Make This Mini Table Saw Sled - Super Deluxe Version

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this is my original mini table saw sled that I made three table sounds ago and I made it to fit that one and then after I you know made new one I adapted it to fit that one and then I made a new one again and now I've adapted again except it originally had two guy bars and he used to be longer and the other thing about it that I've noticed from using it is that it really could use a stop block and you can see in this example the marks that I've drawn on the face to line up the cuts I've done this several times so I've gone back to the drawing board and I've come up with a deluxe model that hasn't included a stop block and I'm gonna make that in this video I'm gonna be making this almost entirely with half-inch plywood and to get started I'm cutting a strip here that's 32 inches long and two and a half inches wide [Music] the next thing I need to deal with this is I need to cut a groove through the whole thing that's about 3/16 of an inch deep and there are a number of ways you could do this of course you could do it on the table salt like I'm doing right here or you can set up a dado stack on the table saw but I'm too lazy to do that if I have just one of these things to make or another option is use the router table but my router recently died so that's not an option for me [Music] [Music] now with that slot cut I can cut this piece in half so that I wind up with two pieces that are 16 inches long and then I need to rip one of these down the middle actually a little bit less than down the middle so I wind up with this space between the two pieces when they go on the front that's a quarter inch wide now I also need a strip to use as the base of the sled and I'm cutting that here [Music] and she gets started on assembly I'm gonna glue and pin nail that first front piece with that groove facing out to the base making sure that I don't put any pins where the blades gonna be cutting into it right in the middle I want to glue a block and this covers the blade as it comes through the fence so this is important safety feature I let the glue dry on that block about a half an hour and now what I'm doing is I'm cutting a slot in the end and what this is for is a place to put the stopwatch when you're not using it you know rather than lay it down somewhere and losing it you put it in here and it's safe next I can put the two front pieces on to complete the fence and once again I'm gluing that but I'm driving in pin nails to keep the parts in line and being careful not to put them where the blade will be of course now that I'm doing this in two pieces like this I can see that I could have put it out in one piece and then cut that slot after next time well I'm doing Alice I'm drilling a half inch counter bore and a piece of plywood that I cut down to 3/8 of an inch thick and size to fit in the slot and they need that just deep enough to glue in the head of the bolt and keep it from turning [Music] and for the stop lock itself I'm just gonna use another piece of half-inch plywood with a quarter inch hole in the middle and that basically completes the fence part for the runners I'm going to be using hardwood I'm gonna cut it to an exact fit for the slots on my side sneaking up on the fit until they're perfect [Laughter] and then to fasten them to the bottom of the sled I'm just going to square the sled itself to my table saw fence and glue them onto the bottom don't oh that's a glue set for 15 minutes or so and drive a single screw into each runner [Applause] [Applause] [Music] all this left to do of course is to try it out and here you can see the stop block in action [Music] and when I don't need it I turn it sideways and store it behind the fence in that slot I cut earlier if you're interested in building one of these screw cell-free plans are available in the build article and there's a link in the description that'll take you right there [Music]
Channel: John Heisz - I Build It
Views: 1,146,783
Rating: 4.9265027 out of 5
Keywords: woodworking, how to, diy, jpheisz, ibuildit
Id: offKxiMuqM0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 17sec (557 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 27 2019
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