Make a cool T-shirt design using a Inkscape for free

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[Music] yo what's up it's john from promo weapon and print on demand design for all your graphics needs whether it be for screen printing or print on demand designs or social media whatever hit me up if you need some work done what we're going to do today though is we're going to go into the free software inkscape completely free to download it's a vector graphics package and we're going to create a free design with free elements that are going to be free for commercial use so you can actually sell the designs that you make in this free program which is awesome if you don't have say coreldraw or adobe illustrator right now or yet or you're just getting into this and you want some free software to use so check it out let's open inkscape which by the way will i'll have a link to the download for inkscape if you don't have it pause the video go grab it come back and check this out okay so what we're going to do is first set our property document properties here under file and we're going to change the size i've already done mine i've got and when you first open this it's going to be millimeters so you're going to change it over to pixels there we go pixels and your width is going to be 4 500 pixels and your height is going to be 5400 pixels and that is a standard size for say merch by amazon okay and that just so happens that that size will also work for other print on demand sites like printful or redbubble or um several others so okay got the size we're gonna need uh we're gonna create a bear design because that's the first thing that popped into my head so we're gonna get we have to get a bear so how do we get a bare clip art that we can use to to make our design and actually have it be like a non-copyright issue and the way we do that is we go to google and you can type in bare silhouette which i've already done here so i'm just going to click on that now when you go to images you're going to go over here to tools you're going to go to usage rights and you're going to go for creative commons most but not all of these are going to be able to be used for commercial use okay so i've done i've already downloaded one i'm going to minimize that import my bear when you when you import an image you're going to keep this with embed default import resolution and smooth optimize quality and boom we have a bear now excuse me when we import a jpeg which is what this is means it does not have a transparent background and i'll show you that if we put a background behind this and turn it say yellow go to our select tool up here and hit this which is lower selection to the bottom and we can see that our bear has a white background we're not going to want that okay so now we can get rid of that background by clicking on our bear going to path trace bitmap and just click ok and x that out and we have a bear with no background awesome right now if you don't understand what just happened there i'm going to try to explain briefly the jpeg is a raster image which means it's made up of pixels which means if you enlarge it it's going to get blurry and it's going to get jagged around the edges i'm sure we've all seen some bad looking images with jagged edges and it's very pixelated looking right so what we did when we went up to trace bitmap we made it a vector image which is void of pixels it's just lines so if we zoom way in on the edge of the sphere you can see there's no pixels which means it's infinitely scalable okay i'll do another video about vector versus raster images later but we don't have time to get into that right now we can delete this yellow background just hit delete on your keyboard once you click on it and we got a bear we can change the color of this bear if we want it's pretty neat color right i don't know ah let's keep it black for now and what we're going to do next we're going to go to align and distribute down here under object which is also shift ctrl a over here where it says relative to that's what we're going to center the object to we're going to center this object relative to the page and you can you can do other things like the last selected or first selected or whatever we're going to keep it page we're going to come over here to center on vertical axis and boom that's going to center that layer of the page so we know it's all nice and centered up now all we need to do is like throw some text in here right now fonts just because you have a font on your computer does not mean that you can use it for commercial purposes a lot of people do and usually get away with it okay but you know you can take the chance or not it's up to you or you can go back to google and you can type in got caps on free for commercial use fonts and here's one of my favorites 1001 these fonts are all free for commercial use okay super awesome so we can and we can click like what kind of what kind of font we want up here i'm just going to click bold because i want a bold font and i like to look at this railway so i'm gonna go ahead and download railway if you haven't installed a font before i'll show you well i'm on windows so it's gonna vary i'm gonna save it to my desktop as a zip file save now we can minimize that and minimize our design for a second now a zip file you're probably familiar with it if not you just gotta right click on it and i'm using pzip but you can go to uh open with if you're in windows and that'll open with windows explorer and you should be able to just install them from here it's got a lot of different variations bold extra bold i'm going to select them all just by dragging up right click copy paste and basically that's just it's one way to extract things from a zip file pretty simple i'm going to select all those control click select them all right click install if you want i can do some more videos on fonts and how to work with those as well and feel free to ask me a question in the comments or um hit me up on the facebook page for promo weapon or pod design which i'll also link to in the description so you can get me that way all right we've got railway installed that's the name of the font um open up inkscape we need some this is your text tool um this is your standard toolbar over here for most vector programs are going to have some very similar things we've got shape tools uh rectangle circles stars and special shapes your freehand tool your bezier tool which is like your pen tool i love her familiar with pen tools but in every graphics program there's a pen tool or a bezier tool which lets you create like lines and then fill those with color we don't need to do that right now we're going down to our text tool click on your page and we'll say something semi-clever like mess mess with the bear we'll see i don't know mess now we can double click into this font highlight it by clicking and dragging and i have lots of fonts installed but uh what we want to do is find railway the one we just installed and we should be able to just type it in rail way i don't know what that is for apparently it doesn't want me to use railway the one we just downloaded because it's not there so right now we're just going to use roboto because i happen to know that that is a google font and it is free to use so mess and again we want to center that we can go over here to center to page actually it's called what's it called center on vertical axis so center on vertical all right mess and what i'm going to do here is i'm going to hit ctrl d and that's going to duplicate that i'm going to hit ctrl and drag it down double click highlight it and we'll say with the bear and we'll center that to the page we're going to grab this now i'm holding ctrl when i resize this so it will resize proportionately okay i'm going to make it about that big and center it to the page over here mess with the bear let's resize this a little bit center the page make our very little bigger center him back to the page it's all pretty close together let's spread it out a little bit there we go now i'm going to duplicate this again this one i'm going to duplicate ctrl d excuse me drag it down and we'll say mess with the bear get mauled that sounds good that sounds cool right now we're going to duplicate the big one because by duplicating ctrl d we're keeping the fonts the same size and we can just ctrl d and drag it down and it's the same size our our big words are we want the same font weight and size so mess with the bear get mauled right and you can also do like mess with the bear get tore the heck up i don't know whatever you want to say all right so there we go i mean that's a design right there i don't know if it's one people are gonna clamor for they're gonna you know be beaten down your door to buy that one but it's i'm showing you the simplicity of creating a basic design in completely free software using completely free elements you paid absolutely nothing for any of this now we can control g that's going to group those and we can center them all to the page right cool that's the design that's it that's that simple okay now we're going to export it export png image is what you're going to want if you're uploading this to a print on demand site so export png image and over here it's going to give us some options for size and resolution now see over here where it says pixels at 96 dpi i want 300. i'm gonna hit enter and i need to move this and right here export right in the middle and uh it's telling us here that i already have a file named bitmap.png so i'm going to change the name of the file here i'm going to call it bear and export export in progress yeah i know it's taking a long time sorry excuse me so and once we have that exported if it ever decides to export which i think it just did then we can upload that where did it go i got this there it is it's on um i'm gonna copy it i'm gonna cut it put it on my desktop there we go there it is on this up double click into it to preview it boom see that awesome right ready to upload to a site of your choosing or make a mock-up with on a t-shirt okay which i'll do in another video that'll be cool too because you're going to need to know how to make mock-ups and things like that so that people is how you make a completely free design using completely free software with completely free elements and stay tuned for more if you um if you like this video man hit smash the like button subscribe hit the bell i'm gonna be trying to upload a video every at least every couple days i don't want to say every day and stick my foot in my mouth but i appreciate you watching and i hope you come back for more and i'll see you next time thank you
Channel: PromoWeapon
Views: 3,498
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Print on Demand, Screen Printing, Graphic Design, Design, Free graphics software, free graphic design app, graphic design app, Inkscape, Adobe Illustrator, Corel Draw, POD, Teespring, Redbubble, Printful
Id: Zj0mdQx368s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 21sec (921 seconds)
Published: Sun May 16 2021
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