Make a One Seam Flying Geese quilt with Jenny Doan of Missouri Star! (Video Tutorial)

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Hi everybody, it’s Jenny from the MSQC. And I’ve got such a great project for you today. Take a look at this quilt behind me. Isn’t this fun? I love flying geese for one. And I love how the colors go from light to dark on this. However, once I show you this easy way to make flying geese, you’re going to making them in all kinds of colors because you’re going to love this. So to make this quilt, what you’re going to need is one packet of ten inch squares and we have used the Gray Area Palette by Robert Kaufman. It’s just, you know I just, it’s just a fun line. I love how the colors go light to dark. Now on the background fabric right here you have several options. You can use three yards if you have yardage. You can use a packet of ten inch squares or four packets of five inch squares because we’re going to be cutting them all into five inch squares eventually. So you have some options on that. So let me show you how to make this quilt. Alright, the first thing we’re going to do, I am actually using ten inch squares to start with for my background piece. And I’m going to cut those into four, five-inch squares. So I’m going to lay my ruler, center up my fabric on my mat. And then I’m going to lay my ruler on here and I’m going to cut four, five-inch squares out of this square. So we’re going to do this and I’m just going to turn them, keep them, keep them straight on my lines. Lay my ruler in here and cut five. I tend to kind of use whatever I have on hand that’s handy. So now I have my five inch squares and I’m going to make a stack of those. Now you have to, you have to cut your geese part. We’re starting with the ten inch square. And we’re going to cut that right in half again. So we are going to lay our ruler right on the edge here. Let me square this up and make sure this is really square because this is important. It’s got to be right in half, just like that. Alright so now I have these two pieces. Now I’m going to turn these and I’m going to cut one inch off the end. So we’re going to take these just like this and come in one inch and this is going to give me two geese. Alright, so now I’ve cut my one inch off of there and you’re ready to make your geese. So now this is the fun part. You’re going to take these and fold these in half. And we’re just going to do one at a time so I’m going to set this one over here. So I’m going to fold these in half by making a little finger press line right here. And I put my fold right at the top. I’m then going to take two five inch squares and we are going to sandwich this. So I’m going to lay one five inch square down, keeping my fold at the top. I’m going to line up my bottom seam just like this. And I’m going to put another five inch square right on the top. And what we’re going to do is we’re going to sew one seam right here. With this one seam, we’re going to get a flying geese. So this is really exciting so let’s go over to the sewing machine and sew our one seam. Alright, I am going to make sure my needle’s in the right spot. We’re going to sew a quarter of an inch right down this side. Ok, now here comes the magic. We’ve made our, our little sandwich and we’re going to open this up and see how it has this fold right here? We are just going to pull this over and look at that. You get a flying geese just like that. Just from the one seam. Here, let me show you again. We’re going to do like the, one seam here, roll it back, put your finger on this edge right here, pull it back and you get a flying geese. Look at that. Is that not the coolest thing you’ve ever seen? So let me press this down. You’re going to be making flying geese like crazy people now. I mean just a million of them because they’re so sinchy now. One seam. Alright so now I have my flying geese like this, and every once in awhile there’s, you know, a little bit wonky on the bottom so I’m just going to square those up like this. Lay my ruler right on the bottom and because this was so sinchy, I’m going to walk you through it one more time. Again we have our ten inch square that we’ve cut in half and cut one inch off so it is now five by nine. We’re folding it in half. We’re going to sandwich it between two squares. Two five inch squares. Our fold is at the top and we line up our raw edges on the bottom. Put our, our pieces along the side just like this. You’re going to sew one seam and when you open it, you get this. So just make sure, a couple of things, make sure that you have your fold at the top. That’s the most important thing. Alright so now let me show you how we put this together. So what we did was we made all of our blocks. And we just went ahead and attached them together going the same direction. So this little edge up here is what gives you room for your seam so you don’t lose your point. So we’re going to put these right sides together and we’re going to take them to the sewing machine and sew them down. So again it’s our same quarter of an inch . And what I did was I put two of the geese together to make your block, that makes your block. Alrighty, so now I’m just going to open this up and press it down. Oop, my geese, he’s got a broken wing. There we go. Let’s fix him. Let’s give him some steam. We fixed him right up. There we go. Alright. So now I put my geese together in blocks like this and then we just took and we stacked our blocks. We made a row out of the two blocks just like this. So sewing them right together, you’re going to get your rows. So on this quilt right here, what we did, so if you count these two as a block, we’ve got one, two, three, four, five, six across, seven blocks down. And this is going to give you quilt that is 67 by 76. And you’ll notice, we didn’t put any, no border on it. Just a binding. We picked a medium gray out of the middle and about ¾ of a yard and that will give you a binding. And it just, I mean it’s so quick and easy. So because this was such a fun project and such an easy way to make flying geese, guess what? I made another project. And I want to show you. I took that same method. Made the same flying geese only I did it out of Christmas fabric. I used about half a yard of red, half a yard of green. Cut me some geese and made an advent calendar. There are six in each row so you’ve got 24 sides. I’m not a big free motion quilter but I can straight line quilt. So I followed the shape of the geese. And I just straight line quilted that all the way around it on my sewing machine but I left the pockets open. So now you can put little advent things that you want to do to help you enjoy the season. And we have provided a, we have a PDF that you’ll see in the description below where you can print off little ideas of things to do during the holiday season. I thought this was so fun. So this is how they’ll come when they print off. And then you’ll just cut them into these little squares like this. You’ll fold them in half and you’ll slide them into the pockets. And everyday for the whole holiday season, you can pick one and it will just, you know, help keep those holidays bright and happy and having a lot of fun. So I really enjoyed making this. It was just such a fun, quick project. I hope you have a wonderful holidays. And we hope you enjoyed this tutorial from the MSQC.
Channel: Missouri Star Quilt Company
Views: 458,380
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: MSQC, Missouri Star Quilt Company, Missouri Star, Jenny Doan, quilting, quilt, quilt tutorial, quilting tutorial, free quilting tutorial, sewing, sewing tutorial, tutorial, quilting precuts, pre-cut fabric, sewing fabric, how to quilt, learn to quilt, quilting lessons, free quilting, free quilt class, free quilting classes, how to sew, flying geese, layer cake, precut, charm pack, charm quilt, flying geese quilt, flying geese pattern, one seam quilt
Id: 15Cblb8J6i0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 58sec (478 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 10 2015
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