Make a knife sheath Zero to Hero

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[Music] I'm ready to rock'n'roll let's make this a sheet I've got my leather got our pattern lay down here this is really simplistic right here we're just gonna lay the pattern on the leather trace around it just right around the outside edge nothing special here we go alright we're gonna cut it out with tonight once again nothing special here [Music] no tips for this just cut it out [Music] next time hi guys I'm Eric with Aileen Ives welcome to my channel if this is your first time visiting and you want to learn more about knife making and cool tips and tricks for metalworking you should start right now by hitting that subscribe button and then ring the bell notifications so you're notified of all my future content okay here we go you see I've just got a little bit extra to cut off up here just to kind of even things up well don't fold that over should give us a nice nice sheath and that's what we're looking for okay now if you have all the right tools then you could use that v-gouge tool that I was talking about on earlier and you can run a V gallery up through here which thins out the back it makes it fold over a little easier you don't have to have one there's always a way around you could just fold it over just give yourself some Pat's I find that when you do that it just adds some cool texturing I use this mallet for [Applause] [Music] tasks you notice I'm hammering on this side because this is the front so not a big deal [Applause] [Music] kind of try to just line up your edges get the tip to line up right there perfect excellent don't worry about this not matching and don't worry about this not matching you just have to get it close we'll grind all that off or sand all that off or trim it up with the razor knife later okay so now what we need to do is we need to make this welt piece here so this well what this will do is when you slide the knife in the blade edge will come right up against this piece of leather say like this and what that does is your stitching goes through here and that way it protects the stitches from your nice cutting edge you have to have the well if you don't put a welt in here the first time you insert the knife it'll come right in and cut your stitches right out and you won't have a sheath very long so anyhow we're going to cut the welt here we go this is the welt the only part that really matters is the inside the outside we can trim to fit the the sheath we just have to make sure that we've got a little extra material on the welt so that it protrudes slightly because if it's if it doesn't stand proud of the front and back panel of the sheath then you'll have to trim the sheath down to fit the welt so I can just take just a tiny bit out of this area here [Applause] there we go picked up real nice okay let's check this out so we've got a line right here down the center of the sheath that's the center this is the center of the knife you can see the handles got a little bit of wit on each side so you lay the handle right on the center and then you lay it over kind of angled that should give you the extra material that you need plus we're going to do a little wet forming so it's not too big of a deal here all right so there's that right there so that's gonna go just like that perfect okay phase one is complete so now we're gonna glue that in we got to figure out a belt strap belt strap we're gonna go super easy we're just going to cut a belt strap one inch wide nothing crazy here look at that that's already got one straight edge make that just super easy no I'm not too worried about this I'm gonna cut it a little bit long it'll go right there then we'll just trim it down to size Oh strap don't loop that's the bill new here's a cool thing that we can do alright so if that's gonna sit on your belt like that how about let's contour the belt loop to kind of fit the top of the sheath so we'll even it up we want this to run parallel with with the sheath let's see there we go how about something like that right in the middle let's just draw this right here cuz that's gonna be the top contour we'll just cut that off you don't have to do that you can have the belt loop be square if you want to but I think it'll look cool with the belt loop kind of you know following that same contour slightly so we're gonna run a stitch pattern right there and then we're gonna come down let's see let's go two inches say a belt is two inches so we'll go two and a half inches to give us a little bit of room on the bottom for stitching boom one cool thing to note this is 90 degrees so we've got a nice straight line right there and we've got a mark right there so it's straight here which means we're cutting at 90 which is exactly what we want there we go done and done done and done now I'm gonna show you how to get around using some of the tools today is normally what I would do is I would take this stitch groover and I would run a groove here and I would run a groove here for the stitches to lay into and then I would use this little stitching wheel to run back and forth to space out my stitching I'm going to show you a way to do it without those for this guy right here you could use one of these you could use one of these you could use one of the this is probably the best thing to use here but calipers would work just fine so all you're gonna do is same deal here which what this would do is mark a distance right there and this is just to give you a line that's about the right distance right there I'm not gonna do it on this because I'm gonna use my tools cuz I know who's gonna take this sheath and they're gonna want me to do it right and have the stitches lay beneath the surface but you don't have to you could do it this way so you just take your winged divider and you mark yourself a line just like that that actually worked out pretty well so I'm gonna show you the difference here's see how I actually removed material right there and that's gonna allow my stitching delay slightly beneath the surface so I'm going to go ahead and do this top and bottom okay now where I would use this stitching wheel right here to lay out my stitching just like this so you can see to show you you see how that gave me a little position for each stitch that's one way you could do it or I'll show you an alternative method without using this you could use this again so just find what would be good and you just walk it so let's say we start here stick it in stick it in turn it around stick it in turn it around and each time you spin it it's evenly spacing and poking a new hole and that's a good way that you could space out stitching it's obviously a little more time-consuming maybe a little more difficult you can even pick it up and just rock it back and forth like this you know that's that's another way you could do it but you see it's not perfectly even if you took your time you could get that right and it could work it's just you know I'm just showing you you don't have to buy these tools right off the bat however I would you know I mean this is ten bucks twelve dollars you know spend ten twenty thirty bucks I guarantee you if you make one you're gonna make more than one so okay we need to get this stitched on to the backside right there so what I'm gonna do is I like to glue it on first so I'm going to give myself a mark here and I'm gonna give myself a mark up underneath here and that's gonna tell me how far I can run my glue what you don't want is you don't want your glue to run above that mark because the glue resists a stain or or the color and you'll see a white spot where it didn't take any color and you don't want that so I'm only gonna run the glue on the inside of that and on the inside of this that way when I stick this down you don't see the glue one thing before I stick this I'm going to go ahead and trim the corners just kind of a nice neat touch that I do and you don't have one of these tools yet possibly you do this is an edge beveler this is a tool that I'm going to use you don't have to do this your leather would just be square if you don't use this but I'm going to go ahead and clean up my leather edges round them out so that it makes it easier for you to get your belt loop through it the whole meal deal let's just go ahead Bevell all those edges this is a number two and like I said I could do away with the number two and go even smaller actually there we go alright so all those edges are beveled one more thing I need to put another line across here for a row of stitches if you leave it just like this and you stitch it there and there when you hang it on your belt it will can't and it'll ride on your belt crooked you need a stitch line across there so it will ride right across the stitch line right here cut a groove this right here this is a same exact cutting tool as this it's just not mounted on a shaft it's mounted as a tool so that you can't get out some of that leather material right just like that nothing special and then I can space out my stitching tada we grab some glue you want dad to stay in the cap wipe off a little bit of the excess glue we're only gonna want the glue in the top piece of this this is a barge cement it's a type of cement that you don't want to get it on your front faces of the leather that's for sure it's a contact cement so you paint both surfaces let it tack up and then you stick them together and they're there they stick really really really well so just like I said we're gonna paint the bottom side of this and just the bottom side that's it and the top of this one just enough to hold it until we get our stitching in that's good enough there let that dry and then I'll stick it together we're ready yeah so you want to make sure that you cover your glue stick it down cover that glue up good job all right stick it good now you can use this stitching awl which is like a ball with the needle on it you can poke through that or you can use a drill you can use a drill drill press anything that you want to use I personally use a drill press I'm gonna take you over there and we're gonna drill these holes real quick I just picked a drill bit I don't know it looks about the right size good enough for me I am gonna use the artificial sinew it's a little thicker but this highly depends on whatever you're using for a needle and what you're using for a thread since I'm using the sinew I'm gonna do something just a little bit bigger I like to run a piece of board on the back and it's just a matter of hitting your whole drawing through pretty simple certainly not rocket science here that's that Oh ready so we've got that done I take my stitching wheel and just run it back over again that kind of just takes your extra material that pops up when you drill it and tucks it back down once again you probably don't have those tools you don't need all those tools not a big deal the next thing we're gonna do is we're going to glue in this well that's the next order of business actually before we do that we're going to stitch this up this is just a simple saddle stitch we passed through from one side to the other one side to the other so we've when you first pass it through you want to shore up your pieces so they're same equidistance okay so that's one side and we're going to chase it right through with the other one a cool thing about doing a short distance like that is you could just stitch it up and then pull on it you got a longer distance you kind of want to tighten each thread as you go all right so now these guys right here would you see can you see yes yes you can see awesome okay so I wanted to show you all right there we go right about there that's how far you want to cut those I'll show you why yes you can see those two tips synthetics are awesome see if you just melt them down like that and then smush them boom it won't pull out now it's in there and they're nice and flat they're not gonna Mar your blade or your finish or anything like that you don't have to worry about it alright let's touch up the bottom this is just a one two three four more stitches hold it over repeat where that went fast all right if you guys are interested in seeing me do some more complicated sheets I would definitely do that I wasn't planning on doing it in this video obviously because I wanted to do something more along the beginner speed now I'm gonna bring you up super close and show you how I'm threading this when we actually stitch the sheet together it's gonna be the same exact way that I do the main stitching how I'm doing this little belt loop so don't worry I am gonna bring the camera up close so you can see exactly what I'm doing and why I'm doing it Wow I'm just kind of hurrying through this part there we go there we go set the needles off to the side nice and tight trim off my pieces and burn them special move on okay now for the now we're gonna glue it so I've already marked my line right there for my welt my wealth will fit right up on that line right there just gonna run some glue nothing special liberal amount of glue here and it it just don't glue on the inside of the line because it does stay stachy and it will leave some tacky stuff on your blade you don't want that no you don't okay that's done confirm which side I'm gonna glue which is gonna be this side try not to get said glue on hand here we go let that dry what's this dries I'll stick it together then I'll glue this side and the other side of the welt we'll stick it together we will shore it up cut its size lay out our lines for our stitching and do the main stitching and any embellishments that we might want to do on the sheath and this particular knife is already spoken for while I was doing this build tutorial I had a good friend say hey I would like that knife so I'm gonna do something special for him and you'll see that too okay here we go my piece in there [Applause] just give me a mark about where to stick my glue on this other side just take the same well piece not a bad deal now like I said I've got a lot of extra material here to work with so I'll be able to cut some of that off too you know the sheath doesn't need to be much bigger than then the knife you don't want a big bulky sheath I like to have about a quarter inch of material between the blade and the edge of the sheet quarter inch is plenty you know on my bushcraft sheets my fold overs and stuff sometimes I go extra because those actually look nice with a little extra meat so I let that tack up and I'll stick it together excellent tell you right there that's I made a mistake here by running the welt all the way into the corner I'm gonna have to cut a little tiny piece of that leather out to give it some clearance to squish closed not a huge deal just something that I noticed here we are we're back we're gonna go ahead and fold this over and stick it and that worked out real nice that just makes it stick real nice and tight you can trim this up a lot of different ways I just take my razor blade this is just to get the two sides close before I walk over and finish it up on the sander that's pretty good all right check it out now I'm going to walk over to my two by 72 sander and I'm going to clean up these edges you most leather makers don't have a two by 72 sander to walk over to so they do it in other ways you know you could do it with just cleaning it up with something like this and then burnishing it but I like my method okay tokay so do a coarse grit belt on here power it up and all of it is clean up your edges just to everything up [Applause] [Applause] okay that's it back to the bench we're back to the bench here's a sheath right here and what we just did is we chewed up these edges we did that now before I run my stitching line because if I ran my stitching line and then I went over to true up my edges I run the risk of grinding or sanding into my stitches I don't want that so here we go and now I'm just going to run a simple stitch groove right up the side stop at the top I'm gonna do this twice here just so it's nice and deep there we go good deal take my stitching wheel look at that walk over the drill press pop some holes and stitch this thing alright now here's a good tip for you if you just put this on a block of wood and go and start stitching what happens is this will tip it'll tilt because you have a belt loop and you're stitching if this tilts it'll be square on the front but your whole drift over towards the edge on the back so this piece of wood that I use I've run the sheath right up to the edge so that the belt loop is off of the wood that way I can get a nice square edge and have my holes drill straight let's go it's all about some straight holes what I'm gonna raise this table up just a little bit no reason for me to and that hard drop there we go see how I'm holding the leather down with my fingers I'm holding the level to be square with the wood or I'm holding the leather to be square with the wood so that my holes drill through straight and accurate and I'll have a nice straight stitch line on the backside took me a while to figure this one out my stitches would be perfect on the front but every now and then on the back my stitch line would drift and it was this right here that fixed it keeping it nice and flat every now and then I blow the leather pieces out of the way so I can see what I'm doing Oh perfect alright let's walk over and get this thing stitched up so here's what we're left with after running those you can see I want to show you see how it's kind of raised each one of these little holes is raised up from the drilling process so I'm gonna take the stitching wheel again and I use this to kind of tuck it back down tucking everything back in showing it where it goes all right and then I flip it over and I do it the exact same thing on the other side kind of refine your stitch line just like that now we're ready to go ready to stitch that thing up so I'm gonna get my stitching ready get my thread ready here's a tip for you when you're gonna do a sheath like this when I first started doing this I would struggle with how much thread do I need here's a good rule of thumb a standard sheath with one single piece of leather for welt so you've got a three-ply thickness of a good 8 or 10 ounce leather is generally six times the length so there's one two three four five six that's how much you need to stitch this bad boy up and a lot of times I'll just measure out seven just to be on the safe side alright so here's a good tip for ya hold your two needles and get your material laid out you want your tips to be the same length all right like that this to be nice and straight alright here's how I do this I get myself in a chair like this and I pinch it between my knees that way I can use both hands on my stitch I come through the very top stitch a short up so it's even so my two pieces even and I'm going to go through my next hole with both needles there's the first needle and then I go through with the other needle in the opposite direction and it tighten it up okay and then I just moved forward do that same progression same hole okay so just pull it through pull it through tighten it each time I'm passing through the same hole in both directions okay so you've seen how I do it like this now I'm going to bring it in close so you can actually watch the needles go through the holes just in case you have any more questions needles so through the hole and then from the other side through the same hole and then tighten it next tool and so on once you get going this doesn't take too long you can actually kind of be passing through I generally do this while I'm watching TV which doesn't happen very often but I do do it let me there we go it's definitely a good practice to pull them tight every time you pass through you can see I want you to see see the top is nice and tight and the part that I haven't done see how it flares out so it does tighten this up as you move down it as you stitch it up and you want your stitching to be nice and tight it looks good you don't want to go too tight if you go too tight then your stitches can kind of pull into the leather this is vegetable tan leather so it's going to require us dyeing it and putting some sort of sealer over the top of it or you could just diet and wax it you don't have to dye it you could just leave it natural and wax it there's a lot of different things you can do I've even heard some people using bare oil you know where they render bare fat down and use that but alright well that's a good that's a good shot right there here we go you think of that shot of course people who do this all day have something call this a stitching horse which basically does what my knees are doing here but you know I've done this for six years I still haven't bought one by the time I actually break down by a stitching horse I'll probably have a sewing machine so how about I'm just not buy one my knees worked just fine and hey that's what we're talking about here we're talking about getting stuff done on a budget you know not buying every tool Under the Sun obviously a stitching horse was not on my priority list okay we're getting close to the end now I plan on passing these through and burning the tips off so you know I don't want to see those on the front so when I get down to the end I'll kind of double back so that both it both of my ends are on the backside of the sheath so that you know that's where they are burned off at there we go all right so I'm gonna come back through here and out here then I'll come back through here pull it tight and trim [Applause] click off the nastiness there we go so and that'll just disappear okay we're ready to clean up the edges and then we'll move on to getting this thing dyed and what form the knife in it okay this is a neat angle to show you how this bevels the edges so I'm just going to go through here and run this edge beveler [Applause] let's go ahead cut this tip off here I do want to bevel the inside of this here okay it's looking really nice let's cut this tip off too there we go hey let's get it died what I've chosen is a Java Brown Java Brown well that's gonna be a good color get it on quick especially on that front panel just get it on there the super Sheen this is a leather sealant that I use after you die you cover it with super Sheen and it just kind of seals everything up and it protects any embellishments or any tooling that you've done which we didn't do any tooling on this sheath I put this stuff on fairly liberally also plus I find that this kind of moistens the leather just perfect to get it to the point where you can put that knife in but this locks in your die so that your die doesn't want to come off it won't rub off on your clothes or anything like that okay let's go ahead and insert the knife get it all the way down in there there we go and then we're gonna press around the knife sheath right there don't use your fingernails use your thumbs and really get that knife shape to pop out I find that what what I do is I try to keep the back the back flat where it's gonna ride it on your belt and really make it pop out of the front of the sheath so that you can see the knife shape out the front of the sheath I think that looks pretty cool when you do it that way see how I formed it here right around the handle and I formed it right here real well and I'll squish it down there and then pull the knife now it'll be tight the first time wipe your knife off because there's some moisture in there not a lot but there is some moisture in there okay that is almost done so see how the knife I formed it to where this is flat the shape of the knife fit on one side of the sheath that's going to make it fit on your belt a little bit better the next thing we're gonna do is the next thing we're gonna do is slick down the edges I use this little burnishing tool a lot of guys just use a little piece of a deer antler or shoot you could use a screwdriver it doesn't matter you could use a handle on a screwdriver just something that you can run back and forth to create some friction and some heat and you seal up the edges of the leather that way if it gets introduced to moisture it doesn't suck into the leather at the edge where it was cut say that didn't take much work at all it actually burns really easily if you let that super Sheen set up for just a minute and then you burn the if you try to do it right away you'll work at this a lot more so just let that super Sheen set up for a second and then burnish it up you'll be ready to go slick slick slick slick see that's nice and clean and burnished get up here you definitely want to do these edges that you touch all the time right now they're kind of rough and if you let it dry those edges would be kind of rough so you just run this burnishing tool around it place leather down and sort it out for you the other thing that I want to do is create kind of a funnel up here where I'm just going to tease the leather out and create kind of a funnel see how I funneled that out funneled it out on all the edges and that that'll just make it a little easier to stick your knife and there we go that is a job well done knife sheath nice simple elegant lines perfect we've now made the sheet for our knife and it fits it's got a great home to live in it's a wonderful package nice and tight I like the colors everything worked out super great now that we have a home for the knife to live in we can go ahead and sharpen this thing so the next video I'm going to go over different sharpening angles to different edges you can put on a knife I'm going to give you some foolproof ways to sharpen a knife and re sharpen a knife and talk to you all about sharpening and I'm going to do a cut test too so hopefully you guys stick around see you guys there [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Aleeknives
Views: 213,531
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bushcraft, forming leather, how to wet mold leather, knife, knife making by stock removal, knife making stock removal, knife sheath, knifetutorial, leather, leather knife sheath, leather sheath, leathercraft, leatherwork, make a sheath, making a leather knife sheath, sheath, tutorial, vegetable leather knife sheath, wet forming leather, wet mold leather diy, make a knife sheath from zero to hero, stock removal knife tutorial, aleeknives, makeaknife, makeiteasy, diy sheath, diy knife sheath
Id: S45HHEa5SAo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 23sec (3203 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 20 2020
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