Magufulification of Africa by Prof. PLO Lumumba. Part one "UniofDar"

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a big hand for honourable guest professor remember my brother I've always been telling you that you have a lot of disciples in Tanzania now you see for yourselves how parked Nkrumah Hall is and I want to assure you if it weren't for the university examination that are going on at the moment maybe we'll be struggling for space in this hall and this is to welcome you very warmly to the University of Natal professor Lumumba does not need introduction because he's been here before and we all know him in different ways we've been following him in all the different speeches that he's been giving all over Africa but let me introduce him a little bit so that we get to know who professor Lumumba is professor Lumumba [Music] is the director and chief executive officer of the Kenya's Cove law he's a professor of public law and founding dean of the Quebec universe Cove law he has lectured law at the University of Nairobi the United States International University of Africa with no University in USA in Nairobi summer school he's that advocate of the high cost of Kenya and Tanzania he holds Bachelor of Laws and Master of Laws in degrees from the University of Nairobi and LLD from the university of ghent belgium he is also a holder of the degree of Doctor of Letters honoris causa from the University of Cape Cod in Ghana he is a certified public secretary cps k and a member of the kenya institute of management he has been trained on human rights at the institute of advanced legal studies universe of London in England humanitarian law at the raw Wallenberg Institute of the investor of London Sweden and on international humanitarian law in Geneva Switzerland he is a renowned legal practitioner he has written several books including Criminal Procedure in Kenya and outline of judicial review in Kenyan Kenya's long search for a constitution the postponed promise and judicial review and administrative law he has published numerous articles in refereed journals and several book chapters he has co-authored the constitution of Kenya 2010 and introductory commentary with dr. Lewis Francis Lee he has also covered several books on ethics his non legal books include swearing by Kenyan a call for political hygiene in Kenya politics and from raw deal to real deal he has also co-authored 27 other books on integrity of school series he has recently ventured into fiction with his book stolen women he is the former secretary of the constitution of Kenya Review Commission and former director of the defunct Kenya anti-corruption Commission he is the founding trustee of the African Institute for leaders and leadership and founding chairman of the Association of the citizens against corruption he has been named and recognized by the International Commission of justice Kenya and the Lord fetch of Kenya for his exemplary contribution to the legal profession he was recognized by the Kenya USA Association for the Martin Luther King jr. Leadership Award in 1996 and was the recipient of the 2008 Martin Luther King Africa salute to greatness award by the Martin Luther King jr. Africa foundation he has also been included in the Marquis Who's Who in the world and is the distinguished honorary lecturer for 2014 he was the 11th Kwame Nkrumah lecturer at the University of Cape Coast in Ghana in 2016 ladies and gentlemen these are just some of Professor Lumumba [Applause] and as you are all aware professor Moomba has a deep deep passion for discussing the faith and direction of our continents it is indeed our great privilege and honor to once again have him speak here today at Nkrumah Hall my brother I with great honor and pleasure present you to the universal character thank you very much let me start by recognizing the vice-chancellor of the University of Dar Salaam permit me also to recognize the different versions lara and to recognize professor penny nam lama and in the audience permit me to recognize them they were yo Burma Lord I recognize you I also take this opportunity to recognize the other academics who are present here the students who are here and members of the press I'm so very happy to be invited once again to be present with you to celebrate and commemorate the life and times of Malibu julia's Canberra generally I first came to Tanzania as the student on the 9th day of December 1984 where I was a student leader at the University of Nairobi and then president of Kenya invited me among other students to accompany him and that is when I met Molly mo in our area I then 10 years later in 1994 visited at the invitation of Professor a robot man on the occasion of 40 years of celebration of leadership in Africa and that is when I formally was introduced walamu Julius come bargin Herrera and his foundation it therefore gladdens my heart that I am in the country of a man whom I admire and in a whole named after and in a hall that is named after another great African Joseph Oh dr. kwame look rumor the subject that has preoccupied us in the last few days is one that is as topical as it is relevant the rise or fall of Africa on account of the African politician and in order to do justice to that subject and to remain faithful to my chosen subject which is a call for hygiene in African politics there is a sense in which one must take a historical journey if only to appreciate the factors that animated Africans to seek to regain their independence from the colonial masters historians will remind us that we were fast and flame the Africans were taken and this we seldom say the first civilization to take Africans out of this continent were the Arabs and they took Africans from the eastern coast and inside that in that part of the world they are not many Africans who remained because it was in the business of the Arab enslaver to castrate Africans we never say that but we must say because there is historically significant then the Europeans gained the Portuguese came the Spaniards came the Germans came the French came the Belgians came Africa became the hunting ground for the European colonizers and we were the spot we built our ancestors built the United States of America our ancestors built Europe and when slavery had lost its shine and Sheen the Europeans abolished it but they replaced it with yet another pernicious enterprise the colonization of Africa the European shot in Berlin in Germany in 1884 and they looked at the map of Africa and puzzled it out the British had their share the Germans had their share and Tanzania or Tanganyika was their share as was Wanda and Rooney the Spaniards were johnny-come-lately is in the arena and they got little equatorial Guinean Southwest Africa the French why here the Portuguese were here and we were colonized this time round they did not take us away they came here and they controlled us and they told us not in so many words that we were children of a lesser God and we were treated as if we were children of a lesser God in fact they told us that on the day of creation we were merely he was a word and grow as a water and if anybody were to download it in 1948 it was more plate and when Hendrik Buffett instituted the appetite regime in South Africa but yet there is a sense in which the God that we worship never sleep the colonial enterprise ran its course and the routine tribes the Europeans never called themselves tribes they call them nations why engaged in a war first in 1918 the European tribes fought and they had something called the League of Nations with died then they further gained in 1945 and what is unique about the European nations is that when they engage in tribal wars they call them wild wolves so there was another war between 1945 1939 and 1945 and after that a new kid on the block the United States of America took the lead in saying that colonialism was something that was undesired but at that time Africans were never quite those who had been taken out had already started agitating many of us here will remember Marcus Garvey of whom Bob Marley says Garvey was a buffalo soldier in the heart of America and many of us will remember the bluey bidois many of us will remember that they started agitating that Africans must be gained the our dignity and their independence and indeed in 1847 in Liberia a small group of Africans were brought back in Monrovia and Liberia became the first independent black nation in the continent of Africa so soon thereafter in Sierra Leone they also created yet another colony Penh Africa was colonized except Ethiopia which they tried to take in 1900 thirty-eight and exiled professor dr. haile selassie and unfortunately they were defeated as you remember in the Battle of adora Africa can defeat European tribes this mystery is necessary that we are able to appreciate the freedom that we gained so that God became the bidwar came but there was another crop after the 1900 and 40s who had had the advantage of European education and there are people in Europe also who are beginning to recognize that impaired equality was necessary and this was not anything new in 1776 in the United States of America the American state sitting in Philadelphia in the United States of America had declared unto themselves that all men are born equal that they are endowed by their creator with certain inalienable rights that among those are life liberty and the pursuit of happiness a few years later in France after the Revolution they also recognized that we want to be equal so that the colonized nations which had now taken African thought that they were safe they are taken Leopold said our single from Senegal to Peru and they thought that they were creating a little French man literally they know that they were creating somebody would want to overthrow them they took Phillips off a brandy from Cote d'Ivoire and they thought that they were creating somebody who would be subservient to them they took Harvard Seco today and Modi Brocade and they thought they were safe little did they know that they were creating the future leaders and agitators against French colonization and it is not stop there the Portuguese also took a ghostie no NATO and the Milka Cabral and the do adamantly in to Lisbon little did they know that those individuals would be the catalyst that would be necessary in the process of decolonisation the british also had their fair share the two causes they took my limo Canberra January Hastings - Musa Banda Kenneth David pound and many others to the United Kingdom Jomo Kenyatta little did they know that those would be the individuals who sometimes later and in Ghana of course they took dosage fo Kwame Nkrumah and in Nigeria they took dr. Nnamdi Azikiwe Abu Bakr Sahab Allah WA and Saha Madhu bellow the sadhana of zakat there is a sense therefore in which these individuals started recognizing that having been enslaved having been colonized we now had to liberate ourselves and the agitation started and from an Akuma and his gana acquired independence in 1957 and I still can hear Kwame lucuma through the vicissitudes of time saying in Accra Ghana that Ghana is free and will never be colonized again but the freedom of Ghana means nothing if the rest of Africa is not free I can hear I can hear Malema Julius Canberra generally saying that is prepared to delay the independence of Tanganyika so that Tanganyika Kenya Uganda would become independent at one time walamu could see the future with the exactitude of a Jewish prophet Jomo Kenyatta underwater could not and therefore we gained independence of separate states and the story will be told shortly so what we see the agitation the demand by the people that we must be be decolonize and why is this that we were asking that we must be decolonized why is it that we were demanding that we must regain our independence because throughout the ages it was always the Divine Plan that man must be masters of their destiny and when we gained our independence the leaders of the day while eloquent as they were clear that the reason why we were asking to be independent is because we wanted to take charge of our affairs we wanted to be the governors we wanted to have our young men and women acquired education we wanted to control the production of a food through agriculture we wanted to build our infrastructure we wanted to improve improve the quality of the lives of our people by improving their health we wanted to eliminate poverty we were clear on what we wanted and this message was as clear in West Africa as it was clear in East Africa as it was clear in Central Africa as it was clear in northern Africa so that if you listen to Parma you Karuma is as if you'd listened to Agostinho Neto and if you listened to NATO as if you'd listened to Tamara Moses Michele and if you listened to her made when Bella in the Maghreb is as if you'd listened to Patrice Emily Lumumba there is a sense in which there was unanimity that this was the only way and we attained independence and I remember so very vividly in 1957 in Casablanca Morocco was it in 1960 when the then eight independent African countries massed on the asagi of a common Okuma was clear that we must ensure that everybody else regained their independence and that we must remember that the colonial master is not asleep and that if we don't unite will come under other guises through the neo-colonial project but they listen to Kwame Nkrumah not and even before they assembled in 1963 in the month of May Nadi suburb ASCO Pia no sooner had country started attaining independence that the colonial neo-colonial project started taking root and in 1960 the first coup d'etat and assassination took place in Togo when Silvano's olimpio was eliminated one year later Patrice Emery Lumumba was eliminated so that in 1963 in the month of May when 32 heads of states and governments assembled in Addis Ababa Ethiopia there were several speeches but three speeches stand out Kwame Nkrumah speech walamu Canberra generally speech and emperor haile selassie speech Haile Selassie was the host and easy knowing own inimitable style reminded the congregation who are present in Africa Hall in Addis Ababa Ethiopia that that was a momentous occasion under the long-term health of Africa not only required but demanded that Africa must pool in the same direction Haile Selassie said and walamu took the baton from Haile Selassie and repeated the same words celebrating the fact that we were independent that we had the opportunity of determining in our affairs but the greatest of the speeches was that of the asaji offical Newcombe Kwame Nkrumah had a sense of urgency which everybody else did not have he said not in so many words but in effect that if we want to immunize ourselves from the diabolical machinations of the earth while colonial mater now turned neo colonizer we have to move here as one Africa with a United States of Africa with one army with one currency with one central bank and with one nation but they listen to him not they are started getting used the trappings of power so what they came out with on that day in the month of May 1963 was a weak organization of African Unity the OAU which many commentators who are quick to describe in many ways and many times as the toothless Bulldog it was never a dog it did not have kids but the effect of this is that he did not do very much some say it was a talking shop they were yoga who was then active in political life and in other sectors will attest to that yes later we were to create another body the African Union and we'll have something to say about that so we come out of Addis Ababa Ethiopia in 1963 clear as to what we want to do the African politician begins to emerge we have them in different parts but they begin to show characters that are totally inimical to expectations you of the Swahili say mosque in Yucaipa Tama Taco Liam what Moschino Ali Fatima taco Zilla Liam what they started getting used to the trappings of power and we started having countries which we thought would liberate us and I'm talking about the hygiene of the politics it started disappearing many of these individuals now thought that they were demigods suffering from what I call the Messiah Complex thinking that they had been brought to Africa to liberate her and that they suffered from two major diseases one of them is the Matta syndrome and the other one is their Messiah Complex they think that they their countries or them Africa started producing leaders that one cannot recognize how many of you will forget his job Adele vacasa or Central African Republic that man who murdered little children in the streets because they did not buy uniform from his wife that job Ethel Booker's how many of you will forget Mobutu says the second been doin some Bunga who changed this country's name and presided over a kleptocratic regime the Democratic Republic of Congo is the richest resource country on earth conservatively deserved that under her belly she are the minerals which is equivalent to thirty four point one trillion United States Dollars and yesterday it is one of the poorest nations on earth it is the only nation on earth which on the day of the election has its president saying we know we ought to have election but we have no money to hold elections when you see a country which has as its official name the Democratic Republic of Congo know that there is no democracy in fact I dare say that any country to country that I know insisting on having as a part of the official name the Democratic Republic of something are never democratic the other one is Korea the People's Democratic Republic of Korea is as if when you can't graduate to be a doctor you go to the church and you asked to be baptized as doctor matimak but that is not the point the point is that who can forget Mobutu's the state who can forget Idi Amin of Uganda who can forget Mengistu Haile Mariam of Ethiopia and one can go on and on because hygiene are started disappearing from African politics our agriculture was beginning to suffer European musicians who had a little sense of guilt came to perform in Africa Bob Geldof to free the Europeans out of hunger there was no idea in our politics we could not run our education systems our young men and women were going to India because the budgets meant for education were consumed by individuals whom we are entrusted with the task of presiding over it our health sectors were beginning to collapse and as I've said before the political leadership did not have any faith in those institutions typically the typical African politician perhaps not in Tanzania today if they were sick they had a call they would not go to him really they would go to London if they were Kenyan they would not go to Kenyatta also they would run to the United Kingdom tragedy no hygiene in our politics because Africans are started engaging in theft in fact I used to say that African politicians who are thieves then I went to Uganda and I was told that the Anur T's they are looters and when I went to Liberia last week though I was told they are not looters I was told they are looters on an industrial scale that is the logical metamorphosis of the African politician who is appetite for public world is completely insatiable hygiene was disappearing from African politics and we could see the effect of the disappearance of Hygiene in African politics but there was always the ice while fellow colonial masters to assist coup d'etat started visiting Africa Madiba kata in Mali was consumed Nnamdi Azikiwe in Nigeria was consumed the Australia for Kwame Nkrumah was consumed Apollo Milton of OTA was consumed amilcar cabral in guinea-bissau was consumed but Rhys Emery Lumumba was consumed crews were so frequent in Africa that afro pessimists were now hard to say that cruise was frequent as breakfast but even bedford was not frequent on african tables we could not feed ourselves because there was no hygiene in African politics your typical African politicians took the view that they are the divine mission to preside over their countries they are negated to themselves the monopoly of wisdom if you listened to some of them and I listened to the radio announcements announcing the activities of one leader of an African country happy Romana juvenile you to take three minutes to say the thing that he are done
Channel: African Intellectuals
Views: 4,202,755
Rating: 4.6321278 out of 5
Keywords: adele, 21, rolling in the deep, someone like you, patrick loch otieno lumumba, plo lumumba, prof plo lumumba speeches, chuo kikuu cha dar es salaam, kigoda cha mwl nyerere, AFRICAN INTELLECTUALS, PROF.LUMUMBA, AFRICA, CIVILIZATION, Prof. Issa Shivji, Democracy, Liberation, Liberating Democracy, Democratization, Magufulification of Africa, Transition of power, Transition of power in Africa, Africanacity, Baraton Ueab, SDA university, dr rei kesis, live updates, plo lumumba speech
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 30sec (1950 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 19 2017
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