Make a SUPER REALISTIC Storm Scene in After Effects Tutorial

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what are you doing hey what's up ladies and gentlemen i mean--is leia and welcome to the crater galaxy calm Space Station here in space we are experimenting with intergalactic filmmaking skills and visual effects in today's video we're gonna see how to create an awesome storm scene just like you saw in the intro and it's actually based on a previous video we made where we created super realistic snow it went super viral in the community which was really awesome so in today's video we're going to tackle another weather situation we're gonna make storm and after effects if you want to follow along with the exact same footage as me you can download that with link in the description and I also have this storm image that you can get at pixels comm which is a website where you can get royalty-free images and yeah you can use them in your videos whoa the Sun is coming in so super bright here in space I'm super close to the Sun right now hahaha kidding I actually just have a super awesome light right here the bad boy of today one of my favorite lights when it comes to the lights it has super bright LEDs and on this slide you can just easily take off this diffuser with magnets so that's really cool you just put them on here and okay it's on there this is the second way 576 bicolor kit which goes all the way from 3200 to 5600 so you can really have those nice outside day lights or if you want a warm evening sunset light you can do that as well and it goes so pride it's crazy there's super robust and they come with a super handy packaging so you can easily put all your lights into the bag and travel with them anyway it's really my preferred light right now in the studio to have like accurate color temperatures and just do fill my face a little bit to be a little bit more beautiful for you guys thanks Jake you want to know what else is giant our VFX collection at crater galaxy comm let's jump into Adobe after-effects okay so here we are I have this footage file which you can find with link in the description below I will drag this into a new composition so the first thing we have to do is a most boring part of this video I promise but we have to do some rotoscoping so we're gonna click here on the pen tool zoom in onto our roof here and just key on the entire thing so I'll be back in a few hours [Music] all right so right now we have something like this good luck with that if you don't have a tripod no really please use tripod okay so we're going to press F on the keyboard feather it a little bit with two pixels and then we want to click on this and we want to search for advanced spill suppressor that's going to take away our blues a little bit which is actually ideal because we don't want too much colors when we're going to introduce our storm effect next we want to import our storm sky effect right here so I'm going to drag that below my video layer and I will drag it down a little bit if you want to create more depth in the sky you can also just squeeze it like this and you will see a lot more depth in your scene instead of just scaling it up right here my lightness okay so once you're satisfied we want to animate our sky a little bit so we can move it from here press B on the keyboard click on a stopwatch for the position move all the way till the end and then just move it over just like that and right now we already have some animation in our sky maybe this is a little bit too fast so we're going to the half create a keyframe and dragged us till the end and there we have it to add a little bit more variation in our sky we do want to add some kind of displacement in there it's just going to make it look a little bit more like a video instead of an image just going from right to left so in order to do that we're going to click on our sky and go to effects and we're going to apply a distort turbulence displacement we're going to set it to 5 or something like that and then we want to decrease the size or actually the amount to something like 10 and you can actually see some variation in here so then we go to the beginning of our timeline click on a stopwatch for the offset turbulence right here go all the way till the end and then we want to move this to the right maybe to something like 10,000 and that's going to add some animation kind of rippling in the clouds making it look more like a video of course this is way too much just to showcase what it's actually doing and now we can increase size maybe maybe slow it down a little bit to like 5,000 okay and like that you see something happening right here which is really cool it's a little bit too much still but we can just go to the amount and set it to something like three you basically have to tweak until it looks good on your footage because if you're working with a different sky you'll need different values and that's basically halfway the effect so it's super simple to create an awesome storm scene in Adobe After Effects following our tutorials so definitely be sure to subscribe to the channel if you want to see more epic stuff let's continue we're going to create a new solid layer and call this frame effects next we're going for effect simulation cc particle world and in here we want to go for the grid disable the grid so we see a little bit more of our scene go into the producer increase the Z radius and also move it up into the sky so this is going to be arraigned I'm going to solo it for now it's already looking pretty cool for the physics we want to use an explosive the gravity can be a little bit faster so set it to one and we're also going to drag over the solid layer so it's already spawned at the beginning of our video so this is basically a rain we just have one problem and that's rain is not yellow as long as toilets are not flying in the air this is not the core it should be so we're going to the particle and change the color to a muddy color everyone thinks water equals kind of bluish colors but rain is actually not blue we have to go for a brown kind of dirty color D saturated something like that we'll look most realistic of course you can add a little bit of aqua color and just desaturate that as well but this is going to be the more accurate course for rain then we can set a particle pipe to a faded sphere which are basically small circles and rain are small circles but because they're going so fast you see those lines so what we will be doing is to decrease the size here to something like a point one and point one increase the birth rate quite a lot quite a lot I said ok there we go and then we want to say like zero point zero five zero five there we go and we want to enable motion blur for this scene and then we want to apply a effect color correction curves and here we can play with the brightness of our brain then we can install this and see it on top of our footage we can toggle the switches and set the blending mode to something like additive so we see it a little bit better that's completely up to you play it around a little bit until you think it looks good next you can also create a new camera and make it 24 millimeters bring it in there just so you see the rain coming a little bit more clearly and then we can also move or orbit our camera to decide ever rain is actually flying straight to the bottom or actually coming from an angle here so we can kind of move that like this that's just optional you don't have to add the camera if you don't want to but I do think that additive is a little bit too much I'm just gonna set it to normal and then lastly you want to of course it's just course over storm it's not a sunny and nice color today so what we want to do is create a new adjustment layer either you want to color grade it with some thinned effects and curves and play around with all that stuff but you can also go for effects color correction luma tree color go to the creative tab and browse for our night LUT here which you can get on our website and if you open that up immediately you'll have a storm scene and you can also duplicate your first footage here storm footage duplicate it press M on the keyboard delete your mask bring it on pop and here we do want to delete the advanced spell suppressor go for effects color correction tint effects color correction levels and we want to bring kind of divide here I want to bring that into our shop but we also want to add the black from our tree here something like that and then we can duplicate our footage once more and click on the one below it delete two effects and set it to Illuma invert it matte and that way we get something like that and again advanced spill suppressor there we go and our tree is in front of our shot again obviously you'll just need to mask out that part so we're just going to mask around the tree and bring it just a layer on top and if you feel that the branches aren't looking too great you can still play around a little bit more with the levels adjusting these points until it looks good so one more thing when it's storms is right so we want to add some lightning in our scene to do that it's super simple we want to create a new adjustment layer we're going to create for it rename this to lightning and add an exposure effectiveness here we really want to increase the exposure just like this maybe decrease the gamma play around with it and then we want to go with the pen tool and key around parts where it actually lights up then we want to press F on the keyboard fetter it quite a bit and then bring it below our footage right here so it's only in the background next we can add a tenth effect here and give it some kind of bluish color something like this and then we want to click on a stopwatch for the exposure go one frame back with the page up key set it to zero press the only key bar to see the keys right here if i zoom in so we have zero then we set it to a specific value go one further set it to point to for example really play with these settings and set it again to maybe five or five is a little bit too much tree one to zero and we basically want to trim it where it starts so right here I'm going to cut off or adjustment layer and then right here go to split layer and just delete this part and that way you get something like that and then of course you can cut in between these so we have some cuts in there duplicate it move it over maybe click on the mask move on over here so we have one in the background put two on top of each other or kind of cross over so moving is over you get some of these effects and of course you can click on your storm footage go to effects color correction exposure and here we go one step back click on a stopwatch free exposure at zero and then when you see the effect you just want to simply increase it a little bit and then go one further and set it to zero and that way your scene will also light up with the lightning [Music] but what I prefer to do is click on the footage duplicate it and delete my exposure right here and then click on the one that we just did with the exposure and click on the ellipse tool make it like ellipse from e-stop here it said it intersect and press F on the keyboard and feather it quite a bit and then you can move around with this so we only have like a top part sliding up and that's getting a little bit more advanced but then you have something like that and that's basically it so now you have your effect of course if you want to kind of adjust your camera movement to warrant your storm that you have you can always apply a simple camera shake effect on top of your footage using Adobe Premiere Pro and our camera shake preset which you can get on our website we'll put a link in the description below I know you can make some really cool stuff with this so if you came up with something definitely post it on instagram and tag me Atias Alea I'm super excited to see what you guys can come up with and that's it for this tutorial I hope you enjoyed it if you did give this video a like also be sure to subscribe to the channel for more and definitely check out our website we have a bunch of awesome tools for any digital crater and if you buy something from our website it helps you support this channel I'll catch you in the next one take care and good bye it is looking very nice
Channel: Ignace Aleya
Views: 88,645
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ignace aleya, yt:cc=on, after effects, after effects tutorial, tutorial, after effects tutorials, adobe after effects, effects, visual effects, after effects compositing tutorial, how to create a rain effect in after effects, 2d image to 3d after effects tutorial, adobe after effects tutorial rain scene, make it rain in after effects, adobe after effects (software), realistic snow in after effects, realistic storm scene in after effects, storm in after effects tutorial, storm
Id: 0zIlsi8XD3U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 7sec (847 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 15 2020
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