Make Gorilla Tag Movement in Unity VR

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What's up everyone, as you have so astutely figured out, we were   talking about how to move like you would in grill  attack. Gorilla tag, if you're not aware is a   super fun VR game that was released on App Lab and  is now on Steam. It's a, you know exactly what it   sounds, you're a gorilla. And you're playing tag  and a multiplayer environment. And you move around   by grabbing limbs of trees and throwing yourself  up and bouncing off walls and whatnot. It's a   very fun physics base kind of movement. When I was  building the test project today, I actually hung   out inside of my little arena that I made for like  a solid 20 minutes just bouncing off walls and   stuff. It's so much fun. So today, I'm gonna show  you how to do it. First, we're going to open up   a VR project, if you'll notice unity hub actually  got an update, we're in 3.0 now, and a few things   have changed. There is a dark mode now, which is  super cool. They've also changed the names of some   of the buttons and how you start a new project. So  you'll notice over here open this used to be add   now it is open and you can add from a project from  your computer or a remote project now and then   there's also a New Project button now, so we can  click on that and it's going to bring us through   this little portal and make sure you are selecting  the correct version up here at the top. So we're   going to be using 2021 point 2.7 which is the  newest released version, and I'm going to go down   and actually select the 3d USRP. So without the  sample scene, we now have the option to start a VR   project without the sample scene in new RP, which  is the render pipeline I recommend you use for any   VR project. At this point, we're going to set up  XR I've already done a full length video about how   to set all this up and why you do certain settings  and why not this is just gonna be a really quick   overview of like a refresher, if you already know  how to do it. If you want a more in depth video,   then just check out the one in the top corner  if you already know how to do it skip to this   timestamp. Also, there's chapters down below and  that's where I actually start to do this specific   tutorial. Alright, for XR, we are going to go  to Edit Project Settings go down to XR plugin   management and install XR plugin management, I'm  only going to do this project for PC. So we're   only going to be on this PC tab here, I'm gonna  click on Open XR to install that it's going to ask   if you would like to restart your project and swap  it over to the new input mode. So just hit Yes,   it'll restart unity, then we're going to go  to Open XR and then I want to add a couple   of interaction profiles. I'm gonna do Oculus  Touch and Valve index for this particular one.   And then I'm going to swap the render mode over  to multipass. Now we go to the package manager,   so Windows package manager and then click  on this plus icon and add package from get   URL and we're just going to type in C  O m.unity.xr dot interaction toolkit   hit Add and that's going to install the XR  Interaction Toolkit package there'll be a   pop up that says there was a major change and  we'll break any older versions of this toolkit   that you have used. Since this is a new project  we can just say go ahead and then we also want to   install the samples so click on sample drop down  and import the default input actions sample. And   then now we have a samples XR Interaction  Toolkit folder and then whatever version   we downloaded and then just drill all the way down  to the bottom of those folders and then I'm going   to add each of these presets should be five total  snap turning continuous turning left and right   hands and then one more setting we need to do fix  is going to Edit Project Settings and then in the   preset manager, these are all the presets that we  just added. I'm going to specify right and left   where the left arrow head controllers are. And  now I can right click in the hierarchy go to XR   and XR origin extra paste now to my project, and  it also adds an XR interaction manager that we   need to add an input action manager to and then  we're going to click on the action assets in add   in the XR I default input actions assets go into  the XR origin and the left and right ends just to   make sure we set up the references correctly. And  yes, those are correct. So there we go, we have a   XR scene setup. So the way this is going to work  is we're going to use two different formulas. One   of them is a PID controller, which stands for  proportional integral derivative controller,   which essentially is very fancy terms for we apply  physics to the rigid body in order to get it to   go to a specific point. So how quickly can it get  there without kind of doing the rubber banding   thing where it tries to hit that point, but then  overshoots it and tries to come back to it again,   PID all PID does is make it kind of do a smooth  like goes really fast if it's far away, but as   it gets closer, it slows down until it gets to the  exact right point that you want it we're going to   use this formula to track your controller with  a physics hand where you move your controller,   the physics hand will go but if it collides  with something, it's not going to go through   that object, feel free to browse the wiki page  for this. There are some complex formulas that   I don't really understand. I'm just going  to copy and paste some code and you can copy   and paste it as well. The second formula we're  going to use is Hookes law, which is basically   the formula for springs and we're going to use  springs to or basically to attach a spring and a   visible spring to our physics hands and that will  allow us to push off of the ground and kind of   press up against walls or do the pinch climbing  and whatnot. So we're going to use friction   and Hookes laws springs to allow us to move  ourselves, this formula is a little less complex,   but feel free to check it out. So first things  first, let's make a ground and have some physics   hands and be able to touch things but not have our  hands go through the ground, that kind of thing.   So I'm going to first just turn off the skybox. So  things are a little easier to see. And then we're   going to add a ground layer. So a 3d object lane  will be called the ground. And then let's create a   material and this will be the ground mat, and  we'll make that a grayish color as well drop that   on to the Alright, let's add in some hands. So I'm  going to right click create an empty game object,   we'll call it the physics XR rig. And under  this, we're going to add first I'm going to   make sure all of these are set to the center  of the mapper and then on the physics XR rig.   Underneath that we're going to create a 3d  object queue. And this is going to be hand left   and scale this down really small to something  like point one 2.1 and point one, bring it up   above the ground. So we're not immediately  clipping, we're also going to want to add a   rigidbody on to this. And we want to increase  the mass a little bit because that'll allow us   to throw ourselves a little better. And then we  also want to change interpolation to interpolate   and collision detection to continuous dynamic  because this is going to be moving quite fast   and calculating lots of a lot of physics. So we're  gonna create a scripts folder. Also, I'm going to   create a Materials folder to add this ground  material into and then inside of the Scripts   folder, I'm going to right click Create a C sharp  script and this is going to be physics hand,   we can add that script to our left hand after  unity renders everything. So just drag and   drop the script onto the hand. And then I'm  going to click on the hand and the hierarchy,   press Ctrl D to duplicate it and rename this  one to hand right now we have both our physics   hands. So one more thing we need to do before we  jump into the code. And that's prevent the hands   from interacting with each other and prevent  them from interacting with the player as well.   So I'm going to hold down Control and click on the  other hand. Now I have both selected, click down,   click on layers, add a layer and on layer eight,  I'm going to add a layer layer. I don't know why   I always add it to layer eight, but usually it's  just layer eight, grab both of the hands again and   then set the layer to player and then on the XR  origin we're going to add a Absol lighter who the   camera and the capsule colliders radius is going  to be something smaller like point two, five, and   then the height could also be a little bit smaller  too. So point seven, maybe something that's tall   enough that like picks you up off the ground, but  short enough that you can actually reach down to   the ground. And I'm going to grab the whole  XR origin and bring it up until the capsule   collider is above the ground. That way we don't  just click through and drop to the bottom and then   we're going to grab the main camera again where  the capsule collider is set the layer two player   and then we're going to back out to the XR origin  and add the rigidbody here because any forces we   want to add to our XR rig, we want to add it to  the entire XR rig, not just the head. So we're   gonna put our rigid body all the way out on the  parent object. And same thing for this rigid body   we're gonna make interpolate be interpolate and  collision detection be continuous dynamic. Also,   we need to freeze the rotation of this one or  else you'll just fall right over when you start   the project. All right, this should be set up for  our hierarchy and whatnot. Now we just need to add   the PID formula to our physics hands to have it  track our controllers. So I'm gonna double click   on physics hands open that up. And the code editor  I'm using is called writer, it's from JetBrains,   I highly recommend using this for unity are all  of your projects play, it's a really, really nice   IDE. So highly recommend it's free for students.  And also I think there's a one to three month free   trial too. So I'm going to clean the script up  a little bit before we start, delete these two   USING statements, we're not going to use delete  the comments. And then we're going to change the   update method to fix update because we're going  to be using a lot of physics stuff. Now I'm not   going to pretend to understand how PID works, the  formula or the interworkings or anything, but I   do know we need access to a couple variables for  PID. And we also need access to the hands rigid   body. And we also need access to the players rigid  body. So I'm going to create a private rigid body   variable called rigid body for the physics hands  rigid body, serialized field rigid body player   rigid body. And I'm going to create a header and  call this PID so we can see it a little better   in the inspector. And then when we start, we need  access to that rigid body that we just declared.   So rigid body is going to be equal to get  component rigidbody. And we're actually going to   adjust the max angular velocity on the rigid  body to be infinity. So basically, whenever it   caps out as when you're turning your hand really  fast, if you find it being slow, like I think on   my last physics hand video, I forgot to do this.  And so no matter how much you jacked up the speed,   you turn your hand it's going to be capped at  a certain amount because the rigid bodies Max   angular velocity is set to a pretty low amount. So  we're just going to say rigid body dot max angular   velocity is going to be equal to float dot  positive infinity. And that will allow us to   turn our head as fast as we want, and it should be  able to catch up. And then in our Fix update,   we want to do a few things. So we're going to  do a P D movement. So this will be just XY and   Z values. And we're going to do a PID rotation. So  let's make both of these methods void PID movement   and void PID rotation. Now, I'm just going to  copy and paste this. So ready for it, paste,   this is the formula we're using, you can look  at it. So this is how it is set up in code in   Unity converted over from the wiki formulas.  So I'm not even going to try to explain it,   I just know there's a frequency a damping value,  and then we need to set up a target that we're   trying to follow as well. So go back up to the  top here, when I grab a serialized field blowed   frequency, and I'm gonna set this equal to 50.  Then we're gonna do another serialized field   blowed stamping, we set this one equal to one,  and then we need a target of a serialized field   transform. And that'll be our controller. So there  Yeah, and basically, this whole formula spits out   a force that we can use to say, Okay,  for this particular frame, how much force   are we applying to our physics and in order to  get to the transform position of our controller,   and we can use that force on a rigid bodies, rigid  body add force force, and we're going to make that   a acceleration force. So now every frame we  are calculating how fast do we need to move   to that target for this particular frame, in order  to get there, but kind of smooth off and not have   any of that rope band, now we're going to do a  very similar equation to the rotation, and I'm   just going to copy paste this one, too, this one's  gonna be using a rotation frequency and a rotation   dampening value. So I'm gonna go back up to the  top, add both of these in so serialize field float   rot frequency, I'm gonna set this one equal  to 100, a little more, change that to float,   and then another two lights field float, right.  And this one's going to be equal to a little   less so 0.9. So the damping is effectively how  quickly it's going to go to your hand over damped,   that means it's going to go slowly, but be more  precise and have less rubberbanding. If it's   under damped, that means it's going to go past  your hand and kind of come back and have a little   bit rubber banding, but it's going to get there  a lot faster. So it's kind of a give and take. So   you can feel free to play around with these values  to get what feels right for your game. So the   PID rotation spits out a torque instead of a horse  like the movement did. And effectively just use   uses a little bit of Kryptonian math in here. And  we can use that torque to add to our rigid body   just like we did above. So add torque, this time,  torque and also a acceleration force mode, make   sure you save the project. And we can jump back  into unity and see if it works, we're gonna fill   in those values, test things out. So let's grab  the left hand column values already set up nicely,   and then just drag and drop the XR origin into the  player rigid body and the target is going to be   our left hand controller, and then right hand is  going to be XR origin for the rigid body and the   right hand controller for our target, save that.  And then I'm also going to turn the lasers off or   the left and right hand controllers just because  we're not going to need them. So just uncheck the   line renderer and XR interaction line visual, save  that, make sure your Oculus is and link bowed and   hit play or whatever device you're using. Oh, and  there's one thing I missed that when we added that   physics layer, we didn't actually update the  physics in settings. So I'm gonna go to Edit   Project Settings, go over to physics, and then  scroll all the way down to get to that matrix. And   we're going to uncheck where player collides with  player just so we can't interact with ourselves,   and we can't interact with our hands. And now when  we hit play, you'll see we have two hands that we   can move around, and they track very well with our  controllers. And then if I tried to go through the   ground, they do not and they kind of fall down  correctly as well. So everything is matching up   nicely. And if I add in like a little cube, so  we're going to add a 3d object cube, reset the   transform, and then I'm going to shrink it down  to something quite small and add a rigidbody to   it and then move it a little bit out of the way  just so we don't get it right off the bat and play   you'll see we can grab the cube and pick it up  and move it around with just physics. So I'm not   pressing a grab button or anything. It's  all physics, like we can pick the cube up,   I can put it on my other hand, kind of  juggle it back and forth. And so this is all   physics. So picking it up, we were using friction  to kind of move the cube around. And what we're   going to attempt to do next is to actually do that  to our player, except pushing on kinematic objects   that don't actually move. And you could imagine  how this would work for physicalized hands too,   you could replace the little flat squares that we  have with pans and you have full physics hands.   So I'm gonna go back and add in like a yellow  material to our hands just so we can see him a   little bit better yellow to one hand, and there  we go. Alright, let's do the fun part. Let's   do the moving round when you push off the ground  or grab things or whatever. To do that we're   going to add Hookes law. So let's go back to the  script. I'm going to collapse the PID rotation and   movement because we're not going to need to mess  with those anymore. We're going to add Hookes law   create a new method for that void Hookes law and  this one's a lot little bit simpler of a formula,   so I wouldn't be able to explain that a little  bit. First, we're gonna get the displacement.   So what's the distance between the hand and your  physics hands. So when you're pushing down into   something, how far does that distance because  your your physics hands gonna stop when you push   against something, but your real life controller  hand is not. So we're gonna grab the distance that   you know the two hands are apart and use that as  a spring force to kind of propel yourself. So we   need a displacement for resting, so vector three  displacement from resting. And that's just equal   to the difference between your transform position  and the target position. And we're going to   convert that into a force. So a vector three force  is going to be equal to displacement from resting,   multiplied by some constant that we can adjust in  the inspector. So we're going to call this a climb   force. And we can make the climb force up here  at the top. So underneath all of this stuff,   I'm going to add a face and then a another header.  And then this header is going to say brings, and   we can add the serialize field load time force.  And I'm gonna set this one equal to like 1000,   I was playing around with it a little earlier in  this, this is what seemed to work the best. Now   there's a problem with just adding this force  directly to your spring is that there's nothing   else acting against it from the other directions.  So in springs, you have two different directions,   you have the spring force, but then you have  the other directional force of whatever it's   pushing against. And so we need something else.  And what we're going to call a drag force. And   if you ever played bone works, you've noticed  that when you're trying to climb on things,   it's very wobbly and shaky. And that's because  there is not as much drag you the player has a lot   of control. But it also prevents you from making  any fast movement. So that's what we're trying to   avoid. So we're going to add more drag. So we're  going to introduce a formula. Another form is the   last one, I promise that adds more drag when we're  moving slow. So if our hand velocity is slower   than we want more drag so that it's very precise  movement. But if we have very fast hand velocity,   so we're bouncing off walls and moving things,  we don't really care as much of the drag and the   preciseness, I'm trying to move fast. So we  can have a little bit of that rubber banding,   because we're not gonna be holding on to things  for long, we're just trying to move really fast.   So more drag, we're moving slow, less drag,  when we're moving fast is the general idea   that will allow us to launch ourselves faster  and throw ourselves around and whatnot, which is   most of the fun anyway. And so to calculate this  drag, I'm just going to create a float drag,   and that's going to be equal to get drag, just  send it out to a method, have it calculate all   the stuff and then bring it back in. And then we  can take the player rigidbody, we're going to add   the force is going to be acceleration force mode  as well. And then we take the player rigidbody add   force, we're going to add drag, but we're going  to multiply drag by the opposite of whatever the   player rigid bodies velocity is. And we're also  going to multiply that by a blind drag force. So   just like we have a climb force constant that  we can adjust, we have we'll have a climb drag   force that we can also adjust. And this one's also  going to be a force mode acceleration as well. So   let's create this climb, drag force up here at  the top. So I'm just going to click Next to this   line and press Ctrl D to duplicate it and rename  this to drag and then I'm going to set this to   about half the value, so 500. So 500 will be  the max value, and then we'll be able to scale   that way down. If we're moving fast. Oh, also,  I misspelled springs, SP AR. Alright, so how do   we get dragged let's make a new method. And this  is going to return a float. So float, get drag,   do a vector three and a velocity. And that's  going to be equal to our target dot local position   minus a previous position. So this is just a  position that we saved last frame. And we're   going to use this frame to get the distance which  we can use to calculate velocity. And that's   going to be divided by time dot fixed delta time,  because we're using we're doing all of this in the   Fixed Update, we'll create previous position in  a second, let's finish this method out, we're   going to have a dragged float, and that's going  to be equal to one divided by our hand velocity   magnitude, but we never want to divide by zero.  So just in case magnitude ends up being zero,   we're just going to add a really small number like  point 01. And then one more thing we need to do is   clamp drag. So we never want drag to be above one  and we never want it to be below some small number   like point 03. We just want it to be not zero  and not above one, you could use math dot clamp,   but for some reason that's not working for  me. So we're going to do it the manual way. So   drag is going to be equal to the expression is  drag greater than one question mark. And if that   is true, then drag is gonna be one otherwise,  so semicolon, we're just going to set it equal   to drag, and then we're going to do it for the  low end. So drag is going to be equal to drag is   less than 0.03. Question mark. So if that expression is true, then we're   going to set it equal to 0.03. Otherwise, set it  equal to whatever drag is. So this is effectively   clamping it from a high end and a low end and  then we're going to set previous position. So   previous position is going to be equal to whatever  our transform position is, and we can return drag.   So this line here is really doing most of the  work. It's inversely scaling the velocity of   your hand with how extract we're adding, so let's  add previous position. So just go back up here to   the top that can be a private field. So vector  three previous position, and then when we start,   we're going to set previous position. So previous  positions will be equal to the transformed up   position. Also, one more thing we need to do when  we start is just go ahead and set the hands. So   the physics hands, just go ahead and teleport them  to wherever the controllers are just so we're not   having to go through random stuff or whatever.  So we're gonna say the transformed up position   is going to be equal to target position, and the  transform dot rotation is going to be equal to   target rotation. So just so we're starting out  in the correct spot, so let's jump back into   unity and see how that looks. And you'll see, we  can push off the ground, which is really cool.   So I can kind of push down on it, and it'll  throw us but there's like this weird, like,   you know, you fall slowly. And also, if you  notice, I can swipe my hand to the side, and it   throws our player back and forth. The Hookes law  is also being applied to our PID controller, which   is not really what we want, we when we're like  having, you know, some a little bit of spring as   Hookes law would see it in our PID controller,  we don't really care about that we only really   care about it when we're touching something,  so we need to just have a check to see, okay,   we're only gonna apply this kind of spring to if  we're touching something, otherwise, it's gonna   make us like, have some really weird behavior. So  back into the code, it's really easy fix for this,   we're just going to add a bool variable called  is colliding. So bool always starts out false,   which is good for us. And then we'll use  on collision, enter on collision exit,   so on collision, enter is colliding is  gonna be equal to true and on collision exit   is colliding is going to be equal to false. And  then back up in our fixed update, instead of   always calculating Hookes law, we're going to have  a condition here that says, if we are colliding,   then we calculate Hookes. Law, save that and  jump back into unity. And you can see I can   very easily kind of bounce off of the ground now.  And this ground plane has all of sudden become   a very small area. So you'll see, I am just  kind of swiping back and forth on the ground.   And it allows me to kind of move and I can  use both hands to kind of do a fast walk   or whatever. And I can just throw myself off of  the plane as well. Let's make this a little more   interesting. Let's add in some trees or walls or  stuff for us to bounce off of. So I'm going to go   to Window Package Manager. And then we're going  to swap over to unity registry and scroll down   until we see pro builder and install that was a  really easy prototyping tool. If you've not heard   of pro builder, I love it. It's great and allows  you to create shapes other than just your plain   old cubes. And then we're going to kind of back  out of here. And we can go to Tools pro builder   and pro Builder window, that'll pop this window up  here and we add a new shape. And I want to add in   a arch, we'll do a cube first make some walls  here. So draw your cross make a little bit of   a wall over there to another one here kind  of surround our oops Rosie that one kind   of surround our little area here with walls. So  let's add in a point light in here because this is   a little a little dark, he set that down to the  center and just bumped the intensity so we can   actually see inside. And then let's make a couple  of things like a maybe a pole add like just some   interesting shapes. So like a little pole to climb  up, maybe something on the wall here to stick out,   we can make a little ledge thing. Let's make let's  do like a little wall over here that we can bounce   back and forth between that wall and then maybe  just a smaller hole here and like a larger little   base area to kind of bolt over. Alright, let's  see how that does. Jump into it, you'll see I can   jump up to the bounce off of walls. So I can  pinch climb this it's a little, little hard.   So there's one thing we could do to fix this, but  it's still still a tad bit difficult to manage.   And one thing we can do to improve that is to  add a physics material. So I'm going to go into   my materials folder, right click and go down to  physics material. There we go. And we'll just   call this hand and we'll up the dynamic friction  to something like 100 and static friction also.   And then we'll do friction combined as the maximum  and then find our left and right hand physics   hands go to the box collider. drag those in, drag  the material in so it's in both of them now.   And now if we hit play, we should be really  sticky to the walls and whatnot. So I can   either go so I can climb up and push off and  jump up to the top here and jump over here.   Go off of each shard out to do the gorilla tag  click where you destroy your house. There we   go. My my little cheese I just realized these look  like cheese but I could jump off of their knees   and climb up around. You can even kind of go up  the corners. So if you've run over to the corner,   you can jump up the jump off the corners this  might be a little too much velocity for me to   climb with the corners like that. So you Have fun  with it. It's a cool little, hey, my friction is   so much I can kind of push against just the corner  and go up. There we go. Have fun, go crazy. This   is a super fun project. It's really fun to just  kind of hang out and bounce around and you'll see   what you can do. This is probably a little more  velocity, like climb force than you would want for   like a, you know, Gorilla tag replica, you could  scale that down a little bit. Yeah, fine tune   the numbers a little bit. You don't want to set  the whole project up yourself, you can support   me on Patreon and get access to all the source  code from every single one of my tutorials. And   if you run into any issues, definitely join our  Discord. We have a really active discord and some   really fun people in there. So just Join Hangout  we have a channel specifically for helping you   out with any dev issues and whatnot. If you are  interested in having me do like a bigger tutorial   and recreating the entire gorilla tag game, like  the multiplayer aspect lobby's how to do the tag   element going over the climbing again, then leave  a comment down in the description so I know that   you're interested and let me know if you have  any suggestions for other tutorials I should do.   Otherwise, look out for the upcoming live streams  on the weekends. And I'll see you next week.
Channel: Justin P Barnett
Views: 65,284
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Justin P Barnett, unity xr, unity new input system, xr interaction toolkit, unity vr tutorial, unity vr, unity xr interaction toolkit, unity xr toolkit, xr toolkit, unity vr development, gorilla tag, gorilla tag movement, make gorilla tag, gorilla tag in unity, unity vr movement, oculus quest 2, advanced vr movement, vr tutorial, xr toolkit unity, unity xr toolkit tutorial, xr interaction toolkit unity, vr development, gorilla tag mods, xr unity, vr locomotion unity, vr
Id: 5D2bN7xL5us
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 18sec (1578 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 12 2022
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