Make Painterly Renders in Blender 4.0 (Kuwahara Filter)

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hey there friends Martin here and today let me talk a bit about a new feature that blender offers and that helps you turn your 3D models into painterly looking images at this stage of my heroes of bronze project I write a lot of stories which I like to accompany by illustrations now you can find some of these on my Instagram and as you already may know I often employ a blend of 3D and 2D painly style I know it's fake but you know in my generalist work I tend to be all about efficiency and though I'd love to I simply don't have time to paint everything from scratch especially since this world building project of mine is so huge that's why for the past few years I've been polishing this workflow of turning 3D renders into paintly looking images rapidly since I already have hundreds and hundreds of models made for this ancient period it made sense to use them to create paintings for quite a bit I've been actually using the blender D noising option to render out the basis for these pain paintings basically you just turn your samples really low and then activate the Optics the noising and voila you get a basic paintly effect alas you can't really control it this changed with the new blender 4.0 version there is this super handy new tool called kahara effect it's basically a post- production filter that you can add right behind your render layer in the compositor nothing happens right off the bat but if you go to the viewpoint shading in the newest blender versions you can now activate the post production effects like this directly in the viewport and you can either activate them only for the camera view or always as you can see here now what happened is it turned my 3D render into something like you would get in Photoshop if you applied some of the default posterized filters especially if you go up with the size here it's pretty obvious nevertheless with this kahar effect we can do more we can turn it to this anisotropic mode and increase the uniformity which makes it more poster-like sharpness is something I like to turn up it makes the stroke like effect more pronounced then turning up eccentricity will also preserve some of the thinner details on your image so I often go all the way to two to make the effect even more obvious you can actually duplicate the filter and play with the settings some more in this other iteration of it but that's basically it now the result will also depend on the render size you choose as well as the amount of samples the more samples you add the more details you get in your paint effect uh here I used 52 samples here8 and here 248 I saved all these and then also the version without the effect with these rendered layers on my disk I loaded them all into Photoshop and started painting over them blending them together for this process I usually use just normal round brushes as well as my custom painim mixer brush that you can get on my patreon by the way you can learn all about this painting process of mine on my specialized course at gumroad be that as it may this guvar filter is something that can really save you some time producing painterly basis for your paintings uh nevertheless using it on its own will make the effect pretty obvious so I definitely recommend painting over it afterwards feeling the need to experiment in the AI area I actually also combining all this with the new Photoshop AI functions to quickly give renders and photos a feeling of brush Strokes I use this mostly for my backgrounds not for the main subjects of my paintings still I find it quite time-saving so let me know if you're interested in me talking about it in my future videos one thing I'd like to point out is that if if you're interested in the broader story of Heroes of bronze apart from watching the short film and reading the backt stories on my website you can now also get this short story from my gumroad and that one will introduce you to this whole world that I'm building and it's full of images for which I've actually used this workflow that I showed you but with that stay creative my friends and until next time Martin out
Channel: Martin Klekner
Views: 19,914
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 7kTbvZwf98M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 29sec (269 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 14 2023
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