going to show you a wrong color on my left side it's the right tone but the wrong undertone and I'm going to apply it with a Beauty Blender and you're going to see how it's going to cover all this beautiful Sheen that that we got from the primer I am number three from door so I'm applying this with a beauty sponge this is in 3c and you know the the weird thing about it is that if I would do my makeup in the bathroom with you know artificial light this color would not even be that bad but guys this is literally gray and like I said not only that I've picked a wrong color but that primer that I've applied you know it's for nothing cuz it's not helping me at all I'm kind of gray and there is no Sheen going on there is no real skin going on and let me show you how I would apply the right color and the right amount of foundation on the bit side I have a warm olive undertone what does that mean that my skin is a little bit green it hasn't just a tiny pinch of olive tone to it now it's hard for me to find the right color foundation but I find that the door backstage really has the right color for me which is three warm olives so this is a name of this foundation 3wo let me show you how it looks like compared with the other one I'm gonna put it right here and then blend it with my finger so you can see just disappears that's what you want from a foundation when it's a good balance between your face your neck and your chest we have a winner I'm going to dot the foundation all over the face then come with a morphe g36 brush and buff this foundation into the skin I'm also taking it down the neck you don't want to have this line like in here sometimes we're desperate to hide those dark circles and we think that a lighter concealer and a very thick one is going to solve the problem if you're going to apply a light concealer on a surface that has a little bit of a purple color you're going to get a grey result add a product that has huge coverage and that's a lighter color and then a huge amount of product light in the in a triangle shape let's face it we saw this now you come with a Beauty Blender and you blend everything another mistake is to take your concealer really really close to those lashes like right here there is no point to do that guys you know why so first of all that's where you have most of your fine lines that's where you have a lot of movement the more product you're gonna apply in there the more it's going to crease and besides that I think it's just a personal opinion I think that the shadow that we have like right under the lash line it's actually beautiful it makes the eyes look a little bit bigger what's left on your Beauty Blender you would apply it on the eyelids as a base now I use concealer on the eyelids as well but when I say what's left on my Beauty Blender I usually mean like just tiny a little bit I find this as a little cartoonish so I'll take it down a little bit I still want to make it look you know real like I actually saw on people now let me show you the right color concealer that I would pick on the good side I'm going to use the same product but just a different color so I'm applying it under my eyes the place where you want to have the concealer is where you need it okay you have darkness under your eyes like usually you would have it right here okay that's where we are a little purple you can use your fingers to apply your concealer another place where I know that most women are a little red or little purple purple it's at the end of your eye if you apply a tiny little bit of concealer in there it's gonna make a huge difference it's gonna lift the eyes a little bit and it it will also make you look more rested now for this side I'm going to use a brush now what's left on my brush I'll apply it on the eyelids now check this out now we need to set the makeup in place I have nothing against baking I think that is a technique amazing if you're a performer if you're singer if you're an actor I did baking on myself to be completely honest with you it looks really bad for real at daylight unless your skin is like super tight and you're like sixteen baking is not gonna make you look good one mistake that some women could do is using a very light powder under the eyes thinking that you know it's just gonna brighten up that area this is the secret brightening powder and it's a white powder that is beautiful if you use it in a very very small quantity if you're going to apply it like even this amount okay let me show you how this powder is going to look like with this amount only and of course when you're doing your powder you're just applying like this right it did brighten up the area but but it just and besides the wrinkles I would much rather use a translucent powder and I'll use the same brush but let me show you how you should apply your powder without looking cakey but still having that longevity and that matte finish of course if you're looking for that so I take about this amount of powder I press in it into the bristles of my brush I make sure there is no product that creased if you were going to set your under eyes while having the product in those wrinkles they're gonna look super bad you wanna do very small pressing motions and the area where you want to mattify you want to set the makeup what's left on my brush I set the rest of the faces well not setting the rest of your face will give you this problem let me show you in the next step so now we want to bronze you really want to have that JLo bronzy look and you're probably thinking that the darker the better so I'm just gonna take this kat von d palette I'll take this color right here to really give the face some dimension and I take the product like this okay and I don't take the excess off and I go straight on my face and I do this right this is what we learned from all the magazines from even from makeup artists sucking long the cheeks and most women start from here okay okay you start from here and you now you're scared cuz it's too much right so you're gonna think okay now I need to like spread it all over so that you know it's not as bad and then you learned about the three and nobody actually told you where the three should be positioned right so you go here and then here right let me explain to you why you should not do this the purpose of the contour is to put the shadow in the right place so for example you cheekbones look a little bit higher another reason why you want to use contour is to maybe slim down your nose when you are doing this your cheek is dropping till here but if I actually touch my cheek I feel that my bone is up here okay this is where my bone is putting the shadow in here it does not help me at all it actually makes my cheekbone drop so this is not only an absolute horrible color for me although you might not see it in the video but I promise you for real it is but it's also very wrong place and I know I said this in my last video now let me show you it with the right color that I would use in the right technique okay I have a small face if I really want to contour it to shape my face I'm gonna use a smaller brush this is a good brush for powder but this is not a good brush for the contour okay because you have no precision with this now if I really want to give my face a little bit of dimension make it look a bit you know bronzy I would use this color that is not much darker than my actually and my actual skin color I would just take the excess off you could just do like this I'm starting with the hairline why because you want to apply most of the color in here so you're starting from here now can we agree that this is much more natural the color suit me better it's not a huge difference between my skin tone and the in the bronzer that I have applied in here then if you want to apply it on the forehead make sure you apply it very very close to that hairline now let's talk about blush blush can make you look like you just had a run like it gives you a very playful a bit very youthful look but when it's the wrong color and all so the wrong placement it can make you look like a clown and I'll show you some of the colors like these they look so pretty right I mean look at them they're all so pretty they're all from laura mercier most women want to have that rosy cheek so I'll just gonna I'm just gonna pick this one when you're picking your blush brush also think about the fact that do I have a tiny face do I have a big face you know I'm a tiny woman I have a tiny head I cannot use brushes like this for blush it's very important the size of your brush okay now I did so many makeup courses I know exactly how most women take their product most women are heavy-handed they would take the product like this and then you would do like this some women do that why why don't blow your bacteria on the brush some women might do like quickly like that as if okay the excess is out and then you're smiling because we are being taught to smile and I won't line this on the apple of my cheek I look sad I look like I had a bad day and I was trying to cover it with makeup just like you pick your foundation it has to match with that undertone if your undertone is more on the yellow side try to pick those lushes that have a tiny pinch of peach okay more rosy peach this is a cool tone pink that that does not help my face I'm not even talking about the placement but the color is so wrong this is beautiful but it's too light so in this case the tone is not right the undertone is good but the tone is not right meaning it's too light that's what I meant it's the right color but it's too light so this is the one that I was using and here and I am planning to use this one in here this is a strong colors but you see it's warmer it has more of a peach tone to it I will take a smaller brush this is my favorite brush for blush Hakuhodo B 1 1 0 brush it's soft as the clouds in the sky would teal I've never found those but just imagine every time I'm applying the blush on my clients they're like what is that it's heaven it is it's heavenly expensive as well you don't have to use this let's let's look you know what forget it I'm done with you uh let's just take a cheaper one very happy with so even though it has great brushes please don't complain about brushes you can find a very cheap brushes on Amazon good sized brush for me now take this beautiful color it's called grapefruit and even with a little bit look at my brush then here's what I want to do I want to see what is the result that's gonna give on my face like I cannot just put it on my face I rather start with a small amount so I'm just just to see pretty much what you know what result it would give me on my skin so this way when I apply it on my face I'm not gonna be surprised now the placement is a whole different story you don't want to smile when you are applying your blush I do circular motion just a swipe I barely touch the skin I stop I look in the mirror to see like what is the result it's giving me if I would go lower it would just make my cheeks drop in my case because you know with each bone structure it's different but with my bone structure I look better if the blush is applied a little bit higher wrong color wrong placement right color right placement let's move on with highlighter and we have beautiful highlighters right here but some colors are good for me some cutters are you're all your old your highlighters and on my wrong side I'm gonna use this one this is a beautiful color and it would work if you had a neutral undertone or a cool undertone but me having a warm undertone this just this doesn't look good on me I also don't look good with a very warm highlighter I'll take it with a 823 brush one estas a Beverly Hills and I'm just going to apply it the way I've seen a lot of people doing it is this familiar and well you would also could also do it Rudolph the red-nose radians this is the wrong color it's great you don't really see it in the video but it's great and this just makes me want to bring like eight eight so we have the highlighter right here wrong color I'm going to take a more warmer tone something that would match my skin and I'll take it with this brush I find that it works for highlighter this is a morphe wide 14 brush then I'm applying the product a little bit on the highest point of my cheeks a little bit on Cupid's bow like this is a beautiful very subtle highlighter of course you can make it look shinier and you can and there is nothing wrong with that if this is what you like but it's the right color let's do eyebrows a lot of women pick the wrong color of eyebrows my eyebrows and my skin tone is very forgiving meaning that I could play in between a soft brown a taupe and medium brown a light brown even a dark brown all of those colors I could actually make them work because I don't need a lot of filling but the worst one that I would use would be something has a lot of red in it like for example Auburn or chocolates okay so I'm going to use chocolate 7b brush from honest Oscar Beverly Hills like I said you might think that this color works wait till you see the other one the good one and of course we're going to do the square thing and I know that on my last video a lot of you told me like I have natural square brows well if you already have that of course there's absolutely no problem but when you create it you can see that there is makeup in there you know hi wrong color wrong color wrong shape too much let's get to the other one for this side I'm gonna take soft brown by the way I'm using the Anastasia Beverly Hills brow Pro palette let's say I want to make my eyebrows look a little bit thicker right cuz it's very modern to have thicker eyebrows so I want to show you how you could do that using just you know a lighter color when you get to the beginning of your eyebrows just apply less and less product babe do we have scissors can you give it to me please thank you so much I could not stand that anymore and this is done with powder imagine how it looks like when you're doing it with a pomade like let's talk about the eyes you'll learn from every word that you need transition color that you need you know at least two three eyeshadows to do your makeup no you don't I'm here to tell you that no you don't need to use three four shadows to have your eye makeup looking beautiful absolutely not you can use one single eyeshadow that's gonna make your eyes look a little bit bigger if you want that in my case I want that I'll show you the difference between using one eyeshadow and three eyeshadows on my wrong side I'll just take this palette it was the first one in my drawer so so on my wrong side I'm gonna use one of those sparkly then I'll use this one this darker one I'll also use this one the red one I'll take that red color first I'll apply it in here let's just say you apply it like on the mobile lid like this then you know Wow let's take the the darker one and apply it right at the outer corner okay so we apply it in here not bad I would say I see that most women don't like to apply eyeshadow on the lower lash line they would you would also apply a little bit of that eyeshadow the dark one right here like this you know it's how we see you apply a little bit in here because you know the dill now take the mascara this is the NARS climax is my absolute favorite current mascara most women tell me I like my eyelashes to be like this more lifted at the end so they apply mascara like this and then also in here and if you're thinking in here and you're like okay this is not bad I agree it's not bad if you like it there was nothing wrong with it as long as you like it this video is for those of you who were doing your makeup in the morning and you're like there's something wrong I'm doing and I have no idea what this video is for you if you're thinking that that's for you if you're happy with your makeup you don't need me now on this I I'm gonna take just one single eyeshadow I'm not saying that you applying multiple eyeshadows it's not gonna make you look good I just want you to see that even if you apply just one single eyeshadow you could still have a beautiful makeup I'll just take this one right here I'm applying it in the crease and also at the outer part of my eye basically the brush like I'm not even looking in the mirror the brush really literally takes you like right under that bone you have like a fall you can see the brush kind of guides you through I'll take a little bit more of that eye shadow and apply it on my lower lash line where you are afraid to apply eye shadow I want to fly just a tiny bit more at the outer corner what's left on my brush I'm giving a quick sweat all over the eyelid everything in here is just one eye shadow the difference between the way I do mascara in the way you do my scar is the way you hold your hand like a lot of women hold their mascara like this you load your marks car like this and then you do this look at my look at my hand it's a little twisted right and now I get really really close to that to the base of my lashes and I'm not moving my head or my arm I'm just twisting the brush as I'm closing my eye look at this twisting the brush as I'm closing my eye I'm not applying mascara on my eyelid there is no mistake made and my eyelashes look super long and thick I twist one place and I twist now look at this I like my eyelashes to be a little bit more like like this as well so I'm gonna apply a little bit more mascara on the outer corner I let it dry I wait a little bit and then I will apply mascara on my lower lashes so you can see what a difference it makes we got to the holy lipstick whenever I do someone's makeup when I get to the lips I always get the same thing I want a nude I think who made nude so popular was it Jennifer Lopez with the the the concealer a kind of a lipstick but she looks good with anything like really what if we put on that woman she's gonna rock it I saw this lipstick color and I was totally like look how beautiful is you look you would look at this kind of lipstick and you would be like what is not to like about this like this is exactly what I need this is the color that I would look amazing with mm-hmm check this out there's no and then you look again at the lip stain you're like what is wrong with you why is it that you're not working for me it's not your nude it's a nude for someone else just not for you if it makes you look like you've been dead for two days it's not your nude if someone else is nude but not yours could make it work with a lip liner but that's a different story okay we're talking about simple mistakes that women do you get the lipstick because it's pretty it has a beautiful color in the packaging and you're thinking wow this is exactly the color that I want my lips to have and then you go home and you apply any that BAM concealer but just because it's not that color it does not mean that you don't look good with use you do look good with a nude lipstick you just have to find the right undertone and the right tone for your lips like for me guys I look very I take my example because I'm the model in this video so I look good with that kind of neutral lips take that it has a pinch of peach just like the the blush on this good side I'm going to use a nude it actually looks good on me that doesn't make me look like I'm tired or you know dead or this is a more proper nude for me it's not a nude for everybody but it's the right nude for me we forgot to put the mascara on the lower lashes so let's do that so you just see what a difference amazed you know what let's put these back I got them from mango this video is not to criticize like I said this video is for those of you who are doing your makeup and you find that there is just something not working you know maybe this video is going to help you on my last video I got thousands of emails from women all over the world India United States Italy Portugal Mexico South Africa Greece everywhere people send me messages and told me how my video changed their makeup game and nothing was the same ever since they saw that video of course I had a lot of criticism I expected that I just did not expected people to take it so personal like I do not know you how can I judge you I'm here to make you laugh and to teach you a little bit of makeup to end this video I hope you realized how important are the colors that you're using and also the placement and I'm sure that you already knew about the colors and the placement but when you actually see it side-by-side you realize it's more like obvious I hope you enjoyed this video if you did please give it a thumbs up and share it with your friends I'd love to know your opinion about this video if your make any of the coloring mistakes that I showed you or the placement you could also follow me on Instagram I I share a lot of tips and tricks and I do my makeup with you a lot of times on insta stories so check that out if you like these kind of videos you can also subscribe to my YouTube channel and press on the ringabel button this way you're gonna be notified whenever I'm posting a new video thank you so much for watching and I'll see you in to my next one bye we have fur from the show like that little [Music] by YouTube
Channel: Ali Andreea
Views: 1,052,736
Rating: 4.9518085 out of 5
Keywords: ali andreea, makeup mistakes, makeup dos and don'ts, mistakes in makeup, tutorial, how to, makeup, video, unrtone, how to pick the right undertone, foundation
Id: ooxyFoBZrXM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 37sec (2017 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 13 2018
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