Make Use of all the Power Apps Admin Features and also Some Free Tools!

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hello and welcome to today the European SharePoint office 365 and Azure community webinar my name is Shane and I'm delighted to be joined by Daniel Christian MVP Financial Service USA who will be talking to you today about how to make use of all the power Apps admin features and also and have some free tools remember to join in the conversation about today's webinar on twitter our twitter handle is at european SP and our hashtag is ESPC 20 don't forget to check out the resource center this is updated daily with the latest blogs ebooks webinars and how-to videos simply visit SharePoint eurocom and click the content link at the top after the webinar we will have a questions and answer session type any questions you have in the questions window questions will be selected and answered at the end of the presentation this webinar will be recorded and you will be notified by email when it is available and now I'm gonna pass you over to our webinar presenter Christian Daniel Christian hello Daniel hey alright let me go ahead and just do a quick check my mic check on a screen check I'm just going to give you presenting abilities make presenter there we go take it away perfect all right showing my screen and let's go so hey everyone I'm showing my video camera as well so I'm sure you can see me my name is Daniel Christian and I'm really excited to be over here to talk about all the power Apps admin features that I've learned over the past few years so just to give you a quick recap for those of you who are listening to me and see me for the first time I do come from an infrastructure background and I always make sure I point that out is because I was never a developer I didn't do any hard coding and if someone you know like me can't even adopt the power platform and then also go ahead and start being the administrator of that that's that's seeing something that an infrastructure person can also do that I was also an early adopter of the power power apps so I've been you know working with this ever since it was in previews that's going over four years ago so I was an early adopter of the power apps and then in addition to that I just don't do a silo thing with this power apps or our RMA or our bi and now a new member of the family power of Wichitans I look at it as a whole thing the holistic approach of the power plant phone and I leverage all of them because it's so powerful that you know it's it's really in your best interest of the original so that's what I look at is I look at the entire power platform my personal interest has also been in machine learning and artificial intelligence because that soul you know tie in to pretty much everything in Microsoft that it's best that I leverage it and then I keep a close eye on connectors as connectors connect those connectors I look at all of them because every month new connectors come out and if I ever had a need for a connector you know today and it's not available in the next month or two it already comes out right these are the things that I really keep a close eye on now along with this is I'm a big platform of sharing knowledge so I belong a lot on YouTube so if you go to youtube and if you just search for daniel christian power apps you know you can see all my i think i've got 85 different videos over there right now so another things I ask is definitely like comment and subscribe because it's in your best interest next media comes out you'll automatically be alerted for that and it's free now along with all these other technical things that I do one of my other hobbies is i do musical holiday lights what can I say I work hard I play hard so it is every time doing the holiday season on you know after Thanksgiving I the show starts in my house and it's not uncommon to have cars summer house FM channels to my my channel and just enjoy a full show so I thought I'll just you know give a little bit of her okay so let's cut diamond now she's making use of all the power Apps admin features there's a little change I won't actually make in this presentation I almost change that from power apps to the entire power platform because everything I'm going to spend out the next you know 50 minutes applies of the entire power platform because at the end of the day it's under one umbrella so I'm sure you know everybody every one of you will not mind this but I just wanted to call that out is that everything I'm gonna say over here doesn't just write the power apps it applies to the entire power platform over there and then soon as I move forward it'll make more sense to you okay so we've got a whole of citizen developers from the power plant phone just exploded across the entire world all right but what I was noticing was that there were there were a lot of scenarios where the citizen developers kind of coming in and making apps and they just build some fantastic and mind-boggling apps over there but there was very little administrative work that was done on the power platform so I decided and as you can see I've come up with this code or diocese for all the power plant from citizen developers we need innovative administrators by the way this is my coat feel free to go ahead and use it so let's talk about this what does it take to be an innovative administrator so these are some of the things that I personally have seen other companies do it I personally have even myself done it and I want to kind of bring that out to your attention you know and feel free to you know go ahead and implement any of these had your own ideas to it but this is what I define as an innovative administrator first is when it comes to the power plant from you have still have to a must must must have the power platform I've been role and this is the office 365 I'm talking about your company job role or your name DHI category what you find I'm talking about office 365 there are roles over there for security purposes this is the one that the power administrator one needs to have because I've run into that situation as well I do a lot of mentoring and people come in and say I'm working on the situation I'm not able to see the common data services or these new environments people are working on turns out they don't have the power platform admin role so when you are in owning the admin feature make sure that you have that role second thing is it's best that it's preferable that you were or are a citizen developer because then you know firsthand what these citizen developers need over there I have come across a lot of situations where an existing citizen developer also took on the role as an admin have also come across situations where existing as your admins were just told hey you're an azure admin go ahead and become a Power Platform admin as well so do those people actually say that he don't even want to become at least do the Power Platform happen the day and then there is also the power plant phone admin in the day I highly highly recommend those two specifically for the innovative administrators as well because then you get a holistic approach that what does it take to build an app and then after that also one of the you know best features are things that you need to know as behind the scenes of what all the administrative skill requirements are obviously I will be covering all of those in the session over here but those two workshops which are absolutely free I highly highly recommend those understanding the application lifecycle management now I know in the power half section over there the Power Platform they have their own application lifecycle management or ALM which is great we now go through that but I'm talking about another holistic approach as well what in fact many of your companies may already have an ALM process over there so understand that is this what is the requirement for this app is it actually replacing something which has already been done what is it that I was being done why is it being replaced over there that's one thing having a discussion on a quarterly basis that hey how was this app is being reused it was a bill for this line of business if the line of business became so successful with that maybe it's ready to push this up to the enterprise level so everybody else can use it just you know looking at that has the app performance being in effect a little bit or is there a need for another app which is going to be replacing this or is it trying to sunset the existing app over there you know things like that so there is the technical ALM process already that comes with power apps but I'm telling the go above and beyond that and look at it from your own company because remember you're gonna be the admin so along with technical skill sets and technical responsibilities you're gonna have these management responsibilities as well so understand the application lifecycle management again as you as the admin in addition to other citizen developers you as the admin you need to be aware of these latest announcements that are coming out coming out that on the amount of spins that come out on a monthly basis announcements that come out on their whole you know quarterly basis as well it is your responsibility to be aware of all that and there's so many ways to do that few good ones that I do is in those community forum places over there this for all four of them now and I'll briefly touch on that they have their own places where the paragon groups go ahead and post blogs over there they're giving updates over there there is other few places I know Todd Baginski he's another MVP he does the power apps community play so that they are talking to one show their power addicts which have not gone along in the world they do a monthly via view over there go ahead and attend those sessions there's a lot of places to get this type of information easy and children convenience you have full access to it just be updated on all of that and then finally maintain healthy relationships with the admins new dynamics 365 team or the admins over there because this is gonna be very critical to make sure that you've got everything you need from the power apps platform standpoint over there and then your applications are so closely tied in from the Azure standpoint from the dynamics 365 standpoint but maintain healthy relationships understand what are other things going on are they working on certain projects which might potentially affect your platform over there or using certain things over there which might require their assistance things like that are very very important so maintain healthy relationship so they're okay so that is my definition of an innovative administrators requirements type of a thing again this may or may not work for you you can add some remove some but cannot work with these as a friendly guidelines so I'm gonna cover a whole bunch today some of it I'll go through fast some of the routes slow down a little bit but these are all in all the ten things I want to cover over here and most of you may have seen some of these some of you may have seen you know a good version of them but I'll still go ahead and cover this entire you know list over here because for some of you the administrative standpoint our power apps - or platform might be a whole separate new topic altogether so it's best that I go through all of these all right so let's go to the first one which is DLP on data loss protection when it comes to DLP I literally use the kiss method and I separated based on Microsoft non-microsoft some of you missing hey Dan what is this kiss method and this is my favorite one kiss or kis S stands for keep it simple stupid you might have heard listen using many different scenarios over there but this this is basically the whole process so let me show you we pause on this light they can let me actually jump in to the DLP section over here so what I'm gonna do is I'm coming away here to my test environment and I've logged in as power-ups remember as a power plant for madmen and I've logged in over here now I'm gonna go to the top right in the settings coming into the admin center over here in the admin center on the left side you will see data policies so when I go to the data policies it opens up another tab over there and here we have selected correct tenant slowly not the correct one so let me jump over to somewhere else mad man I have so many tenants that I got to make sure I bounced around from one place to the other one let me check well here is row and then Center one of them has to have it so what I'm doing is I first I gotta make sure that I have the power platform admin and that's another important thing is you've got to have that admin because you will not be able to see this you will go to the admin Center you may not be able to see this all right so I'm here I'm in the data policy sections over there and data loss prevention policy now remember I said that use the kiss method which is keep it simple stupid and I said Microsoft versus non Microsoft this is what I meant so I come in over here and click on the new policy and when I click on it you actually create this option the first place is you get the flexibility to do or is it complimentary in this policy for all environments on your selected environments or is it gonna be apply or exception for certain environments now two things I want to say before your company even jumps into power apps adopts in whatever way is your current situation you've got to make sure your deal is set up over here cuz this is your first line of defense you're citizen developers will just you know go ahead and start building some fantastic apps and it is just a job to build these apps you know they will start leveraging connectors that they already need but this is where you go ahead and secure those connectors over there so um like I said whether you're in companies already you know pushing forward with power laps or you're thinking about power after you've just started doing it whatever situation you are in go ahead and set up these deal pieces over here I first recommend that use it applied to all environments and in the all environments go ahead and do the Microsoft versus the non-microsoft because that's the easiest way to go ahead and do that so I've gone swimming show some examples over here in the Microsoft way over here as you can see all of these it might be some stuff over here anywhere from big data bank and data center connectors such as SharePoint onedrive stash or sequel common data services all of those big ones have already put over here but you also need key things right you need the azure ad over here you need the common data services any HTTP connections to Azure ad office 365 or message over there approvals is another big one and then for those people who are already leveraging Dynamics 365 solutions and they want to go ahead and start leveraging flow for that well go ahead and add all four of those connectors over here but that's that's basically what I'm doing it is also securing your data because for some reason you know you have a scenario where you could have you know a SharePoint list or a CD s entity or a sequel table with some company confidential information over here now by default if you haven't set up these connectors then what somebody could do is actually build a flow over here take information from any of these company connectors or there and potentially tweet about it because tweet I mean Twitter connector is it is an out of the box connected available and if you haven't set up this DLP then all of these connectors by default stand over here and one of those connectors available is Twitter which means you've now allowed any of your data connectors to be connect allow to take that data and post it on social media over there so that can be a serious violation of your own you know personal privacy act over there so kinda do this something simple set it up keep it simple that way you've already secured it now if you've got a communications department advertising department and they literally want to do this for a valid reason that they want to have some posts announcements put on a SharePoint lists EDS or agile sequel and then once the posts are saved over there they want the tweets to go out on Twitter in that case create a separate environment for them and then for that environment create a separate DLP policy where they are allowing these two connectors which any of these back and connectors and Twitter part of the same thing and it goes ahead and works over there so there's exceptions over there as well but all in all just go with the kiss method over here go ahead and keep it simple and it really works but this has got to be one of the first things any power plan for a madman has to be that book ii remember first one get the power plant from admin access then go ahead and set up this deal failure alright let's go ahead and jump back to the slightly so in the slide deck we went to the DLP over here next is access to create environments and this is different one of the things to create the environments and i'll show you what that is you need these two things were there first of all besides the fact that our platform admins have access to do this which to other people who have access to do this as well dynamics 365 admins and also your office 365 global admins so all in all it just isn't tied to the power plant amendments I mean this access level but it also has these other three other two people's global admins and the dynamics 365 they have options to create this now quickly pause and say why the dynamics 365 is because dynamics 365 also uses the same underground storage place which is commandeer service power platform and how platform serious and the dynamic see is the exact same thing so remember that when they have admin level access they see all the CVS says they see all the environments that you see in the Power Platform Atmos and it just makes sense because the underground data storage which is common data services the exact same so that's why if any thinking that hey I understand global admins having access but very dynamics 365 is because the underground platform is the exact same the underground Sidious is the exact same that's why they have that and then consider allowing trialing czar trial environments let me actually switch over and show you what that means so I've come over here to the let's go back to the power platform power absolutely I come over here i click on that's go to the settings click on the admin center and I come to the admin center over here without touching anything now you go to the top right over here on the settings and you click on the power platform settings now in the power plant from settings by default these are the two things yeah everyone has access to create production environments and everyone has access to create trial environments again it's completely up to you my recommendation is that go ahead and change in this government's but the production environments quite a change that to just the specific admins this one it is up to you you can go ahead and change the specific admins I'm ok with both ways which you know change that the specific admins and if you keep that as trial environments for everyone it actually doesn't affect a whole lot because the thing about trial environments is the only lasts for 30 days so if you have you know you know environment level accesses or you know you have people who are your power apps champions and I'll touch on that in the end these champions you want to give them their flexibility the hey let them go ahead and create a trial environment is Charlie environment there's an effect any of my capacity and after 30 days it does get deleted so again it is completely up to you another level of security that you want but you can mine recommendations for the production environments go ahead and change that to only specific admins child environments completely up to you and also make that a specific moment so I can allow that for everyone but just take it through this is these are basically what I recommend over here so that's suppose Masek you on the access to the environments were there so let's not jump into point number three and that's what I was saying over here the option that I missed was it's important to maintain capacities because moment you start creating more and more production and and you start going ahead and having more apps created and if they use CVS's and that's affecting our production capacity over there so keep that in mind that's why I say for the production one change that to admins only trial completely up to you so office 365 security groups and this is a very very important thing now and I want to first mention it's a thing remember I'm saying office 365 security groups because there is different types of groups over there I'm specifically talking about office 365 security groups now there are and you will hear this and laws you will hear people talk about that is use Azure ad groups and that's actually the exact same thing in fact I have heard a lot of product Microsoft product group people recommend that set up your security groups in Azure ad because they automatically get synchronized I mean they automatically get created on the office 365 side as well so it's the same thing but it's this is tied only to the security groups now you can do the security groups at two levels you can do it at the environment level or you can do it at the app level you can even go ahead and do it both levels where you've got a security group to give people access to the environment and then you in those environments when you go and build the apps you can go in and add the security groups to the apps now remember the more level of permissions grannie level permissions that you had the more difficulty there is to administer it because now you got to worry about two things out people borrow this group or then I once there and they've already got access to the environment but they're not able to look at the app that's because they need to be part of this group as well so think it through if you are work for a company which does require granular level permissions then you have this option you've got two levels of security groups over there but if you want that you know what this environment is only accessible to save them financial department or some HR sales department then just give a security group access only to the environment level because in their people the makers can go in and build their apps and then the makers are responsible for who has access to the own app so you've got flexibility but I just wanted to show you this option over there so let's go and take a look at that and quickly so I have now come over here and in my app I mean in the environment I'm going to click on the environment don't go and click on open environment or settings just click on this one over here what it does is it takes you to this page now if you are doing this for the first time you will realize this is what I'm seeing where here and that is because by default no security group is applied to an environment so what you do is you come over here and again again key thing you gotta be a Power Platform admin to do this there's got to be an environment set up over here and when you come to the environment just click on it don't hit the radio but I mean the radio button over here and don't do any of this clicking on the environment or the settings just click on the link to your environment it comes up over here and then now once you're doing that just click on edit in the edit you see these things over here you can go ahead and assign a security group and obviously because this is the default one actually because if in case somebody of you lose for the first time looking at power apps and taking a look at admin the default environment and you always see the name and and the parent this is default you cannot apply any security groups for the your default groups over there in your security groups everybody is a maker which means everybody has access to build the apps so kind of keep that in mind as well again meant once an app is built you can't not everybody has access to the app only the makers of the apps have access to it and they can go and share people you know users for the apps it's not you know scary it's not an unsecure but what I've seen is the the default one is kind of like the playground play build your apps and everything but then when you want to go ahead and start playing it either department or the use case scenario that's when you start creating those groups over there so I'll actually switch to my personal tenant and in my personal opinion now when I come over here i click on environments you can see that I've got a few but environments over here and one right over here see I've got my own default one over here so when I click on the same thing happens when I you click over here the environment details loads up and I click on edit I get the exact same thing can be assigned to this environment because is the default one but when I go back to the environment over here and I go and pick on say a production one I've tagged this as my production one click over here I'm a production one and over here you will see that I'm actually assigned a security group I call that as the power apps prod environment as Qi security groups I click over here and now there is a security about it so I can go ahead and just show you that it actually you know searches through I can wet it search any of the security groups that I've added I can also go ahead and remove all right that's again happy environment level level it is pretty easy and straightforward I basically come to the app over here or I can go and click on share and in this share I've actually gone ahead and used in this case the same security group but you could go ahead and you know say our ABS prone environment and then name the app over there and you can do it at that level all right so that's basically how you set up the permissions on that okay let's keep moving forward so security roles and permissions now as you've kind of already touched this a little bit already but these the security roles and the permissions do two things and this is very critical especially when you're using things such as coming the CDEs entities in the back end because what happens is you need the Y when your app is adding data over there you need the option to go ahead and we have the read level and them the right level over there but then you also want to tie just to that app where people cannot go ahead and create any other apps and flows and entities over there so there is that level of rows and permissions over that now permissions actually just showed you by there's one little thing which I saved it just for this area over here and that is I mean jump or switch when it was so we were opening up this one this Apple here so when I clicked on the app to share it if you didn't notice it came up and decides to share this app inclusively sorry sharing this app inclusively shares at least one connections implicitly shared connections are shared with the same audience on the app so that's what it is telling you is that when I went ahead and put in that user or what we share it with it is also sharing the data connector over there can I keep that in right now a common question I have got over here is the granule I went ahead and share this app which means now they have access to the data center can they go ahead and create their own apps and move my data into their personal finances all of that stuff the answer to that is yes or no yes is I mean no is because if you're just giving it to the users then they only have access to that connectors over there when they are using the app and the access they have is only to see it and you know edited or deleted in the app they do not see the connectors so don't don't get too concerned about that they're only able to see for that but but if you go ahead and add somebody I'm gonna just confirm if I go ahead and add [Music] if I go ahead and add somebody over here and make that person as a co-owner or the co-author then that co-author does have access to all your connections as well which means he or she could potentially build is our own app as well so kinda keep that in mind as your co-owners co-authors they do have that elevated access level they do have access to creating those those you know absolutely because they have access to those connectors another thing that you can do for the users is Vince they are using it the first time they open up to the app it will say that hey you're going to be using this app you're gonna use this connectors and just ask you for an approval that only happens once when they first open the app however if you want to take that away so that end users don't get confused there's a PowerShell to do that as well but that pop-up comes only once just telling the end users that these are the connectors that you're gonna use nothing to be concerned about the end users don't need to be concerned about but if they do get alarm for whatever reason they can go ahead and you know you as a maker out of the app can go in and just run that power shell so that pop-up doesn't come over there one thing I also want to talk about is specifically for the yes places over there you can actually go ahead and take a look at all the connections so this was a good place remember when I came over here and I was showing you these security groups you can come over here know to open environments and I click on the open environment it takes me directly into the dynamics 365 site over here and actually it's the settings so I come to the settings and opens up the settings and there there is users plus permissions click on that and I can go to security roles security roles is a very interesting place goodbye by default in many of the blogs even on the documentation they always say to use the system administrator which is completely fine especially for the makers or the environment level admins but over here you can actually go ahead and now click on that system administrator and you can see how you can actually how these roles and are set up what level of access to the app so as it loads over here you will see a couple of times right on the top over there we will go to the tab all the way to the right see this one says details curricular services etc custom entities this is they chose you that when you assign that role this is all the level of access that you have now besides the level of access it also shows all level of entities and entities usually show up way at the bottom over here so if you've got a lot of entities this is where they show up but this is actually a good place cuz what I like what I have myself done and you know again recommendations of the ways I do things I come over here and then in the more actions you can go ahead and copy the role so you've already got a base one to work with and then you can go ahead and kind of tweak your permissions or you know take your permissions to say I want to create a role for users just to have access to those CDs because at CES is gonna store some personal information whatever something which is important so you can make it very granular over here or you can just go ahead and leave it as open as this and doesn't have it but I want to show you what options you have to go ahead and leverage these security roles over here and I also showed you how we can do those permissions rights kind of making a little sense over here of how much responsible and how many excellent cool things you can do with the admins because you've got a lot of potential stuff which is already available for the admins in the backend and I'm showing you real-life scenario all right let's keep moving forward suite update security roles and permissions stuff like that now know your capacity know your capacity is very helpful in planning for the future and in Elton DLP what do I mean by capacity capacity is actually a very interesting point over here because at the end of the day these apps or these you know flows and things like that are being stored somewhere so you need to know how much are they consuming and what all is going on so in my personal tenant over here I've come in and I'm going to go into the get off from here from there come back over here go to the admin Center and again you need to have a power plant for madmen but you're gonna hearing me say that again and again so I've come to the admin over here now in the analytics click on the drop-down this is a capacity and I love this from an administrative standpoint because in one view the the power platform product groups have actually provided this here so you can actually see that I'm actually exceeding my storage capacity oh yeah because if you think about it and if you don't order you know the your CD s or your apps and everything is actually you thinking as one solution as the app but in the backend it's actually stored as three different places it is broken down into the database is broken down into the file which is actual files have attachments and then logs over there and they actually stored in three different places as well amazing there's actually a separate session on that which was explained on how these data centers of datas are stored and what they're you know functionalities are they've done a remarkable job of breaking down the databases and files are logged into three separate really powerful as your services tools over there but this is what you as an admin needs to monitor ace and the hey my father so far in my environment there's not a whole lot of files images docking you're not being stored so we're good on file storage logging is good but man there is a lot of data which has been stored so based on that it actually even tells you which environment is consuming consuming the most it goes ahead and even talks about the storage capacity so we know that the Prada the most so I'm gonna click on the prod and now it's able to give me a total breakdown where that information the capacity is coming from right down for all of them file usage storage this is out of the box functionality that is available over there and so you you need to know your capacity because it will also help from the DLP standpoint remember when you have different environments well the DLP standpoint is actually from the where all are these connectors coming from and then are those secure connectors or outside the connectors and then what is the root cause of some of the data coming in what did connectors in both orders it helps from both of them bottom line is need to be responsible for the capacity and this is a great place to come in here and take a look at what's going on so again remember this is out of the box so option is to disable self-service so let's pause and talk about what the cell services and then we'll talk about you know how it works so self-service was a functionality that was provided and there was such a you know both opinions I saw on that so what is cell service so cell service is where you as a user can go ahead and assign your sabai license for yourself and office 365 license whatever it is the power labs Haemon or a plan to you can go ahead and buy that for yourself and then what that does is it gives you the option and it creates an environment directly for you and then you can you are the full owner of that environment you can go and build apps now once there are people who are really alarmed by that as if it is an environment enterprise level company they should not have that functionality their end users can love their credit card go ahead and buy their own environment using the self-service capability with it Microsoft does a really good job accepting feedback from the end-users and they've got a lot of feedback on that and they said ok we'll provide an option they went ahead and provided two options first of all the power platform admins can see all the environments even those which are due by the by the end-users and secondly is they provided a powershell script to disable that functionality so that way microsoft was able to make both the people happy and let me focus more on the need for cell service cause different legitimate reasons for that imagine a company which is an umbrella company and they've got sub companies below it the umbrella company might just buy the basic office 365 package for all the companies over there now the sub company oh you know they still have to abide by the umbrella company's licenses but they themselves know using things like that can go ahead and buy more licenses for their power plant from users over there so it does work really well so there is a legitimate valid reason for that and then those who are in the enterprise level financial services and healthcare services who are concerned about this you also have the option to go ahead and disable that using PowerShell the key thing I want to point out is that remember the first thing I shouldn't write at the beginning the DLP that DLP will even factor in these self service environments cuz remember the one I said that keep it simple stupid technique it is for all the environments so anytime somebody's bought their self-service license and they create an environment it by default falls under that policy we created so now you see if I say that the first thing in an admin needs to do is go check their DLP set it up use the kiss technique go set it up because if such a scenario doesn't happen you're good your security is already set up your DLP is already set up over there all right so just wanted to call this one out okay now we just jump into some of the newer things that you may not already heard one is the applicant as your application is sites so the actual application in sites is actually only two months old if you're in February of in April right now and this was only announced in February so what it does is pretty sweet it does give you the flexibility to add more long telemetry figure apps to get more insight now let me actually talked a little bit more because Before we jump into the azure I mean the log telemetry for your apps using as your application insights we need to talk a little bit of what is this as your application insights so it is part of the entire as your monitor service and that is a whole separate discussion altogether and here is a massive piece of tool which is available in part of your Azure services and what it does is it's able to monitor all of these applications operating systems as your resources subscriptions all of this one of the neat things that it does is it takes things such as insides analysis integration and it stores it in to kind of separate types of databases one section captures all the metrics other sections captures all these logs so when you it's already catching all of this data and psy mean it's got the functionality to capture all of this data you need to go ahead and set this up into your app that's basically once you've done that application performance management goes ahead and captures things using the application insight it plugs into the app and I'll show you how I've done that you go ahead and take that insight you know it's basically just a a hex code key you take that key you go and add it to the admin power apps is built to handle this and then you don't have any clothing to doing the power-ups determine the app opens Evernote and I'll show you that there is just a place that you go and get that key put it in the app and it's already starting to capture a whole lot I'll show you that but really about application insights is it goes ahead and captures all of this information or alerts it's able to go ahead and take that and give you the functionality to add that into power bi it is capturing all so all in all these are some of the things that you can capture it captures rate the the rates of requests response times failures gives you pageviews and lured performances gives you users and session counts performance counters but the key thing that I point out over here is that we already have you know the analytics available in the power apps in fact I showed you some of those right when I was in the in fact let me jump into one half over here so let me go to my production tenant so here is a very good app and I click on it there is something called analytic so it's in preview phases when I click on that out-of-the-box it has some kind of logging already available and you can see you able to see it in our visa how will be reports that I didn't build it is out-of-the-box available so it's showing me things such as usage performance location it is pretty sweet in a hinders go from what devices were use how many times the apps are updated what was the counties I mean the the countries and the regions this is all out-of-the-box functionalities or you see anything from performances it's available there's one little thing that I've noticed over here is it captures it up little know what if you have I mean when I say app level is it just shows the entire app that it done for this app which Daniel has made for compare large data sets over there it captures the whole thing of what the app is how many times the first screen was open over there how many times what was the length of the app usage over here the sessions all at the app level now say you have a half that is used at the enterprise level and that happens a whole bunch of screens it has a whole bunch of you know subsections to it clicking and all of that maybe has multiple data sources and all that and you want to know get log to limit or E inside the app level well this doesn't provide that and that's why I going ahead and the log to lemon tree really performs up you know it gives you the performance so what I did was actually show you as an example over here so here is that same example I've come over here I'm opening a go and open up the app this app can be used from different places that can use the desktop standpoint it can use a tablet standpoint in fact I had a blog on this one as well so you are welcome to go and look at the blog and by the way I've done a detailed blog on a short log telemetry so that walks you through how I even said this up so if you're interested in this go check that out because I've explained it more in detail because here I'm just giving you kind of a overview so we've gone ahead and you know I've got an app over there in my log telemetry this is basically what it is let me go outside first and when you come over at you as your service you've got something called application insights it is the azure service already available you don't see it over here come in here as your to search for application insights and then it you know you pick that up over here once you create an application inside you can use whatever subscription everyone either you build it or you can reach out your as your admin you go build it the key thing is this one over here the answer instrumentation key that is the key that you want and then after you've done that you come to your app you edit it which means you've got to be either the app owner or the co-owner and this is what I was saying is that they've made this this simple is that now I've got the key I don't have to come in and do any coding or any you know make any connections or anything I'll show you the I was opening up right when the app opens up at the app level not at the screen level but at the app level I click over here you've got this functionality is that instrumentation key you basically just take that key and you pasted over here that's it you're done and then it starts capturing all of this information so let me show you now when I come in over here it does some fantastic things let me show you in the application map in the area over here it's capturing all the number of views that I've done when I go ahead and you know scroll down I mean in the the one that I wanted to talk about was also in the bar game logging is one of my personal favorite ones because now I can go ahead and see all the history over here and it picks up some amazing stuff tells me right down to well what time did the user log in even tells me what was the location available was a phone was it something else iOS version over here tells me you know location granted some of this was already picked up but I can go ahead and export this data and in the export functionality it has the option to explore as a power bi M query which means I can directly just go into power bi and import that data and for the first time build your own reports which is not available right out of the box this gives you the functionality do that alright so I want to come over here and look at the user flows and there's so much more which I've talked about in my blog so check that out but I really could not leave without showing this over here so this is fantastic I mean I I already have spoken to people and our people have said I'm gonna start doing this now because check this out in here you've got now the functionality to see inside the app level what's what is the flow so the session of the app starts and goes to the intro screen intro screen because that's how I build might have and then it shows you what has been the flow and as you can see based on the thickness of this pipe of this one over here and this one over here this one it is basically saying that Daniel right now your app and all the screens in it are actually being used in a pretty efficient way which means for the future you can actually see it this app is being used and everything is good but if you actually start started seeing some screens where the pipeline is really thin this helps you to understand man that screens don't even mean use the whole lot which means I could potentially think about two things either deleting that screen altogether but if there's important data or information in that screen take the links or information from there and move it to all the other places because that's where most traffic is going on remember this is fantastic because it shows you information that's not available on our of the box away here so the telemetry information and this detail level with such ease that you didn't have to do any coding whatsoever it does it out of the box is fantastic so alright my recommendation is if you have any of those enterprise levels or any apps that you think are most important constantly need to be monitored to improve the performance and the user interface for the app or there in the user experience oh yeah this is the way to do it because now you first hand learn how the traffic is going in the app what other bit mean are most useful screens over there how long are those screens being affected things like that this is the way to do it over that I think it's pretty cool 15 minutes remaining excellent thanks for that update oh yeah so basically this was on the application inside over there even hadn't talked about the whole large telemetry system or on that side gives you the inner functionality to apply it to an existing power apps because that's important remember I had talked about that a pitch had already built back was built months ago but that doesn't mean that I have to rebuild the app I just went into the app insights dock that he opened up the app and I was able to add that over there and then I was able to go ahead and view that data and I showed that I can go ahead and actually export the data which was already pre or our bi and just import any power via one thing on a point about this you're not importing the entire data because when you export that from application insights it just imports the connection strings for you the data still sits in the application insights but that connection string with all those tables and everything is automatic something you don't have to write a false you know query for that in power bi it auto monkey goes and creates all of that okay and the requirements for the application insights these are the things you need to have an azure services over there and there's different ones things that you know when you're just testing it there's two options you can do the the free version over there or you can do the pay-as-you-go the prepay as you go that's the mean of the building capacity over there you will need to have app owners for you know access to the agile app okay site services and then someone needs to be the owner or the corner of the app because you got to open up the app and you gotta add that key all right so I've covered a lot on technical stuff I've covered a lot on you know things that you need to know from an administrative standpoint but now I want to spend a few minutes talking about how the admins who are remember the admins are also type of for managers and they have you are not the citizen developers who are just focused on one or two of the apps admins need to do an overview of all the apps so a couple of things that I want the admins to know is we talked about the admin Center and the analytics remember I showed you an example of two things the capacity one over there how we can see all your capacity for the data storage that's in the admin center in the analytics section over there other things you can do is you are also already gone in the flow section over there there are a couple of flows which are available if you actually go to power automate and you search for admin flows it's a full-blown admin of lower there you it'll just ask you where you know what is your bar man what is your connections and everything and that flow will go ahead and send information to you either on a daily or weekly basis of how many new connectors have been bill how many flows have been billed under new power apps have been built it gives that app keeps that admins proactive and all these new things that are coming in and that that's free tool which is available out of the box over there xrm toolboxes are really cool it's also free let me show you one really quick so you can go ahead and basically download this xrm from Microsoft now it was it was called excellent toolbox for Microsoft Dynamics 365 initially but it's also for power apps from and data service over there so it is the exact same thing or similar to you know when you go into your Dynamics 365 and you see all the permissions over there for actually well it does something simple when it really performs that in a much easier way so I'll show you an example by the way this tool is absolutely free and when you go ahead and make a ninya there's so many different options over here right if I go to the tools section there's a whole bunch of options that you can do including sync things such as key thing is you can get timestamp so when the apps were created all of that but admins can really benefit from this and I want to show you one which is called as us the user security management when I build a connection to this I just had to go to the environment and the environment you basically give that grid that animates 365 it usually goes at 0 a ee d something like that so that's what I put in over here logged in and I'm gonna do the old users so when I do the load users it is directly getting live data from CRM which is your CVS over here now when I click on any of the user it is telling me that this user Allen already has access to you that's the environment over there in that environment he or she is already got the system administrator lo-roll over there and you know so on and so forth Diego Diego has access to that environment but he's not a system administrator but he is he's got this role which is assigned over there that could be the security role that I just talked about and then it also tells me you know other things for every other users over there I love this one place because in one view I'm able to see all the users I'm able to go and see all the roles including the custom roles that you might have set up see over here and then in one view I'm able to go and see how this you know what access everybody has it's really simple and it's free so keep that in mind so we talked about the CRM tool box and the Center of Excellence now Center of Excellence for most of you who it's a very popular thing but it was a tool that was provided and built as a collaboration with our platform tool how they were called the cast team with end users power users they collaborated together and made the center of excellence what is the center of excellence it is actually a tool to help you make your power ups even more excellent by gathering all this data and they've used a combination of three things they've used float capture all the data and data which is really important second thing is it goes ahead and saves it in c.d.s so you go ahead and create that seniors entities over there and then third is it has given you a really powerful power bi report to show you all of that and they've made this as easy and to use because they've provided you the flows they've already provided you the c.d.s entities so basically we just import that and could think is for those of you know they provided has a solution so when you import a solution it reports everything in it was ahead and imports the CDSs stuff it goes improves the app signing in at the flows and everything so let me all-in-all show you what that you know kind of looks like here is once you import it in these are the tooling create these two apps over here the CD the DLP editor the DLP customizer from the flow standpoint a it comes in as solutions so when I see over here going to the power apps I click on home click on my flows I don't see it over here because it's a solution so what I do have up come over here to the solution and then in my solution I'm able to see the ones for center of excellence click on that and I can see all my flows that are related to this and it's just all available out of the box you don't have to go ahead and build this you just go and you know search for that center of excellence but the beauty is after you know moments your flows and unconnected run the automatically start running and you're pulling in data after data they're gonna store it in syria's your data gets presented this way I mean it is amazing a power bi report is pulling data from all the CDs things it tells you but the number of environments you are it tells you the top app makers to another keep that in mind as I'm going to talk about in a minute since telling you who are the top makers over there gives you overviews off your flows over here pipe flow makers big flows which are running across the different cities over there and then you can go ahead and you know get more insight into the environments you can get more insight to the apps flows custom connectors you know things things like that my recommendation is that once you start having a lot of these apps created or flows created go ahead and create this following the details that they've already provide in the documentation one key detail is create an environment and then pull all of those information everything into the environment cuz it creates its own security rules and things like that but once you see that there is good traffic and activity going on in your power platform especially power-ups and flows get this thing set up and now I personally think now is a better time because they've come up with the updated version of this so there was some you know bugs in the first version but they fixed all of that so you can go ahead and import that and then you can tweak this to match your company designing and branding but I highly recommend that if you see activity now study activity and grow get this set up the center of excellence is perfect for the admins piece over there and so we talked about the free tools PowerShell scripts there's a whole bunch of them which is available which can help you automate some stuff and then there are some things which may not be available from the the US and but remember the one I talked about the self service creation the self environment creation that's a PowerShell script they've provided a whole different module of the power apps script so you can go ahead and do that these are all free alright so nothing to be worried about free training for Power Platform ahead mins now the free training is a self-paced training and remember I kind of briefly touched on this in the beginning the two that I highly recommend is one the admins should go through a nap in the day so they get the experience of how to build the apps second thing is go through the admin in the day what are the things that I like about the admin in the day was they have even factored in a scenario that hey you are a new admin and there's already apps created in your kennen how do you handle that the admin and the de factor is that in Israel and the great thing is these are self-paced so you download them and it's in the link over here or you can just go in search or Bing for that so you download it and you do it in your own test environment and play with it but kind of get familiar with that cuz it's really important especially the admin in the day to get familiar with that so these this is a self training that's already applied over there and finally I want to talk about rewarding the champions so remember in the the COS on of excellence it showed you the top app makers and it showed you the top flow makers now you've got information about who are the top people hate that information and go look at the apps see how they've build the apps are they good with all their you know the connectors over there is there everything working fine how are their apps being performed over there you can go ahead and even be and do more happen sites but once you find these key people who are building fantastic apps also following some good protocols and building the apps make them the champions share some information with them about future things you are doing in your company so that they have information they can go ahead and talk to you the align of business is about that they can actually go and take their skills and go and help somebody else in their department can be a future at MIT but over there and that really helps so there's a good relationship that you are as an admin you are building with those power apps makers over there because they're going to help you if they are following all the good protocols to build successful and safe apps both from safe from securing compliance and from performance they will share that Intel with the other potential app makers so that everybody else also follows this process over there engage them to be talkative talkative on your internet internal social media such as teams or Yammer's to share all information over there that way you don't have to keep explaining that again and again they've already got conversations and teams and the honors and they can go ahead and build all that stuff for this so I highly highly recommend to start this champions program in your own company that's CoA the center of excellence shows you already makes it easier shows you the tab makers top flow makers reach out to them have conversations let them start being talkative and it's gonna be a really important that you they're taking a lot of load off you from the admin site as well it can actually have you know almost beyond level ones support because they can already know that oh yeah tell the other new users and you're running into this problem because you did something wrong this way don't call the admins I'll show you they're gonna help you out so build that really good relationships are there so all in all these were the 10 things that I wanted to cover today we covered a lot I know it was a lot for you to absorb but my point was to kind of give you these little tidbits here and there as new power-ups the power administrators because this is a responsibility you're gonna take up I'm showing you all the different options that you have I'm showing you a bunch of functionalities that you have available and your responsibilities ok I see things blinking with us let's see any questions coming up a great time you'll thank you so much for taking the time to to do that yeah we have some questions so we'd get started now straight away were bit short on time but let's just round through some here ok - a policy is useless if the user wants he or she can skip that I was using a SharePoint connector we need a way to block a connector so there's there's a way to do that one of the things is obviously make it as a non business one but if you want to really block connector you gotta print a ticket for that what you do is you put it in your non-business side first so that's blocked and then you put in a ticket and you can explain really clearly what is it that you want to block in that in the from that connector but one of the first things you want to do and I've seen this done before as well a few times for especially the large enterprise companies is you go ahead and you know distinguish the two from a business to a non business put it in the non-business side then you go ahead and submit that request is that I want these non businesses once because right now they can't just take a single connector and block it he can block it as a non business level over there so can I keep that in mind that there's no full way to do that but there is functionalities at least of the business and one business because non business does actually block it it just makes sure that the two are not quite alike almost a guard or a fence over there but you can take it to the next level by putting in the ticket and say hey I want to block these non connector ones over there and they should be able to do that but you got to put that in as a ticket there is no one place in the admin center to go click on any settings that I put in a ticket for that okay now you mentioned SharePoint to Twitter which is fine what about SharePoint to SharePoint cross tenant same thing you've got to put in a ticket for that because I've seen that scenario as well as for my SharePoint to SharePoint you know the connectors don't really check to see if one SharePoint before the flow from copying one list to another list as long as the SharePoint it is good but if those two share points on two separate tenants it doesn't capture that what you can do is you can put in a ticket for that and say that two things you want to say I want to capture any of this which is going from my tenant to somebody else tenant and you go to emphasize and vice versa you want to block somebody from outside tenant coming away here that way you were already safe nothing is going out from your you can put in that ticket as well what happens is you put in the ticket they'll reach out to you make sure that you know everybody's on the same page and then you don't have any setting on the environment side to do that okay now when you were showing the app the question is what if the app had a premium connector how does that work and do you have to extend the license for all the new users the answer is yes and the premium connector you know a geyser sequel is an example it is a premium connector and it's not just the maker who needs that I access the user also needs that access over there so yes everybody will need that now remember not everybody needs the plan to when one will be sufficient as well so you got a factor that in you got to plan that in and yes if it's any of those premium connectors then you you and the users will also need that license okay which role is needed to be able to edit the owners of one of power apps which role is needed to edit the apps I think if I'm understanding correctly you will need to be the co-owner that that way you also have access to have access to the apps and the connect and the functions you need the co-owner now co-owners can be done individually or you can create a group for that but you need that co-owner now that brings up a good point is because my recommendation is that every app should have by default you have the app maker but you gotta have the co-owner as well because what if the app maker wins the lottery and leaves to have somebody in the corner another follow-up question to that I get is how do I make myself as a primarily app maker because I'm always gonna be the co-owner you can do that as well using a powershell script this part of that they have module that I talked about the PowerShell module you run that script and it will take the corner and make that as the primary owner okay second question is it possible to block any users from accessing DDS in the default environment yes they're in the default environment right now I can't think of anything right right now because by default everybody is a maker and everybody is so you can use it or potentially they can even build scene yes and I'm sorry I really can't think of anything right now but remember this is your kind of your play playground environment over there what you can do is be proactive I just check to see the capacity over there but you really can't block somebody from the default at all that's why it's more important of thinking of not how to proc it it's more important to think from how I can be proactive and start seeing where all the capacities been used one app one user and start being proactive over there I know it's not the answer looking for I'm giving you a place that I think will be proactive and last question it goes hi Daniel your explanations are awesome as always how do we get the co e solution I do not see it in the app source yeah it so go ahead and Bing or search for center of excellence the great places there's actually an article over there which talks about center of excellence there's a video over there as well and right then hidden it is actually in the link to it and that link is actually already the day that's stored in github but download the entire zip file and it's got some explanation also they've just released in an article which walks you through it that article what didn't exist before but now they've already promoted that here just being for sale of excellence and you'll find the whole thing the app which comes as a full solution and the new article as well you find it brilliant on behalf of the ESPC community Thank You Daniel for taking the time today to complete this webinar in questions and answer session but we really appreciate us oh it was my pleasure as always oh nothing great thank you very much Daniel okay everybody at the end of today's webinar please see SharePoint Europe comm for further details on all upcoming webinars or visit our resource center for all previous episodes again a big thank you to Daniel today and thank you all for joining us take care and good bye alright that was fun
Channel: European SharePoint, Office 365 & Azure Community
Views: 1,191
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: PowerApps, Power Platform
Id: 7l6inCFYZgY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 20sec (3980 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 20 2020
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