Make THESE Workshop Organizers!

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hey everybody thanks for checking out next level carpentry I'm excited to show you how to build these great little custom organizers this video is going to be a little bit different because I've got all this material back here that is a custom bookcase with a buffet cabinet for my day job and these little organizers are pretty simple so I'm just gonna cruise through the steps point out a few tips show you some unique tools that are used for making them but hopefully I'll show you how useful they are how simple they are to make and inspire you to make some of your own to help get organized and work a little more efficiently in your shop the main thing that makes these little organizers so sturdy so useful and so simple to make is the material I use to make them this is just a vinyl fence post this one's four inches square I think it's either a light or a medium gauge or grade and not a structural one the wall thickness is a little more than an eighth of an inch and what I look for in these posts is for sides that are flat and corners that are rounded but as close to square as possible some posts are a little more bulged out on the sides and the corners are more blunt and that wouldn't make a very good end product and there's a link in the video description to an amazon influencers page where I've listed a square vinyl fence post and some of the other unique tools and supplies that I use for this build so check them out if you can't find what you need when you tackle this project I've seen square vinyl fence posts in all sorts of lengths this piece started out at 66 inches long so I just divided that by five so I get 5 organizers out of this so the first thing is to determine the overall length and lay that out on the post to minimize waste on cutting these posts I mark the length along the centerline of the post in this case that's 2 inches and dividing up my post equally I end up with 13 inches as the desired length I found 22 and 1/2 degrees to be an optimum angle for the ends of these organizers so I lay that out with the Swanson speed square on the side of the tube and that line is easy to cut because most miter saws index up 22 and 1/2 degrees [Music] after making the first cut I just use this piece as a pattern and transfer the length onto the remaining section of tube and then every other cut is a square cut and with a little careful planning you'll end up with very little waste when you're done cutting and in no time at all I've got three pieces exactly the same length to work with to eliminate the sharp angle cut on the front of the boxes I take one more square cut to make that lip a little more user-friendly to make this cut I line up the outside face of the saw blade with a short point of the angle on this lip and that eliminates so it's almost a dangerously sharp point on the front of the box and there's a nice profile contour in its place and the next step is to cut off the lid from each of these blanks and I only need to raise the blade enough to cut through one layer of this - which is just a little over an eighth of an inch and then I set the RIP fence at 1 in 1/8 inches which you can almost see there through the dust on the glare put this set up I'll cut the lid off and two quick rips and that gives me a lid and a box in no time at all these little caution when making these rips because tension in the vinyl fence post will cause it to collapse on itself once the saw blade has cut all the way through that internal tension makes the ripping process a little bit tricky but it's also really important because it's what helps hold the lid onto the box the next station in the organizer box assembly line is to ease all the sharp edges made on the table saw and the miter box I use a slick little deburring tool made by general because it's fast easy and gets the job done quite nicely and then I use one of my best blocks for demanding sanding with a hundred grit sanding belt on there take the sharp points off the corners and short edges that are harder to do with the deburring tool once the deberían cleanup is done the next step is to make little blocks for the ends and dividers inside these little parts organizers each square plastic tube is probably in a very a little bit but for these I need blocks that are three and eleven sixteenths inches long to fit tightly in between the sides now they need to be three 9/16 tall to fit snugly inside the lid for a nice snug fit when everything's done can you tell I've been working with plastic with static cling and stuff gets everywhere it sticks to everything I found the optimum thickness for these dividers to be 3/8 of an inch you could sure make them wider but 3/8 is nice because it will hold the screws and it doesn't take up too much of the space in the container by itself because the pieces are small and there's a lot of them it's a great time to showcase some of that scrap you've got sitting around you have nice-looking wood left over from another project you don't have enough of it to build something big with it but you can mill it down and show it off in your little organizers I've got some mesquite here that's leftover from a project quite a few years ago and so I made up two pieces there three and 9/16 wide and then just random lengths so I just need to cut them to the three and eleven sixteenths inch lengths I jumped the gun and got everything sanded and put a couple coats with gel poly on this stuff so that's one less step that I need to do in the video because I want to cut around defects in the piece I'm using I didn't set up a stop block for this but rather just put a sharp index mark on the miter saw table so that I can cut the piece square and then cut it for lengths repetitively to get all the blocks I need for the ends and the dividers in my or I didn't mention it but I eased the corners on the one edge of those blanks and then the other corners are sharp so the eased edges will be on the top in the box once I've got all my blocks cut I line up one end clanton in the vise and roll the corner a little bit with that hundred grit sanding block and you need to knock off the sharp corners from the bottom of the blocks too so that it doesn't bind up in the bottom of your organizer because those corners are slightly radiused next station in the assembly line is to install the front and back blocks and then as many dividers as necessary to create the little lip in the front of the box that's used as a handle for lifting off the lid I want to put the front block back from the front edge of the top about a quarter of an inch which puts that front block bat an inch and 3/4 from the front edge of the bottom of the box the blocks get held into the organizers with these number 6 by 5/8 flathead Phillips screws and I'll use this three thirty-seconds snappy bit for the pilot hole and a countersink so the screws hold firmly without splitting the back blocks go flush with the back of the box so it's a layout for the screws I'll draw a line 3/16 in from the back end and then come up from the bottom 5/8 and down from the top 5/8 these a large squared off chunk to help hold the front block into place Square to the bottom and perpendicular to the size of the box and then use a machinist square to lay out holes for those screws as well a small clamp holds the block into position tighten with the bottom of the box while I drill pilot holes and drive screws and when you do everything right the screw heads are nice and flush with the outside of the box this little carbide snappy works amazingly well in hard wood as well as plastic and does a perfect job of piloting and countersinking these screw holes in short order and keeps me from splitting out even these small thin hard wood pieces [Music] I'll divide this box up into three spaces that are very close to equal the simplest way to do that is to take the two dividers that are going to go in the box and slip them down into one end and then measure the remaining space and divide it by three in this case it's ten and and eight so I can go three and three-eighths for each space and with a space mark made I can just use my setup block to align everything while I mark and drill the holes this snappy bit is so sharp it's pretty easy to over drill so I've got to take it easy when making these countersink hole and I can use the assembly block as often as necessary to check a double check to make sure it meets our straight square and screw and position where I wanna and to orient a divider in any position just clamp the divider to the setup block and slide it into place and that block keeps everything lined up squared up and perfectly positioned while the screws are driven and pretty much eliminates aggravation from measuring and aligning to get everything looking nice and using these tools in this process before long I've got containers that are all nicely divided made three sections on this one divided this one exactly in half this one is offset like a four and a quarter and a six and a quarter and then one that's just all empty just to show you the variation that you can do depending on what you want to put in the container obviously these could be made any length with any number of dividers depending on the intended use where they're going to sit and where you're going to take them when you use them I've got one more little detail to do on these before I button this up I'll use the sharp three quarter inch hole saw to make a little finger pull hole in the front lip of each of these containers it just makes it easier to hang on to them and to get them in and out of storage shelves and I'll put the center mark 5/8 inch back from the end of the holder and then Center it up between the sides at two inches and then I'll drill out that little quarter-inch pucks going from both the top and the bottom for a cleaner hole and finish it up with the little deburring tool to take off the sharp lip and make it more finger friendly well since I talked to chip into coming by to clean up the mess and put tools away I'll ask that if you like this video that you'll consider subscribing to next level carpentry if you haven't already it's free you know and you'll be notified each time a new video is uploaded while you're at it poke that thumbs up button that lets the people over there at YouTube know that there's things happenin here a next-level carpentry and I really appreciate it as I mentioned earlier in the video there's a link in the video description to an amazon influencers page from next-level carpentry and on that page all the tools that you see me using and most of the materials and supplies are listed there anything you buy through those links is the same low online price you expect but amazon pays a little portion of their profits to this channel and it helps support video production here t-shirts like this and a sign like that are available at teespring that links in the video descriptions as well and I'll thank you now for clicking any of those links and using those products or services because every little bit helps the next level carpentry be the best it can be I'll be back in a second chip okay catch you later hard to believe one guy can make such a big mess so fast isn't it all right gotta love chip comes in here cleans up my mess and heads out I gave him his paycheck so he's good to go and I'll just wrap up the video I'd like to use a little bit of lacquer thinner to clean up the plastic when I'm done working it takes off all the layout marks and any smudges that get on there in the build process and the tension I mentioned in the vinyl fence post at the beginning of the video is a beautiful thing because it's what makes these lids snap on and stay into place their stay on there good and then with the little lip that's left here between the front of the lid and the front block I can just lift that lid off and access whatever is inside and those little containers are durable they're solid small things won't fall out of them but it's easy to access whatever stored inside tight-fitting lids on the containers keep dust and dirt out of them when they're stored in the shop and they don't just fall off even when filled with heavy hardware the tight lid can be helpful when dispensing things out of the container because some sections can be covered while leaving access to others while the lid does keep dirt dust from getting in the various parts if dirt does happen to get in during use it's easy to clean it out with a little compressed air plus they transport easily and stack nice clean and easy and they're quickly accessible when you need to get at what's inside one of the features that I like most about these is that I can just grab a box with an assortment off the shelf take it over to the bench or out to the job site and have everything I need on hand all neat clean and organized and that's super handy when I need him at the bench or on the job and I'll leave it to your imagination all the stuff that you can store and organize in containers like this in your shop on the job and around the house this has been a fun little build I hope you enjoyed watching that and I'll take a minute here to thank everybody who's gone above and beyond by becoming a patron on patreon for this channel your generosity and support is what helps offset the income I'm not making building those bookcases tonight because I'm doing this build project and I really appreciate it like sharing this kind of build with viewers because I know it's helpful in my shop and I know it'll be helpful in yours so thanks to all the patrons on the list and everybody else until next time thanks for watching wardrobe check makeup good hair styling all right ready to roll hey everybody thanks for checking out next-level carpentry I think you're going to be amazed at how much you can store in these little organizers heck I use them for storing everything from soup two nuts and they're really good because there's plenty of room to store all sorts of different things in and if you ask me that's pretty sweet but I'll be the first to admit that this is pretty corny
Channel: Next Level Carpentry
Views: 304,979
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: organize, organizer, organization, shop, workshop, home, garage, notions, supplies, hardware, tools, craftsman, bin, tray, compartment, box, next level carpentry, man cave, garagemahal, better, best
Id: aQnV0vUba_A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 35sec (935 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 07 2020
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