Make Yogurt with Powdered Milk

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[Music] good morning and welcome to Rose Red Homestead where I'm so excited I can hardly stand it several weeks ago we published a video on white store powdered milk and I listed off a number of things that you can make at home using powdered milk and by popular demand under that video we are going to start showing how to do those things that I listed off and today we're going to start with probably the easiest one which is yogurt and as it happens yogurt is the foundation for several of the cheeses that we will be making now I've been making yogurt for quite a while and I can tell you that you do not need any specialized equipment I don't have any yogurt making equipment I have plenty of kitchen equipment that I can use and making yogurt is a very very simple process and understanding the science behind it will help you come out with perfect yogurt every single time now it only takes two ingredients milk in this case powdered milk and yogurt that has live culture in it this happens to be the Greek gods group yogurt it has live cultures in it so This Yogurt this is the first time we've tried this yogurt and both Jim and I really like it we have been through several other brands that are way too Tangy for us and so this is a medium Tangy in fact it says all taste and no Tang on the back but you can use it just needs to be plain yogurt and you can use either Greek yogurt or you can use regular yogurt the back of this one says seven live and active cultures and then it lists them by their scientific names here and so you're going to want to check the back to be sure that you have live cultures the equipment that you need to make yogurt and it varies greatly so I'm going to give you several options you need a pan to warm the milk in you need a whisk to stir things up with I use a thermometer now in all of my research doing uh studying for and preparing for doing these uh cheeses with um powdered milk I have looked at lots and lots of people doing uh the very same thing on the web and it's very variable I've looked at a lot of yogurt even though I know how to make yogurt so many people say oh you don't need a thermometer you can just do it essentially by the seat of your pants just watch for the signs well that may be okay in some things but thermometers are so inexpensive and they are so useful in the kitchen I really really really really recommend that you get an instant read thermometer of some kind some people just use a candy thermometer which is perfect they just snap it to the side of the pan and um away they go but here's what we need to do we need to put the milk in the pan and heat it up to 180° the reason that we heat it to 180 is to kill any of the other beneficial organisms that may be in the milk and to denature the enzymes one of the people that I watched call that you need to make you need to make your milk so that it is dead milk and I had to laugh at her she was really cute so you use dead milk for making yogurt because we are going to reintroduce the seven bacteria that are in this culture right here uh then you will need um you don't need a measuring cup I use this as a little bowl and you will need something in which to incubate your yogurt now this is where things get can get pretty pricey because they have yogurt makers and I'm sure they work just great if you want to spend the money on a yogurt maker just do it if you have an instant pot with a yogurt setting you can do it there you scald the milk first in the on a hotter cycle of your instant pot then you switch over to the yogurt setting put the lid on and then let the machine do its thing well because we are preparing for the possibility of no electricity for a very long time if that should happen I want to be able to make yogurt off grid and so that's why I use the thermal cooker right here and you can use all kinds of you don't even need a f a fancy thermal cooker this isn't fancy I've had it for a really long time and it wasn't all that expensive expensive this is a 3/4 Stanley cooker I don't even know if they make these anymore but you can use a regular thermos jug if it will hold the amount that you are doing you can use canning jars to put your yogurt in and then put them down inside a cooler an ice chest surrounded with quart jars of hot hot hot water and a quilt over the top all you need to do is to provide a warm environment for however many hours you want your yogurt to incubate and now that's another thing in terms of incubation and we do three things with yogurt we scald we inoculate and we incubate just three things two ingredients three things to do the longer you let the yogurt sit and those bacteria are reproducing themselves like crazy during that time the more bacteria that will be in the yogurt the Tangier it gets so the long longer you leave it the more reproduction is going on the more Tangy it's going to get now the window for yogurt should be between 5 and 12 hours not really longer than that um I like yogurt that is about the 7 to 8 hour mark That's as much Tang as I want so you may have to test this out for just a little bit so let's quit talking and get going so with my um powdered milk I'm just going to make a quart today follow the instructions on your powdered milk and you can use instant you can use non-instant and actually this same recipe works for whole milk um I made yogurt once with whole milk and a little half and half oh it was to die for but that's not what we're doing today and so I'm going to measure out one and A3 this is a 23 cup measure and it takes one and A3 cups of this powder and I'm making it heaping and I don't mind a little extra powdered milk in here for a little extra um thickness a little more um protein and then I have a quart and when you're doing powdered milk the cool thing is you can use warmer hot uh water so I have a quart of warm water I'm putting in here and then I'm just going to stir now you may remember from that video that we did on ha store powdered milk that I talked about the gag reflex that I have with powdered milk um it's a throwback to my childhood I was raised on powdered milk to this day I can't drink it oh it just gags me and so I was really worried about about doing yogurt with powdered milk because I don't want it to taste like powdered milk well the great news is you can't even taste the powdered milk so here it is I'm going to turn on the heat and because the water was already warm and powdered milk is going to Bubble Up Like This because the milk was already warm it's it's not going to take a long time to get up to 180° oh no so the battery just died on my instant read thermometer but I have a backup and so um always have backup always have a backup so we are at 110 right now 119 120 so we're just going to keep stirring this milk I don't want it to scald on the bottom because that taste would be carried over to our yogurt so in our scalding be sure we move this milk around we certainly do not want it to boil just to get up to 180 I usually take it up to about 182 183 just to be sure 180 is the killing temperature for most organisms all right we're there all right now that we are at 180 actually we are at 182 we now because we've killed everything we now have dead milk then I'm just going to put it right in the sink in this pot of cold water and that is going to help it cool down very fast we're going to cool it down to between 112 and 115 we need to get it down so that the temperature of the milk will not kill the bacteria that is in our yogurt that we're going to incubate with so this will take probably about 5 minutes so we'll be back when it's cooled down Jim put a new battery in this and it's working just fine I prefer this one it's easier to use and he wanted me to remind you that when you take the temperature be sure you don't touch the probe to the bottom of the pen you want to get just the milk all right now it's time to incubate and I have in this pot I've been warming it with h warm water so first thing I'm going to do is dump that and we're going to keep that warm for a second now we're going to incubate so the way that we do that is in a small bowl we just dip out a little bit of the milk you do not need to measure just enough to where you have a little bit looks like I put in about a cup and then from your yogurt with the live bacteria I'm just going to put a couple of spoonfuls about like that you don't want to put too much it's not an exact science and then you stir this around and the reason that we do it this way is to have a better chance of equalizing the temperature so we want to warm up that yogurt get it closer to the temperature of this milk okay now we're going to incubate right here no this is inoculate now we're going to inoculate stir and now we just put it in whatever we are going to incubate it in which for us is going to be this thermal cooker and it's just like a big giant thermos and lock that lid in place it's very well insulated but I'm going to use some extra insulation by putting it right inside my Wonder bag and this will ensure that it keeps a fairly even temperature for the next few hours which is what we need to have and we are done so we're going to let this sit it is now 10 a.m. so we're going to let this sit probably until about oh 5:00 and then I'll check it to see if we want to uh take it out and do the next step if there if you choose to do a Next Step I'll tell you when we get there what I mean by that so now is the incubation time and we'll be back after a while it has been 7 hours and we are now ready to open up our yogurt and see how it is doing it still feels warm in there so this has a little tab that I can release the vacuum if there is one sometimes there is and sometimes there isn't created by Steam and then cooling okay here's what we have you can see that it's all set up very nicely lovely lovely yogurt now I'm just going to take a taste of this to see what the what it tastes like there is not even a hint of powdered milk not a hint and it will be especially good after it has chilled now this is regular yogurt a lot of people will incubate right in the jars or the containers that they are then going to just put right in the refrigerator and that would certainly be a time-saving step now I don't I just incubate in this and i' I've only done a quart today usually I do about two quarts at a time um I prefer Greek yogurt this is not Greek yogurt but we can get to Greek yogurt very easily so um here's what I'm going to do I have a strainer fits in this bowl I'm going to put a clean tea towel right here and I am just going to scoop wow this is so great a lot of This Yogurt right into this tea towel now you can see some of the yellowish fluid right there that is H w h y that is the liquid that comes out of yogurt and cheese making we're going to get very well acquainted with whe going forward this is just beautiful yogurt it's perfect now the rest of the yogurt I'm going to keep as regular yogurt and I'm going to put it in this little [Music] jar well it is really a dish and not a jar and then when um I put it in the refrigerator that um a little bit of whe will be there and I can either drain it off which I do I mean h comes let me see if we have some whe in the other yogurt that I used for the incubator yes you can see the whe is separating so I'm sure that you have seen that and so when we get ready to eat this plain yogurt I can just Stir It Up or I can drain it off either way now to turn regular yogurt into Greek yogurt all we're going to do is allow that whe to drain off for about 3 hours 3 maybe 4 hours and so let's see if some is even coming right now now yes it is we already have some down in the bowl and you can see it coming from the yogurt now I am going to keep that way and I hope that you do too because we're going to in a video down the road a little ways we're going to be doing something really special with that H and it's used it's used for a whole lot of other things too so I'm just going to cover this carefully to keep it clean and it is going in the refrigerator until well after dark it's 5:00 now so probably about 8:00 um I will take it out I don't like it to be too dry I like it to be nice and moist but not as moist as regular yogurt is so I'm going to let the whe come out for about 2 2 maybe 3 hours I'll check it after 2 hours and then we'll put it in a different container and then because it will be dark and our kitchen doesn't do very well in videos after it gets dark outside we will come back in the morning and I will show you both yogurts after they have chilled and been in the refrigerator overnight so we will see you then good morning it's early morning on the next day here are the results to our yogurt and you know I've been I've been thinking trying to think back if I really have ever made yogurt with strictly uh powdered milk I thought that I had but something I'm going to explain to you in just a minute happened with this yogurt that I've never seen before and so it made me really think hard I don't think I have ever made yogurt with strictly powdered milk before I have used powdered milk in yogurt making a lot adding it to uh fat-free milk or 2% milk to boost the protein over the years but I don't think I've ever made it so there's something new that I want to share with you um but it has turned out a lovely yogurt now what happened with this was now this is our uh original yogurt and usually I just let it sit the way it is if I'm going to um leave it as regular yogurt and not turn it into Greek yogurt but this had so much Quay in it that I decided to drain it and I only drained it for 2 minutes I stood right there and watched while it gave off this much liquid so it is now a a better consistency and it's very very good especially after it's chilled I don't like plain yogurt but that's the only way I can get the true Taste of this and I'm not gagged At All by but by the fact that it was made with powdered milk because I can't taste that typical powdered milk taste and there's a little bit of Tang in this part of my mouth and it has a really really good but mild flavor I don't like really strong yogurt but I'll be mixing this with fruit in fact Jim and I have not had our breakfast yet so this is going to be our breakfast so this is great and um the thing that I learned was that I probably will have to drain off at least a little bit of the H uh so that it doesn't get too runny Now by contrast this is our Greek yogurt and you can see just by looking that it is much thicker it's almost the consistency of I would say soft cream cheese and um this is how much whe came off of that and I put much more yogurt to make Greek yogurt with than I did this but now this is less volume because of all of the whe that it lost and the whe is beautiful and clear this whe is just a little bit cloudy but this also is very very good has the same taste but more the texture is very different I love this it's really really good um it may be just a little bit too dry for me um and I only let this drip for 2 hours but I might put just a little bit of the W back in here to to make it the consistency of this Greek yogurt so this is just a little bit softer I think you you can tell wow the taste of this and this is almost identical this is just a little richer tasting because it is not um fat-free so there are lots of good reasons um to eat yogurt and there are some great reasons for making your own not the least of which is uh expense because you can make it a whole lot less expensive than you can buy it and you know precisely what the um ingredients are in um in some yogurts especially the non-fat yogurts they're adding extra sugar to sweeten it up just a little bit to make it more palatable and this way you can control exactly what it is that you eat with your yogurt now what I'm going to be doing in upcoming videos is I am keeping track of the recipes that I'm using and I'm going to be making a free download handout um that will be on cheese making using powdered milk so once we get into our cheese making there will be recipes for you to download so this is our first step in that direction I hope you enjoyed this I hope you try it try it with all kinds of milk to see what results you get and whether or not you have to uh drain out the whe on some of the things and then report back under the video of your success and um what things worked for you and let's share experiences so that we can all learn so thank you so much for being with us we love our Learning Community I I had someone the other day say I just love this community and of course we do too and that makes us feel so good so subscribe if you have not yet and share the good word to everybody that you uh feel can benefit from the things that we are doing with in our community and we will see you very soon with another [Music] video
Channel: RoseRed Homestead
Views: 24,757
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Id: L6FAcKxbNzs
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Length: 24min 10sec (1450 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 08 2023
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