Make your own Handmade mug with a pulled handle!

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hey everyone and welcome to the studio I'm gonna be doing a super quick tutorial on how to make a hand-built mug and the handle like this one right here tada so we're gonna go ahead and make this and I'm gonna do it pretty fast and you know I don't edit this is a straight shot from start to finish so in like reality you could make it as fast as I do so whatever length of this video is how long it takes to make a mug with a handle kind of all right so I've got a slab of clay about 5/16 of an inch thick rolled out and I'm gonna go ahead and I'm gonna compress in my yellow rib both sides of the clay I'm gonna get rid of any texture that might be there already and I'm compressing and smoothing out the surface to prepare it for the texture that I want to add to it cuz you know it's all about the texture for me all right so once you get that all done you're gonna go ahead and add texture or not your choice look it's your studio your clay it's your mug you do what you want I like to add some texture my texture so this is a wooden roller that I got it's made for cookie baking I get it from a company on Etsy I will put everything below in the description here you can get one of these if you want they have a whole bunch of patterns they're really well made I love them okay so that's my little endorsement for this company I'm just gonna roll out my texture and you're gonna see this is why I love these rollers bad in there there so we went ahead and texturized look at that screenshot that cuz that's awesome right that's amazing okay so now we're gonna go ahead and actually cut our cut cut our cups from our template this is a four inch by 12 inch piece of craft foam just cut it out measured it all good measure first then cut a little more helpful and we're just gonna line this up and we're gonna cut out our mug body I'm just using a regular clay knife just gonna cut the top in the bottom line and then when I get to the sides I'm gonna hold my knife on an angle and I'm gonna keep that angle for both sides doesn't matter what angle you pick just keep it the same so hold the knife in your hand cut one side cut the other side and then get rid of all the excess we're gonna save this because we're gonna put this in our recycle bin you're gonna use it to make more pots all right so that's done and here we have our cup body I know it looks like a slab but it's really a cup body I promise all right so we're gonna go ahead now and take our serrated rib that has been sitting in a bowl of slippy water that's just water with some clay added to it so it's kind of like slip but it's not really slip so I call it slippy water right once you get both sides scored both of the bevels right here you're gonna take your cut body you're gonna stand it up like so you're gonna overlap your edges so they come like half of one edge overlapping half of the other just like this and that's what we're gonna do we're going to go ahead and we're gonna tack that on all the way down with our fingers supporting from the inside and pressing on the outside and I'm gonna roll my finger up the side that's gonna seal the join and then on the inside here right in there we need to do something about that seam and you can use your fingers and just go in like this we'll just smooth it out that works but I like these little red ribs right here they do a fantastic job you just go in and smooth your seams with these and also smooth the top seam and we flip it over look at the bottom seam all right so there's the cut body you're done just get it no we have to actually make the cup bottom oh and a handle I'm gonna put gonna get a handle on it so we're gonna set this to the side stamping over here and I've got another piece of clay that I rolled out at the same time that I rolled out the clay that I made the cup body from I'm gonna compress and smooth this and I'm gonna add my texture you don't have to add texture to your bottoms I just like it it's a little it's like a little extra something on the bottom there just makes it extra cute and you can never have too much cute in your pots just sayin all right once we get that rolled out we're gonna actually make the bottom and we're gonna make it perfectly round to do that we're using a four inch cookie cutter I'm gonna line it up press down pop it off pull up the bottom we're gonna turn it over and I'm going to move it to a little bit smaller piece to work with and smaller board I'm going to score the edges so that's ready we're gonna put that in the damming wheel and we're going to take our little cup body and we're going to score that as well now I have found that if you do a 4 by 12 inch slab and roll it up like I did here it fits on a 4 inch diameter circle for the bottom they work Mac right nobody wants to do math I did it for you so now we're gonna flip our scored bottom cup on we're onto our scored bottom for the cup we're gonna go ahead and we're gonna line everything up I'm just using my hand on the inside to press the slab out so that they all line up happily together on this circle just like this and once you get that all pressed out and lined up that you will have a circle bottom on a hand-built cup this is gonna be a mug you can stop and not put the handle on it it's your choice all right so now I'm gonna go ahead and I'm gonna smooth this joint and usually when I work I work on this side cuz I'm right-handed I'm gonna switch it over to this side we'll see how well that goes over so I'm gonna put my finger like so so I'm just laying it down and then I'm gonna turn the wheel once around the banding wheel and then I'm gonna take my finger and I'm just gonna roll it up and every time I roll it up a little bit I'm gonna turn the banding wheel and by doing this I'm actually taking a little bit of clay and I'm rolling it up the pot so that it's sealing the seam on the outside so I did that all the way around you're gonna do that all the way around as well then on the inside we're gonna use a little craft brush this is just an inexpensive soft bristle brush you can get it at any craft store and we're gonna use that to seal the seam on the inside here you don't have to add a coil VMC you don't have to do any of that at all we're just gonna put our brush right down in to where the wall meets the bottom and we're just gonna spin it around and that's gonna smooth everything out and seal that joint just like that smooth this can be oh it looks good too and you can go back in and you can just adjust it a little bit if you feel like you have one area that needs a little more sealing than another just going with your brush and you'll get it all right so once that's done you're gonna have a cup that's pretty much straight up and down here at the bottom and I want a slight undercut so to get that undercut I'm using a wooden pottery knife I'm just gonna line it up right here on the edge and I'm just gonna spin this again on the banding wheel and that's gonna scrape up any excess like so and create a bevel kind of like what we have here you see how it's slightly rounds under instead of just being straight so that gives it a slight undercut alright so we've basically made our mug body the only thing we have left to do is to finish the rim now I'm going to take my sponge dip it in some water and then I'm gonna wrap it around the rim and I call this my taco sponge because we fold it over doesn't look like a taco when you fold it right there like that taco okay so we're gonna roll that over just fold it on there and spin your mug and this is softening the edges we don't want any sharp edges and if you find your clay is a little try go ahead and just use your fingers in this pinching motion just pinch it and and now we're gonna put it back to round we're just gonna use our hands and looking down in we're gonna round it off so you made a cup for mug boom but now we have to put a handle on it got to get a handle on it so let's do the handle now so I'm going to show you how I pull a handle it's pretty fast so watch close I'm taking my excess scrap clay I'm just gonna wedge it up quickly since I have this right here you know if I'm doing a whole bunch of mugs I will go ahead and have a bunch of clay lined up and already for pulling handles but for this little tutorial we're just gonna do this right now like this alright so once you get it all wedged up you're gonna roll it into a quail about an inch and 1/2 inch and a quarter in diameter I'm gonna take your bowl of water and I'm gonna pull a handle for you guys alright so I'm dipping my hand in the water this quail is kind of lumpy if that bothers you just roll it out on a board till it's smoother just like this so simple so easy now we're gonna start with the pulling so first Pole we're gonna do is called the thumb hole so i've dip my hand in the water and i'm just gonna pull straight down and my thumb is gonna create a groove and i'm gonna do that just like this you turn around them do both sides now I'm gonna do what I call my scissor pull like this with my two fingers acting like a scissor this flattens and widens the handle but if your handle gets a little too wide come in and we'll do this grasping pull on the side so that brings it back in and helps around the edges so it's really three different types of poles you might find one you like better than the others and you can just focus on using that I find using all three really helps get a nice handle so I'm doing this backwards so it's a little crazy for me this is thump OH sizzurp oh and this is my grasping pull like that and so you just do these over and over until you get the handle length you want and the thickness you want and it can go really fast especially once you've made a few thousand handles in your life so never fear handles or possibility alright so once you have this all made to the length and thickness you want you're just going to want to sit it aside to let it set up so I'm just gonna put it here usually I do something like that to let air get to it so it starts to dry so there we have a handle made now let's put the handle on the mug not this one this one's too wet but I have one waiting so here I have a mug and I have a handle so we're gonna go ahead and we're gonna take this handle we're gonna cut the excess off so we have some excess clay gonna take that off boom gone don't need that recycle that now we're gonna take our little mug friend over here and I want to create a really cute decorative handle edge so I'm flattening this out and now I'm going to take a flower cookie cutter I'm gonna go in line it up like this and I'm just gonna press that in and that creates this little kind of dog paw minty shape thing and now I'm gonna pinch to smooth and we're gonna check link way too long so we can take some off the bottom and everybody asked me how long are my handles depends on the cup you're making this one here let's see this one is about five and a half inches so if you're making this and you wanna know how long I made my handle five and a half inches there you go we're gonna do the same thing on the bottom that we did on the top with the cookie cutter we're gonna pinch and widen take our cookie cutter line it up and cut just like that you can make them the same size I like my bottom cut a little tapered so once that's done I'm just gonna curl this a bit into a handle shape and now we're gonna score I'm gonna score the bottom we're gonna score the top we're gonna take our little mug line it up on the seam right here and just stick it on there give it a good pressing then you pull it off we've left some slip behind we want it to do that because that's where we're gonna score the cup so we can then attach that so scoring the cup top scoring the cup bottom now we're gonna attach the handle supporting on the inside I'm just gonna take my fingers and wiggle it on and then I'm just gonna roll with my fingers to really get that around and now we're gonna do basically the same thing on the bottom support it from the inside press it in good with your thumb and then use your fingers to press it around and now you have a handle it's on and you can make them as big or as little as you want now for drying what I do is I turn them over before about a half an hour or so and let them set up that helps get a really lovely shape to the handle and then once it's that up for about 30 minutes I turn it back over and let it finish drying that way and the very last thing I do to my handles to finish them off is I take a rubber shaper this is a rubber tip tool also called a color shaper and I like to go in right here see all this lip like to go in and just use this to clean up any slip that squeezes out wait for about 30 minutes or so though because you want it to set up a little bit last thing we do the bottom so we have this gorgeous textured bottom but we do have to finish the edge so we're gonna take a sponge and we're just gonna lightly wipe this edge that's it you made a mug a slab built mug in 15 minutes how awesome is that so there you go there's our mug when it's finished it'll look similar in color to this here's what I know it's a picture not a mug I don't have one of these guys placed in front of me but I got that so you can check out the color cuz it's the same pattern and it's the same glaze I'm gonna use on these guys so there you go a 15 minute mug hand-built awesome shape great handle go ahead and give this a try in your studio and let me know how it works for you as always you can find me here on youtube subscribe to my channel give this video a thumbs up if you want more in-depth instruction broken down with HD videos up close really precise easy to understand classes come over and find me on clay share com that is my website I teach there full-time I have over a hundred classes this one isn't there I did this especially for you guys on YouTube so it's your own little treat I hope you enjoy it if you like it and you want to learn more come find me on clay share alright guys as always it's been a pleasure thank you for joining me in the studio and I cannot wait until we meet again
Channel: Jessica Putnam-Phillips
Views: 362,356
Rating: 4.9330802 out of 5
Keywords: pottery, handmade, tutorial, craft, diypottery, potteryvideo, pulledhandle, handles, clay, diycraft, clayshare, potteryclass, clayclass, slabbulit, handbuilt, mug, cup, studio, easy pottery, fun pottery, stoneware, jessica putnam phillips
Id: CbLko80SPXU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 1sec (1021 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 12 2017
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