Make This Skyline Diffuser / Wall Art

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all right even though it doesn't look like it outdoors yet spring is almost here and when I look around the workshop here I know that has to be cleaned up but before I do a big spring cleaning I thought I get through a couple of projects the first one is what I have behind me right here and these are blocks that I cut out four years ago and it was a project that I was going to do at the time big thick butcher block table so basically I just lost interest in it and that bothered me on two fronts actually first of all I used a lot of my premium vintage two by fours to make all these blocks and then I took the time to film it I spent two days doing all this maybe even three I can't remember exactly but I got a whole pile of footage so what you're watching right now actually that's just sitting on my hard drive for the last four years just waiting to be used so since I'm not going to be using the wood for the butcher block table I've given up on the idea altogether actually and I have a different idea for my current kitchen I'm going to use this stuff to make what's known as a skyline diffuser and what that is basically is sound treatment for a room it reduces reverberation or echo but also they look pretty neat so I thought I would make one to put in my office and it would be a diffuser slash Waller alright I know that some of you are probably saying so don't build that pile the junk finish the butcher block table but you know what haha I don't want that back when I started it four years ago I did and it was really great to have it then but future has come around and my tastes have changed I don't want something that looks like that in the kitchen that I have now plus it's not actually big enough I have a larger kitchen that I first envisioned and I want something bigger so I'm going to sacrifice these to the gods of a new project so basically what I'm going to do now is a whole lot of cutting something that I already did with all these blocks before but they all have to be cut down to a usable size and I've determined that to be one and a half by one and a half and they all have to match that perfectly otherwise the thing won't go together correctly now one thing I'm trying to do is get as many of this as I possibly can I'm even cutting off some of the ones that I already glued together and I even attempted to cut apart the big one that I glued up the one with the nice box ending on the bandsaw but I was concerned that maybe I put that together in the first place with screws inside instead of clamping it together so I didn't want to take the chance on cutting into that it's just not worth it so of course it goes without saying that it took quite a while to get all these blocks cut up and of course that one went a lot faster if I hadn't been using longer pieces but these are all just ten inches long so that's what I've got to work with now that they are cut I have to sand each and every one of the thumbs on all four sides and then once I cut the length because I've got three lengths to deal with here two inches four inches and six inches I'll need to sand the ends too so I'm going to do all the sanding on the belt sander it's going to give it a light tap and I'm looking just to get rid of the saw marks from cutting them out all right all the sanding is done I did take it a step further past the belt shatters oh and if you want to watch that if you're into that kind of thing you know maybe you got a standing fetish or maybe you like to see me suffer I made a separate video on my scruff in channel you can go watch that next thing I need to do is I need to cut these two lengths I'm going to do that on tabletop with my mini table saw split now if we go back and look at my sketch up drawing I want this thing to be about five feet long which is 60 inches and roughly eighteen inches high as well so that gives me a total of 480 block to fill in now some of those blocks can be empty and the empty blocks will actually be driven by you know how selective I can be with these parts so I'm going to have to pay attention and keep count while I'm cutting them out when we look at the back of the model you can see that some that is less deep than the rest of it and that's for a French cleat that I want to put on the wall afterwards hold this thing up there this is pretty heavy this is quite a lot of 2x4 here as you can see so needs to have something they're pretty substantial to hold it up I wound up with 158 of the 6-inch ones 158 of the 4-inch ones and less a little bit less of the two-inch ones but like I say I can have open spaces in there too and also I don't have to make it that full size and I have to make a sixty inches long and 18 inch side I can you know change that up I've got one more thing to do before I can put it together though and that's more sanding I need to send the end that shows outwards on each block [Applause] finally all of the sanding is out of the way all the parts are ready to glue together and I set up this arrangement right here this is my folding sawhorses with the door laid on top I use the door because it's white and it stays flat and then I put a piece of drywall on top of that just in case any glue leaks out of the little stick those dry long I can easily get that off I also set up the straightedge here this is just my saw board clap down to the door and what that does is it gives me a place to register the blocks up again so that when I put in an X row or whatever it won't push Oh past that I have a solid stop for these to go up against what I'm going to be doing is I'm going to be gluing the blocks together without a backer so I'll be putting glue on the side of the blocks to hold them in place the glue that I'm going to be using is polyurethane construction adhesive I'll be using that for two reasons first of all still cold here in my shop I did raise up the heat a little bit but still it's too cool for regular wood glue to work properly the other reason is that it doesn't need to be clamped all I need to do is put it on the parts put them in place and that's it it'll set up just fine so it's moving along well one thing they have to pay attention to here well it makes sense to pay attention to it anyway is to try to cover up or hi defects on the side like that here I've got a wormhole there and I'll just take the next block and I'll cover up that with that you'll never see it you [Music] you they took way longer than I expected to get this thing together yesterday but now it's done well least the assembly part anyway so all I have to do now is flip it over to route that channel in the back that will receive the French cleat that will mount it up on the wall once again I'm using my sideboard this time as a straight edge guide to do the routing I'm going to remove the bulk of the material from here with just a straight cutting bit it's a 3/4 inch one [Music] and then I'm going to switch it to a dovetail bit just to do the top edge and that will undercut that angle and the cleat will latch right into that with the groove cut to the right angle I'm kind of cleat from half-inch plywood that matches that angle and what that will do is it will go in that slot and walk in there I'll be able to mount this up on the wall then lift the diffuser up onto that cleat and set it down into that angle and that angle will keep it from coming off the wall the building part of this project is now done all I need to do is finish it in some way mount it up on the wall I'm going to put that in a separate video though and there'll be a link to that in the description if you want to go see that and any time I'll leave this one off here with some pictures of it mounted up on the wall in my office [Music] you [Music]
Channel: John Heisz - I Build It
Views: 1,178,143
Rating: 4.8800678 out of 5
Keywords: woodworking, how to, diy, jpheisz, ibuildit, skyline, diffuser, sound treatment, wall art
Id: nvx5NYpDt1k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 44sec (584 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 27 2017
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