Major Trello Updates 2021 - New views, cards and more!

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hey everyone okay so yesterday trello announced a major update and they're saying this is the most significant update they've ever done and from looking at it there are a lot of new features to go through and explain and show you so i'm going to try and keep this video quick but if you want to see the latest and greatest from trello and how it's going to affect you then keep watching let's go straight over to the blog post from trello announcing these new changes so this is it this is the the best summary of everything that's happened there's a lot to go through um so i won't go through everything on here yet but as i said i'll be doing more videos about this in the future so if you want to be up to date on those then please make sure you subscribe to this channel and you'll be the first ones to hear about them so the main theme of of this update is the views so to put it kind of quickly um a lot has changed since trello started and trello traditionally is a kanban style based project management tool but there's a lot of other options out there now and the the user needs have changed and in response to that i think trello have rolled out these new views so uh this just basically allows customers to view the use view their cards in a different way so you're still creating cards but you just have a different way of seeing them and these sometimes help for better scenarios than than the traditional kanban style would so here are a couple of them um timeline table dashboard and calendar and all right so i might as well just show you this for real so if we go into our demo board that we usually use here up on the left we now have this drop down and as you can see there's a whole bunch of new options here so board is just the one we're looking at now map timeline calendar dashboard and team table so i'll give you a quick run through these um just now but i'll be doing more of a deep dive on these later on in future videos so this is the map and we just have london here there's a couple i added earlier um so if you click on them i've added an image so you can imagine this being good for like a real estate company or something you've got those properties dotted around you need to have an image of each one then you open up your card and you've got some information and people can work from this and um yeah it's just the usual from there but this location button here is actually how you add the map to the card which means it will show up in this map view all right so that's that one moving on to timeline i do already have a pretty detailed video about this so go check that out if you want to see a deep dive um this is the timeline view let's go back we've got a few cards here that i've added some dates for and on the left you've got the lists and you can just schedule your cards in like this the drag and drop functionality is coming soon apparently and equally you can't drag these around yet but you can change the dates like this both the start and end date and as you just saw if you open up click on one you can open up the card as usual and here we can change the time grain and you can actually change what appears on the left here so label is maybe a nice one as well okay that's timeline calendar right this is basically an upgraded version of the calendar power-up that we've had for a long time um if you remember the calendar power up it was just restricted to cards being in one uh one day like this but with this view we can see we've got cards that can span across multiple days so a little bit like the timeline view but on the more kind of traditional calendar view like this again you can change the time timeline um and things like that so that's kind of quickly and then dashboards and so this is a pretty pretty different one um this is gonna give you some reporting power for your trello board and you can see the different types so there's pie charts and bar charts and line charts and you can add your own here different styles like that so yeah pretty nice you so this i think is helpful as it is it will be even more helpful when you can report like this across multiple boards because this is just for one board at the moment i can imagine people wanting to be able to do this across like their whole team for example so but that brings me on to the team table which is a little bit different in the sense that it's actually you click and open it out of your board and this means that you can add additional boards to this one so this is the real secret weapon if you need to see visibility across multiple boards in one place so here i just have one board added and you can see all the cards and the lists and you can interact with these which is really nice so you can add labels and things from here so you can just quickly go down here and update the information like if there's some gaps you can quickly fill them in so everything is up to date same for members and due dates and you can check these off from here too so as i said you can add multiple boards to this so there's a lot of cards here but you can see now these have been added down here as well and you can sort these however you like so there are a bunch of filters again i'll save this for another day we'll go into these in in too much detail but you can see it just quickly filters it down easier to see one final thing that's quite nice is you can you can bookmark this view so when you've saved it as you like it bookmark that link or save it somewhere then you can reopen that whenever you need to all right so those are the new views loads of loads of things to explore and play around with um one thing to note though this is only available for business class users so you will need to be on that higher plan to access those um business class or enterprise um but yeah really exciting good to see these new views and um trello offering a bit more flexibility to customers and yeah i think there's lots of updates to come this is kind of version one of these new views and the uh that i think trello was still looking for feedback on them so i expect there to be lots more updates coming in the near future the next thing to go through uh there have been some changes to the cards so try i've added a few new card options and the main theme of these are these link cards so essentially what this means is you can paste a link into a card and it's going to give you a much richer view of that link from within the card so this hopefully will prevent you having to open up loads and loads of tabs as you can actually interact with some of these links from within the cards themselves good example would be uh you know previously when you added a link to say a youtube video that would just give you the link you know within the card but now what you can do is if you paste it in just like this and add it it's actually going to give you a much richer view of this and this is different to a regular card so you if you click on it it's now going to open it up as as the video so here's one of my other ones that's the timeline video i just mentioned so go check that out if you're interested um and if you so you can't add a description or a checklist all those other things you would have done with these normal cards so this is very much just like a standalone video card if you hit preview you can open it up within trello itself which is quite nice um and you could convert this to a regular card so then it's just uh just like it was you know in the usual this is how you used to do it beforehand okay so that's link cards uh there's loads of different like types of these i haven't really played around with all of them yet but uh you'll probably get a slightly different experience for each of those and um yeah another one is board cards so you paste this in it's going to give you a nice link in as a card and you could just hope you navigate between the the two more easily and one that isn't available yet but they say is coming soon are mirror mirror cards so this means you can have one mastercard that you could have on the board and then have another card on another board which is kind of a clone of that first card so it's sort of a parent-child relationship type thing um but the one thing to mention here is that this is going to be a kind of a one-way sync so you can update the parent card and it will reflect on the child card but you can't update the child card and it reflects back on the original parent card but the tool will be linked so you could click through to back to the original card and update it again so you can keep them in sync like that but yeah it's not not full full mirroring but it's pretty pretty nice and um yeah i can see this being helpful for quite a few people i know it's quite a quite a requested feature all right and then finally there's something about a new sidebar but i don't have access to this yet i don't seem to see it unless i'm just doing something wrong but it does say you'll soon notice so i don't think it's quite been rolled out fully yet so yeah i'm looking forward to seeing uh what that is um i think it's just gonna be a better way of organizing your your boards and your your team team boards and team table things like that so we'll see how that goes when it's out and finally this isn't really a feature but trello have just announced a big overhaul of their branding and they've updated their logo as you can see there it's it's slightly different to how it was before um and i would say it's a little bit more in line with the kind of atlassian style that you see on the other products like jira and things but still keeping the fun elements of trello with uh yeah with these these designs so yeah that's just uh something else to mention but not a major change for for you as a user okay so that's it that's uh yeah that's the quick run through of this this massive update as trello say um and i'm pretty excited to explore these in more detail so i will be putting out more videos just like this um but going through each one in in more detail so yeah hit subscribe and you'll be the first ones to know about those and if you found this helpful and interesting um hit the like button it's a big help for us and it keeps encouraging me to put out more videos like this to help you guys out too so um yeah thanks for watching and we'll see you next time [Music] you
Channel: Orah Apps
Views: 3,047
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Trello, Trello updates, Trello timeline view, Trello calendar, Trello maps, Trello Dashboards, Trello team tables, Orah Apps, Trello tutorial
Id: olpqnhm2x54
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 54sec (714 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 19 2021
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