MAILCHIMP TUTORIAL 2021 (For Beginners) - Step by Step Email Marketing Guide

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hey everyone welcome back to the channel in this video i'll be showing you everything you need to know to successfully use mailchimp so this is a full tutorial for beginners no matter what you're doing whether that's a simple email campaign you just want to send an email to a short list of email subscribers or you want to manage email lists or you want to do any of the newer things that mailchimp allows you to do such as make an entire website run ads create graphics or any of the other things that i'll be showing you in this video so mailchimp is incredibly powerful and like i said this is a full tutorial to show you everything very easily so that by the end of this video you can go from being a total beginner to an expert with mailchimp which is a fantastic tool honestly if you're doing any kind of personal brand work or a fundraiser or an online store a small business it doesn't matter what you're doing mailchimp is a fantastic marketing tool not only because they've always been a really good source for email marketing but now they're actually adding more and more features as i mentioned and so mailchimp is honestly a fantastic skill to learn for anybody looking at marketing and so that's why we're going to talk about it in this video i want to start off on my laptop here and the good thing is this is totally web-based so it doesn't matter if you start on one computer and you end up on your phone or a tablet or another computer all of your work is going to be saved online everything's done online so you don't have to download software and it's really easy to use so we want to start off on whatever browser you like i'm just using google chrome here and i'm going to go to mailchimp or you can click on the link in the top of the description and that will make sure we're all starting off on the same page it should look something like this they might change the graphics but the main thing is that you want to go up to the top right and say sign up for free assuming you don't already have an account we're going to sign up create our account and something i want to mention is that mailchimp has a couple different tiers the good thing is they start off free so you can easily use free mailchimp and and really do a lot with that or if you want something more powerful you have the option to upgrade and pay for some other plans and have much larger audiences and more capabilities but starting off free at the very least allows you to learn stuff it's not just a free trial it's literally free indefinitely as long as you stay within their limit so we're going to start off with my email so we're going to say mike we're going to say tutorials at so following that will bring us to this page where we can choose the plan we want and obviously you can see it it gets very expensive if you have a massive massive brand but you can start off for free which is what we're going to do in this video and the free one gives you 2 000 contacts and 10 000 email sends so i mean obviously it's more than enough to get you started if you have no email list yet and now we're going to set this up so i'm going to say first name last name and then business name i'm just going to say central tutorials and then website url this is optional phone number is optional i'm going to include my website url for now so we're going to say and you can import your brand if you want which is going to essentially allow you to do a little bit of extra stuff with brand stuff i'll show you later on in in the video but we are going to say continue so then we have to add our address this is something that is required if you're going to be sending out any kind of emails so don't give them like a fake address you want it to be a real address or at least like a ups box or something but for international spam laws as it says right there we're going to add our address and then it says do you have a list of contacts if you're going to import a list from somewhere else you would say yes obviously right now i do not we're going to start from scratch and i'll show you guys how you can start collecting your own list through social media whatever you're doing but now it's going to ask us a couple other things just to kind of tailor to us what we plan on doing so i'm going to say like maybe services technology software actually original content let's just say that we're going to be maybe a blog a hypothetical blog here and we are going to say continue of course you could skip all of this if you want but i'm going to say that maybe this right here is my own website continue and it's going to say we're ready to go do you want to get emails for mailchimp uh personally i do not i already know enough about mailchimp right now but with that being said we'll say continue and that will bring us over to the next page and so that's gonna bring you back to a page that looks something like this if for some reason it doesn't you can always just go to the end of the url and delete everything after hit enter and it will bring you to this page right here now this page is a lot different than it was in even just last year's tutorial but more importantly all the older ones if you've seen anything from the past if you've ever tried to use mailchimp in the past it's completely different right now when i first started using it in about 2015 2016 it was way way harder to use so now they have a really nice dashboard honestly so in the middle they have a whole bunch of things that you can you know kind of click and walk you through stuff but really we want to focus on what's on the left side this is all of the menu you have and so they really categorize it into a bunch of different features they have the audience so managing your contacts we're going to go through that in a second you have campaigns so sending out emails essentially automations which means when something triggers an automation you can send an email or do a bunch of different stuff and really automate what you're doing based on events that happen you can actually build an entire website here you can go to content studio which is similar to like and we have integrations as well or you can add a search if you're looking for something specific and you can't find it but on the very top you actually have create so as you come back to this website more and more frequently you go to to send out email campaigns whatever you're probably going to end up using this one the most so we're going to come to this one last just because i want to show everything first before we go into create because create is kind of just a quick summary of what you want to make if you want to make an email if you want to make an email template you can do all of that right here you can go down and make a landing page a survey an ad social media post all kinds of different stuff all in one location so it's very easy to just log on to mailchimp go over to create and start making whatever you want to make so with that being said let's go down the left side first and talk about some of the tools we have available and what mailchimp is really all about before we get into making that the first thing is actually audience here and if we click on audience you'll see again we have a bunch of options within audience and again they're making it easier over time to manage mailchimp it's something i really like to see but we have audience dashboard without an audience right now we're not going to see much here but i can tell you from my other brands that it's going to show you how many people are subscribed how many are unsubscribed it's going to show you stuff about who's in what tags how many people are in different different tagged groups because you can add tags when people sign up for your email list based on where they came or all kinds of different parameters and we'll get into that in a second but going down to all contacts this is something that if you're interested in seeing who is subscribed to you or if you want to see different things like you want to manually add a contact somebody emails you and says hey i want to be on your list you can manually add them here just by going to add contacts you can add a subscriber or you can actually import contacts if you had an email list from a different platform we can also delete contacts if for some reason somebody subscribed and and they don't want to be subscribed anymore they're sending you angry emails and they don't know how to click unsubscribe you can manually do it yourself within here there's also a couple of other things within settings you can go to inbox surveys a couple little shortcuts within here that you don't have to go to sign up forms here instead you can go to sign up forms on the left side that's generally what i do but they're trying to make it easy with more shortcuts in more places so if we go to sign up forms though this is going to be essentially how or one of the ways people could join your email list so if somebody wants to join your email list you could have a form embedded in your website that's a really common way to do this and if you have a wordpress website a shopify site if you have you know squarespace whatever you're using almost anything out there is going to integrate with mailchimp because mailchimp is so big it's really really popular and so embedded forms right here is going to allow you to get the html code that you're just going to copy and paste so it's very easy to do that but of course some sites it's even easier than that no code required and you'll be able to integrate uh with mailchimp but that's just one way if you already have a site and you want to use that with mailchimp another way you can actually get signup forms is just through the form builder which is a way that i would typically recommend uh to anybody that is either a social media influencer maybe you're on instagram tick tock whatever or in any other situation where you don't have a website at least not yet and you can make a website on here but when you're just getting started it might be easier to just make a form we can also go down and make a couple other things some pop-ups integrations with with facebook but let's start off with the form builder okay so the form builder looks something like this and unfortunately it's not incredibly user friendly right now but it is definitely improving and essentially what we have here a very simple bare bones uh just layout here gray background little boxes and we can rearrange these boxes so when somebody signs up you have different things that they can add so the first thing is their email address if we click on that it highlights it in this kind of yellowish color and on the right side we'll see that the field label is email addressed the field tag is email which is good because it's going to categorize any input into this into the email column of your of your contacts list and this is definitely obviously a required field you can make this visible it can't be hidden and we can have help text right here so we could say like example at and that's going to be like a really light text in the background so we can say save and that's going to show up in the background when someone's doing that okay so that's the first one now we can go down to first name we want that the next one is untitled so we can have that like middle initial if we want so we can maybe if we want to have middle initial actually i feel like i don't really care about middle initial we're gonna hit the little minus button to delete this and we have to type delete in all caps and say delete and that'll get rid of that form so now we have email address first name last name and maybe we want uh address maybe we want birthday let's actually add birthday you'll see on the right side we actually have add a field we have a huge list of different fields we can add so the zip code if you only care about like the us only website image birthday date drop down you can have check boxes stuff like that so let's actually add birthday something i like to do a lot of times is actually send people like a discount on their birthday and so if you know someone's birthday you can obviously set up an automation and send them a discount on their birthday so for this one we're going to call it birthday we're going to actually call this birth day birthday is going to be the field tag that's something that we'll be using on the back end obviously nobody sees that and the date format can be month day that's fine by me and this can be a required field or an optional field so that's another cool thing you have right here and so let's save this right here so we're going to say save and we can also move these around so if you click and drag them up and down you can rearrange it as you want and so if we go back let's add one more thing let's add a radio button just like select or deselect basically actually instead of radio button let's add a check box so i think we added both we're going to delete one of them right here we're going to delete this one so let's hit the minus type delete we don't want those radio buttons and instead we just want that little check box on the end in the check box if we click on it again so it turns yellow we can actually change what this says instead of group category whatever we could just say i want to join your email list in case you want some kind of like secondary confirmation that people are not accidentally doing this so we can change the group name to join join list and we're going to save this field and this could be visible and it's just a little checkbox so they can say yes or no and of course we're not making it like a mandatory thing so it's a bad example of what i would use that for but it could be maybe something like send me it could be like send me birthday gifts send me birthday discounts and we can change this to b day discounts so we'll save that and so that's essentially how you would see your form if we copy this little url right here so we can just copy and paste it in a new tab and you'll see that it's going to show up just like this good way to test it good way to add an email and like i said when you click on it it gives you a little help thing below that which we set up if we go and click on email address right down here the help text is what's going to show up there so we can see that right there and if we go and enter all the stuff and hit subscribe it'll go and actually add whoever did this to our email list a great way to sign up of course this is very bare-bones zone it doesn't look especially aesthetically pleasing so you can actually go over to design it and you have a couple other options so not a whole lot of stuff here the body the forms stuff like that you really can't change too much other than like the background the header the outer wrapper if you want it to be like outlined in a box so this is not always the most beautiful way to our most elegant way to have a sign up form really embedding in a website will probably look substantially better but this is definitely the easiest way to do it where we already have an email signup form so in the past like minute we set it up ready to go going down we also have tags here so if we go down actually let me make sure that i save this uh it looks like we are all good so if we go down to tags the next thing is tags meaning that you can actually add different labels to different people in in groups on on your contact list so you can make separate contact lists if you upgrade or you can add tags and tags is great for if you have multiple media sources so instagram versus tick tock and maybe they're totally different topics you want to add a tag to make sure that when you're sending an email you're only sending it to people of a specific interest so you have a better opening rate and overall better conversions there then we have segments i don't really use segments but we do have surveys here which is a new one as they show there which is essentially going to be i believe a replacement of of surveymonkey or at least what i've been using it for so far uh it's really doing exactly what i want that surveymonkey used to do and so we can just go and say create a survey and so creating a survey is going to be very self-explanatory like you think we can add a question we have several options for what the question's going to look like so we could say maybe it's just going to be like a radio button so you could say how much how much how much do you how much do you like captain crunch a lot uh we could also click the plus and say a little and we can add it and say not at all and so now you have radio buttons there and you can make this one required you can make it uh maybe not required whatever and so that's gonna be your first one and we can also add auto tagging based on answers if you're interested in that a little bit smarter like i said in tagging before if you send out a survey you can find out who's interested in what and tag accordingly we can also add tons of other questions from a range and we could say like do you like santrel how much do you like santro and you can have a range here as well and so you can kind of just keep going through this and then you'll say continue to design and again the design is going to be really straightforward so you don't you can add images at the top you can uh include or not include the mailchimp banner of course with a free one they are going to include that unfortunately and you can add a custom message you can have a submit button you can change it to send or something like that if you don't want it to be submit you can say send send my results something like that and so this would be a cool way to make maybe like some kind of quiz or something like that or otherwise just maybe even straight up survey people and ask what they're interested in with your with your content so this is a great way to uh just find out more about people and really collect a lot of data without having to use a lot of other software so we can finalize the survey it's untitled right now so you can edit the name i can choose who you'd want to send it to in the next one so we'll say finalize survey and it's going to give us some options right here where we can share it in a campaign so we can send out an email to our audience right now we can share it anywhere just with the link so if you're using this for work uh or any other situation a fundraiser emails that you already have or even just text it to people you can easily do that here you can share it on facebook share it on twitter very very easy to do very easy to do all of this stuff and you'll see the results down here below as they start to roll in but if we just go back to surveys you'll see that we can have multiple surveys as well so that's our first one that i didn't title and you can go in and edit that see responses and really manage all of that right from uh within audiences down in surveys now i don't usually use preferences center or inbox inbox is going to be a little bit more advanced and they're going to allow you to see things like all your different emails and kind of manage more responses within mailchimp again not something i typically have been using at least not for my purposes maybe you'll use it but it's something that we're going to kind of not talk about in this video right now we can go down to campaigns and this is really the big one so if you are looking to send emails to your audience this is where you'd be doing it within campaigns you only have three options and they're really self-explanatory the first one is all campaigns all the emails you're sending you can see within here like how many people opened them what it was titled you can go and edit them you can do all kinds of stuff like that make duplicates of them then we have email templates if there's something that you're regularly sending a template might be a good idea so maybe a weekly newsletter you'd want to have a similar format all the time and then the last thing is reports obviously showing you some analytics on how your previous campaigns went so from here you can see that on the left side we have ongoing ones we have drafts uh we have completed ones and then you can go down and see what type of campaign we are running so it doesn't always have to be just emails i typically use this the most for emails but it could be all kinds of different stuff that you're doing on mailchimp so if you're seeing surveys social posts ads landing pages technically all of that is going to show up in campaigns here and so that's why if you want to see stuff and you want to manage a lot of what you're doing within campaigns within all campaigns is actually a great place to do that you can see right here the survey that we just made is showing up and if we click the little down arrow we can duplicate this if we want to make something very very similar so that's something i would typically do if i don't have time to make a template instead i end up making one email or one survey i like how it went and i want to make a similar one i would just replicate that or you can view it you can also see some results and so that's all within this field right here if we go into email templates like i said email templates is going to allow you to create templates i believe we might need to upgrade to a more premium version for this but mailchimp may allow us to do it for free so yeah right there so upgrade to use all these templates a lot of them at least you do have to upgrade to use looks like this one might be free but there's a lot of great a lot of good ones and so they have some pre-made but of course you could create your own which is what i've maybe done in the past every now and then it's like something you'll probably want to do if you have uh regular emails not really my personal brands but i've helped other people do this and it's something that again takes a little bit more time investment to make the good template but once you do it's a great way to save time in the long run and have really good looking emails really good looking surveys or whatever you're going to end up doing with the template so if i just click on back it'll take me back to the dashboard here and we can go down to reports being that i didn't send out any emails yet we're not going to see any reports here for emails but we can actually create an email in a second and you guys will start to see where that stuff shows up down here but so that's essentially everything in campaigns of course from here you could also go to create a campaign again mailchimp loves making as many shortcuts in as many places as possible so it can make it easy it could make it confusing though which is why if you ever doubt where you make stuff you just always go up to the little pen icon and that's going to or pencil icon and that's going to be where you're doing stuff so that's campaigns going down to automations this is another one that is actually incredibly powerful and it's something that i really like to use it's something that a lot of people also don't end up using but you can do all kinds of crazy things here some from like campaign journeys or customer journeys is what they're calling this one which is some basic logic as you can kind of see actually let's just go and create one right now you guys will see what i'm talking about let's create a customer journey and this is going to be a lot of uh some basic logic like if then type stuff it doesn't require coding of course but well you'll just see in a second so we're going to call this one map map1 you can name it obviously whatever you want so here the first thing is to choose a starting point and choosing a starting point essentially means what is going to trigger this campaign what is going to trigger this automation and we have a lot of options on the left side each one has some some main things right here but the popular ones would be like when somebody signs up you could send a welcome email you could send multiple emails you could say a welcome one and then the next day send like another one and so this is something we see a lot of times with course funnels when somebody has an online course they'll give like an email for seven days and it'll be like seven steps to make a million dollars or whatever and so it's a very popular way to create that automation so you don't have to do that every time somebody signs up similarly a birthday is something i recommend for like restaurants for example really any e-commerce store where on somebody's birthday you might want to send them a coupon or a discount and it's a great way to kind of incentivize them like hey it's your birthday here's 50 off come bring your friends and eat out at my restaurant because a lot you might know that people tend to eat out on their birthday and that'd be a great way to get them to come to your place we can also say when tags are added or or as we get on here tons of other things when somebody joins or leaves a group on specific days like a sign up date for shopping activity if you want to have an abandoned cart so for when somebody goes on your store adds something to their cart and then they maybe you know the doorbell rang they forgot they had their their cart or their laptop open and they ended up not buying it you can send them an email the next day and say hey you forgot to check out and really recover a lot of potentially lost traffic that way marketing activity of course from survey responses or some more advanced stuff on the bottom but let's just say for now when somebody signs up we're just going to send them a basic welcome email we're not going to include imported contacts we want only when they sign up so we will say we don't need that so let's click the little x and so right now we have when somebody signs up that's the first start we could have other starts as well other triggers for this automation but just for now when somebody signs up we can have right here a little plus we can add something from the left side so from the left side we can say if else so you have some options here so if they sign up and one of two situations happens if they sign up from this list or this list do different things so we'll get to that in a second or we can go down to some basic stuff if they sign up send them an email this is a very basic automation just to send a welcome email and so you can actually go and choose what the email is you can customize it right here we can edit that and you can do this schedule every day as soon as possible um probably don't want to do that probably want a single oh we could just make it like on monday we'll make it not every other not every day so whenever they sign up maybe the first monday uh it'll it'll it'll be sent out as soon as possible uh so that way everybody who signs up within the past week will get it the following monday to say hey welcome to the new week uh and that might be a great way to do that we're gonna say save we're going to close this of course you can customize all this right here i'm not going to get into that i'm just talking about the premises of what these automations might be but that would be essentially one automation right here but instead maybe we're going to say let's add let's do something else so let's after that add a delay and we're going to send another email the next day so we're gonna delay for one one week sure one week later so we're gonna wait a week and then we're gonna say uh let's do a little if else so we add if else click and drag that down and so here we can say if we click on that we'll choose what the if else means so we can say if the person opened the first email then the answer is yes otherwise the answer is no so that is going to be our little automation right here so if the person opens our email then we're going to do something so if they open the email we can go and send them another email so click and drag send email down there so we have send email so we could say if if they open it we'll send them another email and this other email would be like hey welcome to something else and and you might just want to keep doing this if they open it send them another email because clearly they're interested in that and if they're not you could even just say like hey if they didn't open it if they didn't open any of the last five just unsubscribe them because clearly they're not actually that interested in your list so there's a lot of really powerful automations you can do here and you guys can mess around with this you see the options on the left side there and when you click on the individual item it allows you to really customize exactly what that does so like gets email you can choose what email they're getting what day they're getting it who it's from who it's going to and what kind of customized input you want on that in general so that's essentially automations i'm not going to get too deep into that if you guys want to learn more about automations leave a comment i'll make an entire video just on how to do these because they are so incredibly powerful it's something i really love to do and so within automations again a lot of other stuff here transactional email retargeting ads more and more powerful stuff there but the other thing actually is you can also go to create a classic automation which would be what we saw before with mailchimp if you'd like the older way of doing it that's how you would find that and so from here you could say really the same concept here but it's just a little bit more curated a little bit less free form which is good in some sense when you're trying to just make like a happy birthday one for example it's a really easy thing just click that and you're ready to go but i really i really like the the customer journeys so that's automations if we go down we then have websites uh making a website with here i think is a great way to make a landing page uh for any time you want signups or or or really just in general if you don't have an external website besides your mailchimp sign up then i think having a website right here is a great way to just that may at least make it look a little bit better a little bit more user-friendly a little bit more inviting and it should help your conversions okay so here we are on the website tab and we have four options here you can manage domains if you want to buy a domain through mailchimp or you want to connect a domain you can very easily do this have your own email besides just a gmail account so this is a great thing to do for a lot of businesses obviously if you can afford it i would really recommend not being like joe 5970 and instead being like joe at whatever your website might be so i think that's a great way to connect it into here and also you can use that you could literally use that domain for the website if you wanted or you could just use that domain with your email so that you have a more professional email there so going over to website you can actually build a website here so i'm going to name it let's just say santrell tutorial whatever we're just going to name it that site and we can say edit my site and they actually give you a reasonable editor here so unlike what we saw with the little sign up form builder this is much easier to use so we can actually just little click the x here and you have some options you can just go into this the first page that they have or you can add other pages on here so if you want to have like an about me page or disclaimer page all kinds of different pages a refunds page you can add stuff like that right here but we're just going to go and edit the first page and well actually before we do that i want to point out on the left side that we have a cookie banner so you could enable cookie banner or disable that if you plan on having cookies track people we can also go to styles and change the colors of it or change the font of it as you can see here i actually kind of liked the first one a lot and it's a cool color palette right now you can change it to playful or vibrant or whatever you want let's go to balanced for now actually i think i did like cool cool looks pretty good so let's go back and now we can actually just edit this page like i said click edit page and it brings you into a really honestly pretty good editor for a website it's really easy to use you have different little strips a strip layout is very common for websites these days and i would say this is probably most similar to the squarespace editor so if you're looking at it you see that this is outlined in kind of a bluish green box when you hover over the next one this area is one banner this is a banner here and clicking on any individual one of them you can change the color of the one so if we want to change like the background of this too black very easy to do we could also change if we want to add an image in the background we could do that and then we could go back and just you know if you click edit section there's tons of options you can edit the text there you can edit like the layout of that and of course if you click on any part of it you can edit what the text is so we could say like we sell stuff and add whatever you want there change all this text so change this text and you get the idea of how we can do that and you can underline it and change anything you want you can even add links to that so if we want the word this to link to something we'll click on the little chain icon and you can link it to an external url or a page or section within your site so like i said this is something that is relatively new and continues to improve the mailchimp website builder is actually becoming a viable solution for anybody looking for a one-page site or even a multi-page site as long as it's relatively simple and you're not trying to like sell stuff and do e-commerce on there but you know for a lot of people this is a great way to make a site and i think you kind of get the idea of how you can edit individual sections like if we wanted to edit this one you can click on the text and change that change the way it looks if we want this text here to be like purple we could do that or actually i think that was the background we can click on the button and change the button where it goes to if the button is going to link to a different url or just we want it to look again maybe like this pinkish color if we want to change the style any way we want we could change the radius so if we want like a radius on the edge of maybe like 15 pixels 15 you'll see that we have kind of a rounded edge on there and i mean overall that that's really nice to have similarly the photo right here we can edit this we can add alt text to it we can add a radius on the outside so to make it consistent let's add a 15 pixel radius there and we can even add a link to this picture so if we want this photo to link to something people can click on that and it could go to a product or or whatever you want so this is i mean very clearly a really capable way to have a landing page and you can change what the domain is for the landing page as i showed you before but right here you can see that it's also a great way to add a sign up form so this is what i would generally do rather than having the signup form in the beginning which i know i mentioned it was easier it definitely looks so much better when you have it embedded in a site right here and actually if you want this to be higher up remember how i said that there was kind of a strip layout here we have this strip we have this strip on the left side you can click the little up arrow and it'll move it up similarly moved it down if you wanted to but we could just move this up and put it maybe like right above there and that's going to be how you can sign up for our newsletter so subscribe to our newsletter and there you go so suddenly people can add just they can join your newsletter and of course you can add other fields if you want you can add first name on there last name on there birthday on there and you can make other ones required very very very easy to do this and so i mean it's great i really like seeing this i know i keep saying it's great but it's very impressive because like i said when i started using mailchimp a couple years ago it was nowhere near where it is today but that's essentially how you would make a page we can go and preview the page on the top and again preview it in both desktop mode as you see right here or in a mobile view as you'll see right here and in both situations it is a very responsive website so it adapts very well and i think it looks really good in either situation so we can exit the preview and we can say done and so that's going to be how we have a page on our site and of course we can go and add other pages if you want to and other pages are going to look really similar so unfortunately you don't have a lot of different options with templates but all things considered it's very editable and very easy to use so let's just keep that one page for now and go and say publish now when you publish this it's going to use like central tutorial dot or something like that so we're going to accept the terms publish it and now we have a pretty good landing page right there that is our site so if we hit control click you'll see open in a new tab and that's our website with no effort at all we're able to have a website of course you can change anything you want on here the font the colors the pictures but very simple and and really honestly pretty robust so that's everything in the website category you can go down to settings and this is where you're really going to change uh the domain if you want so if you don't want it to be like central we could just say we can get rid of the dash maybe for example and save that or like i said you could connect your own custom domain so you don't have that in your domain tracking is disabled like i said and that's something that you can enable if you really want to have some more cookies in there and really know what people are doing but generally i don't you don't always have to use that so then after that we have content studio down here which is actually going to allow you to either connect your instagram or upload your logo upload some photos or products that you're going to frequently reference in your designs for emails or for any other campaign if you want it to be accessible you can manage that right down here in content studio and creative assistant also allows you to so if we go up to creative assistant it allows you to do some other stuff so if we go down here you can see that we can very easily make little banners based on the logo or it just pulled it from the website that we already have so they pull the logo they pull an image some text and it's really easy to to do stuff like that so if i just really like this banner here i could select the style and we can go and edit that and we could use it on the website or we could use it in an email and you can see there's a lot of different options with how it kind of pre-makes a couple designs and saves you some time when you're making again anything you want if you want it for twitter for linkedin for youtube it gives you some really good options now this is not a full replacement for canva but it does do some replacement so if you want to just make a quick little instagram thing you could be using mailchimp instead of canva of course slightly less functional like i like i mentioned but still very capable of doing that stuff and then lastly we can go down to search and we can find whatever we want on mailchimp if we're trying to change individual things or we can go down here and we can actually see our account so we can go to notifications uh there's no notifications right now we can change our profile our account you can hire an expert hopefully you don't need to do that or we can upgrade our account and so upgrading it like i mentioned before does give you more functionality as you start to grow your audience i believe 2000 is the limit where you start to move up to essentials and then standard and then premium and so yeah right there 2000 contact maximum and then up here you'll see that it depends on what you're doing but the prices are slightly different so with 500 contacts it's 10 a month and it's going to give you some extra features and stuff like that so it is admittedly a little bit confusing when you look at this i recommend going down to compare plan features and you'll see we have like a to b testing here then over here we'll have some journey automations and then over here we'll see some more advanced stuff so definitely can get expensive quickly once you start to really expand your audience but hopefully you're converting very well and you can start off free with up to 2000 contacts and i mean i think that's that's a pretty solid way to start hopefully after you have 2000 contacts you're able to make enough revenue from your email campaigns that you can easily pay for this you know multiple times over so that's pretty much everything that we have on the left side the last thing i wanted to talk about was if we go up to create we have those options for creating an email we talked about creating a customer journey an email template we talked about making a landing page or a website we talked about making a survey we didn't really talk about making an ad i'm not going to touch on that too much in this video and really i want to go back to creating an email that's that's a really big aspect that i'm sure a lot of people will want to do when they're using mailchimp obviously it's going to be an email campaign platform that's that's the origin of it and so we can make a campaign and call this like campaign campaign zero and we can say begin this could be an automated one it could be a plain text one i'm going with regular right now meaning i'm just gonna send it out to my audience say it's maybe a new newsletter a new product a new sale whatever it might be and we have just a quick little checklist here of what we want to go through so first who are we going to send it to uh we don't have any contacts but you would see like your main like you'd send just all contacts for example and that's how you do that then the little check mark turns green we can go down and we can say who is it from so let's cancel that who is it from now we can by default it should be from i mean once you do this once it should by default be for me so we're going to say for mike and we could say mike at i get central we could say save we didn't verify that domain so it's not able to send from that yet so instead we will have to descend from central tutorials there we go so that's the email that i already did verify otherwise you'd have to click verify and have to prove that you own that otherwise you can't obviously send i mean i can't just send an email from like jeff bezos with obviously so that's their way of protecting and making sure that you're not doing anything fraudulent so if we go and say save we can then add a subject of course you want it to be a really nice catchy subject not too scammy not something that's going to get shoved into a spam folder on an email and something that people are likely to open you can have preview text as well which uh surprisingly a lot of people don't realize this but the preview text in an email like the first little line below the title or the subject doesn't always have to appear anywhere in the email body itself so you can actually add your own custom little preview text here a little summary of what you're doing and i think it's a really great way to make it a little bit more catchy it's something that you definitely should spend some time on really optimize that and think about what people are doing when they when you send them email and what would make them want to open that then lastly we can go down to design email and from here we can choose the classic builder which we had before or the new builder i'm going to select a new one it's going to be really similar to what we saw on the website builder before where you have kind of that strip layout and honestly big big improvement here very very easy to design them compared to what it was in the past and now so you can easily click on any one of these just like we saw with the website and we can edit the stuff by you know changing the text or on the left side we have like the size of the text we want to change that maybe we can add links so if we want this to link to something just click on the little link icon there and link to a web address an affiliate link whatever you want and you can add a photo down here just by clicking on the photo click on add image and go to upload an image or you can select an image that we already have uploaded so i think this may have okay it doesn't have any images right now but it could pull like your logo from your website which it's not showing me right now but you get the idea of how you would maybe change that again alt text here uh for describing to the search engine what it actually is and of course if you want that to link somewhere you can add a link as well here you can have links for social media you want to make sure that you go and customize this so it goes to your social media and if you want to add more stuff between them you can click on the little plus icon there and add a logo a button a product whatever you want a video if you want to embed a video in your email you can go and add tons of other things a specific layout if you want to have like a little picture and some text to the right so you can make some really really professional looking emails with almost no effort at all using these little templates here and using this builder so i think mailchimp really came a long way putting them ahead of a lot of other email campaign software just by adding this little builder right here i think this was a great idea for them to do this so once you have this all built out obviously i'm not i wouldn't send anything that looks like this but you get the idea of how you can actually edit everything and really change the size of stuff as well but i'm going to say continue and then it'll actually ask us so content we have to remove placeholder content right so it's not ready to send it's letting us know that but then once you are ready you should be able to just go and send it obviously it's not showing me the send button because we have so many different things right here that are are just not complete yet but i mean you guys get the idea of what we want to do once you have an email list once you start to build this up that's how you go about making a campaign and actually sending it out and like i said once you do send it out you would go down to reports and this would be where you'd find some more information about how many people opened it how many people clicked on your links how long they had it open like all kinds of different information uh related to what you know the email campaign that you just sent out but guys that's everything i have for you in this video hopefully that explained at least a little bit about how to use mailchimp i know that was a lot of information to cover but the good news is mailchimp has become substantially easier to use than it used to be and so i recommend just going through our link in the description and start working with mailchimp start messing around you'll start clicking on audience and campaigns and you'll start to figure out and get used to where different things are they also have little pop-ups that should help you as well but if you guys enjoyed this video consider liking and subscribing i'm mike o'brien with santrol media thanks for watching guys i'll see you next time [Music]
Channel: Santrel Media
Views: 66,020
Rating: 4.9167657 out of 5
Keywords: nate o'brien, mike o'brien, santrel media
Id: IWeCs6oNeks
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 8sec (2468 seconds)
Published: Wed May 05 2021
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