Make contour map using ArcMap and Blender

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Salam in this video we're going to make this contour map using Arc map and the blender okay here we have our DM first we have to generate the Contours we go to search we write contour and we choose the second option we UT the raser and we choose the contour interval okay here we have the Contours we have to export them as shape file but first we have to split them we write split by attribute and we UT the Contours and we choose the split field which is contour and we choose the folder where we want to save them I will I will save them here we will use blender GIS has to import The Contours we press import shape file and we go where we saved the Contours okay here we have our Contours from 0 to 3,000 we will import them one after one first the zero then the 100 and I will import all of them I will speed up the video the last one okay now we have imported all the Contours okay as you can see there is no elevation so now the next step is to give them elevation we open this window or we can press n as you can see here The Zed is zero so we start give them elevation we will keep the Z value of the first Contour zero so we go to the next Contour I will give it 0.01 and the second one 0.02 and the third one 0.03 and I will add 0.01 for each Contour I will speed up the video now okay now as you can see we gave them the elevation to fix the view we go to view and change the clips start to 0.01 okay now the next step is to convert the line to curve okay after converting to curve we have to give depth for each Contour we start with the Contour number one I will give 0.00001 I will give the same for the other Contours and I will speed up the video okay now I gave them the depth we move now to the render view Port word properties to make the color black okay the next step now is to give color for each Contour I will group them three groups okay first with the Contour number one I go to material and I add new material I will change the principal bstf by a mission and I will give the blue color and I will select from 0 to 700 I select them and I go to object and I press link as you can see see they took the same color now I will give okay now I will move to the group number one I give material emission and I will choose the light blue and I will select from 800 to 2,000 200 and I press object link material okay now I go to the last group a mission and I will choose the blue color then I select them object and Link material okay now we go to render properties we turn on the bloom we increase the intensity okay now we have done our map these are the basics of how to make this type of maps you can change the color and you can change the depth it depends on what country you choose okay now if we have to export the map we have to put our camera we press Control Alt zero we can change the size of the camera we go to view and we press camera to view and to render we go to render and we press render image okay the render is done and this is our map you can save it in your device and finally if you found this video useful please like And subscribe and thank you for watching
Channel: Map your world
Views: 138
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 4mfophSAV6Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 16sec (496 seconds)
Published: Thu May 02 2024
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