MailCall 0x08: Mail from viewers like you!

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hello there it's time for a mail video this is uh been a little while some of these packages or at least one of them is over a year old um and uh yeah i've been meaning to do this for a while now i'm extremely appreciative of everyone who sent something in i just haven't had the opportunity to do something like this and my plans for doing individual videos didn't really pan out that well um there was one video that i attempted to do that that i'll be using video from but uh otherwise we're going to be going back to the large mail video concept just because it works out a lot better but that's enough introduction let's get in to opening mail the first package i was sent came from nathan in birmingham uk oh man would you look at that okay it's loose um but this is a ti 58 c programmable calculator and i am quite excited to see this um so this is from the uk okay uk power connector all right uh going to the original ti power supply which is fixed at 240 volts so that's fine i have other ti calculators that i believe have that power connector um now the 58 c is a very interesting calculator um it is so at first blush you might think that it is a 59 c uh with these programming cards now um i had to double check this myself a couple of times because this is slightly confusing um the 59 c would be able to write to magnetic storage cards uh here we go um and then you would have data that would your programs that would be removable on the calculator now the 58 um was basically the same calculator but lacked that feature the 59 or 58 c on the other hand added the ability to store programs in the calculator in a um flash memory type thing it's probably not flash that would persist between power cycles so this does not have the magnetic card slot it does have uh the key card slots and actually these are books with uh cards these again are not magnetic but they go in here and give you an idea on how to use this program um now i believe this will uh sometimes line up with these keys up here and basically function like function keys for computer software especially programs like say uh midnight commander or just any of the dos commanders actually that would have function keys but these relate to the software modules that go in the back right here and this is going to be a little tiny rom chip inside that you connect and then add more programs to this that you can then know how to run using these cards so this is this is a really fascinating uh calculator system thank you so much for sending this the second package came from anna and kurt and their package didn't have an address but it actually came from very close to me in phoenix arizona sometimes i will apologize for having opened packages in advance not this time um this is a calculator from anna and kurt hi shelby here is the calculator we live in north phoenix and if it weren't for kovid we would have passed it on to you in person unfortunately yes that is uh it was really bad here at the time that this was being uh sent over uh thanks for all the wonderful shows uh anna and her husband kurt p.s sorry no batteries took them off a few years ago so it wouldn't corrode it it did work and it absolutely did work and because this note was included i went ahead and purchased and installed some batteries already so we can go ahead and see the calculator they sent which is an hp 11c and it has batteries so it's working this is this is a a really awesome calculator to send uh thank you so much now if you remember a while ago let me grab it off to the side here because i always keep one at my desk where'd it go ah i'd uh moved it to where the box was if you remember a while ago i did a video on the hp 12c this is the most popular calculator from the hp voyager line of calculators and still in production today this is actually finally a more modern version that has the reprogrammable arm chip that i talked about in that video which i'll go ahead and link in the description if you want to see a lot more about this calculator um i didn't end up ever uh finding a reason to program it though it was way more difficult to do than i anticipated so it wasn't as exciting as i'd hoped but the modern versions of this calculator are really good still so there's uh there's no downsides to getting this one but this is the hp 11c which unlike the 12c is a standard scientific calculator instead of a financial one and that is excellent um wow okay so let's let's continue on um interesting choice of packing material is probably uh affordable and worked it wasn't going very far obviously um but wow here we go uh hp manuals for this time period are fantastic i'm really curious about this solutions book is this like a bunch of example problems and how to solve them that is super cool uh there's got to be an index somewhere here um so sir maybe it's up front uh ohm's law okay let's go with that so 89 okay so we got v over ir there all right wow this is really cool um so it's going to tell you how to do different conversions here as an example on programming that is so cool wow all right from here i'm not going to guarantee these will be in chronological order but the next one has been sitting for over a year and my apologies it comes from velocity limitless in oplika alabama unfortunately it's taken me so long to get to some of this mail that i don't remember what it is but i do remember that this one is something they were working on that they wanted to send me one of when they were done so let's see oh that's right this is an atx uh adapter board for some macs uh based off of the one that i made for the pc junior that is really cool unfortunately i don't currently have any of these systems however i think i will likely be getting my hands on some of those sometime soon but in the meantime if you have a mac that needs a power supply substitute you may want to take a look at these um so yeah it's pronounced mac ticks according to the uh note i was given and yeah that's pretty cool the next package comes from craig in mount pearl newfoundland from canada all right now before i open the package here really quick i'm going to mention the knife i'm going to be using because i'd shown this in one video and got some questions about it this knife is actually handmade by someone i know who makes their own knives as custom order and if you really like the look of this or want something custom like this they will be happy to make you one so i'm going to go ahead and leave a link to contact them in the description but i actually quite like this knife and was able to get it customized to exactly what i thought might be best for opening packages so uh definitely a huge thank you for this because this is awesome um and let's go ahead and get started opening the first package with it i'm particularly excited about the hook part here because i can just get in to the tape and oh yeah see that's nice makes it really easy to not risk stabbing into the package and uh super convenient uh this is okay that's right um so this is a controller card for something really cool that uh at some point adrian from adrian's digital basement is going to be able to send me this is the controller card for a proprietary mitsumi interface cd rom drive and that thing is really cool uh dated 93 by the looks of the main chip on there and that is really cool i don't know what's with the jumpers can you have like a whack ton of these in one system that's an interesting idea but oh man thank you craig for sending this um also included some candy uh oh wow okay that's a lot uh this has been packaged up for a very long time um additionally i don't really eat candy uh i don't have i haven't had refined sugar since like 2014 um but i will go ahead and pass these on to someone who will appreciate them ooh that's uh yeah unfortunately the the time this spent packaged up may not have been kind to these so uh i will take a look at these but uh thank you for the controller card and the uh i appreciate the enthusiasm here but uh yeah awesome all right this next package comes from foon in multipass california oh that's right [Music] boxed copies of seuss linux oh those are so so cool i don't advertise this a whole lot on my channel uh but i am a daily linux user and i really enjoy seeing vintage linux uh because it's cool to see where it came from and how it was at the time 19.99 is that really it wow that's cool so this is properly vintage and explains why it needs uh floppy disks for booting that is really cool this is hilarious this is the second time now i've found a box linux that advertises emulators on it this one's uh going a little bit uh older farther back hoping nobody notices but you gotta admit that's pretty hilarious that the boxed software that you would purchase in a store advertises being able to emulate probably 2600 i'm guessing that's vic 20 and a zx81 because that's pretty hilarious oh there was something else in the box i don't know what this is it's a floppy disk foon sending a floppy disk what this contains surprise well we're gonna have to go see what that is all right now i haven't yet put this in so i don't technically know what's on it but knowing foon i have a pretty good guess let's see what we have going on here there's a chance i need to boot from this or install some software on here oh i might be able to just play it [Laughter] very well done all seven iframes of that looked phenomenal this is going right in my personal collection over here all right the next package comes from brian in edison new jersey alrighty let's get this one open that's a pretty secure way to package something oh that's right oh man oh these are so cool okay i will be right back okay a while back i did a video on this thing actually i guess last year for septandy this is my tandy portable word processor it's a typing device that you can take with you designed for journalists or different people who write on the go and uh i explored using this as a modern writing tool just as you know because it's still really good at its job but it had one flaw it's not really possible to conveniently save data on this thing because it has limited internal storage that is all battery backed now brian actually contacted me about this and he designed two cards for this thing i'm not sure how much force it requires um so if i do f1 and ah-ha okay that's weird all right let's take a look at this dg nova 4 oh what's that gonna be uh can i not open these from here do i have to copy these to the internal storage first i am not sure and here we have notes oh man yeah normal expected operation that required a lot of maintenance uh so he he's uh telling me a story about how his uncle had a nova 4 like i have um in that it was just difficult to keep it running um yeah that's that's one thing i'm not really looking forward to just getting into that um yeah it's it's still something i want to get to it's just space is the issue so here he's saying he had the opportunity to get that data general um but that he didn't have anywhere to put it and that he should have just rented a storage unit and a truck and put it in there to scroll it away that's basically what i did i'm i'm waiting until i have enough space to actually take it apart and work on it so i i definitely understand why but yeah that is very unfortunate yeah so this is cool um the rom card uh it may not be programmed i don't know um [Music] there are no known rom cards or images so uh one thing he included and this might be on me here is that you can pop it into this little adapter here um you know what i'm just gonna not do it while i'm on camera so that i don't bend the pins but then you can put this into a programmer and then you can write your uh well let me do this properly uh then you could write out a rom image to the wp2 card that's just really awesome uh definitely thank you brian this is so cool to have the reproduction card oh man that is again that's so awesome thank you for designing that and then sending me one that is really fantastic all right the next package comes from noel in port orchard washington my brain is weird and it just hit me remembering what this is right before i open it despite having been quite some time ago uh but this is really cool and it will make sense if you know who noel is this is music production software banned in a box for macintoshes now if i remember this is actually made for uh 68k max um oh sale for mac ibm compatible or atari that's cool um it doesn't specifically say what kind of mac so just for macintosh it's almost yeah it's definitely the compact mac series but yeah oh that is that is cool the award winning band in the box is so easy to use just type in the chords for any song using standard chord symbols choose the style you like and band in the box does the rest oh so this is uh kind of like the groove box i have where it's meant to be more of a backup um accompaniment yeah that is cool that's weird wow i will have to check that out sometime that is very very interesting well thank you for sending that that is really something that's not quite what i was thinking it's actually kind of more interesting i'm really curious to see what that does i don't have easy access to one of my macs right now but yeah at some point i'm gonna have to check that out up next is a package from isaac in las vegas nevada that is very well packed oh okay so first off i i must compliment this packing uh this is how i wish every single big box program was packed ever just take a box cut it up layer the cardboard so that the grain is poking up and it's just guaranteed not to get crushed and then you can use a super small package like this it's crush damage that's the worst but oh that is so well put in there okay this is karel linux um first off that is just one of if not the most gorgeous boxes i have ever seen for a linux distribution the gold linux the really nice blue cubes they're not crts they're just cubes the subtle menu in the background this is really really nice it's a tasteful tux as well it's not garish this is really awesome corel known for corel paint um and some office software was actually very big into linux in the 90s um you can find all sorts of advertisements apparently worked with loki so that's cool there were a linux game publisher at the time does that mean this has some games included on it i don't know but this might be one of the officially supported distributions for loki um this is really cool uh kde oh that's awesome that's what i use now we're gonna have to open this we gotta see what's in here uh second edition corel linux apparently as well okay also a good idea to add padding in the box in the inner box usually these will protect anything though uh myth two i actually have that for linux source code cd-rom that's cool hopefully there is a compiled cd-rom as well okay yes yes okay that's good this is as of right now the most appealing vintage linux distribution i've encountered um that might be the first one i actually try that is really cool well i have attempted to do it in the past and it doesn't go well when you don't have the exact correct software um so what i'm saying is i might try and spec out a computer for exactly what this wants i don't know if it has system requirements 2000 uh is the year has any system requirements anywhere pentium 24 megs ram 800 mags a hard drive that's kind of a lot um cd-rom supports most hardware designed for pentium computers interesting uh oh if good if i just go to i can find out what hardware is compatible i'm i'm sure that'll work out thank you so much for sending this isaac this is really cool oh free 12-inch inflatable penguin now i remember you mentioned that that was missing i didn't even think about that that would have been hilarious to have but i'm very okay without it um but on the other hand if anyone has that you know just uh get in touch because yeah i'm not the biggest tux fan i don't really care but that would be nice to recomplete this but wow oh that is awesome i don't know what it is this just really clicks this is very well designed so of course that makes sense coming from a uh kind of production company who specializes in media and artwork so yeah again thanks for sending this isaac this next package comes from martin in buenos aires argentina [Music] oh that's right that is wow that is a ti data math uh in the box wow okay we have a note i need to look at the note uh all right first off i just have to see has the oh no no no this is fine because that's not vinyl that's leather vinyl tends to stick to the styrofoam over the ears but that's actual leather oh wow okay display is a bit blinky okay so it may usually the power switch can be bad so it might need to be taken apart and cleaned oh man this is gonna get its own video uh this thing is fantastic wow look at that's a calculator man look at that thing that is that's phenomenal so it's four screws i will i'm going to leave that for now i don't want to anger those batteries at the moment power supply uh oh okay switchable well that makes my life really easy so i can just switch it over to 115 and then i can use this apparently buenos aires uses uh north american style plugs despite being in south america so that's convenient for me uh oh my gosh manual i mean it's not going to be in english uh i believe portuguese oh for okay hold on here we have like every language as an option oh man this is cool that is so awesome wow thank you for sending this registration card wow this is going to be very difficult for me to show but that is not a bubble led display that looks like one huge ic like spread across the front of the calculator there that has all of the uh digits integrated into one hopefully that's fine because that is probably bespoke to this calculator but wow that is that's going to be really cool when it turns on hopefully it is just the power switch like i suspect i've had quite a few ti calculators with dodgy power switches so i'm hopeful there all right i've got a big one next from david in i'm just gonna go for this mississauga ontario canada all right this one's very large it's going to take some work to open here okay david i just finished reading your note um so david uh is still starting out on his retro computer collection and he actually built this reverse sleeper pc which i quite like those are really nice up there it's a great modern interpretation of that kind of design that's really cool um and he got everything here in a lot that he bought mostly because it contained two model m's and that's a great way of getting stuff like this first of all because you just never know what you're gonna run into um but he is not really um an atari collector so he didn't have any real use for these things and he offered them to me now interestingly um this is one of the older packages i've had here and at the time the 800 series stuff was all that i had so really i was looking at um mostly these and um perhaps these and maybe this as things that i could actually use um now these are all awesome uh compute a book of atari oh that's that is so cool this is probably for yeah that looks awful a lot like uh 800 400 yeah uh i think i saw tape there so that is a much older programming and just general user book uh these are some children's programs on here um those are probably pretty cool it's a oh that well that's a little unfortunate um this one does have the disc it's not it's funny that it comes on disc instead of cassette i would want kids using a cassette instead of a disk drive since those are much more fragile um now this was just what he got he included everything um these are really awesome to get i don't uh actually i do have a 1050 i don't remember if i have the manual or not um i don't remember it being quite so large oh my gosh that's pretty why this is a manual why is it look so good holy moly dude atari chill that's great okay this is not just a manual that's like artwork uh how about this okay this is not full color it's still pretty good though i don't have an 800xl that is my next objective with the atari um i have a 400 i have an 800. um the 800 was very graciously sent to me as well um and i need to get a 800 xl um i'm not gonna be picky i'd even take like a 160 xl so i just need to find one of those i want the brown and beige atari because i think those look great um and then we have the basic manual um that's really this is off this german oh it's in multiple languages oh okay this must be pretty short then yeah wow okay surprising i wonder if this came from europe then that's weird i don't know printed in taiwan okay sunnyvale that's home of atari strange um and then we have a book atari for kids that looks kind of like the 410. uh yeah so this is this is really cool to get all of these however something changed from between when um david sent all this and now i actually got my hands on an atari st now i told david at the time that i was trying to get nasty that it was the number one computer that i wanted but that i didn't know when or if it would happen so he had just sent me everything for the st just you know on the hope that i would one day get one and i did so um i'm really looking forward to checking out all of this stuff now because i can actually use it uh so we have a bunch of documentation here now this is again a lot there's stuff that's you know i don't have a fax thing i don't have this a scuzzy adapter i definitely don't have that would be incredible i didn't even know that was a thing i knew that the uh a s a c s i or whatever the port is on the back is similar to skazi um actually this doesn't go with the st stuff um but uh there are things that i can take advantage of so i think it's mostly these yeah maybe not uh was that no that's a manual for a game okay so it's these over here that i believe are complete so a programming guide for the st that's awesome um that's really cool i didn't know it had basic apparently huh i don't know i don't know how you get to that let's figure that out good thing to have that a different programming guide compute programming guide okay so that matches the uh the one for the 800s that's awesome um how are they doing it also basic it looks like that's super cool um okay the official atari manual on st basic man i am i'm not gonna have any basic questions on the st after this despite not even having known that it existed when i started here um that's awesome and then the atari logo source book now logo is a programming language um i do not know how you get that onto here i'm guessing that you need a disk for that um you should make a backup copy of the program so yeah that is a separate thing now one thing that was included that i didn't realize was and i have a much better appreciation of is the st language disk um now i in the video i did on my st uh part of what was really throwing me off is that i thought i needed a tos disc to boot the computer and i don't because mine is a slightly newer revision that has a built into rom however the language disk actually has some extensions for tos and if you boot this you will have a couple more features so it is really awesome to have an original one now um so that is super duper cool and this is single sided so this will actually work with my st that's awesome i have uh it's that's the original sleeve inspected by atari oh man this is so cool um so i don't know what all is going to work here um so for the st okay three and a half here single-sided excellent um since that's single-sided i'm gonna guess this is two it doesn't say hd um so i mean well that doesn't really mean a whole lot um i don't know if there's a easy way of identifying a single sided disk physically like the hd thing so software catalog flash best telecommunication software so that's a terminal i'm guessing okay um script i actually don't know if this is for the uh it is for the st okay um that's awesome since these are blue i'm gonna guess they're single-sided that's a really lame way of guessing that oh double-sided so those will not work um on my st so i still need to get my hands on three one four um so some stuff won't work here um this one says right up front double-sided disk drive required okay and again this is kind of what i was saying all of the really interesting software on st requires uh double-sided drives although some people are saying that there are more uh single-sided games than it seems like online that most people just rip the double-sided ones it might be like pc software where uh they ripped the double-sided ones because they were better kind of like ega discs being high density oh wow that is this is weird this is a small box but it's packaged like a big box get big manual the little thing here two discs well that's weird that's like yellowed blue that's i've not seen that um this is really cool this is weird it's like a mini big box i have not seen that before that's hilarious um scrabble i'm going to guess single-sided does not specify so i guess i'm going to go single-sided oh that is that's weird a disc holder thing i don't want to push that in because that'll scratch up the uh the disc wow okay that's something all right we have some more over here off to the side um okay so this is something that i do not have superbike challenge um all right home pack um oh this looks like it's probably this say it's for the st commodore 64 atari 48k okay so this is actually for the uh 400 800 okay that makes sense i don't know if there is any five and a quarter inch drive available for the uh st i don't think so i think it was fully committed to three and a half so that's cool this that is weird that's tucked in there okay strange um put that over the 400 stuff then an st folio package here um that's a lot of manual this is the same thing printed twice at two different sizes it it is somebody really liked gone fishing um and based on the way that stapled well no that was something else um okay so what do we have here disc two disc one um doesn't mention double sided i don't remember oh but that's cool to get the folio package here that's that's awesome so yeah a lot of st software well maybe not a ton i can check out so these i think were all single sided or maybe it was just these uh no not that so these two are single sided so these i can use um but as i progress more oh and the language disc that's that's and that one's awesome um so those i can definitely use um but yeah everything is just relevant so that's really awesome oh and then one last thing there was a uh pc copy of publish it included that uh i'm guessing well it's obviously desktop publishing software so it's probably uh for printing out uh flyers and stuff so that is cool as well thank you david for sending all of this this is awesome i'm a big fan of all the atari computers so i can definitely make use of these next up we have two packages from lgr in hendersonville north carolina now these i am opening in a particular order and after that last package and you'll see why in a moment this is an atari st advantage pack this is a multi-package of atari st software so there are actually some really cool things in here so neochrome and first work are actually both programs that came with the st that i got but they were copies um so i'm guessing that the owner at some point had something like this because uh they had these two programs i don't think i had copies of the programs though so that is really cool um so there's that uh then we have st tour which i'm guessing is is it listed here yes a that's fancy looking with the diamond uh so yeah talking about different things using the st um grand prix i'm really looking forward to a racing game on here oh man uh the gremlin interactive stuff is half of the reason that i wanted an st so uh i am assuming that that's going to be pretty good uh robotron oh come on yeah robotron 2084 can see it right there that should be incredible um and phaser which i don't know what is is that listed here um phaser a friendly home accounting program okay so that's that is uh quite different from the spaceship shooter i was envisioning in my mind but there there are definitely some great programs here uh that are going to be good for just making the st a usable machine so i am definitely looking forward to checking these out and what's also cool is this are there five discs and four holders that's weird so let's go with not i'm gonna leave it over here it also comes with a three ring binder of manuals for each separate thing so that is really cool thank you for sending that that is going to be great i'm now building up quite an st software collection lgr also sent something else though that will not be going into the st software collection oh oh i'm gonna have to load that up uh here we have warcraft three oh that's that is excellent i did not have an original copy of warcraft 3 like this that is really nice i am now that i'm seeing this i played warcraft 2 when i was younger i have not played a 3d warcraft that's interesting okay i thought i played this when i was younger i guess not well now i'm a little extra excited to check out warcraft 2 and then this which i've never played wow okay how did i not realize that this was 3d that's that's cooler than i thought because i don't think there are a lot of 3d strategy games i mean there's command and conquer three um supreme commander that's awesome oh yes oh thank you for sending this that that rocks i'm extra curious to try this now yeah windows 98 me xp okay so it's yeah that makes sense it'd be 3d then okay wow cool cut the box i love the satin and embossed it's embossed gloss that is high quality yeah all right now to read this okay i've got my 46 up and running now just did a sanity check that it can still read this just in case um and let's see what we've got here all right i'm going to pull the disc out and put it back in because i'm not sure i got center aligned correctly it should be readable in the high density drive as well give that a shot i think that's e unlabeled there we go okay so my 360k drive isn't wanting to cooperate uh okay so let's vim e readme dot txt excellent oh man i i know all too well how you can end up with duplicates it's surprisingly easy with some things but it's funny how you can end up with duplicates of something and then someone else has never actually run into it uh but thank you for that and thank you for the compliment on the videos and yeah a data general follow-up is uh pretty much owed at this point it's i haven't been able to work on it as much as i would have liked just because of the space issue i mean think about working on a server you got the whole server is like 30 inches deep 19 inches wide you know five or six inches tall you got to pull it out put it somewhere and then take stuff out of it and then there's like what the fixed disk the portable disk one or the removable platter one there's a second removable platter the computer itself uh the floppy drives then the micro nova so there's a bunch of different pieces in there that are all huge they're going to take up space so i haven't had the dedicated space to work on the data generals like i'd really wanted to um hopefully that'll change soon because some things are changing for me that are not great but uh i'm looking at the silver lining here so maybe i'm gonna have the opportunity to work on those a little bit more in the near future but thank you again for sending warcraft 3 and the st pack and i think it's time to move on to the last package and the final massive package comes from colin in sunnyvale california and despite its origin this time it's not atari related okay what we have here comes from colin um who found it at weird stuff before they closed in sunnyvale california um weird stuff was an electronics not quite recycler more repurposer they would get scrap electronics and they would uh try and move them on to people who could use them so they would actually get in vintage electronics like this computer and try and re-home them um unfortunately they are now gone um i haven't ever been there myself but i had seen things from them online and it looked like a fantastic place to be able to go to so i'm envious of anyone who ever had that opportunity but uh colin had uh found this one there it's actually missing a foot um which he mentions but uh it was not working and he went ahead and restored it now this is really cool he also made these uh card the head protector cards himself um these are easy mentioned they are copied from an original tiac card and i do have one of those somewhere these look exactly like that so that is really cool um he also had to fix this floppy drive because the head sensor was bad and it was not working it would stop so he actually included the original failed head sensor which is kind of cool it's an optical part and all of the screws which he replaced these come with a kind of obnoxious flathead screws that are everywhere oh there's some just plain old hex heads in there too now he also included a functional example i believe and some board uh prototypes of a keyboard adapter now the tandy 1000 line is uh kind of famous for being an improvement on the pc junior and adding new sound and graphics and just being generally awesome except for the keyboard which is not 80 or xt it is its own thing and it's very difficult to get those keyboards so adapters like this are a great option because now you can just use a ps2 or an at keyboard on a system like this now i'm actually very fortunate um i have a tandy 1000 keyboard however uh i'm still probably going to be able to use this because this is a tandy 1000 straight up whoops plane um this is a system that i do not have um this is should be the 8086 version of this computer i do however have a tandy 1000 sx and a tandy 1000 tx now this is a completely different system to those they continue to upgrade it over the years um i don't remember which it is but the sx or the tx has a 286 and uh one of them is one of those just awful systems i don't know what's inside of this but one of those is one of those awful systems that supplies power to the floppy drives over the ribbon cable and it killed my fd 505 dual floppy drive and i'm so mad about that still it also self-destructed its power supply so i don't actually know if either one of those computers works um because after that i was kind of tainted so the idea of one that's just ready to go um is really appealing to me um and i'm actually looking forward to checking that out someday i do not have one of the i think it's like cm5 or cm12 monitors that go with these so i'm just going to be using it with uh any old cga monitor like the 5153 will work on this thing so that's uh really great to be able to experience it's also probably i assume it has composite out um being a uh very consumer-grade computer yeah so uh video there that'll be composite um we have oh wow there's a tandy 256k memory expansion board in there that is excellent okay so this thing's pretty well stocked um has a tandy modem as well that is really cool oh my gosh it's got the horrible tandy printer cart edge connector i forgot about that but uh monitors just cj at least so that's good but yeah this is uh this is really great this is gonna be nice we'll just experience tandy pc without having to worry about stuff so i'm very appreciative of you sending this column thank you oh he also included um what should be a copy of tandy pcdos and potentially ms.622 um i don't know if it's gonna be six two two on one disc i haven't actually done that before i think could be 5.0 um he said no guarantees but that's totally fine um i can make discs i'm very well equipped for that so if those don't work i'll be able to make something but uh yeah that is really awesome thank you for sending that and that is it for today i am continually blown away by how generous and awesome you guys are thank you so much for sending in something if you did i'm really appreciative of it and i'm excited about these things so much there are some awesome things here so thank you well i hope you guys enjoyed this truly random look at a bunch of interesting things and if you did you might want to subscribe if you want to help me make more videos like this check in the description for some links on how to do that but for now that's it and i'll see you next time you
Channel: Tech Tangents
Views: 7,691
Rating: 4.9874411 out of 5
Keywords: mail
Id: mt2ZHSOMhj8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 45sec (3105 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 27 2021
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.