Make a 3 Course Meal & a drink with 3 Ingredients each | inc Carrot Fritters

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- I'm a bit worried, what take you to talk to doctors, is she all right? Was it COVID symptoms? - No. - No, she's got sugar, headache? Hello, everybody, it's Barry here, hope you are well. I'm well, but I'm kind of lonely today. Mrs. B. has gone for like her morning like meet up with her mates with the dogs. It's kinda like Paris Hilton with the dogs in a bag I guess. Anyhow, today we're doing a 4321 video part of a playlist that I've done before. I haven't done these for quite a lot and I love doing it. It's four, three-ingredient recipes, when I say ingredients, it's kinda like items, so you can really elaborate with it, to try one time in your life and I love doing it. The feedback on that is normally really fun too so thanks as always for the suggestions. And today we've got some proper stonkers. We've got an Italian milkshake, we've got a spinach tortellini, we've got carrot fritters, and we've got Samoa cookies which we're gonna start with because that is a tik-toky, TikTok one. Let's go, it's gonna be good. Anyhow, so we're gonna start with the desert, or in this case, three-ingredient Samoa cookies. First of all the first thing we do is actually preheat our oven. Now I bloomin' love Samoa cookies, the cocoanuty, chocolaty goodness. I actually discovered them when I was in America working legitimately on a Girl Scout camp. It was amazing times and those Girl Scout cookies, Thin Mints, things like that, so good. This one is made with banana, and coconut. It's effectively two ingredients, but you need that chocolate on there. So, (pan banging), thank you, (laughing) coconut. Yeah, this is desiccated coconut, which I nearly said decapitated, but it's kind of along the same lines. Just over 120 grammes of them. We need a ripe banana to match with this. Yep, just a ripe banana like this. How do you know it's ripe, 'cause it says it on the banana. So I had to take like two minutes to do that. Amazing isn't it how a banana looks so sort of dry and like, okay, it's nice, but. (fork clunking on bowl) When you mash it up, it suddenly becomes this sort of moist, squelchy, completely different texture of fruit. Isn't it? The coconut going in. Ah, see how it's clinging together, amazing. I have never done this before. This was a TikTok one as I say, and I find coconut all right, but it's way better in my opinion, once it's toasted. But the moisture of that banana is making the coconut grip to it. I think I'm gonna get some clean hands in it. I just wanna make sure I've got enough banana in there. Oh, there we go, that's better. Clunk it altogether. Don't know if we'll get every single speck of coconut, but yeah, that'll do. So you can grab that and shape it which is exactly what we need to do next on a lined baking tray. This feels a bit weird though. Okay, so I've got my lined baking tray, a little icing pen frosting tip thing, and for complete transparency, I can see you, I added another half a banana to it. It gave it a lot more moisture and what I do like about it, I didn't mash it up fully, but there's teeny little banana chunks in there now, but you can see it's much more like a sort of tennis ball, I can really mould that shape. And that is, it looks like a big snowball doesn't it. But remember, this is just two ingredients so far, so I can grab a nice handful like that, get it fairly fit, but make sure it's consistent in height. Ah, I quite like that, that looks awesome. And then you could get a massive frosting tip if you want. They're like little coconut donuts. Ah folks, a long story short, that was really horrible to do. I ended up wettin' my hands to shape it and I've done okay. That took probably about 15 minutes and I only got, I've got one more probably so I could get seven out of it, but just when you shape it all breaks apart, so maybe I needed two bananas. The recipe said one medium banana with that amount of coconut. So I've already added a bit more moisture to it anyway, but that doesn't matter. I feel like when we bake it now, well, (laughing)- (pan clunking) It's gonna go two ways. It's either gonna split, or it's gonna hold it together, it's gonna like loosen up and grip it and toast the coconut (smooching). About 20 minutes, but do keep your eye on it. Anyhow, main course. (package clunking in hands) Yes, main course, and this is what I love about the refrigerated isle, particularly when it comes to pastas, some of those like ravioli's, and gnocchi, this is a chicken and bacon tortellini. So we've got pasta with the chicken and bacon filling in it. They did lots of others. They did like a four cheese one, they did a ham and mozzarella, they did a pesto, except we're gonna use pesto to form a sauce that wraps around the chicken and bacon tortellini, I didn't wanna get pesto overload, but, our third ingredient, which is gonna be frozen spinach, we're gonna cook it in that and use some of the water to sort of lubricate the pesto which is gonna surround that tortellini, it's that simple and this should be delicious. So we'll get the spinach going first. (bag rattling) This is actually chopped spinach, it's all these like nuggets like that, they're amazing. We get this all the time, because anything that's in the freezer, this is really sad, but like the freezer aisle is amazing. You can get like a whole meals in there. You can get like, like lobster, like real good stuff that, especially in our hometown, we think, oh, can't get that anywhere, but you go to the freezer aisle and it's like some, it's a treasure hunt for me and I end up buying spinach. This is gonna be like a true like five-minute dinner in real time, obviously, if you weren't filming it, but like this cooks in three minutes. Anyway, fresh pasta is fantastic. This, all it needs to do is just warm. We'll use some of that water to mix with this and then Bob's your uncle. I would really wanna do this last, but I think it's gonna taste just as good cold, because our starter, if I let them go cold, there'll be a little bit flimsy and saggy, and yeah, I want 'em to taste good. Yeah, well it's taking me longer to boil the water in the pan than it will to actually make that recipe. Anyway, whilst that still boils, it's time to get those coconut rings, I'm gonna call 'em, out. Well, there we go, can you see they're nice and lightly, they almost look like they're blue in colour, amazing. Lightly toasted all around and they have held their shape. I am not touching them at all until they're fully cooled down because they'll get stronger the more they cool. We can drizzle 'em on chocolate, leave on the wire rack, have 'em at the end. I'm very close to burning my arm. Where the other stuff? I'm always ready (laughing), brilliant. Come on, so we'll walk over to my water, which is now boiling for the spinach, I just wanted to say thank you to whoever you are, wherever you are in the world, thank you for watching my videos and supporting me, I really appreciate it. And like little spinach hand grenades we're just gonna plop them in like that and look how it's gonna make the water slightly greeny, it's gonna infuse it with spinachy flavour, and look, there's like little specks of the spinach that's already chopped, like I say, starting to part. So I'm gonna go for about five. Cook away my beauty and give me some spinach-infused water. Now, the step I'm about to do I don't want you to do this. I want you to chuck the pasta in right now, but for some of you, you might find this interesting, I wanna just show you the colour of that water. And my sieve is gonna hate me for this, look at that, that's bonkers isn't it, it looks like some sort of crazy Mountain Dew concoction, or something, doesn't it, but that is spinach-infused water that we can cook the pasta in. But when you do it just literally chuck the pasta in with that water. The one benefit of doing it like this is you can actually control when you add the spinach in so that's what I will do, but if you just wanna chuck it all in, that's fine, then just drain it off. (water sloshing) So in that goes (chuckling) I just wanted to show you, look, like a swamp. Actually I'm not gonna use all of it. Yeah, I'm gonna reserve this so I can use that to mix with my pesto. And it's almost boiling so we can get the pasta in now. You're essentially just cooking it through and warming it, like three minutes, max. I don't know, it's like the whole 4321 thing, today I'm not gonna season, but you guys know me flexible like that and let me use that. Normally salt pepper right now. Tell you what Parmesan, would go really well with this, but we're gonna stick to the three. (lid popping off) Oh pesto. See, that's coating the tortellini now. Oh my gosh that smells so good. And we've got our spinach which we'll push in now. I'm gonna add a little bit more spinach water as well and work in with the pesto. So let's just go for it. I would just love to drench it in cheese, but that is a blooming good meal on its own. (pan clunking) - All right, let's get back to these things, which actually do, let's be honest, look a little bit boring right now, but one good thing is they are like holding their shape now they've cooled down and we can get a little bit crazy with some melted chocolate on top. This is just a melted dark chocolate. Oh, I might do a real cheeky one where I actually take this, dunk it in the chocolate, so you've got a whole chocolate, oh, that's a naughty one. and then drizzle as well. Oh, why not? That suddenly looks way tastier in my opinion this next step is gonna be great, thank you. We're going to do some fritters, these are gonna be carrot fritters, nice and easy. Now this is why I did these last, and before the pasta, because I feel like fritters you wanna have them either hot, or you can freeze 'em, and take 'em for a picnic and stuff, but they will start to go a bit saggy, and malah, we don't want that, we don't want saggy and malah. (carrot scrapping on shredder) Okay, so that is one carrot. I'm gonna go for about three, so about 120 grammes roughly, get your scales out, of carrot, or other vegetable of your choice, you can use a parsnip, hmm, festive. Oh, there we go, like a sand castle of carrot. Unfortunately though, we don't want it to be moist so what you wanna do, we'll do this in little batches, but just to show you once, we get a sheet of kitchen towel, dump, you know, a good handful in there, another sheet on top and give it a good squeeze to dry it out rrrrr, otherwise you have all that water in your fryer, and when we fry in a bit it's be like, ah, and it will help it bond as well. (electronic scratching) I'm just editing this video and it seems that the latest culprit of a blob on the lens is the grating the carrot, I'm super sorry about that. Obviously there's a lot going on when I film on my own, I do my best to spot it so I did avoid it quite well accidentally as it is, so sorry guys. (electronic scratching) So, I've got a lot of moisture, so I'm really happy with that, but if you feel like you've done your best and it's still a little wet, maybe add an extra like five grammes of flour and see this will really dry out straight away. It's kinda half the purpose and to help bond it. (pan clunking) (eggs cracking) And the eggs, I'm not gonna be cheeky, you know you guys have said I can do this so I am gonna season this. We have a load of pepper. (pepper grinder grinding) And I'm just gonna, uh-uh, chuck some salt in like that. So let's just bring it all together, let the egg coat those carrots, the flour grip it altogether, and it should become a little bit more moldable. So what you're looking for is if you can pick it up and roughly shape it and it will hold it's shape, if it doesn't hold its shape maybe get some more flour, but I'm really, really happy with that. The made carrot for us before is was quite exciting. I didn't really think of it like this, you know you call 'em fritters, but as a vegetarian option this could be, well, if it works, if it works, it could be a real nice alternative for a burger, couldn't it? Ah no, I just set this up and as you know I hate frying, and my battery is about to go folks, great. I'm probably gonna be in- (beeping) Let's drop this in. Oh, yeah, that's firmed up already, it's gettin' some crispness on there, merry crispness. I'm actually feeling confident to get all four on the go, keep my on the first batch, and just make sure we get the crispness and hopefully a nice colour on there and then just flip the others. Oh, this is working out amazing. I remember folks I once stayed up till like 2:00 a.m. and queued up to get the latest "Grand Theft Auto" video. Now look at me, getting excited over carrot fritters. Just while they're frying I knew these videos were popular when someone tagged me in a TV show, I forget, was it France, it was either France or Italy, sorry, I know it's quite vague, where they actually done one of my 4321 videos, every single recipe from it was on the show, and I was like, do I complain about that or should I feel honoured, and in a way I felt kind of honoured. So if you see any carrot fritters being made on a French, or Italian TV show in the next few weeks, let me know. Looks a bit like fried chicken, doesn't it? Oh, I pushed it to try and get a nice crunch on there which we should get. You can keep going if you want and really, really crisp it up, but I hopefully get a nice soft texture in the middle. (smooching) They're gonna lose their crunch by the second so we're gonna finish off with a nice simple one. This is an Italian milkshake, which I think sounds amazing, let's go. Well, the only thing I will say about this Nutella I got, they've got this one called Nutella, but it says plus cocoa, what does this mean? (jar paper crunching) Oh. - Oh yeah, fat-reduced cocoa. So you could eat a whole jar and not feel bad. - We do that anyway. Tastes continental, hmm, wow. Looks like I've got a helper, love it. This is some really good high-quality ice cream, we have vanilla pod specs in there, nice, which Mrs. B. will be consuming later, no doubt in my mind. What's that show you're watching at the moment? - "Motherland." - "Motherland." - Oh, I love it. I've watched it all now though, all three series, what am I gonna do? I'm gonna have to talk to you. - Two dollops, two tablespoons, two big old slabs. I mean when you making a milk shake like this you can just spin around with it anyway, you can play around with ratios can't yeah? But there we go, three ingredients. As we turn it over the milk's gonna fall to the bottom which should hopefully, hopefully help us whiz up. Thank you. (blender motor whirring) See that, I love that, look at the contrast, we've made a gradient. (blender motor whirring) Nice, spreading the Nutella just around the inside and the outside edge of the glass. All of a sudden you can charge like double the price for that, all right? Nutella vanilla-infused milkshake. Well, there we go folks. What a banquet to have. Mrs. B. is lingering in the background conveniently. I have a feeling that they're all gonna taste really good in their own way, I'm not sure about these. That's going to be stonking, that smells so good, it's got a bit cold now, disappointingly. These should hopefully still have a bit of crunch, so let's go. Carrot fritters I think that these will be amazing with like a lemon pepper mayo, look at that surface. Oh, look at you being dainty. - I am, should I just be eating? - Um. - Is that just carrot? - Carrot, egg, and flour. - Very nice. - I'll tell you what, season that flour, dunk that in a, it needs a dipping sauce. - Um-hum. - At first I was like, oh it's crispy, and there's not much else, but then you kinda get like this sort of sweetness of the carrot, this like texture to it. - It's very nice. - You like it? - It needs sauce though. - Yeah, like a mayo, or anything. - Okay. - So this is a spinach, chicken-bacon tortellini with pesto. Hmm, that's nice. - Um-hmm. The pesto just laces around that. I've got a little hint of the bacon, you get that? - Yeah, that's nice and simple and tasty. - Yeah, that's a good point I think. This, this whole thing, has taken me just over an hour and 15 minutes to do the whole thing and that's filming it as well. So, you know you really could do this in a flash. I'm not sure about these. - Why? - Well, I dunno. I tried them before I could bake them and it was just banana and coconut, which isn't really nice. - Um, extremely chewy. - You almost wanna dunk the whole thing in chocolate. - I feel like we need to, at first it's like that toasted coconut taste, then you get the banana, and then it's partially turned into chewing gum for a bit. - Can I just dunk one whole bit? - Yeah, just fully coat and have a bite and see what that, I think she just likes chocolate. Still gummy? - Hmm. - (laughing) But, as a three ingredient thing, or even two, it worked. Not my favourite out of the lot, I would make it again though. Maybe you could use coconut flour, or just whiz up the desiccated coconut. I know it's like about the flakes, how they're bigger when you whiz 'em up, just to get 'em super fine so it's more like a powder. That's could work. - That's not same, they're like those, what they called? - Macaroons. - Yes, macaroons, that's what they taste like. - Yeah. - Um. - That good? - Oh my gosh, that is amazing. - Yeah, I see how you got one straw, brilliant. That is gorgeous isn't it? Those straws need to be wider, I think we need like scaffold poles, or something, 'cause it's just a thick milkshake, but- - That is amazing. - That is so good. I think it's the richness of the Nutella with the cocoa, you know. But thanks so much for watching guys. Hope you enjoyed that. As I say it didn't take very long for me to make all four of those at all and I'm a novice in the kitchen, I started out just poaching eggs. As you know, don't forget to subscribe. If you have not already, then press the notification button to be aware of all new uploads and do check out the rest of the 4321 plays, and all the other videos here on the channel, or the website, if you're in that. Thanks for watching guys, see you very soon. All right, you wanna finish that milkshake? - No, I've got a sugar headache. (laughing) ♪ Check your level player ♪ ♪ No matter what your style ♪ ♪ The kitchen's for me ♪ ♪ Simon's moustache, goatee, maybe all three ♪ (rap beat beating) - Now folks, both Carmen and Mrs. B. did just say to me. - Don't make those. - (laughing) Don't make those. Make those, make those, make those, don't make those. What was your opinion on the Samoa cookies? - They were disgusting, sorry. Really? - Yeah. It just didn't taste nice. The carrot fritters were nice though. - Yeah? - Yes.
Channel: Barry Lewis
Views: 105,525
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 3 ingredient recipes, 4321, 3-4 ingredient recipes, recipe, dinner ideas, carrot fritters, carrot, vegetarian, vegan, tortellini, pesto, cooking channel, barry lewis, virgin kitchen, nutella, vanilla ice-cream, milkshake, easy, how to, chocolate milkshake, tiktok, samoa cookies, banana, learn to cook, cookery, food, 3 ingredient dinner, 3 ingredient cookies, 3 ingredient pasta, 1 pot pasta, 4 x 3 ingredient recipes 2 try 1 time in your life!, easy recipes, food hacks, my virgin kitchen
Id: uaJBTlIr3Tw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 27sec (1047 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 14 2021
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